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When will the power creep end?


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I think it was the Marvel vs Capcom series of fighting games that had a design philosophy that if everything is broken, the game is balanced. I don't think I've seen any other game managing to accomplish that though. As such I wouldn't recommend that as a game balance principle.


I mean, how fun would this game be if every class could 1shot every single other class ? Probably also unblockable.

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Its sad that there are people out there that getting crit for 12,000 damage by a revenant towards a full healer tank (minstrel guard) is something thats called "balance".

Classes with less tankiness get crit even more harder.

So can someone explain that how is it "balanced" when someone can take away more then half of your HP with 1 skill and how is it fun that most blob fights last for 10-30 seconds instead of 2-5 minutes like they used to during vanilla days?

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> From a necro roaming perspective, I think the warclaw indirectly solved half of the drawbacks that we suffered due to the power creep.


> High burst Spike from heavy stealth classes like mesmers and thieves can't be pulled off that easily anymore when they need to punch through the kitty first.

> This gives us reasonable time to react now. Less cheese from stealth especially those that add quickness to their stealth opener.


> Long range + mobility drawbacks especially against rangers are at least negated for the opening exchange since we can evade with the kitty to start the fight right beside them.

> We no longer need to bust all our evades and shroud and HP just to close the gap on them.

> Although rangers with their much superior mobility still got the ability to kite away, we got a good chance of preventing their escape as well.

> Our starting point in a fight is much more even now.


> I think a few other classes would agree too that the warclaw has indirectly solved some of the power creep issues.


from my pov as thief i still wreck every1 on warclaw by simply using d/p 3 on them 2 or 3 times then keep my distance to get all my ini back and fight is just like it was pre mounts so dunno how it helps any class.


from general point of view mounts ruined more classes then it did good..

i personally dont play classes below but i dont see them pulling it off.

warrior is useless vs mount

ele is useless

guardian is useless

basically everything is useless now vs mounts when it comes to roaming beside ranger/thief/mesmer (maybe mesmer is crap also)


so ye wheres the fun now? these mounts really need to get toned down to 100ish or w/e amount of HP so even guards can knock u off in 1 hit and the speed needs to get nerfed into ground so non PoF people can still play WvW also nowadays non pof accounts even proper zerg builds cant even keep up anymore.


personally i cant think of a good thing coming from mount in WvW, sure its nice to run around faster but this also fucks up attackers/deffenders cus one of them constantly runs back faster then before not giving them any chance to full wipe and do the job.

maybe the gate/wall nerf was done cus of this? so u can open crap faster? instead of nerfing mount speed? i dont know


anyway topic about power creep :D



obviously i still prefer old good fights pre HoT and PoF but hey these times are gone i also miss vanilla gw2 instead of crap we have now but what we gonna do about it?

gw2 is all about PvE and some story content.

no1 cares about sPvP, WvW is a forgotten gametype which sometimes is remembered by one of the devs.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > From a necro roaming perspective, I think the warclaw indirectly solved half of the drawbacks that we suffered due to the power creep.

> > >

> > > High burst Spike from heavy stealth classes like mesmers and thieves can't be pulled off that easily anymore when they need to punch through the kitty first.

> > > This gives us reasonable time to react now. Less cheese from stealth especially those that add quickness to their stealth opener.

> > >

> > > Long range + mobility drawbacks especially against rangers are at least negated for the opening exchange since we can evade with the kitty to start the fight right beside them.

> > > We no longer need to bust all our evades and shroud and HP just to close the gap on them.

> > > Although rangers with their much superior mobility still got the ability to kite away, we got a good chance of preventing their escape as well.

> > > Our starting point in a fight is much more even now.

> > >

> > > I think a few other classes would agree too that the warclaw has indirectly solved some of the power creep issues.

> >

> > Its made the only class and build I find fun (DD Tempest) to be completely and utterly useless... The mount is powercreep from my perspective. Its faster than my cast times and immune to 80% of my skills.

> > Churning Earth to Lightning Flash aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand out of range.

> >

> >


> As a Necro main, trust me when I say I can fully understand how you feel.

> After all, Necros have never been able to pick their fights.

> Since Vanilla, through HOT and now POF with mounts.

> It has always been the same story for us.

> We only get to fight those who want to fight us.


> And after a while, we got used to it.

> Those who don't want to fight us aren't worth our time.

