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How to get into WvW?


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You can start the following:


* Find & join a guild group that is active in WvW they can teach you the basics

* Verify yourself in your server's discord/TS etc communication is key 99% of the time you don't need to talk just listen to cmd

* Bring proper WvW build + gear check out websites like metabattle & vabbi builds

* Don't be rallybot for enemy positioning is big factor in fights you can dodge easy most bombs anticipate enemy driver etc


These are just some basics.. hope that helps.

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First figure out what type of role you want to play. Roamer or Zerger.

Then go to Metabattle to see what the Meta's are for those roles.

Try to get Ascended Armors, you don't need them but it makes it a little bit easier.

Find yourself a good Server to be on based off of what you like to do be it Zerg blobbing for Fights, Roaming for Fights, or PPT'ing.

Join a good Guild.

Enter WvW and follow Commander on TS.

Easy peazy.

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1. Create Ranger (if you already have one, log onto him)

2. Use „B” key and enter any of the Borderlands or EB

3. Dont forget to use longbow. Second weapon is not important, you want to ALWAYS use longbow

4. Your armor should be zerk. Nothing else matters, just the z e r k

5. Find a guy with tag and join squad

6. Have fun, now youve joined WvW community as a VIP, you will be always considered as valuable and important person just dont forget to follow first 5 steps.

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> 1. Create Ranger (if you already have one, log onto him)

> 2. Use „B” key and enter any of the Borderlands or EB

> 3. Dont forget to use longbow. Second weapon is not important, you want to ALWAYS use longbow

> 4. Your armor should be zerk. Nothing else matters, just the z e r k

> 5. Find a guy with tag and join squad

> 6. Have fun, now youve joined WvW community as a VIP, you will be always considered as valuable and important person just dont forget to follow first 5 steps.


1. That's fine if he wants to be a Roamer.

2. Yep.

3. Second Weapon can be important, GS helps with mobility and Sword/WH is great for damage.

4. Depends on if you are really good at playing Ranger and can kill first, otherwise Marauder mixture would be more beneficial.

5. Rangers never get into squads. If they do somehow get into squad, usually kicked shortly after.

6. Rangers are never considered valuable and important.


This sounds like someone writing because they are salty they got killed by a Soulbeast Ranger. Probably a Necro player?

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> @"Sarius.9285" said:

> So after playing for about 6 years, I finally want to try out WvW, but have absolutely no clue how.


> Any tips or directions would be greatly appreciated


Great to hear! I would suggest a few things:

- post your server as usually, someone will be able to contact you to help

- Find a WvW guild to join that may be helpful. This is best accomplished by starting at the first point

- Take the forums with a grain of salt because we usually post more snark than substance, but when you filter through that, there are some good people here.


And good luck.


(Edited because I can’t count)

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > 1. Create Ranger (if you already have one, log onto him)

> > 2. Use „B” key and enter any of the Borderlands or EB

> > 3. Dont forget to use longbow. Second weapon is not important, you want to ALWAYS use longbow

> > 4. Your armor should be zerk. Nothing else matters, just the z e r k

> > 5. Find a guy with tag and join squad

> > 6. Have fun, now youve joined WvW community as a VIP, you will be always considered as valuable and important person just dont forget to follow first 5 steps.


> 1. That's fine if he wants to be a Roamer.

> 2. Yep.

> 3. Second Weapon can be important, GS helps with mobility and Sword/WH is great for damage.

> 4. Depends on if you are really good at playing Ranger and can kill first, otherwise Marauder mixture would be more beneficial.

> 5. Rangers never get into squads. If they do somehow get into squad, usually kicked shortly after.

> 6. Rangers are never considered valuable and important.


> This sounds like someone writing because they are salty they got killed by a Soulbeast Ranger. Probably a Necro player?


Ahahahahaha, you took my post as serious one? Lol, no wonder you have ranger as avatar.

Ranger is a meme, if you know phrases like "roamer" then you probably spent more than 2 hours in WvW and should already know that.


And answering your question, no, im not a necro player. Im not even a zerg player, last time I played zerg class with zerg build was probably 4 years ago.

Im a roamer, idc about soulbeasts, they can try their luck killing me when I'm afk, otherwise at best its stalemate fight (vs boonbeast ofc, other versions of Soulbeasts lost this duel before it even began).

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> @"Sarius.9285" said:

> Okay, thanks for all the tips and sarcasm : D


> Server is Seafarers Rest, cant I edit that into the title?


Nice. For this part, I would then suggest you post under the ‘Looking for guild’ section noting that piece. More than likely, there will be a few you know some people there.




(Edited to add link)


Part of the reason we ask server and to find a guild is that some guilds use some builds and classes more than others, which knowing that upfront may help them guide you better.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > 1. Create Ranger (if you already have one, log onto him)

> > 2. Use „B” key and enter any of the Borderlands or EB

> > 3. Dont forget to use longbow. Second weapon is not important, you want to ALWAYS use longbow

> > 4. Your armor should be zerk. Nothing else matters, just the z e r k

> > 5. Find a guy with tag and join squad

> > 6. Have fun, now youve joined WvW community as a VIP, you will be always considered as valuable and important person just dont forget to follow first 5 steps.


