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It's time for Asura expansion!


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So, like an underground expansion?


I mean, the race has only really been on the surface for about 250+ years, so nothing really happening there that we can't see already in LS.


I'm envisioning a journey to the center of the earth world, where the core of tyria is a "sun" and there is a jungle with dinosaurs and other fantastic beasts.


[https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Asura](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Asura "https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Asura")

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> @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> Charr seem the most likely for the next one, I wouldn't mind an Asura one. Norn I wouldn't find interesting, to me they're just boring.


If we get char we will go Blood Legion Homelands. This isn't so bad but you won't see underground levels and any vertical progression maps which can be developed for ASURA exp. Blood Legion Homelands will be very much similar to PoF. Maybe they will make it a little bit harder and with similar meta events as HoT, but still these narrow terrain there won't offer any vertical progression. While with ASURA we can go deeper towards the core and explore things that we haven't seen anywhere in Tyria.


> @"derd.6413" said:

> i'd say asura have the least things going for them in regards to xpac story possibilities. the only 2 things i can think of is the inquest doing a repeat of the Crucible of Eternity story or some out of left field contrivance


That is the point, the unknown will let ANET bring whatever they want. We just know about 2-3 things, but there are so many unknown that can twist the story.


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> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > i'd say asura have the least things going for them in regards to xpac story possibilities. the only 2 things i can think of is the inquest doing a repeat of the Crucible of Eternity story or some out of left field contrivance


> That is the point, the unknown will let ANET bring whatever they want. We just know about 2-3 things, but there are so many unknown that can twist the story.



gonna disappoint you but most ppl don't like contrivances to drive the plot

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> If we get char we will go Blood Legion Homelands. This isn't so bad but you won't see underground levels and any vertical progression maps which can be developed for ASURA exp. Blood Legion Homelands will be very much similar to PoF. Maybe they will make it a little bit harder and with similar meta events as HoT, but still these narrow terrain there won't offer any vertical progression. While with ASURA we can go deeper towards the core and explore things that we haven't seen anywhere in Tyria.


As interesting as they'd be, I think underground zones would be difficult to do for a few reasons.


Firstly, with how things are currently coded and based off of developer comments over the years, these new underground zones would have to be in new places. You can't just slap them where pre-existing zones are, because of the world map situation. They've made comments quite a few times (particularly when talking about the original Lake Doric and why it got scrapped) that overlapping zones on the world map is a huge pain in code. It causes all sorts of issues, namely art-based ones.


Because of this, why have *just* an underground map and no surface? You'd be limiting what you could really show off.


Second issue is the water level. Every map has a static water level that covers the entire zone. Any underground zone would have to be above this water table, but if you're showing off part of the surface too, you can't have water up there (at least none you can swim in), otherwise any tunnel beneath that becomes flooded. It constrains design a bit, and I think that's why we don't have such an extensive tunnel system in current zones unless the areas are high up. This hurts your "verticality" of underground zones.


As an aside, I don't see why the Blood Legion Homelands must be without vertical progression or must be similar to PoF maps. I mean, HoT maps were with verticality, so why couldn't the Blood Legion Homelands and Blazeridge Mountains be as well? We've not explored them except for that small portion to the north (which isn't even the heart of Blood Legion Homelands, which lies to the east).


>> i'd say asura have the least things going for them in regards to xpac story possibilities. the only 2 things i can think of is the inquest doing a repeat of the Crucible of Eternity story or some out of left field contrivance

> That is the point, the unknown will let ANET bring whatever they want. We just know about 2-3 things, but there are so many unknown that can twist the story.


We know next to nothing about the last to the east of the Blazeridge, except that it is charr lands. We know next to nothing about the far north, or the norn; we know more about the asura than we know about the norn.


We know the asura had six citadel cities in the underground, among them include the Central Transfer Chamber and Quora Sum, all of which got overrun by the destroyers. They had an extensive network of asura gates that spanned Central Tyria's underground, from Ascalon to the Tarnished Coast to the Far Shiverpeaks.


Besides, the asura homelands were flooded with the destroyers. That's pretty much your only plot there: Destroyers, destroyers, destroyers, and more destroyers. Maybe a ruined asuran city that's vastly outdated and with no useful knowledge or two. And it seems ArenaNet doesn't find that very enticing, since they moved Primordus out of those lands and to the Ring of Fire to put him to sleep.

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I too think the next expansion needs to be charr or norn orientated. I'd prefer the latter because they've really gotten the short end of the stick so far. Question is how and what.


There's plenty that could be done with charr however so even if i'd prefer norn, there's more material to work with for charr.

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Considering that the Far Shiverpeaks are right beside of the Blood Legion Homelands (or at least their GW1 maps), then ArenaNet could potentially dover a bit of both some norn and charr at the same time.


There are obviously a number of things that Norn could do in such an expansion. We still have the missing or unknown Spirits of the Wild to explore and resolve. What about Norn shapeshifting, which has mostly been dropped, forgotten, or increasingly left unused? We could learn about that. Or considering the importance of becoming a legend and preserving memory, then maybe the Norn could be uncovering lost lore and legends that were forgotten/lost/unknown about either their ancient past or even of their ancestors who were in the Far Shiverpeaks for Jormag.

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Also think the next expac will be Charr focused (unless it's Cantha and they just put the Charr Homelands/Eastern Ascalon in LWS5). I would think an Asura expac would be focused on Primordus and the Depths, but the story's nowhere near those at the moment, so, maybe in 2 or 3 expacs or LW seasons (if they keep going that far). Next elder dragon we're heading to at this point seems to be Bubbles to me.

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