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What Are Your Top 5 Problems with WvW?


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Initially, the Goal of this post is to find some common ground, however it should present itself. While recognizing other possible problems as they arise.

Ultimately, the end Goal is to create a place were people's **important** problems, can be be more easily viewed. Also, maybe shared and perhaps more easily taken into consideration for the future.

Also, this is of course opinion based... Though, by all means use Facts to push those opinions. So that they appear more credible.


I would do a poll, but I figured it would be to constrictive for something I'm sure is so broad. So instead... Please Number your Problems and give them a **Title** (if possible) before explaining them like so...


1. **Subpar Rewards** - Blah blah blah

2. **Lacking More Meaningful Competition** - Blah blah blah... Blahhh.

(etc. - 5.)

Use links to help explain your Problem(s) if you must.


This is ONLY a Top 5. No more than "5". However, you do Not need to have 5 problems exactly. If for some reason you don't. Maybe instead you just have a Top 3... That's fine too. I just figured "5" would allow for enough difference's without going overboard IMO.

Lastly, Your "Problems" do NOT need to be in any particular order, but if they are. Please state how so in your reply.


So without further ado...

**What Are Your Top 5 Problems with WvW?**


P.S. - And don't forget Class... Play Nice and Have Fun! <3

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1. **Class balance and powercreep** - 1 class dominating in boon spam and general defensive support - fb (scrapper being an obnoxious addition that doesnt have as much stab, but has enormous amount of condi conversions and heals), only one class that can corrupt enemy boons - necro, obnoxious oneshots from 1200+ range on low cd and with barely any time to react - mesmer/rev/ranger. Generally just too much damage that often comes with strong defense/disengaging tools or too much healing that comes with a lot of other utility.

2. **Server performance** - mount patch basically made game impossible for any 70+ man (in total) fights. There's skill lag in nearly every big fight nowadays.

3. **World population** - it'd be somewhat more balanced/active if we had 1 less tier in both EU and NA since population isnt as big as it was a few years ago.


Rewards, passive objective upgrade, useless tactics and objective upgrades, wwv dailies that have nothing to do with fighting etc. could all use some refreshment, but I wouldn't place them even near mentioned 3 issues. It's more like a spellbreaker to a 60 man blob - it's not particularly needed, but it's good to have something slightly different.

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1. Population balance - This is a gameplay concern which involve many aspects of the game mode, as long as it involve people. It is a severe concern.

2. Performance - Be it the server or the client, in large scale pvp, performance is always a thing.

3. Map design balance - Unfortunately, the map design is not balanced, never has been.

4. New Gameplay - Just to keep people interested, things do get old you know.

5. Gameplay balance - Yes, this is the last in the list. In reality, I never really think it pose a big problem because whatever others can do, you can do it as well which means it is inherently balanced. The only concern here is the pace of the game and varieties due to the game balance.

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1-It's meaningless to fight for first place or higher tiers.

2-Servers matchups are too unbalanced regarding time (I mean servers with night coverage are placed aganst servers without it).

3-The lack of new content makes the game mode boring in the long run (I mean it passed so much time between Warclaw and the previous WvW's update I don't even remember what was the latter about).


Can't think of a 4 and 5 atm but those 3 are crucial to me.

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1. Population imbalances/nightcaps/coverage - rolling all these into one because it's just a given now.

2. The Skills and Balance Team don't appear to be REALLY balancing skills. Controversial? Derogatory? Factual? I'm just saying how it APPEARS to me. PoF botched the class balance and the minor tweaks of balance patches aren't cutting the mustard. The zerg meta is horrible. Ganker builds are too strong vs groups - thieves can run away forever, warriors can tank forever, engineers can sustain forever etc. One-shotting is a thing and it really shouldn't be, the skill gap between good and bad players is too high.

3. Crowd Control is out of control - see what I did there? This has been a problem since HoT's breakbars appeared. Now we've got pulls galore and it's just not FUN, even if you CAN do it to enemies yourself.