> Those who want to fight us, we say, bring it on!


I still have to find a necro who picks a fight on me, they usually run away or wait someone else to attack me first and then they gank and join for an easy kill.

So I don't think much is changed, apart from 90% of the players cowardly running from any fight and the others simply gank you till death even 10vs1.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > > From a necro roaming perspective, I think the warclaw indirectly solved half of the drawbacks that we suffered due to the power creep.

> > > >

> > > > High burst Spike from heavy stealth classes like mesmers and thieves can't be pulled off that easily anymore when they need to punch through the kitty first.

> > > > This gives us reasonable time to react now. Less cheese from stealth especially those that add quickness to their stealth opener.

> > > >

> > > > Long range + mobility drawbacks especially against rangers are at least negated for the opening exchange since we can evade with the kitty to start the fight right beside them.

> > > > We no longer need to bust all our evades and shroud and HP just to close the gap on them.

> > > > Although rangers with their much superior mobility still got the ability to kite away, we got a good chance of preventing their escape as well.

> > > > Our starting point in a fight is much more even now.

> > > >

> > > > I think a few other classes would agree too that the warclaw has indirectly solved some of the power creep issues.

> > >

> > > Its made the only class and build I find fun (DD Tempest) to be completely and utterly useless... The mount is powercreep from my perspective. Its faster than my cast times and immune to 80% of my skills.

> > > Churning Earth to Lightning Flash aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand out of range.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > As a Necro main, trust me when I say I can fully understand how you feel.

> > After all, Necros have never been able to pick their fights.

> > Since Vanilla, through HOT and now POF with mounts.

> > It has always been the same story for us.

> > We only get to fight those who want to fight us.

> >

> > And after a while, we got used to it.

> > Those who don't want to fight us aren't worth our time.

> > Those who want to fight us, we say, bring it on!


> I still have to find a necro who picks a fight on me, they usually run away or wait someone else to attack me first and then they gank and join for an easy kill.

> So I don't think much is changed, apart from 90% of the players cowardly running from any fight and the others simply gank you till death even 10vs1.


If I only see a single player I'll jump off my horse. 2 people and I might, but I typically won't bother with 3 or more. Some folks engage, some don't. I don't mind losing so long as I can figure out how I lost. Necro's are free bags anyway, right! :)

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > > From a necro roaming perspective, I think the warclaw indirectly solved half of the drawbacks that we suffered due to the power creep.

> > > >

> > > > High burst Spike from heavy stealth classes like mesmers and thieves can't be pulled off that easily anymore when they need to punch through the kitty first.

> > > > This gives us reasonable time to react now. Less cheese from stealth especially those that add quickness to their stealth opener.

> > > >

> > > > Long range + mobility drawbacks especially against rangers are at least negated for the opening exchange since we can evade with the kitty to start the fight right beside them.

> > > > We no longer need to bust all our evades and shroud and HP just to close the gap on them.

> > > > Although rangers with their much superior mobility still got the ability to kite away, we got a good chance of preventing their escape as well.

> > > > Our starting point in a fight is much more even now.

> > > >

> > > > I think a few other classes would agree too that the warclaw has indirectly solved some of the power creep issues.

> > >

> > > Its made the only class and build I find fun (DD Tempest) to be completely and utterly useless... The mount is powercreep from my perspective. Its faster than my cast times and immune to 80% of my skills.

> > > Churning Earth to Lightning Flash aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand out of range.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > As a Necro main, trust me when I say I can fully understand how you feel.

> > After all, Necros have never been able to pick their fights.

> > Since Vanilla, through HOT and now POF with mounts.

> > It has always been the same story for us.

> > We only get to fight those who want to fight us.

> >

> > And after a while, we got used to it.

> > Those who don't want to fight us aren't worth our time.

> > Those who want to fight us, we say, bring it on!


> I still have to find a necro who picks a fight on me, they usually run away or wait someone else to attack me first and then they gank and join for an easy kill.

> So I don't think much is changed, apart from 90% of the players cowardly running from any fight and the others simply gank you till death even 10vs1.


Ehh if you try capping a camp necros tend to try and go for you. Most of them try to fight me when I do that.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> I think it was the Marvel vs Capcom series of fighting games that had a design philosophy that if everything is broken, the game is balanced. I don't think I've seen any other game managing to accomplish that though. As such I wouldn't recommend that as a game balance principle.


