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Losing motivation to press forward...again... WHAT made GW2 no fun?

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Returned from 2 years afk, and have same BAD feeling again.


Finished POF main story, mastery requires no achievement is better, at least do not need to repeat gain.


New maps are still very crual to PPF warrior, after giving up some so-called solo missions, switched to dire/trailblazer set.


Entered Domain of vabbi, as many times, know there will no improvement of my character, finishing Elon riverland and The desolation with 20+ deaths but received trash rewards.


As curiousness gone, feel POF is still like what before. There is nothing new could attract me to spend a lot times.


Like a story I know the end at begining, even new maps let me feel no fun to explore...

**Is it means I may AFK for another expansion, and if something will changed?**

**WHAT made GW2(pof) no fun but bounty run?**



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When I read the title, I felt I could relate to the feeling of disappointment... But once I realized _what_ caused your dismay, I no longer felt the connection. ;)


Dying often should encourage you to investigate the reason for your frequent deaths in story missions and even open world areas. Buying Dire stats won't help you, it will only drag on fights longer than necessary.


The solution is to learn the game's fight mechanics, avoid as much damage as possible, and deal as much damage as possible. Movement and the right equipment are key to this.


What profession did you play PoF with? Perhaps I can provide a couple of helpful links.

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Only you can answer that question. Judging by people I interact with and other posters here on the forum, some people keep playing and some move on to another game until more content comes out, and others keep playing what is offered. I'm sure there are as many motives as there are players.

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players have different reasons why they play GW2.


for me, at first it was to group up and enjoy playing with each other. it even extended to seeing their real faces (in pics) and listening to their voices via a facebook guild group page and the usual comms.


but times go by, either they go to the uni and become a doctor or some good profession. others will log on sparingly until they log off for a long long time or permanently coz of maybe they have a family to be with or they can't allocate their time to gaming anymore.


and from there, you have to pause from being social coz the age bracket is widening as influx of new players come in (30+ year old playing with 18-19 and push that a little back further like if you're 36, it's 25 year olds playing with 8 year olds, which are not even related to you like a niece or a nephew which is the child of your sister/bro/cousin which is fine and the prior, super awkward). you cannot relate to their memes and even their music anymore. (it is comparable to a bachelor suddenly entered priesthood coz of a calling or he wants to retreat and try a different unusual environment.)


and playing this game will open new avenues when you're doing it alone and you see other players doing their thing. it's like you, sitting on a park alone and you see people doing their stuff, squirrels climbing up trees, buildings flashing billboards, buses passing by, conversations and sounds and bristles of basically everything what you see.


with the Living Stories, dungeons, Areas to explore, WvWvW, guildnames and tags of people in WvWvW or in a Town, npc names, npcs movements, player names, player movements, their armor art choices, the armor art of the npcs, etc., etc., you can find a thread connecting all of those and with flipping of what you think are markers on that thread, you can and will see "something". it's like bending reality and seeing something.


and from that, you can either capitalize on that to do something like poems, songs, short stories, art, meme, etc. if other artists do drugs to take inspiration, you can play the game and make it an inspiration for your artistic hobbies (or maybe you can infuse some drugs too, like nicotine, lel.).


to visualize what i'm saying, watch the video below..




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> @"Milady.1593" said:

> Returned from 2 years afk, and have same BAD feeling again.

It's unlikely for a game to evolve so that someone returning after 2 years is _more_ likely to enjoy the game. The more common scenario is when the leaver comes back because they remember what they liked about playing.


There's nothing wrong with playing X years and then never returning. You got what you wanted/needed from the original playthroughs and now you're looking for something this game doesn't offer.


We could guess at what's missing from GW2 (or what GW2 has too much of), from your point of view. I think it might be more productive to try other games and see if you can compare/contrast what you do/don't like.

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i've said this to ppl many times. learn to raid... it will make everything else in the game seem like a piece of cake. no its not becuz im innately good at mmo's.

b4, i only played engineer, and struggled with Mai fractals.

after learning to raid, i now can do fractals with 1 hand. story missions, i can do with my eyes closed.


also it's time to expand your horizons. warrior isn't a class i would pick for story or open world exploration. the classes that are best to do those are probably Necromancers, rangers or something that can help you "tank", negate damage, cleanse conditions and also gives you heals.


but if u must use warrior, then bring endure pain, a shield, use the signet that reduce 10% damage, bring condi cleanse, auto condi cleanse, the heal that heals 12,000 hp... i mean... the list goes on...


u can only get better if you experiment and is willing to learn... if u give up then obviously u going to die 20x and then lose motivations.

