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Advanced Logistics: Option to Leave Junk Items

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Let me start off by saying that I absolutely love the advanced logistics mastery! It is, in my opinion, one of the greatest QoL upgrades that this game has offered.


During events where one is tagging a lot of enemies, however, I have encountered instances when multiple junk items would pile up in my inventory. I, personally, would love an option to leave junk items on the ground when they drop instead of constantly having to sort through my bags to remove these items so I can keep looting.


I do understand that everyone manages their inventories differently and that not everyone has the same issues with their inventories that I have. I am also uncertain of the impact a system like this would have on bag slot sales from the Gem Store.


What are your thoughts on implementing an option like this? Is it something you would want to see? Would it even be worth it?


EDIT: Changed the wording to Advanced Logistics so as not to cause confusion with the other auto-loot feature included in the game.

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Some of those 'Junk' items (Trophies) are worth 30 silver each.

I, personally, would rather keep them.


And there's this:

_Isaiah Cartwright, an ArenaNet employee, said that they decided to have junk items in Guild Wars 2 because they add some flavour to the game in that the junk items you get correspond to the the loot your foe dropped, giving you a sense of where you've been and what you've done._

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Thanks for the responses so far,


I want to clarify (because looking at the original post, I did not do a very good job of this), I am not advocating for the removal of junk items from looting while using the mastery. What I was thinking was an option in which you could select whether or not you wanted the junk items placed in your inventory. As mentioned, some of those items are trophies and, as such, are worth quite a bit.


My apologies. I know that I was not very clear about that.

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Pretty much. I suppose what I was referring to specifically were the three-tier monster drops. Items that only sell for up to 16 copper.


I was not really thinking of trophies and items that drop from certain events. As you said, though, I am not sure there would be a way to differentiate between these types of "junk" items.

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Besides the quote above, I recall some very early comments from ANet, maybe even during beta, that their initial testers had been unhappy with just getting the coin equivalent rather than flavor items to vendor. It didn't feel like they were getting any loot at all, sometimes, and they found it unsatisfying. Now, that's the players of maybe 8 years ago, and some sensibilities have changed as per the many threads complaining about too much junk loot. Even so, it is a deliberate game design choice.


At least ANet did include the sell all junk button. One click in a vendor panel and it's all cleared out.

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Personally, I make non negligeable benefit with junk.


Beside, don't forget that for example, the "junk" we get out of BL chest can have value up to 5 gold each item! Now if the option remains optional, as in the removing of junk is not automatic, then why not? I would not use it, but if others are happy with it, I am flexible. :)

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Gamble 100 times at the amnoon casino or the lions arch ecto skritt.

> And you will get an item that you can sell all junk stuff anywere, just put it in a shared slot.


Permanent Merchant contract would be much cheaper


Also I have never encountered this issue unless I am moving between multiple maps since you just end up with the same junk within the same map and those stack. I just use a 20 slot oiled bag for the junk loot.

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If you're constantly running out of bag space I suspect there might be more problems than just the number of junk items you're getting. As @"Khisanth.2948" said there's typically just a few types which drop on each map and those stack, so it shouldn't be filling up large numbers of slots.


Have you bought/crafter larger bags for the 5 bag slots? 20 slot bags can be expensive (and the larger ones even more so) but 18 slot bags are relatively cheap. And if you have upgraded your bags are you carrying a lot of stuff with you which fills up your inventory?

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> If you're constantly running out of bag space I suspect there might be more problems than just the number of junk items you're getting. As @"Khisanth.2948" said there's typically just a few types which drop on each map and those stack, so it shouldn't be filling up large numbers of slots.


> Have you bought/crafter larger bags for the 5 bag slots? 20 slot bags can be expensive (and the larger ones even more so) but 18 slot bags are relatively cheap. And if you have upgraded your bags are you carrying a lot of stuff with you which fills up your inventory?


For the most part 15 slot is fine. I just finally got around to 20 slots on all characters recently just to have them match :)

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> @"Tainted Outcome.7481" said:

> Pretty much. I suppose what I was referring to specifically were the three-tier monster drops. Items that only sell for up to 16 copper.


> I was not really thinking of trophies and items that drop from certain events. As you said, though, I am not sure there would be a way to differentiate between these types of "junk" items.


You know that 16 Copper per item adds up quickly when you're looting that much, then it becomes silvers...so even though individually they're not worth much, collectively they add up.

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