> 1. That's fine if he wants to be a Roamer.

> 2. Yep.

> 3. Second Weapon can be important, GS helps with mobility and Sword/WH is great for damage.

> 4. Depends on if you are really good at playing Ranger and can kill first, otherwise Marauder mixture would be more beneficial.

> 5. Rangers never get into squads. If they do somehow get into squad, usually kicked shortly after.

> 6. Rangers are never considered valuable and important.


> This sounds like someone writing because they are salty they got killed by a Soulbeast Ranger. Probably a Necro player?


5. absolutely untrue. Rangers might not get into squads if they are not known to the people and don't know how to play the class... but they get into squads that KNOW the value of a good ranged player.


6. Rangers are ALWAYS valuable and important in many ways in and out of squads. Good ranger support, especially if you have a small group of organized Soulbeasts can take out siege very quickly and cut down enemy groups very well with good coordination and timing between their group and the main squad.


Many have read my posts now and again in here about Rangers, and no they won't stop. People who disdain the Ranger class as nothing but roaming simply really do NOT know the value of a good Ranger.


Having said all that.. if you are NEW to WvW don't bring a Ranger. Use Metabattle as was suggested and build yourself a decent class that can survive better. I main Ranger and I survive very well etc etc... but it's not a class for new people unless they already know it inside out. The main zerg classes are the ones like, Guardian/Firebrand - for support; Warrior/Spellbreaker -- for the almost useless dome but decent damage and survivability; Necro/Reaper -- lots of "traps/wells", aka damage.. and enemy on wall support; Engineer/Scrapper -- damage, support, stealth


I'm sure there's many other features of the classes that other people will be happy to note but truly if you want to get into WvW pick one of those to begin with and run WITH a squad. Look for a group/guild that's happy to take in new people and help them learn and you'll start having fun... and as someone said... prepare to DIE. :)

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You'll need to learn the maps, EB and the alpine BGs are easier, desert is a bit more complex. They are all big and you may feel lost at first - just persevere.


Join the WvW map and look for a commander, don't need to join squad but follow them. You might need to wait for them to spawn at waypoint. Ask in map chat (/y) if you need a guide.


If you decide to explore on your own, bring a class that can disengage well (mesmer / thief) so you can get away from fights. Unlike PVE, everyone is very capable of killing you and you will have a long walk back each time you die.


Taking objectives on your own will usually end in death, if the map is quiet, you can try taking a camp, usually someone else will be waiting to take them. The supervisor is immortal for 5 mins after captured so check they don't have the buff before engaging.


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People covered the basic points, so I'll sound off on some equally important, but often overlooked suggestions.


1. If you are a member of a guild that has Guild Enhancements unlocked, be sure to grab the +10% WXP buff (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Enhancements).

2. If you intend on spending serious time in WvW, invest in a separate ascended amulet for use in WvW, and insert one of the 2 Wvw Enrichments: +10% WvW EXP or +5% Reward Track XP (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enrichment) . Personally I recommend the WvW EXP as Reward Tracks are easy enough to complete

3. Food! Don't be "that guy/gal" - bring food/wrench with you and use it! No seriously, they also give you +10% XP...are you seeing a trend here? Depending on what profession/role you opt for, the usual go to foods are ones that give endurance regen + might on dodge, -10% damage reduction + stat, or you can go with more affordable choices such as +stat / +vitality/toughness until you figure out what works best for you.

4. BOOSTERS! Yup, those stack up, so use 'em. Get dem levels!

5. If you haven't noticed already by reading the forums, WvW now has a mount, the Warclaw (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warclaw). It's a big addition to the game mode, and has caused a major rise in the salt levels here on the forums, but if you don't already have it, I'd look to get it as soon as possible.

6. Gliding! WvW does have gliding, but you need to unlock it using WvW mastery points, which you earn by gaining WvW ranks. So until then, don't leap off any cliffs

7. DAILIES! WvW has its own daily list, which also helps to complete the Daily Completionist meta. But even if you don't need help getting that done, the dailies help you to learn the various different types of objectives in the game, while also giving you a boost in Badges of Honor as well as Potions of WvW Rewards (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Potion_of_WvW_Rewards) which helps kickstart your Reward Track...which brings me to...

8. REWARD TRACKS!!!!! Just read the wiki page and choose the one you want to start working on: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Reward_Track but of course, you should complete the track for the Warclaw first because of #5

9. Have Fun. If you aren't, no point in playing.


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> People covered the basic points, so I'll sound off on some equally important, but often overlooked suggestions.


> 1. If you are a member of a guild that has Guild Enhancements unlocked, be sure to grab the +10% WXP buff (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Enhancements).

