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Profession with best chance at winning an outnumbered fight?


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What it takes is good cleave, a lot of mobility, and enough sustain. That or enough AoE burst to murder everyone before they can fight back. To that end, I've seen quite a few classes be good at 1vX.


(1): The mesmer. Specifically the mirage. It has the ability to run around in circles, evade most things, and spam phantasms and clones until everything is dead. Though the mesmer has been nerfed recently, so this might not always hold.


(2): The Engineer. Either Holo or Scrapper. The holo does a lot of damage in wide area, so two players can find themselves cleaved down at the same time. The scrapper has a lot of defenses and a lot of barrier, making it incredibly difficult to kill at times.


At least those are the ones that I've taken notice of. I've seen a lot of 1vX videos on nearly every class, but those are the ones that really stood out. Also something that gets note for zergs is Staff Weaver, since the damage Meteor Shower is insane against another zerg.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> Spellbreaker. Just watch Vaans videos. Also Condi thief with double SB.


hurr durr, ive seen vaans, one of the better warrior players (i give you that) smash in a group of new(b) players.

so in conclusion, warrior must be best for that.


basically, like you said, it comes down to your skill and your opponents skills, if you are good and they are absolute garbage, you can do it with different classes


you need good sustain, good cleave, mobility to get in and out of the group you are trying to kill, and preferable some way of stomping relatively safe and quick


against ppl with the same skill as you, there shouldnt be any way to win an outnumbered fight, except when you and your enemies are SOOOO bad, that you lay down 1 aoe, they all eat it and drop from it, because you are all playing full zerker builds and you just happen to lay down yours before they did

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> against ppl with the same skill as you, there shouldnt be any way to win an outnumbered fight, except when you and your enemies are SOOOO bad, that you lay down 1 aoe, they all eat it and drop from it, because you are all playing full zerker builds and you just happen to lay down yours before they did


I strongly disagree with you. Althrough skills do take a high importance in a fight outcome, builds are also a deciding factor and this is especially true in WvW. If you are not spec for duelling, you might go down very fast.


2 skill players can form a pickup group and thus not having an optimal or complimentary group.


Let's suppose 1 player doing massive condi (including weakness) while having great sustain against 3 ppl with power damage and poor/average condi clear.


Of course, such case would be occasional but still, it can happen.

In this game, you can't be prepared for everything coming to you. Even if you are decent against most things, a strongly specialised build might destroy you.

This is why I switch traits and utilities constantly and what makes that game great ?


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A few classes can do this, but it really depends on the circumstances.


* Holo and Spellbreaker can cleave two enemies down easily, especially if one is trying to rez the other.

* Thief can usually incap one target quickly, then take down the other target.

* Anybody with sufficient AoEs and stupid enemies can obliterate them if they don't move.

* Condi mesmer can really toy with groups if they know what they're doing.

* Scrapper can theoretically win an outnumbered fight on bad terms, but only if the enemies are numpties and can't heal or run away.


I like to bait and switch people who think they can 1v2 me. They usually incap my ally, and I'll go for a rez, and as soon as they start cleaving, I wail on them.

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> @"Aigleborgne.2981" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > against ppl with the same skill as you, there shouldnt be any way to win an outnumbered fight, except when you and your enemies are SOOOO bad, that you lay down 1 aoe, they all eat it and drop from it, because you are all playing full zerker builds and you just happen to lay down yours before they did


> I strongly disagree with you. Althrough skills do take a high importance in a fight outcome, builds are also a deciding factor and this is especially true in WvW. If you are not spec for duelling, you might go down very fast.


> 2 skill players can form a pickup group and thus not having an optimal or complimentary group.


> Let's suppose 1 player doing massive condi (including weakness) while having great sustain against 3 ppl with power damage and poor/average condi clear.


> Of course, such case would be occasional but still, it can happen.

> In this game, you can't be prepared for everything coming to you. Even if you are decent against most things, a strongly specialised build might destroy you.

> This is why I switch traits and utilities constantly and what makes that game great ?



I was mostly thinking about 1vx ing..., because op was specifically asking for that. Where its very unlikely to win against multiple foes on your own

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holo and spellbreaker


good damage, good cc, good sustain, good mobility and plenty of oh-shait options (elixer s/endure pain) if needed.


handles condis, handles power.



and the biggest advantage: cleave damage. being able to focus on multiple targets at same time is what gives the edge

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Very hard to tell except in certain circumstances.

For example:

* All stealth classes (thief, mesmer, ranger, engineer, guardian (runes) are top 1 vs X provided that the enemy has no reveals.

* All stealth classes (thief, mesmer, ranger, engineer, guardian (runes) are top 1 vs X provided that the enemy are noobs.


Then its warrior provided that enemies are not a group of snipers or stealth classes.

Then its revenant

Then ele

Then its necro.


So to put them on a list from strongest to weakest (assuming average enemy players)

1.- Mesmer

2.- Thief

3.- Engineer

4.- Ranger

5.- Guardian

6.- Warrior

7.- Revenant

8.- Ele

9.- Necro


Stealth classes are so broken and the reason is because stealth is broken. However, if everyone had reveal skills, then stealth classes like ranger would become easy prey.

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> @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> imo burst/gank classes will deal with outnumbered situations best.

