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Upcoming Bonus Events

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> @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> This is what happens when you add loot accessible to 100% of the playerbase. You have to dilute the loot so hard otherwise you crash the market. I dont think anyone is actually complaining about the free extra loot. It's more about how impactful the loot feels to the individual player. Why even put in the effort if the loot is negligible to the individual? It's like if anet marketed a "bonus raid reward weekend" and only added 3 elder wood logs to each boss chest. Sure it's more loot but who cares? Why even spend the effort to type the forum announcement at that point?


This is kinda true.

For an individual there is simply no reason to try because the chances to get a super rare items are non-existent and there is nothing else worth the time.

Even T6 mats are too rare.

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Yeah, I'm not really happy with the design of this event.


The reward chest is pure RNG; there's a large chance that you'll get something useless, worth less than 2 silver (such as an Iron Ore), and a very small chance that you'll get something extremely valuable. It can reward immensely people who do it day and night over and over, while leaving more casual players with just a waste of time.


I would prefer something like this:


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Think I'd have preferred tokens to save and spend on loot from an npc. They could have re-run it 2-3 times a year so we can save up for cool things.


So no RNG. You know exactly what you can get and what you need to do in order to get it.


And I would have been happy if the rewards were less valuable things:


* An account-bound cosmetic item

* An Account Unlock (like a weapon unlock or something like that)

* T5 and T6 mats

* A transmutation charge


And so on. Instead of things that can be sold for 1.000 gold.

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How can you call the World Boss Event a bonus event? a bonus is in addition to something, this event promotes just doing the bosses over and over in hope you get something, which is unlikely. I have to invest a lot of time just for a chance to probably get nothing good. And good luck to anyone who needs help with something else in the game, cause you won't get any. There is so many players only doing the event that its a new farm, a bad one at that. This event had potential but the implementation is really bad and their ideas for future ones will only make the issues worse.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!


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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> I would prefer something like this:


> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Think I'd have preferred tokens to save and spend on loot from an npc. They could have re-run it 2-3 times a year so we can save up for cool things.


> So no RNG. You know exactly what you can get and what you need to do in order to get it.


I agree. The Mordrem Invasions did this, even included some gemstore skins and Season 1-only rewards as optional prizes. You'd do the Mordrem Invasions, get some tokens based on your progress, and go to the vendor when you got enough. Even if you had 1 token left, you could still buy something super common and cheap so no token got wasted.


While there were issues with the way participation was credited with the Mordrem Invasion event, and minor issues with the events themselves iirc, the reward structure itself was very well done, almost perfect even.


@"Chris Cleary.8017" speaking of Mordrem Invasions, would it be possible to bring that, or BWE finale events, back as part of these "bonus weeklong events"? Would be a nice addition alongside the "bonus rewards for always existing content" if there was some "rarely existing content" - like mini-festivals.

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!



Thanks for showing that you're reading the comments. Yes, I understand that one gets a PoRUG or a Rare drop, but it's still not worth all that much IMO unless you grind all day. A much higher chance of an Exotic drop would be nice, and sorry if that sounds greedy, just that I've seen enough "rare iron swords" and others of that ilk. Thanks again!

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!



The unid system has never been great but a random rare unid is largely unnoticeable in the pile. Yes you can ectos but they long since lost any real value given their ease to obtain. GW2s loot system is weighted towards random trash you convert to better things. Players often just want to go straight to those better things.


Still, it’s just a bonus week. It doesn’t need overthinking. It just highlights a bit too much the need for a better reward system and the way beyond desp need to sort the visual noise pollution out and not add to it (one day I’ll see the character model for Taidha...)

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> @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> This is what happens when you add loot accessible to 100% of the playerbase. You have to dilute the loot so hard otherwise you crash the market. I dont think anyone is actually complaining about the free extra loot. It's more about how impactful the loot feels to the individual player. Why even put in the effort if the loot is negligible to the individual? It's like if anet marketed a "bonus raid reward weekend" and only added 3 elder wood logs to each boss chest. Sure it's more loot but who cares? Why even spend the effort to type the forum announcement at that point?


