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WvW pugs kicking meta commanders/guilds


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We endure so much pain and misery as wvw commanders. Now, these certain pugs wish to discriminate against our squads and playstyle. They openly chastise us on teamchat, reddit, and official forums about their wants, needs, and desires. Many try to hold us accountable for various social contracts that we don't even remember signing! They ask us to take these camps, the towers, keeps, and castles all at our own expense! What do they do? They send us 2 blueprints as compensation and make more demands!


But do you know what the worst part is? When you're trying to raid, and these certain pugs think they're the reincarnation of Einstein start publicly theory crafting their builds. Oh my god! we have to sit through it and appease them in fear they might report us for not letting them play their game mode as they wish! Please Anet, can we get a reporting system for these unruly pugs?

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Look, I paid for this game, and that means you have to do what I say.


Wait.... Yea well, we all know commanders don't know the best build in the game. They just play their stupid "meta" when they should be playing builds like





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> @"shiri.4257" said:

> We endure so much pain and misery as wvw commanders. Now, these certain pugs wish to discriminate against our squads and playstyle. They openly chastise us on teamchat, reddit, and official forums about their wants, needs, and desires. Many try to hold us accountable for various social contracts that we don't even remember signing! They ask us to take these camps, the towers, keeps, and castles all at our own expense! What do they do? They send us 2 blueprints as compensation and make more demands!


> But do you know what the worst part is? When you're trying to raid, and these certain pugs think they're the reincarnation of Einstein start publicly theory crafting their builds. Oh my god! we have to sit through it and appease them in fear they might report us for not letting them play their game mode as they wish! Please Anet, can we get a reporting system for these unruly pugs?


Are you talking about like comms for comp'd guilds that have some imagination and savvy and set their own builds around their own desired play style and do their own thing?


Or, comms that can spell metabattle and have a mindless following?


Or, comms that invite the entire map with a link to metabattle in the squad message then rage because they can't get their way?


Cause what you're describing only really seems relevant to the last two.

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> @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> > @"shiri.4257" said:

> > We endure so much pain and misery as wvw commanders. Now, these certain pugs wish to discriminate against our squads and playstyle. They openly chastise us on teamchat, reddit, and official forums about their wants, needs, and desires. Many try to hold us accountable for various social contracts that we don't even remember signing! They ask us to take these camps, the towers, keeps, and castles all at our own expense! What do they do? They send us 2 blueprints as compensation and make more demands!

> >

> > But do you know what the worst part is? When you're trying to raid, and these certain pugs think they're the reincarnation of Einstein start publicly theory crafting their builds. Oh my god! we have to sit through it and appease them in fear they might report us for not letting them play their game mode as they wish! Please Anet, can we get a reporting system for these unruly pugs?


> Are you talking about like comms for comp'd guilds that have some imagination and savvy and set their own builds around their own desired play style and do their own thing?


> Or, comms that can spell metabattle and have a mindless following?


> Or, comms that invite the entire map with a link to metabattle in the squad message then rage because they can't get their way?


> Cause what you're describing only really seems relevant to the last two.


Please keep your toxicity to teamchat only.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> Look, I paid for this game, and that means you have to do what I say.


> Wait.... Yea well, we all know commanders don't know the best build in the game. They just play their stupid "meta" when they should be playing builds like


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQJARTnkICVDhNCBWCB0EhlAiS+77+13KAy2EIbIawJE-jFiAQByUJIXV/BAPCgQq8jAHBgNcBAS4+D6TXAA-w




Why the EFF did you do that to me?!? It is absolutely impossible to explain to the people around me why I'm laughing uncontrollably.

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I feel like some commanders think they are above of the people they lead while it should be the other way around. Commanders should adjust themselves to the abilities of the populus.

Who in their right mind would waste their time leading ungrateful, unappreciative, abusive, or just toxic people, who btw. can't be kitten to join voice comms and cooperate?

Why would you do this to yourself?

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Oh great. This is what WvW needs now; more ineffective and SALTY commanders that want the whole world to be in meta classes, to be in voice comm, to be in big numbers to follow them so that they could claim credit when their squad wiped the entire enemies and then blame the pugs, scouts and roamers when things go wrong? Omg, the amount of salt here...

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> Oh great. This is what WvW needs now; more ineffective and SALTY commanders that want the whole world to be in meta classes, to be in voice comm, to be in big numbers to follow them so that they could claim credit when their squad wiped the entire enemies and then blame the pugs, scouts and roamers when things go wrong? Omg, the amount of salt here...


WvW is actually be meta and ktrain or gtfo gamemode.... it has been like this since release...

