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Live Skyscale preview tomorrow

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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> We won't be talking about skyscale acquisition today. We'll talk some about design, show off what it looks like dyed vs undyed, and give you a "flying lesson" so you'll have a headstart on understanding how it maneuvers, how the masteries work, and what makes it different from other mounts. I think you all will enjoy what we have to show!


I'm hyped to see this.

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> @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

> Tell us about some of the skins we'll get!


You know how they were saying they wanted the default look to not step on Aurene's toes or to look branded? Branded Skyscale is probably out. There's a countless number of directions they could go with it though. I'd bet on a more blatant snake/crocodile motif.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> > We won't be talking about skyscale acquisition today. We'll talk some about design, show off what it looks like dyed vs undyed, and give you a "flying lesson" so you'll have a headstart on understanding how it maneuvers, how the masteries work, and what makes it different from other mounts. I think you all will enjoy what we have to show!


> OK, thanks. Good to know. Perhaps something in the acquisition would indeed spoil something about the story or map, so I get it.


Not to mention,if they did say how, a bunch of boneheads would start buying up any common items and jacking the prices up.

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hm, to be honest, the usage looks kind of clunky and... I can't even see how this mount would be useful at all. It can't fly, just hover over one spot. Go forward? you go down. Meh. It can't climb. All it is good for is idling in a spot where you are save from PoF mobs.


Maybe it will be fun, but after the video I have a hard time getting excited about it.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> hm, to be honest, the usage looks kind of clunky and... I can't even see how this mount would be useful at all. It can't fly, just hover over one spot. Go forward? you go down. Meh. It can't climb. All it is good for is idling in a spot where you are save from PoF mobs.


> Maybe it will be fun, but after the video I have a hard time getting excited about it.


The wing flaps gain a lot of height, so it can be useful for that. Also the rift mechanic introduced through the second mastery seems to have a unique reward that might be useful for something.

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Please remove the death zones from map edges! They break immersion more than reaching the stutter zone at map edges. Given the new mount movement capabilities players shouldn't die just because they wonder to close to a map edge or want to explore the many wonderful areas at map edges with the new mount. Verdant Brink at Shipwreck WP is a good example.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> hm, to be honest, the usage looks kind of clunky and... I can't even see how this mount would be useful at all. It can't fly, just hover over one spot. Go forward? you go down. Meh. It can't climb. All it is good for is idling in a spot where you are save from PoF mobs.


Same here.


Looks like it can go up a lot - notice in the video how they easily got up a ledge they struggled to climb with the Springer.


But, at the same time, looks like the Skyscale flies in an area like a very sharp triangle, so it can go up a lot, but can't move forward a lot. Considering how people move horizontaly a lot more often than vertically (see the usage of Raptor vs Springer), this feels of very limited utility.


I'll wait until I can use it myself in game to make a judgment, but for now I'm not as excited as I was about this mount.


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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> hm, to be honest, the usage looks kind of clunky and... I can't even see how this mount would be useful at all. It can't fly, just hover over one spot. Go forward? you go down. Meh. It can't climb. All it is good for is idling in a spot where you are save from PoF mobs.


> Maybe it will be fun, but after the video I have a hard time getting excited about it.


I honestly think that the mount would be good if they tweak the rate of altitude decay so that it doesn't disappear as fast.


Now, the real question is if they're going to release an Aurene skin.

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I am not sure what to think about it after the preview and I'm definitely not as excited as I was before.

I had my issues with griffon and I mainly prefer using Raptor/Jackal mounts when it comes to travel.


My thoughts on Griffon:

- Feels clunky and 'skippy' when it constantly falls/drops on the ground, making that 'thud' sound and it keeps repeating especially as you 'climb' the smaller ledges with it, somewhat giving clunky impression of the game overall, I know all my friends went a bit surprised seeing that griffon can't properly fly and that it keeps falling down.

- It's fast and fun to use when you gain altitude and just soar down; making you skip through a lot already.


My thoughts on Skyscale:

- Very, very slow.

