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Daily AP Cap

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Currently there is a cap from the daily of 15,000 AP. I have seen at least one other thread that address's this, but the proposed method is complex and grubby. What I would like to see is plain: Remove the daily cap completely.


Yes there are some who would complain, but lets face it, it is only **one** method to attain AP's and the AP hunters will still always have more than the people who simply do the dailies. My reasoning is that if we are coming on each day and playing anyways, why can't we also continue to earn AP's? After all, it is the veteran players of who many have been here since the beginning that are most affected by this cap.


I have been playing since the first beta and only have 25.1k AP so it is not like the AP income or total will explode with this change as it is approaching 7 years now since release. On another note, the highest AP person that _I personally know of_ has somewhere around 35k AP. And lets face it, most if the AP chests have very little to them, and only a few unique things every so many 1000's of AP's, so there is no great advantage over other players or reward when going higher.


This is just a quality of life change that I would like to see as the game gets older and parts of the game are being revamped. Just my two cents.

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> @"Avatar of Indra.6908" said:

> it is only **one** method to attain AP's

> ...

> I have been playing since the first beta and only have 25.1k AP

Don't you think there's something off if more than half of your ap comes from doing quick and easy chores and less than half of them from actual achievements???


Achievement rewards are meant to be the icing on the cake for people who try different stuff in game, not a continuous showering of rewards on people for logging in and doing the same chores again and again. We already have login rewards for that.


> @"Avatar of Indra.6908" said:

> This is just a quality of life change that I would like to see as the game gets older and parts of the game are being revamped. Just my two cents.

There's nothing quality of life about it. Your suggestion simply makes permanent ap even less meaningful than they already are.

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Without knowing why ANet went through the effort to install the cap in the first place, it's tricky to offer a compelling argument as to why they should remove it. I love the cap because it means I can take a break from the game (or go on vacation) without worrying that I'm missing something I can't get back. I hate the cap because it slows down AP gain. That doesn't make the cap good or bad; it just means it's a more nuanced situation than a lot of people seem to believe.

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They capped it so the Achievement system can be used as a true® measure of account progression, i.e. leaderboards. Even if you are not into that - I know I'm not - I think it's nice to know that there is a final cap of available Achievement Points in the game. This way I have something against which to measure my own progress.


By the way, the achievement track for salvaging items, Agent of Entropy used to be an infinite source of points, as well. They later capped it at 250 AP for the same reason. (That, and because people were farming it for the achievement rewards.)

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I would prefer that they delete all Daily & Monthly AP already acquired by all players and remove Daily AP entirely. Since that solution would make every player angry, capping it is the next best thing so I'm fine with the current system.


Treadmills are the kind of bad game design you see from subscription games. We don't need that ilk here.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> Don't you think there's something off if more than half of your ap comes from doing quick and easy chores and less than half of them from actual achievements???


Um..sorry, but dailies aside, a fairly substantial amount of APs are earned by "quick and easy chores". Very very few of them could be honestly described as actual achievements.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > Don't you think there's something off if more than half of your ap comes from doing quick and easy chores and less than half of them from actual achievements???


> Um..sorry, but dailies aside, a fairly substantial amount of APs are earned by "quick and easy chores". Very very few of them could be honestly described as actual achievements.


How many hundreds of achievements must be listed that take many weeks and specific trial and error finesse to complete before it stops being "very very few of them".

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Here's a _partial_ list of the other threads, including posts by people asking for a lifting of the cap or a periodic increase:

> * [October 2018](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/57342/will-daily-monthly-ap-cap-ever-increase-new-system-perhaps) and [also this](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/58892/add-historical-achievements-to-the-daily-cap)

> * [August 2018](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/52450/long-term-plans-for-ap-rewards)

> * [January 2018](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/23950/daily-ap-cap-again-but-new-idea)

> * [september 2017](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/4914/suggestion-increase-daily-cap-for-historical-achievements)

> * [October 2017](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/10056/achievement-daily-cap)

> * [November 2017](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18428/why-removing-ap-gain-from-istan-dailies-was-bad-imo)


> (That doesn't even include all the ones in these forums, let alone the archived, older forums.)


