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Most of the Races are hard to look at


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> Save for Humans and Norn Women, Most of the Sylvari are ugly and have of bark for skin :# and the race is only 25 years old and for the other races, I do not want to look like an animal.

> Is ArenaNet going to include more races in the future?


...I mean, this comment is several months old, but still. What I'm getting from this is everything that doesn't look like a human woman is too ugly, so let's have more races that look like human women!




Let's not.

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My only critique (as old as Eye of the North) is that the Norn aren't a different race. They're just plus sized humans who love to hunt.

Anet could've done so much to make them a different race, but they settled with "tattoos, and a bit taller" and its a completely different race with no ties to humans _at all_

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I've only ever had Charr characters because their features allowed me to attach different attitudes to them. Norns could use... something that made them really different from humans. Humans could use rougher features but even with that their voice will kill the looks anyways. I can't... comment on asuras and sylvaris.

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> @"FitzChevalerie.1035" said:

> You want new races that look like humans?



> uhhh


That's my response. There's a terrible writing advice video about it, but something I noticed awhile ago is that people are creatively stunted when creating fantasy races. You get two different styles:


People with things glued to their face a la star trek. Klingon, Vulcan, Andorian, Betazoids, etc.

_____ Elves, where _____ is every generic fantasy trope you can think of. Wood elves, Night Elves, Blood Elves, Vulcans, etc.


I took one look at FFXIV's "races" and I just felt bad. You have a person, person with pointy ears, person with animal ears, person with tail, etc.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"FitzChevalerie.1035" said:

> > You want new races that look like humans?

> >

> >

> > uhhh


> That's my response. There's a terrible writing advice video about it, but something I noticed awhile ago is that people are creatively stunted when creating fantasy races. You get two different styles:


> People with things glued to their face a la star trek. Klingon, Vulcan, Andorian, Betazoids, etc.

> _____ Elves, where _____ is every generic fantasy trope you can think of. Wood elves, Night Elves, Blood Elves, Vulcans, etc.


> I took one look at FFXIV's "races" and I just felt bad. You have a person, person with pointy ears, person with animal ears, person with tail, etc.


Blade and Soul is 10x worse. You've got human, human that can only be female, tall busty/muscular human and tiny child-human with animal ears/tails/feet. I only blade the child-human with animal ears or busty humans, for obvious reasons.


Tera is nearly as bad but for a specific reason, namely that classes are locked not only by race but by sex as well and all the new classes are limited to female characters except, I believe, the Brawler.

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While I agree that many of the earlier models (e. g. norn males) and faces (e. g. human ~~dolls~~ females) are disappointing at best, I also believe that the human choices released with PoF attest to a somewhat more sensible? skilful? approach by the designers. I'd like to see more of that, for all races.

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IMHO it's not the base models of the races that give me an opinion on a given character's overall looks, but rather the blending of the types of outfit/gear worn and how it is color coordinated that really matter.


And of course, those with any sense of fashion will, make sure the mount they are riding is color coordinated to their current outfit/gear :)

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> @"Griever.8150" said:


> I personally mostly play Charr characters and actually appreciate the efforts they put into making them a standalone race, instead of just screwing a cat's head on a human body like some other franchises do (ie Elder Scrolls).


the reason why it's hard for me to play charr is because they used the dumb warrior charr model instead of the leader kind of charr (like firebrands), they also run like oversized kitties.

i want my charr to stand straight, run on two legs and show leadership.


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NPC charrs look a lot better than player charrs.... maybe because they have more slider options >.>

Nevertheless, i play only charr.


Sylvaris are fun to look at. Like artsy, stylishly-grown plants in a truly living garden.


Asuras are interesting but i gotta say that their pointy teeth put me off. Small things + pointy teeth = parasites

And i don’t even know what asuras eat


I can’t play humans. I can barely stand NPC humans. It’s like they look *not human enough* to trigger some sort of nauseating unfamiliar-familiarity reflex. Not sure how to explain that >.>


Norns are more tolerable than humans, but I wish that there could be fat norns. I haven’t paid attention to the NPCs, but I’d like to see player norns with big bellies running around. I mean, all that beer’s got to go somewhere. And maybe Santa could be a norn, huddling somewhere in Snowden Drifts.

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While the non-human races are original and creative, I definitely understand the point that they are hard to look at. The art for female sylvari and asura tends to always make them look way more attractive or cute than is possible in game. Charr do their own thing, and do it well, but suffer from problems that all non human races do.


Caithe looks great in most artwork of her and is presented as having far more human characteristics than she does in her actual character model. Concept art seems to ignore just how plant like sylvari are. In game female faces are cringey for the most part, the males admittedly doing much better. It's a cool art direction and one I can respect, but whether it was intentional or not, they sure aren't "pretty." Armor and outfits don't work as well as they do on human models and are inconsistent in how much they seem to soften body features.


The asura pictures above (and everywhere else for that matter) cutesy them up as much as possible. The only two feminine looking outfits are shown in screenshots, since the rest look pretty awful and just drape over them. Pointed teeth are ignored and faces are caught in the best possible moment of an expression. In reality, they're weird little rodent-alien looking things with pointy teeth. They can have an element of cuteness, but by design they're basically objectively ugly. Taimi is cute because of her personality, and maybe that little bow helps, but by human standards she at best has that ugly-but-cute thing going that you see in certain pets. I love the personality and voice acting for them, which hurts because the fashion wars element is basically impossible as an asura. You find one of the few outfits that looks okay and that's it, you're done. Everything else just looks bland and androgynous, if you can even notice on the tiny character model to begin with.


Charr aren't attractive, or meant to be, and it works. They look tough, cool, and the bestial aspect is done incredibly well. A lot of armor stretches on them in a weird way because it seems to be modeled for humans first and then adapted as well as it can for other races.

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Norn males are the worst by far, with asura males coming in second.

Norn males just have really awful proportions. They're way too broad and gorilla-looking with heads that are much too small.

Asura males have adequate frames, they just have bad face options. Why are they so much uglier than the females?


I'm largely okay with Sylvari and Charr, although I do think the humans look best. While the Norn females are attractive, I think there's a strong case to be made that they are too similar looking to humans.


I really with they'd refresh the whole look of Norn to give them more attractive proportions but also alter their skins to make them look a bit less like humans. I picture something more like the goliath race in D&D.



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