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excuse me but my core ranger full shaman condi healing spring is extremely important for commmander i also run double bear, double longbow no one else runs double longbow only i am skilled enough for it so it must be good in zergs LET ME IN SQUAD SO I CAN PUT THE HEAL TRAP ON YOU also can i have squad participation i'll guard paper tower for us ok i don't need to be in voice comms its fine i'm ranger they won't be able to hurt me when i'm longbearbow them all at once why am i downED??? COMMANDE HELOPPPP!!@ MY BEAR NEEDS REZZING HOW??

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> Oh great. This is what WvW needs now; more ineffective and SALTY commanders that want the whole world to be in meta classes, to be in voice comm, to be in big numbers to follow them so that they could claim credit when their squad wiped the entire enemies and then blame the pugs, scouts and roamers when things go wrong? Omg, the amount of salt here...


How is it ineffective if it's meta?

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The most fun I've ever had was months ago (when CD was still linked to DB) running around as a Herald with a squad that Shiri led and had a ratio of 2 to 1 Firebrands to any other class, and only accepted FB's, Revs, Necros and Chronos.


Now I'm not saying you can't make a pug squad that looks like an hexagonal crystal lattice of deadeyes that repel each other instead of stacking but oh boy is it actually **fun** to play a full meta squad because then you **win** and it's so **fun to win**, lol

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> Oh great. This is what WvW needs now; more ineffective and SALTY commanders that want the whole world to be in meta classes, to be in voice comm, to be in big numbers to follow them so that they could claim credit when their squad wiped the entire enemies and then blame the pugs, scouts and roamers when things go wrong? Omg, the amount of salt here...


The only commanders or players who have those expectations or those who are trying to win. Commanders/players trying to lose however, are very open and inclusive with respect to professions, builds, and player preferences.


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Only if you commanders realize your incorrect assumptions.


1.) First off, when I am on a ranger, I HATE that I am called a bearbow. You don't know me. Did you just ASSUME my build? Some say that zergs have reflects or something that nullifies my projectiles. But that assumes I am just your average bearbow ranger. But you couldn't be more wrong. You just get your projectiles reflected because you don't understand that there's actually 3 frame delay between activation of a skill and as long as you angle your shots and calibrate them with the rotation of the mists, then reflects will have no effect! Actually that's not true; I just made that up. But it works. As long as I believe my arrows won't be reflected back at me, they won't, and no amount of combat logs or deaths is going to change my opinion. There was this time 2 zergs were fighting, and I killed a doyak that was going to make it to bay. We would have lost the fight if that dolyak did not die.


2.) Secondly, you and your ilk use such programs like Arcdps. We all know that this program is fake, because if it were real, then I would top the dps meter. I've delved into the code and discovered it actually has an Anti-Ranger bias and purposely lowers the calculation! But it only does so if it's higher than META classes because it would look too obvious. Arcdps is merely a conspiracy to brainwash commanders so they can continue to bully casual players. Furthermore, Arcdps is a THIRD PARTY PROGRAM, and only hackers use those. Thus, you are of inferior moral fibre, and thus cannot be taken seriously.


3.) You are mean, and thus everything you say is wrong. Logically speaking, since you said that projectiles are bad in zerg fights, this means that they must actually be good. Checkmate.


4.) I don't understand why people have to use voice communications. Do you not know the vibrations caused by people's voices throws off my aim? It gets me killed! Stop talking!


5.) Finally, there's this idea that I have to respect your way of play before you can respect mine. But this is false. This is because according to Anet, you're not playing the game properly [citation needed]. Bullying players that get in your way is not right! Give your followers the respect they deserve, and when I mean respect, I meant 643 gold per hour.



Btw, this is still probably a stronger argument than most of the ones in the other thread, heh....


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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > Oh great. This is what WvW needs now; more ineffective and SALTY commanders that want the whole world to be in meta classes, to be in voice comm, to be in big numbers to follow them so that they could claim credit when their squad wiped the entire enemies and then blame the pugs, scouts and roamers when things go wrong? Omg, the amount of salt here...


> WvW is actually be meta and ktrain or gtfo gamemode.... it has been like this since release...


No it hasn't...

It started when Siege was put on the trading post for the most part.


Before that there was a main zerg of like 20 people, rest were all roaming and havok guilds of 5-10 speead out. (Mid tiers, may have been different for high tiers)


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@"shiri.4257" After reading the OP... I actually agree with you lol.

That level of entitlement is almost unreal.

It's like why should their wants and ideologies of playing the way **They** wish... Trump a commanders/squads etc. ... Playing the way they wish?

And also... If someone doesn't want them because of "x" reason(s)... Why would they care about running with them at that point anyways? Why not try to find other people who like to play the way they do?


This is part of the reason I've always told people in my personal gaming life that: "Even if we could all be in the same guild. We wouldn't be... because we would not all get along". Unless there was some enormous advantage to be had maybe... Like receiving 100g everyday for just being in it. Though, realistically... Yea, we wouldn't be.

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