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Mounts no longer contest points.

Kylden Ar.3724

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Didn't really change much honestly, all you need is an extra person to do the same thing and just one bunker not mounted and voila. Cat & mouse chase again. Still need to cut down the dodges on the mount, lower hp to 2-5k & make them cc'able, or just keep the dodges but dismount on successful hit.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> Lazy as usual. Instead of making circles smaller esp in the big camps with los building they do this. Hopefully if 4 dudes are taking the camp and stay on mount or someone mounts up before finish we don't lose credit to camp capture/wxp but I'll check later I guess.


You should get at least some credit for it. There have been plenty of times where I tried to take a camp killing all/most of the NPC's, got killed by 1 or more enemy players, then my server mates took them out and finished capping the camp before I could get back there after waypointing to revive myself, and still got gold event rewards along with WXP for it.




As far as contesting goes while mounted: based on my experience there are some real kitten cowards in WvW.


I've had plenty of times where I go to cap a camp by myself and almost have it complete when an enemy player on a mount shows up. The players will just sit there keeping the camp contested so I can't cap it. If I try to attack them, they will run around buildings/structures to prevent line-of-sight so I can't hit them (I play as scourge with Axe/Focus and staff, but it prevents anything like leaps, teleports, or any other gap closers from working on other professions that requires line-of-sight). Even if I hop on my mount to catch up and pounce them so I can get close enough to attack, they'll just keep going in circles and all I keep seeing is "no line-of-sight" or "obstructed" when trying to hit them. Eventually a few of their friends will show up, kill me, then claim the camp for themselves, and I have to wait 5 minutes before I can attempt to claim it.


I admit when I first saw it suggested on the forums to make it so you can't cap or contest an objective while mounted, I thought it was just players whining who hated the mount. But based on experience, I think it was a good change. It isn't fair that after you do the work to cap something a player can show up and hold it until his buddies come to come stomp you and take the objective for themselves, without actually beating you in a fair fight and earning the right to cap it. And if your server owns the objective, it's a lazy way to "defend" it when you just run around in circles to keep it from being taken from you until your buddies show up to take out the 1 player you're too afraid to fight.


In other words: the only players complaining about the change are those too afraid to fight players without having at least 1 other buddy with them.

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> @"Anput.4620" said:


> Why not? Why can't we have both, reward the player that dismounts themselves, let the player that wants to stay on the mount come down to fight. If you don't dismount them, yet they stay on mount then more capping time for you. Why does it matter if it stacks if the player that sits on the mount and is not willing to take the camp *has zero right to the camp anyways*.


We shouldn't have both, as someone who reveres counter play so much (you said it basically in every post), once we have a dismount skill/trap you specifically have a way to deal with someone who tries to contest on a mount. But if mounts don't contest, why do we need counter play to anything aside from your precious fights? The answer is honestly, we don't.


Also, I like this change as a stopgap measure till dismount comes out, after that it shouldn't honestly matter anymore and can be reverted.


> Also, if i take a camp 9/10 times if sometimes comes in solo to the camp they turn around when they see a player there. Also, players comming to attack you more often than not results its a 3+vs1 while looking on my own i could look for 1vs1/2s.


Lol, I dunno what server your on, but if a solo roamer is capping a camp and another roamer wants the same camp, most of the time it's come down to a fight. No questions asked. But you make it sound like no one fights anyone ever without being in a larger force then the enemy. Also, again I dunno what server your on, but on mine I have gotten plenty of 1v1's in camps while trying to take it. Maybe it's your server or timezone you play in that could be causing problems, not mounts.


>Why are you so obsessed with taking camps anyways? What's so glorious about hitting those PvE mobs? Why do you care so much when winning doesn't matter and taking stuff is only for the players own pips?


I'm taking camps to help upgrade structures, I'm also killing enemy players by attacking them when I can. Camps are needed to upgrade structures and keep supply up in other objectives, some of which gain you waypoints, which help you traverse maps faster. Which can lead you to more fights becuase you can return to the fight faster. But as a pure hurr durr PvP'er, you wouldn't get it XD. I don't care if my team wins/loses/or goes on vacation. I like being able to move around the maps easier. That doesn't happen without camps lol.


> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> Didn't really change much honestly, all you need is an extra person to do the same thing and just one bunker not mounted and voila. Cat & mouse chase again. Still need to cut down the dodges on the mount, lower hp to 2-5k & make them cc'able, or just keep the dodges but dismount on successful hit.


No, just no. It's not like it's hard to take out a mount, you just need to think about adjusting your build to do more than just raw damage (although I hear condis work great on something that can't condi cleanse lol). Also, we don't need a CC since we're getting dismount skills at some point. And if being hit dismounts you, why have HP at all on the mount. That's ridiculous. And the dodges are fine.

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I'm neutral on this and pretty much every other wvw rule change. They all apply to everyone equally so just adapt, nbd . . .


But this does seem inconsistent with allowing players to contest points with golems. If disallowing mounted players to capture and contest is a good idea, it seems like the same should hold true for players in golems . . .

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Yeah I don't care either way, but I'm looking forward to a couple of weeks after relinks when the voices of the low pop guys come forward after all these "good changes" after finding themselves on the losing end unable to cap, defend or prevent 3rd server havocs from stealing their stuff as a result of all these good changes.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> Yeah I don't care either way, but I'm looking forward to a couple of weeks after relinks when the voices of the low pop guys come forward after all these "good changes" after finding themselves on the losing end unable to cap, defend or prevent 3rd server havocs from stealing their stuff as a result of all these good changes.

It will be soooooo different from how it was before the mount for the past 6 years where no one ever complained about that, true.


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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> So apparently now defending your own camp is "ganking". May as well just make everyone immune to damage.


> I mean, holy kitten, man. Don't you know that....



You don't die in real life, if your character dies.



I mean we do call people gankers that hold ABL NC and defend it against the one-sie two-sies that come thru spawn gate, so, I can sort of see the confusion of the term.


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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > So apparently now defending your own camp is "ganking". May as well just make everyone immune to damage.

> >

> > I mean, holy kitten, man. Don't you know that....

> >

> >

You don't die in real life, if your character dies.



> I mean we do call people gankers that hold ABL NC and defend it against the one-sie two-sies that come thru spawn gate, so, I can sort of see the confusion of the term.




"Ganker" is a fiction, an excuse fabricated by people playing a team game with the smallest possible team.


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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> So apparently now defending your own camp is "ganking". May as well just make everyone immune to damage.


> I mean, holy kitten, man. Don't you know that....



You don't die in real life, if your character dies.



... and a coterie of clowns claps your cleverness. Congratulations. Kitten.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > So apparently now defending your own camp is "ganking". May as well just make everyone immune to damage.

> >

> > I mean, holy kitten, man. Don't you know that....

> >

> >

You don't die in real life, if your character dies.



> ... and a coterie of clowns claps your cleverness. Congratulations. Kitten.


Congrats to you too. At least you tried to come up with something witty instead of turning around and running away on your warclaw. I bet that's more pvp than you've done this month. Good start.


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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > > So apparently now defending your own camp is "ganking". May as well just make everyone immune to damage.

> > >

> > > I mean, holy kitten, man. Don't you know that....

> > >

> > >

You don't die in real life, if your character dies.


> >

> > ... and a coterie of clowns claps your cleverness. Congratulations. Kitten.


> Congrats to you too. At least you tried to come up with something witty instead of running away on your warclaw. I bet that's more pvp than you've done this month.


PvP forum is over there. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> The funny will be the folks who didn't get the memo and run around in circles and lose camp anyway. =)


This actually happened to me last night and I couldn't stop laughing. I pretended to chase them a bit just to distract them from the fact that I was still capping the camp, and after it was capped they just stopped and stared at me for a second then ran off. Kinda wish I had recorded it.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> Yes, it's harder to kill someone on a mount - that's a given. They can move away quicker than ~~someone~~ a non-ganker-class on foot - what a surprise!


It seems you are confusing "ganker" with "everyone who is better at this game than you"

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