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Playing without the mount is brutal


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Just made a new account and entered WvW. I died so many times trying to get to the tag. And couldn't really get any wvw experience because I was too late to cap anything.


Just saying, if anyone is like really new to GW2 and they want to try WvW, they would feel very frustrated without the mount for a long time. Can we consider implementing a way to help out the newbies in wvw? Like letting them hop-in to a mount of other players. Or buy a temporary Warclaw with gold?

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I can very well imagine how it is to arrive new to WvW the way it is now... I'm an experienced WvWer, with warclaw, though I do not like how WvW turned out since we have mount. For now, we are still in a phase where not all players have one. This has quite annoying consequences. One is - like OP is saying - that those on mount hurry to targets (sentry, supervisor, ...) and kill before others can join. This was already like that before, between players having speed boons and those without, but not as bad. There are also a few unfair things due to warclaw, like someone on warclaw can arrive out of nowhere and finish enemies that have been downed by other running players, spoiling the finishing for those who did the work. Not so nice. But all that is - and will continue to be - discussed a lot in the future I suppose (refer to other threads)! =)


In the meantime, I recommend to new WvWers to do their first tries within a guild, so that they get helped and carried by others properly. It is then a lot more comfortable. Beside, there are still some WvW commanders who lead running, to respect the fact that for now, not everybody has a warclaw. Try to join such squads. Good luck :)

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> They did mention of possibly considering rentals, but up till now they have not updated any news on this. If they choose not to, that will be sad indeed. They could even do one for gliders, just give both a really ugly default skin.


The "sad" truth of WvW is that you need PoF to truly compete anyway. Its quite obvious that the mount is just another incentive to buy the game. And honestly... I think that is fine. GW f2p is just a taste of the game and HoT is very, very old now. Not that its impossible to play it without either, but you do get pigeonholed in your choices.


Personally I would prefer it if instead of renting mounts, they added multi-seat mounts. Warclaw should be able to take 1 passenger.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > They did mention of possibly considering rentals, but up till now they have not updated any news on this. If they choose not to, that will be sad indeed. They could even do one for gliders, just give both a really ugly default skin.


> The "sad" truth of WvW is that you need PoF to truly compete anyway. Its quite obvious that the mount is just another incentive to buy the game. And honestly... I think that is fine. GW f2p is just a taste of the game and HoT is very, very old now. Not that its impossible to play it without either, but you do get pigeonholed in your choices.


> Personally I would prefer it if instead of renting mounts, they added multi-seat mounts. Warclaw should be able to take 1 passenger.


Like An asura taking a charr in his backpack?


That would be so funny

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> They did mention of possibly considering rentals.



PvP has its own unique system to provide an experience to new players and that is to instantly level all of your characters to 80 with everything unlocked allowing people to try the character before committing to it.


WvW could also follow a similar model...

WvW could be the place to come in with your committed level 80 character and then try glide rentals and mount rentals, maybe a token system of 10 each or X per level up to a certain point.


Just guessing here but that might encourage sales and provide renewable population on WvW servers.


It honestly sounds like one of the best ideas I've heard in a while as it would also solve the OPs complaint and probably some others too.



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Even finishing the achievement to actually get the mount is going to be a chore without the mount.. keeping up with the rest is a pain in the rear, and you easily get picked out from the back of the train by enemies, being one of the slowest.

Jumping skills and speed boost skills help a little, but not enough.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > They did mention of possibly considering rentals.



> PvP has its own unique system to provide an experience to new players and that is to instantly level all of your characters to 80 with everything unlocked allowing people to try the character before committing to it.


> WvW could also follow a similar model...

> WvW could be the place to come in with your committed level 80 character and then try glide rentals and mount rentals, maybe a token system of 10 each or X per level up to a certain point.


> Just guessing here but that might encourage sales and provide renewable population on WvW servers.


> It honestly sounds like one of the best ideas I've heard in a while as it would also solve the OPs complaint and probably some others too.




How about implementing something like WvW Newbie Rental Gears Package which includes a passway to enter WvW even as level 1, and the basic exotic armor/trinket/weapons that expire in two weeks? That should be enough time for any players who are entirely new to GW2, but want to give a shot at WvW. Many friends of mine want to get into WvW, but most of them give up in three days while they were trying to get to level 80's doing PvE.

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The game is full of powercreep to increase sales. The mount is no exception. Core players do have a limited experience in one or another way. And I think that's okay regarding the fact that I did have to pay only 120 Euros for all the game content within 6 years. Nobody likes to work for free.


Nevertheless: they should rethink whether capturing a keep should be required as this can be a frustrating task for some players on certain servers.

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Getting the Warclaw basically takes 0 effort except owning PoF so I don't see much of an issue. Of course you should be incentivized to buy the latest expansion. You need it for all other content as well and users who don't even participate in what they are doing aren't customers.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> The game is full of powercreep to increase sales. The mount is no exception. Core players do have a limited experience in one or another way. And I think that's okay regarding the fact that I did have to pay only 120 Euros for all the game content within 6 years. Nobody likes to work for free.


> Nevertheless: they should rethink whether capturing a keep should be required as this can be a frustrating task for some players on certain servers.


You can always do it in off hours with 2 people or just go eotm where it's hard to fail flipping it.


You don't need a zerg to flip a keep.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > The game is full of powercreep to increase sales. The mount is no exception. Core players do have a limited experience in one or another way. And I think that's okay regarding the fact that I did have to pay only 120 Euros for all the game content within 6 years. Nobody likes to work for free.

> >

> > Nevertheless: they should rethink whether capturing a keep should be required as this can be a frustrating task for some players on certain servers.


> You can always do it in off hours with 2 people or just go eotm where it's hard to fail flipping it.


> You don't need a zerg to flip a keep.




The other strategy is to run around and kill any t-1 keep guards.


If you are too late to cap a t-3 with your server then something is wrong with you...

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You mean you just made a new account and grinded to lv 60 then entered wvw right? Hopefully by the time you've played your class for awhile you understand leaps, teleports and movement skills.


Or maybe went so far as to watch some YouTube vids or twitch streamers, posted on the forums if your having a problem. Maybe even got up the nerve to join a guild that trains new players.

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> @"displayname.8315" said:

> You mean you just made a new account and grinded to lv 60 then entered wvw right? Hopefully by the time you've played your class for awhile you understand leaps, teleports and movement skills.


> Or maybe went so far as to watch some YouTube vids or twitch streamers, posted on the forums if your having a problem. Maybe even got up the nerve to join a guild that trains new players.



It’s level 80 because of the instant level option.


> @"Ryudnard.2587" said:

> > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > Is your new account level 80?


> Yes, bought PoE.



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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Also, take a high mobility class to get it. Then can’t keep up across the whole map, but they can do quite well for short distances.


And maybe, just maybe try to contact your comm and ask them to slow down a bit. Just don't whine to them. :) Most comms regularly slow down to allow catching up.

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Not surprised. I've mentioned it would be a future problem several times. I maintain it would be better to just allow players to buy the mount from the vendor for the 8g, required 1 mastery point to unlock riding it, then have the reward track and collection become the requirement to accessing the warclaw's advanced abilities. This way new players to WvW get instant access to the base model Warclaw, and it also makes it easier for any PvE player who just wants the skin.

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> @"The Ventari Ele.5812" said:

> GW2 isnt a p2w game

> Buy Path of Fire to stay competitive in WvW!

P2W assumes you pay for something and then you win.


If you where kitten at playing WvW before PoF you will still be kitten at playing WvW after PoF.


By your logic every subscription game is p2w as well.

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