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Upcoming map changes for Eternal Coliseum and Djinn’s Dominion

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> RIP Thief and Ranged Professions


You mean Deadeye, not Thief. The additional cover make this amazing for S/D thief, which can port in and out of cover with sword 2. D/P DD can't use the terrain as well, but should still benefit from the additional cover, particularly since they're so mobile and can port in from out of line of sight.


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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > RIP Thief and Ranged Professions


> You mean Deadeye, not Thief. The additional cover make this amazing for S/D thief, which can port in and out of cover with sword 2. D/P DD can't use the terrain as well, but should still benefit from the additional cover, particularly since they're so mobile and can port in from out of line of sight.



No, I mean Thief, there's even more no port all over the place then there already was.

I don't care much though, just mentioning

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Get destroyed, sightline-abuser builds. This game is way too easy in open areas. I'm shocked that anet made a decent change to PvP. That said, losing Djinn opening rotations is kind of sad. If anything bad happened, people could always peel from the opening cross-over by either using a teleport or just jumping up the middle ledges toward the lamp spawn. Not that big of a deal in the end, though; pretty sure you can just jump up the side ledges and make plays while people are still moving from spawn to the mid.

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I really like the Colosseum changes.

Dunno how I like the "hedges" thematically, but thats just aesthetics anyway (maybe a "garden"-theme with fountains and whatnot would be nice).


I have mixed feelings about the Djin's Dominion changes.

While I think that the map is far too "snowbally" atm and needs some adressing in that regard; I dont like the idea of funneling both teams into that midfight though, since a 1-3-1 opening split doesn't really seem possible.

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> I really like the Colosseum changes.

> Dunno how I like the "hedges" thematically, but thats just aesthetics anyway (maybe a "garden"-theme with fountains and whatnot would be nice).


> I have mixed feelings about the Djin's Dominion changes.

> While I think that the map is far too "snowbally" atm and needs some adressing in that regard; I dont like the idea of funneling both teams into that midfight though, since a 1-3-1 opening split doesn't really seem possible.


Nobody who crosses the middle threshold at a Djinn match's outset does it with the intent of doing a 1-3-1 split, but rather it's half or more of an entire team which just crosses immediately to more or less start the "midfight" right at the doorstep of someone's spawn. It's actually a pretty fun dynamic for the map, and it's sort of weird to remove one of the few unique things about the hyper-generic pool of GW2 PvP maps, but ultimately it probably won't stop people from just jumping up and over the middle of the lamp area in order to start some shenanigans prior to the midfight (haven't yet tested how viable that is, though; it would definitely depend on the build).

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Here is an idea I have for the lamp: scrap the existing skills and replace them with new skills; they all have have the same name but different subnames. The name is called Three Wishes.


Three Wishes are three different skills that may dramatically sway the game depending on the wish.


The system is similar to the current system where the skills are cycled continuously. The only difference are the names and skills. Another difference is these skills are granted only to the player that received the buff, not the whole team. Buffs stay with the player until the next buff has been claimed.


Note: all wish channelings are unaffected by Quickness or Slow.


The first wish, "Three Wishes--Djinn's Capture" captures a node. This bypasses decaps, so if the point is the enemy team's you still capture it. However the channel takes 3 seconds, so these buffs may not always be the best for Thieves. You can channel under the effect of invulnerability, Elusive Mind, or other skills such as Endure Pain and Stealth. However, the skill's channeling animation will reveal even in stealth! One second after the channel will emit a very bright white-red beam until finished, "revealing" a stealthed player in a way.


The second wish, "Three Wishes--Djinn's Support" is a AoE half-dome, and is no larger than a node but has a target range of 0, meaning the AoE can only be set under the player. The skill is unleashed after a 3 second channel. This buff is scaled by healing power. The half-dome/"bubble" lasts 30 seconds and heals for a baseline of 3,333 HP every second, reflects projectiles, clears 3 conditions every second, and grants Regeneration, Retaliation, and Protection every second. It speeds up capping and decapping of points by 133%, and slows down decapping of friendly nodes by 133% as well. The channeling emits a green beam animation. Can be casted while invulnerable, with Elusive Mind or other skills such as Endure Pain, and Stealth.