4. Shield bubbles make sieging by large groups waaaaaay too easy and lack counters.

5. Dominant sides are difficult to challenge because everybody naturally picks on the weak server. There is no handicapping, there should be some.


Those are as if WvW is going to remain as it is. If we're getting a new map or mechanic, well, that's something I can't predict.

Minor issues would be things like;

-weak guild keep upgrades/keep banners, can't carry a dragon/turtle/centaur banner on a mount, etc

-new players need a rent-a-warclaw, they're getting annihilated back there by aforementioned OP gankers. It's heartbreaking to watch! Rent-a-Warclaw should be an inventory item that players can use for 24 hours and then disappears at a cost of ~1g. I think that's reasonable for 24 hours.

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Closed squads in wvw run by the advanced commanders. The new players since Warclaw was introduced, as well as myself having played for just a couple of years, are finding it difficult to adequately gain the skills necessary to compete with the other greatly advanced players. I love this game, but your recent article article entitled "What's Next For Guild Wars 2" mentions that we should 1) Encourage players to interact positively; and 2) Support player autonomy. My particular server definitely does not support positivity nor autonomy. It is quite sad and extremely aggravating. Just a few nights ago a commander was there, took us to take over a fort and then he disappeared. Another player asked where he went. A male player in the closed squad said "up his butt" and away the closed squad went to play their game. Our game was over. What has happened to gw2?

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Going to ignore the out of control gripes about Scourges and FireBrands, as well as the new Scrapper gripes.

1. Server performance. This should be #1 on ANet's list.

2. Populations. Been dealing with this since launch. Doesn't matter how strong a server is during NA, there just are not enough OCX, SEA, and EU to go around.

3. Maps and map caps. At this point it's kind of rolled in with #1. Too many players on a map lead to server lag. Not client, but actual skill lag.

4. Still no GvG functionality or support, and likely too late at this point anyway. I get they introduced arenas, but these are far too small for real GvG fights. OS-sized minimum.

5. Players griping and complaining about things that they should learn to deal with. Feelings aren't fact. Learn to play in the current iteration.



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1) enemies that are afraid to die (boon bunkers and tower huggers)

2) allies that die tryharding (if you are going to do something impactful please don't rallybot doing it)

3) allies that leave a winnable fight early causing it to become unwinnable ("omg they have one more player than us, run to tower!")

4) allies that can't do damage, can't remove boons, can't support and can't stay alive (idk how these people even game)

5) the WvW forum tears ("WvW dead but I still complain about every update, zergs, lag, smallscale and balance, shut it down!" Yeah I don't get it either)

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1. Population. The mode is more fun when all maps are full. Except for those waiting in queue, that is.

2. Player distribution. There's a few solo groups, a few guild groups, then large zergs. I'd be better if there was a wider range of party sizes and players were more spread across each map.

3. Defense and scouting supply lines is boring, specially when no enemies come along. One can spend 4 hours escorting dolyaks without anything ever trying to attack the dolyak. There used to be creatures attacking doylaks to break the monotony, but looks like that got removed.

4. Rewards. There's hardly any reason to stick around a supply line defending it. Things will be slow and one will be bound to lose all participation.

5. Skill balance. There's overall too much spam of everything. We need some self-balancing mechanics that discourage stacking and spamming over more tactical combat. For example, for some skills that create AoEs, the effects of the same skill from different players should not stack on the same enemy player if there's other possible targets, giving priority to hitting different players over stacking on the same target if there's more targets to hit.