> 2. If you intend on spending serious time in WvW, invest in a separate ascended amulet for use in WvW, and insert one of the 2 Wvw Enrichments: +10% WvW EXP or +5% Reward Track XP (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enrichment) . Personally I recommend the WvW EXP as Reward Tracks are easy enough to complete

> 3. Food! Don't be "that guy/gal" - bring food/wrench with you and use it! No seriously, they also give you +10% XP...are you seeing a trend here? Depending on what profession/role you opt for, the usual go to foods are ones that give endurance regen + might on dodge, -10% damage reduction + stat, or you can go with more affordable choices such as +stat / +vitality/toughness until you figure out what works best for you.

> 4. BOOSTERS! Yup, those stack up, so use 'em. Get dem levels!

> 5. If you haven't noticed already by reading the forums, WvW now has a mount, the Warclaw (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warclaw). It's a big addition to the game mode, and has caused a major rise in the salt levels here on the forums, but if you don't already have it, I'd look to get it as soon as possible.

> 6. Gliding! WvW does have gliding, but you need to unlock it using WvW mastery points, which you earn by gaining WvW ranks. So until then, don't leap off any cliffs

> 7. DAILIES! WvW has its own daily list, which also helps to complete the Daily Completionist meta. But even if you don't need help getting that done, the dailies help you to learn the various different types of objectives in the game, while also giving you a boost in Badges of Honor as well as Potions of WvW Rewards (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Potion_of_WvW_Rewards) which helps kickstart your Reward Track...which brings me to...

> 8. REWARD TRACKS!!!!! Just read the wiki page and choose the one you want to start working on: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Reward_Track but of course, you should complete the track for the Warclaw first because of #5

> 9. Have Fun. If you aren't, no point in playing.



Nice job! :)

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One thing to add here...


People have touched on Roamers and Zergers, but not the middle ground; Havoc Teams. And in my mind that's a great place to learn.


Havoc is teams of ideally 3 to 5, but up to 10 (in my mind, more than that is zerg, less is team roaming). You might use just party, but that 6-10 needs a tagless squad (I'll use raid squads to keep to limit) or voice/guild chat to coordinate members.


In many cases the Havoc lead will hit locations opposite the Zerg commander(s) to help draw defenders away or at least take other targets while main defending force is busy. Sometimes we'll hide, let the zerg commander engage the enemy zerg, then help by hitting the enemy backline.


It's more forgiving to new players than roaming is, but not quite as build restrictive as the zerg meta.

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SFR has quite the active WvW community. So besides (some of) the tips given here, you will want to hook up with us. I suggest you to join our WvW community discord via the link at seafarersrest.com


On the discord you will also find call outs for public raids, lead by commanders on voice. If you join them, join them on voice as well. Listen in.

On the borders, look for blue tags and call-outs of public raids in teamchat.

If you join in the largescale fun, you will be expected to pull you weight. You will have most fun when you do. You will learn if you want. You will die though, repeatedly.


Then you can always go roam of course. Skirmish around with other roamers. Escalate to clouding and stomping an enemy zerg. But I think that works best when you understand the dynamics of WvW first.

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> @"Smoke.9273" said:

> @Sarius.9285


> SFR has quite the active WvW community. So besides (some of) the tips given here, you will want to hook up with us. I suggest you to join our WvW community discord via the link at seafarersrest.com


> On the discord you will also find call outs for public raids, lead by commanders on voice. If you join them, join them on voice as well. Listen in.

> On the borders, look for blue tags and call-outs of public raids in teamchat.

> If you join in the largescale fun, you will be expected to pull you weight. You will have most fun when you do. You will learn if you want. You will die though, repeatedly.


> Then you can always go roam of course. Skirmish around with other roamers. Escalate to clouding and stomping an enemy zerg. But I think that works best when you understand the dynamics of WvW first.


And there we go!

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> @"SexyMofo.8923" said:

> Press B, then select Eternal Battlegrounds.


Congratulations! Now you changed a clueless player outside of WvW to a clueless player in WvW.


Things depend a bit on how you want to play. I play WvW casually and just like to follow a commander / group or go by myself to capture small objectives / defend our structures.


1. Always take supplies with you. Help build the siege weapons that your commander places. Repair walls/gates when your group does so.

2. Follow the tag. Do what your commander dies or points out you to do.

3. Look at the chat. Players and commanders will often point out which locations they are capping or where the enemy is attacking.

4. If you like to play solo, You can be helpful to your team by capturing camps and mercenaries (Hyleks/Ogres/Dredges)

5. Sometimes, a keep or the Stonemist castle is under permanent siege. Don't spend much supplies here repairing the outer walls/gates. These will be destroyed again in no time. Focus your defense on the center core. You can always repair the outer section later when the enemies are gone and when there are plenty of supplies again.

6. Be prepared to get killed, a lot. Schitt happens. Part of the game. Cry and carry on again. Or plot a revenge.

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