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Perma invisible during attacks?


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They could be under the map, but yeah there was this time before where nothing would also appear in your log but something is damaging you from nowhere. My guess if it isn't that, then it could be a thief with skills that put out condi that don't reveal them, I had a gimmick build like this but it didn't put out enough condi.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Maybe the range on longbow for ranger has increased to the point where the ranger no longer has to be close enough to render for the player to shoot them dead.

> That'd do it.


> ~ Kovu


Speaking of render, did something change lately with pop in distance of name plates? I don't think I changed anything that I am aware of in graphics settings, but sometimes name plates are only popping up around 900 range and that's a bit too close. I'll double check my settings.

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**Reminder-** (Thief and Mesmer players are not at fault for being given a toxic bad design profession- **Please!!** be respectful to their streamers-including all streamers alike)

**Thank You!!**


'GW2 Perma Stealth Thief Build and Tutorial' by Gaming with Delyndia



(I would appreciate if Thief players can confirm if this build remain active and current)?

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> **Reminder-** (Thief and Mesmer players are not at fault for being given a toxic bad design profession- **Please!!** be respectful to their streamers-including all streamers alike)

> **Thank You!!**


> 'GW2 Perma Stealth Thief Build and Tutorial' by Gaming with Delyndia




> (I would appreciate if Thief players can confirm if this build remain active and current)?


Appreciate the disclaimer (im a mesmer main streamer in WvW)

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> @"Bezerker.2379" said:

> Deadeyes can 1 shot backstab and then clear reveal and restealth immediately and on most players screens it barely shows or doesn't show at all.



If itbhappens fast, the ataker can see himself decloaking, ataking and cloaking, but on target client wont see the enemy rendering, it creates a culling effect due clients sync and possible lag.


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A player has to be pretty glass to be one shot by an Eviscerating BS. The skill can do upwards of 20k but only on low toughness. Even then with the pre/post cast delay on the Shadow Meld it takes a second to re-stealth. I have never been invisibly killed outside of a hack, lag or some junk mechanic long gone from the game.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Definitely wasn't one shot as I heard and could tell I took damage for atleast 3 hits,after first I looked for a ranged player but no one around, than took another and there wasn't much I could do as nothing was visible and third downed me than I was stomped all while nothing was visible


We all can agree with Thief is the only profession who can perma stealth because their toxic bad designs approves iy and allows it.


All throughout the game 7 years and counting; Thief remain the toxic top profession of of bad design because stealth/

Seriously, what game company who abides by designing healthy competition would dare for once put up with having perma stealth in their game? None!!


Perma-Stealth is toxic to healthy competitiveness. Remove its existence for once!!



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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Maybe the range on longbow for ranger has increased to the point where the ranger no longer has to be close enough to render for the player to shoot them dead.

> That'd do it.


> ~ Kovu


Yeah that's it

Kilt em so fast the server was like "..... ... Oh, geez.. sorry dude you died a second ago"

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He got hit with a double backstab. Thief shadowsteps behind you, backstab, then shadowsteps back to original position. If they do it quickly...you'll never see their body. The only problem is...when they hit you with backstab...they become visible, in order for them to do that, it had to be an instant shadowstep to enemy position, attack, then shadowstep back to original position….and that's not HUMANLY possible. The human eye is supposed to be able to see a thief decloak on attack. But I have had people state that there were "ways" around that, but wouldn't fully admit that they were using addons to create the effect of a linked attack key-bind of some sort. I suppose he could have blinked and miss the thief decloaking. Actually I got hit with something like that about a month ago. It was one, two. One hit your downed, second your killed. Thought anet nerfed that garbage, so i'm a bit confused when I hear stories of One...Two hits.

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I don't think anyone can really give any perspective on this - there was just not enough information to go on, no combat log information etc. We aren't sure what skills were used, whether condi was involved, not even the class that did the attack is mentioned, just people speculating that it was a thief. As long as any distinguishing information is unavailable then nothing can be surmised.

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All "perma whatever" builds should be removed from WvW. I'm playing on T1 WvW and half of the enemies are running perma block/invulnerable warrior builds.

It's more annoying than any perma stealth build. Perma stealth and invulnerability/block need rework and nerf.

Arenanet should balance this annoying meta.

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> @"Umut.5471" said:

> All "perma whatever" builds should be removed from WvW. I'm playing on T1 WvW and half of the enemies are running perma block/invulnerable warrior builds.

> It's more annoying than any perma stealth build. Perma stealth and invulnerability/block need rework and nerf.

> Arenanet should balance this annoying meta.


This disease seems to be on the rise, they prey on the weak and vulnerable.

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There's mainly two possibilities:


* Because of how the game handles stealth by not rendering the enemy model or pre-loading the enemy model at all, the enemy model didn't load fast enough for you to see them as there's a pause to load the models when it's first seen while your client asks the server for the appearance.

* They are using a third-party applycation that modifies the client info packet to gain an NPC or environmental effect that won't be revealable, like [invisibility](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Invisibility "Invisibility").



In any case, Stealth needs a rework similar to the one they did in Heroes of the Storm, for the same reasons. Complete invisibility should never lasts more than 1-2 seconds. After that, stealth should decay into a partial stealth that makes the cloaked enemy harder to see and still untargetable and ignored by NPCs, but not fully invisible, until they use another stealth skill. Stealth from skills could even last way longer, and even indefinitely if it they worked that way

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