Thats definetly not by the virtue of the burst/gank class itself though. Quite the contrary, I find they are usually weak in 1vX because they are too glassy to survive another +1. They are far more "skilled" at Xv1.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > imo burst/gank classes will deal with outnumbered situations best.

> Thats definetly not by the virtue of the burst/gank class itself though. Quite the contrary, I find they are usually weak in 1vX because they are too glassy to survive another +1. They are far more "skilled" at Xv1.



well yeah, but if playing correctly they would stay out of the line of fire and avoid getting hit in the first place.


Talking about longbow soulbeasts, holosmiths, burst mesmers etc.

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Lol wow thief over holo and warrior for out numbered. I thought I've seen it all lmao. Either most the voters are unsure what out numbered means or their just picking the class they hate most. A thief doesn't win a out numbered fight when it runs away lol.









Be far more accurate in a 1vx fight


Small group that's out numbered would still be similar except if fb present scourge could be the mvp

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Have fun with Ele as 1v2 when you do nothing but test for how long you can be a punching bag. Now don't come at me with how Weaver can 1vX in videos. Any other good player on other classes can out-kite a 130 range class that barely has any sort of punishment for mistakes yet deal low damage when compared to this meta while having no access to clones, stealth, or invuln to hide behind. No boon control, low CC uptime, low self-boon uptime. Lowest HP pool, lowest armor pool too. Low base values, high co-efficients (that's bad fyi).


In short, Ele can sustain outnumbered fights vs players of skill level lower than yours because it uses the high co-efficients that of the healing skills. Once skill levels are the same; Good luck! That's not just an Ele thing, but unless your class is a hard counter for all the other classes in the 1vX, you should never win such 1vX if they are at the same level of class mastery.

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> In short, Ele can sustain outnumbered fights vs players of skill level lower than yours because it uses the high co-efficients that of the healing skills. Once skill levels are the same; Good luck! That's not just an Ele thing, but unless your class is a hard counter for all the other classes in the 1vX, you should never win such 1vX if they are at the same level of class mastery.

Yes, you literally described every class in the game.

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1 Take a Thief.

2 Equip: Heal skill of your choice. Smoke Screen, Ambush a poison of your choice and a Thieves guild

3 Get to a point and cap it

4 Wait till you see enemy incoming enemies cast Smoke Screen.

5 Stealth yourself for 9+ seconds.

6 Lay Ambush Trap

7 Cast Thieves Guild

8 Share poison to your new friends

9 Now you are not outnumbered anymore

10 ...

11 Profit


![](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/096/044/trollface.jpg?1296494117 "")

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You can not win outnumbered fights on equal skill levels. I never did and I never lost a 2v1 on equal skill levels.


So it's all about skill levels (and of course the purpose of your build, a zerg build is meant to lose to a roaming build, that is trivial and not worth mentioning).


End of story!


Side Note: Everyone who posts outnumbered videos just showcases noob/zergling farm scenarios. Of course the typical special snowflake roamer won't accept that as it disparages his achievement.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> You can not win outnumbered fights on equal skill levels. I never did and I never lost a 2v1 on equal skill levels.


> So it's all about skill levels (and of course the purpose of your build, a zerg build is meant to lose to a roaming build, that is trivial and not worth mentioning).


> End of story!


> Side Note: Everyone who posts outnumbered videos just showcases noob/zergling farm scenarios. Of course the typical special snowflake roamer won't accept that as it disparages his achievement.


Also nobody would watch a video, I which you loose all your fights xD

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> > Spellbreaker. Just watch Vaans videos. Also Condi thief with double SB.


> hurr durr, ive seen vaans, one of the better warrior players (i give you that) smash in a group of new(b) players.

> so in conclusion, warrior must be best for that.


> basically, like you said, it comes down to your skill and your opponents skills, if you are good and they are absolute garbage, you can do it with different classes


> you need good sustain, good cleave, mobility to get in and out of the group you are trying to kill, and preferable some way of stomping relatively safe and quick


> against ppl with the same skill as you, there shouldnt be any way to win an outnumbered fight, except when you and your enemies are SOOOO bad, that you lay down 1 aoe, they all eat it and drop from it, because you are all playing full zerker builds and you just happen to lay down yours before they did


Vaans only advantage is that he plays this game 28 hours a day, otherwise in arena he does so many stupid shits, i could literraly cap a point the moment he left the circle, he prolly turned off his minimap or i dunno, never win a match with him nor lost him against, i always wonder how the hell he is in high leagues

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-Ranger(soulbeast) good mobility, cleave(dmg) but lacking in sustain (relies on stealth and good weapon rotations)

-Warrior(spellbreaker) good cleave, good sustain, mediocre mobility. (Sword has less dmg, dagger less mobility)

-Mirage good mobility, don't need cleave cus you can stomp with dodges but still has decent dmg, not best sustain but lots of evade frames so doesn't matter.

-thief superb mobility, good cleave, low sustain.

-holo good cleave, good sustain, decent mobility.

-revenant high dmg, good mobility (gap closer) mediocre sustain

-DH good dmg, good sustain, low mobility.


Weaver- decent mobility, low dmg (but is fine at stomping) good sustain.


There you have it. Most used builds.

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