> I mean, how fun would this game be if every class could 1shot every single other class ? Probably also unblockable.


Well, then it would just be fantasy skinned Call of Duty.

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> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> Power creep ends when servers shut down for good. It's just the nature of the beast.




I must agree with you. Having toxic- Power Creep for 7 years; this is the only solution remaining to return the game to its root--Guild Wars 1




'This is precisely why Guildwars 1 stands out as the best MMORPG. It’s complex, engaging, social, rewarding and complete.


Filling the empty void.'


'With weekly events and semi-regular updates, the game is so much value. So if you have been looking for a new MMORPG to sink some of your time in, look no more'


![](https://i.imgur.com/bWTZH9U.jpg "")



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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> They will nerf all the PoF elites into the ground right before a new expansion. Just keep an eye out for what most of you call "balance"


yup....i said this before as well... IF anet comes out with a sweeping wide nerf to most POF elites, that will be a warning that a new expansion is imminent.


If it truly is a reduction of power creep i will eat my hat!

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> @"Spartacus.3192" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > Never.. just look how tanky Anet made scrapper even after "nerfs" that thing is a tank barelly loose health lol...

> >

> >


> But in wvw a tanky scrapper cant kill you either. Just walk away and find a better fight. Most classes can out run a scrapper


Well I’m not talking about 1vs1, stack a group of fbs, scourges and boonbeast and see how lamentar game gets hehehe

I also don’t play classes to run away :) that’s for the cowardly gimikers.


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To tell the truth, I'm hoping they put timers on Boons. Boons should last a limited time, and then you can't use that boon again for so many seconds. This permaboon thing kinda sucks, and you have to hope there's a large scale boonstrip group in your zerg to take on the opposing force. Of course solo boonstripping doesn't even help. One second you take off enemy boons, their right back on the enemy in the next second, it's stupid.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Spartacus.3192" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > Never.. just look how tanky Anet made scrapper even after "nerfs" that thing is a tank barelly loose health lol...

> > >

> > >

> >

> > But in wvw a tanky scrapper cant kill you either. Just walk away and find a better fight. Most classes can out run a scrapper


> Well I’m not talking about 1vs1, stack a group of fbs, scourges and boonbeast and see how lamentar game gets hehehe

> I also don’t play classes to run away :) that’s for the cowardly gimikers.



I like to roam and my point wasn't about cowardly running away. My point was if i come across a super tanky scrapper that i cant kill but all he does is tickle me then im not going to waste an hour trying fruitlessly to kill him....i will just "walk away"

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> From a necro roaming perspective, I think the warclaw indirectly solved half of the drawbacks that we suffered due to the power creep.


> High burst Spike from heavy stealth classes like mesmers and thieves can't be pulled off that easily anymore when they need to punch through the kitty first.

> This gives us reasonable time to react now. Less cheese from stealth especially those that add quickness to their stealth opener.


> Long range + mobility drawbacks especially against rangers are at least negated for the opening exchange since we can evade with the kitty to start the fight right beside them.

> We no longer need to bust all our evades and shroud and HP just to close the gap on them.

> Although rangers with their much superior mobility still got the ability to kite away, we got a good chance of preventing their escape as well.

> Our starting point in a fight is much more even now.


> I think a few other classes would agree too that the warclaw has indirectly solved some of the power creep issues.


Right... now it's just 45k+ in 2 or 3 seconds from a soulbeast... much better...

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> @"Spartacus.3192" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Spartacus.3192" said:

> > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > Never.. just look how tanky Anet made scrapper even after "nerfs" that thing is a tank barelly loose health lol...

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > But in wvw a tanky scrapper cant kill you either. Just walk away and find a better fight. Most classes can out run a scrapper

> >

> > Well I’m not talking about 1vs1, stack a group of fbs, scourges and boonbeast and see how lamentar game gets hehehe

> > I also don’t play classes to run away :) that’s for the cowardly gimikers.

> >


> I like to roam and my point wasn't about cowardly running away. My point was if i come across a super tanky scrapper that i cant kill but all he does is tickle me then im not going to waste an hour trying fruitlessly to kill him....i will just "walk away"


oh yeah that's true, but my sword shield rev cant outrun a centaur :} my centaur(Ventari) outruns me.

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