The third wish, "Three Wishes--Djinn's Wrath" is a flash of bright, blue lightning, with a light-blue PBAoE (player-based area of effect) radius of 900. The channel takes 3 seconds to complete, with a visible lightning animation as well as a blue beam. Upon fully channeling this skill, any players, even invulnerable players, that are caught within the light-blue PBAoE are automatically defeated. This skips downed state. Can be casted while invulnerable, with Elusive Mind or other skills such as Endure Pain. Can also be casted in stealth although the PBAoE and animation will still be visible.


Maybe make the setting nighttime rather than daytime?


Edit: I forgot to mention that all channels root you in place, and you can not cast any skills while channeling.

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Why are you adding hedges on arena? This is a Coliseum, not a garden. :) On the one hand it’s good you adding new obstacles to hide from snipers, but in other way if snipers will be able to climb on it… feels bad man. :#

Can you finally add the music to the Djinn Dominion (I think PoF battle music will fit it). This silence casts me down.


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I don't immediately like either change, but I'll reserve judgment until I get to try it out. I really have low expectations for the coliseum changes, I liked the fact that you had to choose between staying on point and LOSing. With even the current single set of pathing blockers, a good sword 2 thief can make life really hard for ranged classes taking back a point.

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_Reposting this because mods are busting my (word for objects of a spherical shape) and I think the kitten thing isn't working... urgh I remember why I stopped visiting the forums._


Here is my well intentioned constructive criticism and feedback with obvious omissions:


These changes look really great, would really love to see some more additions to Dominion though.


The dynamics of the map are that it's very open, with small close nodes and not a lot of good LOS/Kite spots near the nodes. It makes nodes very difficult to defend and way less meaningful to capture, a bit too much tbh, and that's why we are seeing a lot of a (word for a malignant growth or tumour resulting from an uncontrolled division of cells) ranged/spam builds dominating so hard there.


While there are good map assets placed around other sections of the map, nobody is incentivised to go there, or really has any reason.


I'd really love to see some kind of a 1-way ramp / JP section added on the short paths between home/mid and mid/far as well. This to make disengaging to a side node more meaningful but also to add a trade-off for going to a different point. Right now you can just sit in-between 2 nodes and practically be able to defend both at the same time as neither is too far that you cant make it in time to prevent a decap.

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I am curious to see them live.


Coliseum : If I play a range character (like my longbow ranger) when do I see/get to react someone coming to close/far if I am starting to cap/decap ? We can see that the spawn on red completely hides the incoming attacker ! At least it is still possible to shoot from the higher ground to the node. The crates are already annoying when chasing some specs like war/ele/engineer who can regen super fast but some additional higher ground can also be helpfull for range characters. (wait and see but I am a bit scared that duelist/node holder will be even stronger)

Djinn : Ok no more fights at the start. It seems like a good idea. However, this allows the team with a better teamfight to dominate the map until the door opens so it depends how long it takes to open the doors. You can argue that this map is very small and it is already easy to move from one point to an other to defend. But like every map, decaping or forcing a rotation can change the outcome.

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> @"KaiElso.5280" said:

> Turned the coliseum into a melee map. Killed the knock-back skill on ranger, and ranged weapons now suck in there. I had no problem with adding more items, but you turned the map into a "horders" home.


no. as a ranged with the changes you cant just walk up and slam keyboard, you actually have to walk around. there are more kite spots. more kite spots benefits ranged more.

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Man the new coliseum is terrible. Really really terrible. It’s like someone in the graphics dept dropped stock graphics into the map randomly. It looks so fucking ugly... Not to mention that the main appeal of the map is now dead... I would never choose this map now.


And seriously stop trying to fix what is not broken. This map and Foe Fire where the most popular maps. Complete waste of development time and the result is significantly worse the the original. This is trying to recreate the wheel and then making it rectangular...

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I was actually quite excited to know about changes to the Eternal Coliseum. Until, I stepped into the map today. I feel the team has really gone over the top with the idea. Less than half those obtacles were needed. The map is big and looks terribly cluttered now. Please remove some of this mess and make it fun again.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> I was actually quite excited to know about changes to the Eternal Coliseum. Until, I stepped into the map today. I feel the team has really gone over the top with the idea. Less than half those obtacles were needed. The map is big and looks terribly cluttered now. Please remove some of this mess and make it fun again.


Been excited like a chip AND telling garbage as always :p

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