That seems like a LOT of ppl who are really concerned about this. It's unfortunate anet does not prefer to communicate more freely on the issues that most concern their players . . .


To the OP: There is no way they are changing this at this point. I agree there is a real problem here in that they introduced an endless reward track without an endless way to progress it, but so many ppl have been affected by the cap for so long that for the lack of a better expression it just wouldn't be fair to remove it now . . .


One thing they could do that would help a lot would be to remove the unique rewards from the track and just have it repeat so the intermittent availability of AP wouldn't cause such stress . . .


It's also worth noting that anet has an AP 'budget' for new releases, so they do have an idea of how quickly they want ppl to progress along the track . . .

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> That seems like a LOT of ppl who are really concerned about this. It's unfortunate anet does not prefer to communicate more freely on the issues that most concern their players . . .

Whenever there are people interested in a feature, there are always lots of posts. ANet sometimes communicates clearly on the topic and sometimes they don't; it doesn't change how often people put in the request. For example, there are even more threads about dyeing weapons or bringing back LS1 and ANet has extensively commented on both, without any reduction in the number of times those come up.



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Good idea. But, I think any idea that removes ANet's punishing loyal players for being loyal would be good. The cap does nothing but punish long-time players. One would think this would be the group they should most cater to. Instead, they slam them.


I still love the game, but it really frosts me that they've done this. The cap is wrong on all levels, and no valid argument has been presented (EVER, not just in this thread) to give it value.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > That seems like a LOT of ppl who are really concerned about this. It's unfortunate anet does not prefer to communicate more freely on the issues that most concern their players . . .

> Whenever there are people interested in a feature, there are always lots of posts. ANet sometimes communicates clearly on the topic and sometimes they don't; it doesn't change how often people put in the request. For example, there are even more threads about dyeing weapons or bringing back LS1 and ANet has extensively commented on both, without any reduction in the number of times those come up.


And so the ppl who are concerned about those issues are aware of anet's perspective, which I think is a good thing. I'm not sure why anyone would expect it to reduce conversation on those issues, or how reducing conversation on a issue important to players would be responsive to my point . . .

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> Good idea. But, I think any idea that removes ANet's punishing loyal players for being loyal would be good. The cap does nothing but punish long-time players. One would think this would be the group they should most cater to. Instead, they slam them.


> I still love the game, but it really frosts me that they've done this. The cap is wrong on all levels, and **no valid argument** has been presented (EVER, not just in this thread) to give it value.


Please don't hyperbole. One of the strongest reasons for the cap was so people aren't forced to do dailies and can take a break. That came directly from some high AP players since low AP players are hardly affected by the cap.


You might disagree with this reasoning, but as IWN said: it's nuanced and people can stand on either issue of this. It is a VALID reason even if you disprove of it.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > Good idea. But, I think any idea that removes ANet's punishing loyal players for being loyal would be good. The cap does nothing but punish long-time players. One would think this would be the group they should most cater to. Instead, they slam them.

> >

> > I still love the game, but it really frosts me that they've done this. The cap is wrong on all levels, and **no valid argument** has been presented (EVER, not just in this thread) to give it value.


> Please don't hyperbole. One of the strongest reasons for the cap was so people aren't forced to do dailies and can take a break. That came directly from some high AP players since low AP players are hardly affected by the cap.


> You might disagree with this reasoning, but as IWN said: it's nuanced and people can stand on either issue of this. It is a VALID reason even if you disprove of it.


Thanks for making my point (partly). The claim is that high AP players want to keep the cap so they don't have to do grindy daily chores.


So, what are they replaced with? Obviously other grindy chores. Like I said, no **valid** arguments.