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Because anet doesn't want us replaying content.


The rewards for repeating something like a dungeon/fractal/meta more than once a day or raid bosses/WvW tickets more than once a week are so abysmally bad that if feels like you're being punished for wanting to do it again.


And then we have collections which will make you do a thing once EVER, and then be done with it.


You can play how you want (as long as you dont)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> When I read the title, I felt I could relate to the feeling of disappointment... But once I realized _what_ caused your dismay, I no longer felt the connection. ;)


> Dying often should encourage you to investigate the reason for your frequent deaths in story missions and even open world areas. Buying Dire stats won't help you, it will only drag on fights longer than necessary.


> The solution is to learn the game's fight mechanics, avoid as much damage as possible, and deal as much damage as possible. Movement and the right equipment are key to this.


> What profession did you play PoF with? Perhaps I can provide a couple of helpful links.


This! I relate to the title, but OP's reasons seem a bit small... I mean, you die, you learn... Each of my character has died at least a thousand deaths, and i play them better for it, since i tend not to repeat the same mistakes.

Answering the question: For the OP it seems that the game is unfun because OP doesn't want to evolve, and learn and progress...

Me, i feel the opposite... Guild Wars 2 became creatively stagnant... Don't get me wrong, the living world's story is pretty good for a MMORPG, and i'm following it religiously. BUT the rest of the game is stale, since HoT they stopped innovating, sure mounts were nice, but we could tell since HoT they'd be the next big thing for the second expansion... And since then, it's been pretty much the same cookie cutter releases, if they weren't so tardy all the time, you could set a clock to their releases and pretty much guess 90% of their content... There's always a new map, a new currency, a new stat, some new gear, a bunch of achievements, some map dailies, and everything is self-contained and boring outside of the story.

Gone were the days when anything could happen on the next episode, they could completely change the look of a map, expand the size of another one, they'd add small changes to the map to signify the progress of the dragons (remember the vines creeping up to waypoints?)

All that is gone, because they're treating us like we have ADHD and can't hold our attention into something that isn't new and shiny... I'm still waiting for map reworks, core tyria bounties, for the goddamn replayable season 1. I'd trade several episodes or a whole season just to be able to replay season 1 stuff.

Where's more worlds for SAB? Nowhere, since the guy that created the whole thing was laid off...


GW2 spent 4 years just going through the motions... Now there's been some stirrings after the lay-offs... I'm hoping for good things, but not holding my breath.

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Play meta builds and destroy those mobs?

I came back to Gw2 after leaving it after completing world map completion 100%. And 6 months ago I came back after seeing the griffon mount, the griffon became my sole mission and the rest was secondary. I completed pof story with a core engi with gear all over the place. In time I geared up my build to be able to do fractals and bit by bit I became wiser and stronger. Ask questions learn the game and become godlike

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In the same boat. Returned recently. Took a long break cause did not like the way HoT was marketed to existing players. Returned recently. Got HoT with PoF **on sale**. Finished up the main story with those. Extremely disappointed associated living stories were not included with the purchase along with no character slots. With the 2 Level 80 Boosts stuck in my shared inventory slot . Cant help but feel there are gaps in the story line now. Defiantly not worth grinding 70g ingame to acquire each missing episodes.


Which leaves me to my other issue. My endgame enjoyment. Used to love doing WvW. But to my dismay everyone is running around on mounts trolling around with a free extra 10k health. Basically everyone is running around like a mobile necro's. Tried it for a bit tho was disappointed about it. But stuck it out a bit to get my mount thinking it will improve when I had a mount too. Gave it a good go with the mount. Nope, game play did not improve. (well it improved the large scale zerg's) Disappointed, I left WvW. Enjoyed the open world pvp feel it used to offer over pvp.


