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The 10 most common errors and misconceptions of Conquest PvP


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1. if you win, it is because you alone have successfully carried your team to victory as you are the best player in every match or at least in your team. Everyone else just cannot compete with your incredible skill.

2. if you lose, it is only because of your teammates are bad or win-trading. It is never because of the build you brought, team compositions or your own game play.

3. when you are 1v2 and your team still loses, there is nothing you could have done differently and it’s completely unacceptable that the best player of the opposing team might be capable to beat or stall 2 of the weaker players in your team too.

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> You only get offense from standing on and contesting it. Stand on a node some one already owns and not changing it to yours doesn't give you offense points.


I'm pretty sure you get offense points by standing on a node that your team **doesn't** own whether it is contested or not, and **you don't need to fully capture it.** Easy to test, click into your scoreboard as you capture a node, and you will see your points start to rise before you fully capture. And as far as the defensive points, you get those as you stand on a node your team owns that is being contested.


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Any suggestions on hard capping a close point or not when the enemy has a thief?


What I mean is that you or a ally stays at the close point (unless the entire enemy team is coming)

And stays there as long as possible because If they leave the enemy team (Thief) will insta delete/cap your point

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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> Any suggestions on hard capping a close point or not when the enemy has a thief?


If you already own far and mid - leaving it neutral is perfectly fine meaning you can kinda leave it and the opposite team will have to 4v5 when they want it.


If you only have 1 cap on the board, leaving it neutral is fine as long as your team are in the score lead. However you should have a roamer or duelist watch for contestion and hover around it to stop it going to the other team.


If you have no caps whatsoever, cap it only if you intend to hold it. If not send one of your duelists instead.


Having a thief on the opposing team is kinda irrelevant as you should always have either a duelist guarding your close point, or a roamer looking out for it and contesting until you get someone more tanky on it to defend. Never ever should your roamer or teamfighters be solely in charge of your close point. If your duelist is of the "rush far" type then you guys are fighting a 4v3 in mid (1v1 at far point, enemy thief going for a close point decap) which you should be able to win and snowball from, if not that duelist need to try holding close instead where he can get the occasional help easier.


Basically not holding your close capped will 8/10 times put you at a disadvantage. Better safe than sorry unless you know the players on your team.

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Its funny you'd mention thief going home.

I usually initially cap home while playing my ranger and suggest the third goes elsewhere. My initial burst of mobility isn't all that much worse off than a thief's. If there's a thief on my team that feels confident as a duelist and wants to go far I totally support them.


What happens most often is I'll get a free cap on home and our team will outnumber the middle point as multiple of the enemy team see the thief pushing their home and go after him/her. This often results in a successful cap of home and mid.

If 4 enemy push mid (or 3 mid and 1 to me at my team's home) the thief can often force a decap/stalemate on far often forcing the enemy team to send back support to deal with it. That thief also has the option to pull out whenever it wants, and if multiple enemy players are running around their third of the map that's a win for our team.


As for camping on a node, as a ranger I _love_ it when players camp the node. That means they're not smacking me. If someone wants to stand on a node and let me free cast on them, great! This happens curiously often in the initial stages of a game when an enemy is trying to force a cap on our home. (At least in high gold). Beyond rare situations the only time I'll camp a node by myself is if I'm in a 1v1 with another ranger. That said, I gave up on trying to 1v1 warriors or either of the engineer elite specs for a node. They can have it, I'll go +1 something that's actually susceptible to power damage and then out-mobility them back for the decap. >.>


I've won matchups where we've better half of our fights because the thief has astounding map awareness and is stellar at keeping nodes de-capped (and full capped while the team fight is happening).


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Its funny you'd mention thief going home.


> I've won matchups where we've better half of our fights because the thief has astounding map awareness and is stellar at keeping nodes de-capped (and full capped while the team fight is happening).


> ~ Kovu


Yeh these thieves always manage to make it very annoying if you even leave your point for a millisecond....

Then he blinks away towards mid/far and goes on poking and destroying my allies....

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I don’t get this one. You say it’s a misconception to not push far and then claim a thief, especially s/d, cannot 1v1 even though s/d thief is one of the best brawler thief builds of all time.... that’s just backwards from the get go. But let’s just say I completely disagree that these are the misconceptions of pvp; the analysis itself is incredibly shallow and seems to be here-say.

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The thread is almost a year old and things have changed. However, SD thief is still not a good duelist, its only good matchups are Mesmer and Rev. With the SP build the situation has obviously changed, but as I said, the thread is several months old and doesn't reflect the newest meta. Either way, in most situations you still want the thief roaming and not wasting its mobility to cap close, despite thief having become a bit more flexible concerning 1v1s with the SP build. Also, most points like not facetanking on node still stand, and I still read "fight on points" in every 3rd game....

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> The thread is almost a year old and things have changed. However, SD thief is still not a good duelist, its only good matchups are Mesmer and Rev. With the SP build the situation has obviously changed, but as I said, the thread is several months old and doesn't reflect the newest meta. Either way, in most situations you still want the thief roaming and not wasting its mobility to cap close, despite thief having become a bit more flexible concerning 1v1s with the SP build. Also, most points like not facetanking on node still stand, and I still read "fight on points" in every 3rd game....


Not a good duelist sure why not because a duelist needs to hopefully hold a node even during a plus, but this isn’t equal to saying a thief build cannot 1v1. Sp also isn’t great as a “duelist” but it is still a good brawler though it can ezily loses 1v1s to other thief builds. Thief is economic usually with lots of mobility but claiming because of this it should never 1v1 or cap a node is just adding to misconceptions.


I admit sometimes my advice to new players on thief is sometimes not to 1v1 much but this is usually due to their lack of feel for the class not because it’s a discription even close to accurate for thief’s role...

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The one that gets me is

I'm downed, enemy player is down...teammate decides to cleave enemy player instead of finishing quickly so I get the rally. Enemy teammate kills me quickly rallying downed enemy teammate who both then wiped out my teammate.

I had this happen in a match last night. When I pointed it out to my teammate, I was told to shut up and got blocked.

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> @"Abraxxus.8971" said:

> The one that gets me is

> I'm downed, enemy player is down...teammate decides to cleave enemy player instead of finishing quickly so I get the rally. Enemy teammate kills me quickly rallying downed enemy teammate who both then wiped out my teammate.

> I had this happen in a match last night. When I pointed it out to my teammate, I was told to shut up and got blocked.


mes and thief can't be stomped (easily), not all classes can safe stomp or have limited options to do so - cleave is mostly better option especially larger fights


considering you write as in singular teammate i assume it was a 2v2 which was basically lost because you died - not because your teammate couldnt finish down faster

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

>and I still read "fight on points" in every 3rd game....


Normal, if ur teammates fights out point while yours ennemies have one or two and contest another one.


Normal, if ur team mates chases an enemy and the enemy thief's capping points 1 after 1.


Normal when your mates fight at "Tranq" 4 vs 2 and you are alone vs 3 trying to hold at least 1 point.....


This point is very situational regardeless of the division ;)


You can't control ppl judgement, they have to know when to fight at point and when to go away.....



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Another that gets me is...

We're winning by 100+ points...and I guess the team thinks "These are guys are pushovers!" and runs off in every direction leaving me to defend mid by myself and I watch them get picked off one by one and suddenly the map has flipped and we're losing and the team is panicking and we can never recover and I'm left shaking my head. Seen that happen too many times.

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