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Grindy chores are a matter of perspective. They are replaced by achievements, how someone views those achievements is too subjective to dismiss them as pure grind. At nearly 28k, I’ve never felt like I’ve had to grind.


Dailies are fundamentally different since if you miss one without a cap, you lose that ap forever. What you replace it with is ap which is not deleted and can be completed at your convenience, not within a short time frame.


The poster quoted is completely valid.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > Don't you think there's something off if more than half of your ap comes from doing quick and easy chores and less than half of them from actual achievements???


> Um..sorry, but dailies aside, a fairly substantial amount of APs are earned by "quick and easy chores". Very very few of them could be honestly described as actual achievements.


Likewise a good few achievements give you a tiny AP reward and ask you to invest a ridiculous amount of time or resources into getting them xD

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> Like I said, no **valid** arguments.

Since when are you the arbiter of which arguments are valid or not?


If you honestly expect ANet to change the status quo, it is in your best interest to accept that there are reasonable arguments made by reasonable people as to why a 15k cap is good for the game and the community. Only then will you be able to demonstrate that it would be even better for more people if the system were changed.



That said, there are also some misstatements about what people's arguments are in the first place. For example:

> The claim is that high AP players want to keep the cap so they don't have to do grindy daily chores.

Actually, high AP players don't all share the same opinion. Some have always been against a cap, because it limits the amount of AP gain they can make. And likewise, plenty of cap-support came from low AP players who wanted to feel that they had a chance to catch up on all the post-LS1 achievements.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Grindy chores are a matter of perspective. They are replaced by achievements, how someone views those achievements is too subjective to dismiss them as pure grind. At nearly 28k, I’ve never felt like I’ve had to grind.


> Dailies are fundamentally different since if you miss one without a cap, you lose that ap forever. What you replace it with is ap which is not deleted and can be completed at your convenience, not within a short time frame.


> The poster quoted is completely valid.


Again, thanks for making my point.


We're talking about achievement points (APs) to be gained by people who have hit the cap. There are no more than a handful of APs available to such players that can be considered less grindy than dailies.

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Removing the cap is, in a way, not fair to ANet. With an unlimited and unmetered source of AP, ANet would constantly have to be adding new AP rewards for those top AP accounts that still get every daily. That's extra work to make meaningful rewards comparable to what lower achievement chests reward. By capping it, they have time to design new rewards, and pace future AP gain with new content releases.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Grindy chores are a matter of perspective. They are replaced by achievements, how someone views those achievements is too subjective to dismiss them as pure grind. At nearly 28k, I’ve never felt like I’ve had to grind.

> >

> > Dailies are fundamentally different since if you miss one without a cap, you lose that ap forever. What you replace it with is ap which is not deleted and can be completed at your convenience, not within a short time frame.

> >

> > The poster quoted is completely valid.


> Again, thanks for making my point.


> We're talking about achievement points (APs) to be gained by people who have hit the cap. There are no more than a handful of APs available to such players that can be considered less grindy than dailies.


100% disagree with that. I’d say dailies are more grindy than almost all achievements.


Regardless, the cap allows for a fairness level across all players and punishes no one for missing out. Beyond that players can pick and choose what they go for. The cap basically allows for a set equal amount of ap regardless of skill set. No one is excluded from reaching a guaranteed 15k ap.


This in itself is a fully valid reason to keep the cap.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > Like I said, no **valid** arguments.

> Since when are you the arbiter of which arguments are valid or not?


> If you honestly expect ANet to change the status quo, it is in your best interest to accept that there are reasonable arguments made by reasonable people as to why a 15k cap is good for the game and the community.


I'm not. Logic is. I just showed how it was invalid. When someone puts for a valid argument, I'll admit it.


I don't expect them to change it. They have to know about how terrible their original decision was, but they probably can't fix it any more, due to the inequity of older players who have already been punished; they can never make that up.


Regarding "good for the community", that should be obvious: people will play more.

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