Now I don't know what to do. Which leaves me to my first issue. My idea of end game meta is not zerging around the same Silverwaste map doing events to earn gold (because all the other gold earning map zerg's were nerfed) to just acquire short living story episodes. Nor is doing dungen's or raid's. There fine every once in a while, but in the end there boring to run end on end. Legendary grind isn't worth it to me when I can make multiple ascended stat items much much cheaper.


So what is there for me to do?

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> When I read the title, I felt I could relate to the feeling of disappointment... But once I realized _what_ caused your dismay, I no longer felt the connection. ;)


> Dying often should encourage you to investigate the reason for your frequent deaths in story missions and even open world areas. Buying Dire stats won't help you, it will only drag on fights longer than necessary.


> The solution is to learn the game's fight mechanics, avoid as much damage as possible, and deal as much damage as possible. Movement and the right equipment are key to this.


> What profession did you play PoF with? Perhaps I can provide a couple of helpful links.


Sounds very well, but it actually changed everything.

Berserker zerker warrior, PPF gears obviously countered by the CCs/ numbers of mobs on new maps.

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> @"Milady.1593" said:

> Sounds very well, but it actually changed everything.


Well, if it changed everything, where's the problem?


> Berserker zerker warrior, PPF gears obviously countered by the CCs/ numbers of mobs on new maps.


https://metabattle.com/wiki/Warrior - All the mentioned open world builds there are more than capable of killing mobs before they can kill you; also interrupt or block, and avoid AoE.



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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Milady.1593" said:

> > Sounds very well, but it actually changed everything.


> Well, if it changed everything, where's the problem?


> > Berserker zerker warrior, PPF gears obviously countered by the CCs/ numbers of mobs on new maps.


> https://metabattle.com/wiki/Warrior - All the mentioned open world builds there are more than capable of killing mobs before they can kill you; also interrupt or block, and avoid AoE.



I ran PoF on a Power Berserker. Berserker armor, marauder's trinkets. GS and Mace/shield. Died a few times, but not that often. I also run 5 different CC's so I can normally solo just about any breakbar. I've map completed every open world map in the game on this character. If I was to go back and do it all over again, I'd probably main either my reaper or my scourge. But I started with the warrior and I will finish with the warrior. And then come back and replay it on one of my other toons.


In short, if you're having problems, look at your equipment and build. If you're not having fun, change to a different toon.

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> @"Milady.1593" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > When I read the title, I felt I could relate to the feeling of disappointment... But once I realized _what_ caused your dismay, I no longer felt the connection. ;)

> >

> > Dying often should encourage you to investigate the reason for your frequent deaths in story missions and even open world areas. Buying Dire stats won't help you, it will only drag on fights longer than necessary.

> >

> > The solution is to learn the game's fight mechanics, avoid as much damage as possible, and deal as much damage as possible. Movement and the right equipment are key to this.

> >

> > What profession did you play PoF with? Perhaps I can provide a couple of helpful links.


> Sounds very well, but it actually changed everything.

> Berserker zerker warrior, PPF gears obviously countered by the CCs/ numbers of mobs on new maps.


Just going to put this out there ... Warrior is one of the most sustainable classes and well equipped to deal with the CC's and numbers of mobs you are seeing on new maps.

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Sounds me like you've run out of 'new experiences'.

I know how that feels, but that's the time you have to consider 'what got me to love the game, and can i get it back?'


You have to find something to do, a long term goal. Like, insane.

For me, i set the goal i wanted to make a real _destroyer_ character. Given that heavy Hellfire armour is currently the only realistic option that gives me a *lot* of work to do.

But i don't grind days on end. I log in when I feel like it.


And I try to balance it with other games inbetween.

These days I'm not even playing much due to moving and construction work.

But generally, i try get a low profile long term goal, anything simple to fill the time between releases.



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> @"Obtena.7952" said:


> Just going to put this out there ... Warrior is one of the most sustainable classes and well equipped to deal with the CC's and numbers of mobs you are seeing on new maps.


Totally agreed. If your warrior is dying and that's why you're sick of the game, that's all on you. Warrior is one of the most forgiving classes to play, you just either lack the ability to play it at the minimal level necessary, or are just insisting on mixing weird trait and gear choices that are not synergizing with warrior's many strengths. I really didn't want this to sound as critical as it does, but there's just no other way to put it. Warrior puts so many good tools at your fingertips for the new content, and constant death just means you can't/haven't bothered to adapt.



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