- Limited with flying and 'energy' , it will drop too soon.

- Limited with ledge climbing, energy does get wasted pretty fast and I can imagine how annoying this can be if players climb up quite high and run out of energy, having to go all the way down. (That's how it works, yup?)

- Worst of all is that ledge climbing doesn't regenerate your energy at all. Imo it should allow you to regenerate and keep going, at least it would add to fun factor.


The way I see Skyscale is quite clunky and annoying to use; I have yet to test it in game, but I feel it is one of those mounts I'll probably rarely/never use, unless just for skin.

When I saw it flying I really thought it could actually fly, with some energy wasting while doing so. It's just yet another griffon, but a ton clunkier and slower.

A lot of mounts already put others to shade, I feel Skyscale having the ability to fly for X amount of time before dropping down would have been fine as long as griffon would stay the fastest flier. I personally find flying enjoyable and feel that it could be achieved in a proper way in GW2 without making other mounts useless or 'skipping through' things too easily.

Fatigue/limit, slow flying, collections/masteries required to unlock it would have made Skyscale better imo. As I said, no permanent flying, but longer staying in the air than griffon, just slower.

Skyscale could also have some active mastery that allows you to fly high and soar and enjoy, before it expires and makes you start losing energy again.

I am not too fond of those 'collectible' air things as it again limits you from actually enjoying and focusing on scenery and sights.

Mind you, when flying my goal is to enjoy scenery and take amazing screenshots, look for some hidden places and have fun in the game.

Can freely say I am a bit disappointed with Skyscale, but eh...it could be just me in any case; felt I should just provide some feedback.


Anyway, amazing design for the dragon as always, fantastic job art team!

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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> We won't be talking about skyscale acquisition today. We'll talk some about design, show off what it looks like dyed vs undyed, and give you a "flying lesson" so you'll have a headstart on understanding how it maneuvers, how the masteries work, and what makes it different from other mounts. I think you all will enjoy what we have to show!


I could hardly believe it was revealed how many mastery points it would take. OCD me was worrying if I would have enough. Thanks!!!


BTW, made sure to leave work early so I could watch this.

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > hm, to be honest, the usage looks kind of clunky and... I can't even see how this mount would be useful at all. It can't fly, just hover over one spot. Go forward? you go down. Meh. It can't climb. All it is good for is idling in a spot where you are save from PoF mobs.


> Same here.


> Looks like it can go up a lot - notice in the video how they easily got up a ledge they struggled to climb with the Springer.


> But, at the same time, looks like the Skyscale flies in an area like a very sharp triangle, so it can go up a lot, but can't move forward a lot. Considering how people move horizontaly a lot more often than vertically (see the usage of Raptor vs Springer), this feels of very limited utility.


> I'll wait until I can use it myself in game to make a judgment, but for now I'm not as excited as I was about this mount.



Yeah, from what was being said before the tradeoff of going up was you could not go as fast (helicopter vs jet) and I was cool with that. After the vid it looks crippled in other ways too. I am still looking forward to it but my excitement is certainly reduced.

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a slow hovering mount, not being able to be as fast or as high as griffon, but instead able to just go cross country at a decent speed, would have been really sweet. Infinite hovering, like the skimmer, but way higher. Not as fast as skimmer over water, or raptor/griffon over land.


But this... I can't imagine it being useful in any way outside of a map specifically designed for it.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> a slow hovering mount, not being able to be as fast or as high as griffon, but instead able to just go cross country at a decent speed, would have been really sweet. Infinite hovering, like the skimmer, but way higher. Not as fast as skimmer over water, or raptor/griffon over land.


> But this... I can't imagine it being useful in any way outside of a map specifically designed for it.


This. Hovering higher than Skimmer would have been PERFECT imo.

I honestly can't see its use anywhere, especially as it also has limited climbing.

I seriously hope ANet considers to tweak the 'mechanics' of the mount before releasing it.

Everyone loves dragons, but it would be a shame if it just got 'shoved' to the side with useless clunky movement and mechanics.

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