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Top 5 no particular order:


* Class balance pigeon holed into picking 3-4 main zerg classes every meta, powercreep, lazy skill design shifting away from active blast finishers to fire & forget skills

* Population/timezone imbalances, bandwagon mentality

* Zero incentive to win, zero server pride, zero GvG support, very little features exist to recruit new blood other than spamming map chat

* Server lag

* Never revitalising old core skill functionality e.g; warrior "Fear Me!" - many are outdated + never used in WvW either roaming nor zerging gg rip

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Wvw consisting of both teams playing chicken with the others scourge aoe's,basically all the zergs are now is red circles.so fun


1) Yes, that, there is simply too much AoE. **We have a supposed fantasy siege warfare mode that plays more like Vietnam and everything getting napalmed.**


> @"Moirg.7560" said:

> Warclaw being immune to soft cc

> Warclaw being immune to hard cc

> Warclaw having a DD dodgebar

> No practical dismounting of a player on a warclaw

> Warclaw existing


2) Whiners like that. Mounts were a prime feature of the PoF Xpac and a prime source of Gem sales. If you didn't see it coming after HoT, Gliders, and WvW you were not paying attention and preparing yourself.


> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> 1.- Noobs ganking solo roamers

> 2.- Noobs on mounts

> 3.- Noobs on sergs

> 4.- Noobs chasing solo roamers for 1 hour

> 5.- Noobs, noobs and more noobs!


3) People like that blaming their performance on new players.


4) Wall are useless to defend from. It's like ANet never learned about _how battlements worked_ when doing their planning for the mode.


5) Lack of easier gearing for new recruits, making it harder to keep them alive long enough to like the mode.




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second accounts messing around instead of playing the game for real on their own server like:


pulling the tactivators for no reason so their friends arrive and start to catapult your keep as soon invulnerability or the emergency wp is gone.


running with the zerg while logged on their home TS calling positions so everytime your zerg arrives at a keep they already wait to portal bomb to not have to fight or defend etc.


or targetly fuck around with people by massively throwing blueprints on them and start personal fights each day for several times to do mobbing until the person leaves.


fucking up every fight on purpose by casting skills where they dont belong like warrior bubble without enemies underneath on engage… or putting the gravity well far next to the enemy zerg but not on them.


or intruding guilds to slowly mess around with the people there to only cause harm and try to get the guild fight each other on personal basis until the guild members go more and more offline…


rotten shit by rotten people which drives away more and more people from the game.

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In no particular order


1) Balance PvP class wise

2) Balanced matches (both population wise and overall player skill wise - current system is awful)

3) Rewards should be better for taking up tiered up objectives

4) Find a way to stop the bandwagoning

5) Server lag - I haven't noticed it TOO much, but when it does happen it just kills the game

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> 1. Population imbalances/nightcaps/coverage - rolling all these into one because it's just a given now.

> 2. The Skills and Balance Team don't appear to be REALLY balancing skills. Controversial? Derogatory? Factual? I'm just saying how it APPEARS to me. PoF botched the class balance and the minor tweaks of balance patches aren't cutting the mustard. The zerg meta is horrible. Ganker builds are too strong vs groups - thieves can run away forever, warriors can tank forever, engineers can sustain forever etc. One-shotting is a thing and it really shouldn't be, the skill gap between good and bad players is too high.

> 3. Crowd Control is out of control - see what I did there? This has been a problem since HoT's breakbars appeared. Now we've got pulls galore and it's just not FUN, even if you CAN do it to enemies yourself.

> 4. Shield bubbles make sieging by large groups waaaaaay too easy and lack counters.

> 5. Dominant sides are difficult to challenge because everybody naturally picks on the weak server. There is no handicapping, there should be some.


> Those are as if WvW is going to remain as it is. If we're getting a new map or mechanic, well, that's something I can't predict.

> Minor issues would be things like;

> -weak guild keep upgrades/keep banners, can't carry a dragon/turtle/centaur banner on a mount, etc

> -new players need a rent-a-warclaw, they're getting annihilated back there by aforementioned OP gankers. It's heartbreaking to watch! Rent-a-Warclaw should be an inventory item that players can use for 24 hours and then disappears at a cost of ~1g. I think that's reasonable for 24 hours.


Only if rent-a-mount is restricted to POF owners who haven't finished the unlock requirements. Otherwise there is literally no incentive for them to buy the xpac since their dailies will pay 2g.

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