This is the main issue with loot in general in this game. There is a solution for events like this one though, it's called BtA. Tequatl skins are also rare but their rates are not so ridiculously low that you loose all hope of ever seeing one. I used to run Teq on the daily and I kept seeing the skins drop, pinged on chat from a zerg member, like every other day. I've been doing the same for various metas dropping infusions and I've yet to see one linked.

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!



That isn't enough, it ends up being 4 rares an hour as these bosses spawn 15 minutes apart and some of them can take up to 30 minutes per just doing pre-events + waiting around. That's hugely inefficient compared to almost any other PvE farm.

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please make all world bosses similar to raids and dungeons in that you can collect a map/boss currency and then purchase the unique skins. This doesn't require removing them from loot tables or anything, they can still be random drops but if we can eventually grind towards the skins we want it would feel far more rewarding

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Think I'd have preferred tokens to save and spend on loot from an npc. They could have re-run it 2-3 times a year so we can save up for cool things.

That sounds good except...


Right now, I feel as if the event is 100% optional. If I want to join the zerg and have some easy loot, I can.

However, if the same rewards were available for X tokens, I'd feel enormous pressure to farm like crazy to collect X tokens as quickly as possible.

Obviously, there are a variety of compromises; there's no need to take one extreme or another.


As I've said elsewhere, I'd prefer to see more events with a larger mix of rewards rather than for each event to attempt to appeal to more people. For me, the most important benefit of that will be more people enthusiastic about something in the game, thus helping to refresh populations, which in turn makes the game more fun. That will be true even if I personally don't like any of the special events.



* More special events is more better, especially with a mix of rewards and reward structures.

* RNG is good for some people; tokens better for some.

* I like the idea of re-using existing content rather than creating new stuff .

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Tokens on top of RNG would be nice. The same tokens for all bonus events, something like an "event ticket" you can then, after participating in bonus events for a considerably long time, buy special rewards from a vendor with that you also can drop randomly from the chests.

With considerably I really mean, participating in 1/3 of all events for one year at an absolute minimum, so not to cheapen the RNG rewards... and make the bought versions accountbound to dissuade botters. They still can get the RNG version, sure... but the token version should be accountbound.


RNG in general is viewed less favourably nowadays. But imo a token only system has its downfalls as well. A mixed system gives you that lootbox feeling, that - lets be honest here - is very much a part of gaming, while it also offers a goal to work towards - which also is part of especially MMOs.

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This event reasserts the need for a good breakbar tutorial. Too many people in these boss events for like the shatterer just plain don't know what a breakbar is even though anet has intended for us to use them as part of the boss fight mechanics. That's on anet to fix because we can try to make informative forum posts or use map chat to attempt to instruct people on what to do, but many players never view the forums, never look at chat. So we need something in the tutorial to address what is such a common mechanic in the game. It's about as important as dodging, and dodging has a tutorial (even though it's a badly implemented side tutorial that these same players who don't care about improving skip)


You changed the new player experience and tutorials before taking out the downed state tutorial, you can do it again.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > I would prefer something like this:

> >

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > Think I'd have preferred tokens to save and spend on loot from an npc. They could have re-run it 2-3 times a year so we can save up for cool things.

> >

> > So no RNG. You know exactly what you can get and what you need to do in order to get it.


> I agree. The Mordrem Invasions did this, even included some gemstore skins and Season 1-only rewards as optional prizes. You'd do the Mordrem Invasions, get some tokens based on your progress, and go to the vendor when you got enough. Even if you had 1 token left, you could still buy something super common and cheap so no token got wasted.


> While there were issues with the way participation was credited with the Mordrem Invasion event, and minor issues with the events themselves iirc, the reward structure itself was very well done, almost perfect even.


> @"Chris Cleary.8017" speaking of Mordrem Invasions, would it be possible to bring that, or BWE finale events, back as part of these "bonus weeklong events"? Would be a nice addition alongside the "bonus rewards for always existing content" if there was some "rarely existing content" - like mini-festivals.


Expressing my support for this. :) I think the token system would work a lot better for not just these weekly bonus events, but also for the regular festivals like Wintersday and Halloween. What's ended up happening is that you get tons of worthless chaff (like tonics), and a very few rare "you won the lottery!" items, so you wind up with players who go "This event is pointless, I get nothing but junk!" and the rare few who get lucky and wind up with thousands of gold.


