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Should lemongrass go back to being -40% condition duration?


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No, it seems like a band aid fix.


The other -20% duration can be made up by utilising runes such as _Hoelbrak_ or further still, better yourself as an individual by being situationally aware when engaging/defending against an enemy.


I think it's a bit early to call on 'no nerfs will be made', as I'm sure there will be. Remember _Epidemic_ got nerfed? If things are really that bad it will get looked into.

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Not all condi (or condi builds) are overtuned or lazy spam friendly. Nerfing all condi makes about as much sense as nerfing all power because some builds can sometimes one shot people.


Just work on the main offenders and make sure people aren't left with completely worthless classes when done.

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> Not all condi (or condi builds) are overtuned or lazy spam friendly. Nerfing all condi makes about as much sense as nerfing all power because some builds can sometimes one shot people.


> Just work on the main offenders and make sure people aren't left with completely worthless classes when done.


Its not the builds that need work. Its the conditions themselves. They need BIG damage reductions.



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i still wouldnt bother using it or feeding it to people unless it was 60% or higher reduction. The duration isnt the problem. Infact there are already plenty of arguments that condi duration is currently the one part of this form of damage that is balanced and working correctly. But this is the wvsw community so naturally we must destroy anything that isnt horrible.....

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Armor should mitigate condition damage.


Condition duration should be removed from the game. Condi should then be allowed to crit.


Condi builds will then have to stack three offensive stats instead of 2 which currently gives them an edge in wvw over power builds.


Weakness should also reduce a targets condi damage output not just power damage. We need increases to condi counter play.


Alternatively you could look at condi clears being buffed or changing the Last in First Out System for conditions but I feel that would be less effective and not bring parity to power/condi damage gearing and mechanics.

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > Not all condi (or condi builds) are overtuned or lazy spam friendly. Nerfing all condi makes about as much sense as nerfing all power because some builds can sometimes one shot people.

> >

> > Just work on the main offenders and make sure people aren't left with completely worthless classes when done.


> Its not the builds that need work. Its the conditions themselves. They need BIG damage reductions.




You don't see a difference between one build able to maintain five stacks of something and a different build being able to burst thirty stacks of the same condition? Or one build able to output 2-3 different condis vs another that puts out 8-10? How about builds that have relatively infrequent application vs builds that have constant iterative applications?


All of these things factor into whether a condi build is a problem or not. So, no, you're wrong.

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> @Exciton.8942 said:

> We already have something that is OP in order to counter condition spam, i.e. resistance. None of these is good for the game.


NOpe. false.

This is one of the few cases where a rock-paper-scissors counterplay exists and its good for the game not bad.

Resistance counters conditions. Boon strip counters resistance.


Conditions are more or less infinite (can spam them indefinitely). Resistance is finite 100% protection and limited toward conditions. Boon strips are finite, they don't specifically strip resistance if too many boons exist, but they are not limited since they provide other combat advantages in a variety of fields.

i.e. these 3 things have their own little quirks.


Mesmers rely on condition damage all the time now, the skilled zerker mesmer is a very rare sight, I'm gonna jump out on a rather stable limb and presume you are primarily the former.

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Honestly, I've found duration has implications in small groups/havok. Not so much in large groups, it's cleansed then re-applied .05 sec later so duration doesn't really play a role in larger stuff, it's more ease of application/lack of continuous cleansing. The smaller groups would probably benefit from it being put back to 40% but in large fights current state I'm struggling to see the use of any duration for boons or condi's.

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  • 1 month later...

also if i might add how is it fair that people that already spent heaps on their gear has to make new ones just cause you guys cant adjust and try and avoid getting condi on you more i the first place?! currently converting my old armor which is now next to useless ascended. and its costing me around 50g a pop and thats mystic tileting it which is the cheapewst way. although i loose my old gear inthe proccess. so just please enough with the nerfs cause people get to ballsy cause we're killing them slowly..... if i could put another **NO!** in here i would!

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > Not all condi (or condi builds) are overtuned or lazy spam friendly. Nerfing all condi makes about as much sense as nerfing all power because some builds can sometimes one shot people.

> >

> > Just work on the main offenders and make sure people aren't left with completely worthless classes when done.


> Its not the builds that need work. Its the conditions themselves. They need BIG damage reductions.




Condition damage looks fine in a way but....


i think the issue is how easy is to stack them, they need to be limited on pvp enviroments, each condi needs its own stack limit and some condis need to stop stacking and becomes Hexes effects.

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lol so I can build Chrono with Time Marches On, Melandu runes and lemongrass to have -90% duration on cripple/chill/immobilise (ie, they cease to exist) and -65% on everything else...


Yeah... there's a reason they got nerfed in the first place - brainded passive anti-condition play is worse than brainded condi spam.

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