What I think needs to be done is to provide a bridge between the two types of loot. First, put in a token system so that all of the event items, even the rarest ones like infusions (or in the case of world bosses, unique stuff like the Sunless weapons), can be purchased for tokens. Now, if we're keeping the same drop tables so that tonics etc. remain plentiful loot and drop most of the time, change it so they can also be traded back to the vendor for tokens. Thus, no loot becomes "worthless", because they can ultimately be turned into tokens and used to purchase the rare stuff. Players can still get that "OMG lucky drop!" feeling from the stuff that drops directly, but if they can't, they can farm up or buy items to turn into tokens to get what they want.

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I did the event this morning. Got at1 mat and a rare unid. I thought. Not worth. Went and did other things. Later today a friend wanted to do it so we went and spent 2 hours with a zerg. Got about a hundred ectos total(from all loot not just bonuses). I was pleased. He got a tequatl chest. I got some Shatterer achievement and FINALLY OMG. Got the kill the things in 20 seconds Shadow Behemoth achievement.


We won't be doing this 24-7 because once you don't get the regular loot it isn't worth but when you ADD regular loot PLUS the bonus boxes plus the mat gathering while waiting totes worth.


Liking this event way more than I thought I would.

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Opened 37 boxes, got no rares or super rares, which I fully expected, in fact I fully expect the drop rates to be even less than their regular rates.

I think a couple more things should have been included in the rare section and maybe up that drop rate. I mean toxic spore skin is the only items in the rare section, really?

Other than that, the extra work and waiting around for a rare unid and some mats? Not worth the effort, don't think I'll bother farming rest of the week.

Good luck to those that bother.


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I was looking forward to the boss week event and the loot is fine. As others have pointed out, making the rare loot more common robs it of what makes it desirable. The same ppl complaining that they don't want another rare would be complaining about getting exotics too if they dropped all the time. I like the token idea, but it would only really work if the tokens continued to be available over time like the black lion statuettes. But like I said the rewards aren't my problem . . .


My main disappointment has been with my own expectations. I was anticipating the boss week as an excuse to go back and do some old content that I used to play all the time and feeling some nostalgia from that experience. But the nostalgia hasn't been there for me so far, it still just feels like old content I used to do . . .


I know anet said all these bonus events won't just be about adding rewards, but may also involve altering the game's parameters for a week just to mix things up. I'm never going to complain about extra loots, but I think it's the events of the second, game altering type that will ultimately prove more rewarding . . .


EDIT: Okay, I did the matrix key thing while waiting on FE tonight and that did bring back some of the nostalgia I was expecting :)

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I think a big reason why I don't bother at all with meta events and worldbosses in general is the pointlessness of zerging a huge hitbox with 1-2 attacks, pressing 1 like every other chap and waiting for that 0.0001% drop to happen


I mean, doing shatterer doesn't feel epic or anything, you either get in an aoe because you were brain afk pressing 1 and get rezzed or you don't, there's almost no chance the fight fails and tbh last time I had to do one of these events I just hit the boss once or twice then afk'd until it was over


Some content I really love is raids, I mean, I usually do them 3-4times a week, even after I am capped on LIs and Magnetite and there's no chance I get anything rewarding, because they actually make me engage in the game

Some other content that has crazy amounts of participation is silverwastes (or istan, I guess) farming. This time because even though it's super easy, you get really good rewards from doing it


WB don't give any of those two feelings, and the event, while a great idea, isn't adressing this issue, it instead adds more ultra niche rng possibly maybe leet rare loot to some content which is already all about that


I was kind of hyped, but frankly I don't think I'll engage much more in the event :/

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!



The Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is okay ... if it didn't take ~15minutes. If this is meant to bring WBs to be on par with some other content that that would be okay. If this is meant to be an extra thing .... not so much.


Speaking of the rare ... a 2g back item skin is pretty disappointing for its rarity.

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I’m enjoying the world boss event so far and look forward to any events focusing on HoT meta! Perhaps I picked the perfect time to start the first collection for Raven! B)


I also love the suggestions for fractals and dungeons! Dungeons are in great need of more relevant rewards — I’d even be happy with more tokens as I’m working on collecting all the armor and weapons. For fractals, extra awards would be great, but some crazy fun with instabilities reversed or randomly afflicting the enemies instead of us sounds like crazy fun! =)

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