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Give Jaunt 3 charges again

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With the reduction to Mirage Cloak, Jaunt getting 3 charges again is fine, IF they add a little bit of recharge time onto the jaunts themselves. Keep the jaunt recharge the same, but make the recharge between uses like 3/4 - 1 seconds.


still tilted about evades being free while stunned but there's not much more you can do to MC that would still keep it viable at this point.



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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > @"MikeL.8260" said:

> > > > Condi Mirage is almost unviable now anywhere above Gold3 since everyone runs around with bunker specs that cleanse conditions simply by walking (if not just standing) and have tones of sustain and defensive boons to go through. You can still play Power Mirage but we all know that it's mostly a meme, it always was.

> > > > The removal of Blind on Shatters makes it impossible to get up close to anyone, so you are forced to stick to ranged specs with Scepter and Staff being the only weapon choices that make sense. Getting that one extra Jaunt again as it originally had is not that much to ask for.

> > >

> > > The problem lies with the bunker meta, not the performance of condi mirage

> >

> > Conditions counter bunker. Over time conditions overwhelm your ability to cleanse. Condi mirage is perfectly suited for this environment. Mirage players just choose not to succeed because the good players jumped ship to other more fair classes to give themselves a challenge and only bads are left.


> Somebody broke mortrialus. He's making less sense than he was before he was on the "re-buff condi mirage so I can get back into Plat" days.


> I like your new avatar though.


I never left platinum.


Okay there was that time I tried a vipers signet of illusions maximum confusion duration build but that doesn't count.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > > @"MikeL.8260" said:

> > > > > Condi Mirage is almost unviable now anywhere above Gold3 since everyone runs around with bunker specs that cleanse conditions simply by walking (if not just standing) and have tones of sustain and defensive boons to go through. You can still play Power Mirage but we all know that it's mostly a meme, it always was.

> > > > > The removal of Blind on Shatters makes it impossible to get up close to anyone, so you are forced to stick to ranged specs with Scepter and Staff being the only weapon choices that make sense. Getting that one extra Jaunt again as it originally had is not that much to ask for.

> > > >

> > > > The problem lies with the bunker meta, not the performance of condi mirage

> > >

> > > Conditions counter bunker. Over time conditions overwhelm your ability to cleanse. Condi mirage is perfectly suited for this environment. Mirage players just choose not to succeed because the good players jumped ship to other more fair classes to give themselves a challenge and only bads are left.

> >

> > Somebody broke mortrialus. He's making less sense than he was before he was on the "re-buff condi mirage so I can get back into Plat" days.

> >

> > I like your new avatar though.


> I never left platinum.


> Okay there was that time I tried a vipers signet of illusions maximum confusion duration build but that doesn't count.


Ah good point, the quality of plat did decrease in the past few months as more people have stopped playing ranked.

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Or lower the recharge time plz.


I kinda of agree. They nerfed distance, nerfed confusion damage from jaunt & nerf the number of jaunts. All With out giving back something to compensate. I mean if your going to take, you should give back somewhere else. Call balance.

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> No

> No

> No

> No


NO NO NO is not a valid argument.

& at the point it's been skinned, like nill damage output from confusion & only 2 jumps of 450 range with 20 second cooldown, why is it still considered an Elite? If you going to reduce everything that makes it an Elite. Add something to at least keep it as one. 1 jaunt been removed out of 3. Cooldown should of been reduced to 15 sec each. confusion damage from jaunt been reduced, add at least more range to it. It's only fare.

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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > @"MikeL.8260" said:

> > > > Condi Mirage is almost unviable now anywhere above Gold3 since everyone runs around with bunker specs that cleanse conditions simply by walking (if not just standing) and have tones of sustain and defensive boons to go through. You can still play Power Mirage but we all know that it's mostly a meme, it always was.

> > > > The removal of Blind on Shatters makes it impossible to get up close to anyone, so you are forced to stick to ranged specs with Scepter and Staff being the only weapon choices that make sense. Getting that one extra Jaunt again as it originally had is not that much to ask for.

> > >

> > > The problem lies with the bunker meta, not the performance of condi mirage

> >

> > Conditions counter bunker. Over time conditions overwhelm your ability to cleanse. Condi mirage is perfectly suited for this environment. Mirage players just choose not to succeed because the good players jumped ship to other more fair classes to give themselves a challenge and only bads are left.


> Somebody broke mortrialus. He's making less sense than he was before he was on the "re-buff condi mirage so I can get back into Plat" days.


> I like your new avatar though.


He's in troll mode here, mimicking the folks who still think Mirage is too strong.


> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> mirage has too many get out of jail free cards. I wouldn't mind if jaunt was completely un-nerfed, but made into an engage ability instead.


What do you have in mind with "engage ability"? Right now, it's mainly used for mobility and the one cleanse per use. It does negligible damage that wouldn't even be missed if it were removed.


> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> Delete mesmer.


no u


> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> With the reduction to Mirage Cloak, Jaunt getting 3 charges again is fine, IF they add a little bit of recharge time onto the jaunts themselves. Keep the jaunt recharge the same, but make the recharge between uses like 3/4 - 1 seconds.


> still tilted about evades being free while stunned but there's not much more you can do to MC that would still keep it viable at this point.


There is already a 1 second recharge time between uses (according to Mortrialus [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/910880/#Comment_910880 "here")).



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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > I'd rather have Anet give jaunt only 1 charge, give it a longer CD and remove everything that causes enemies to lose their targetting.


> And remove the damage, confusion, leap, and condition cleanse on it too. WHY CAN'T IT DO ONE THING?


Sure. Make it a second blink and you got a deal.

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Please do not buff anything for Mesmer, let it rather be an useless or less played class.

Just leave everything as is, thus savings us from biased people who would criticizing and crying all day long on pvp forum because it’s so unfair and unfun playing against Mesmer which is broken design (sounds familiar right?)

Imo the current state of b chrono is borderline useless (plenty better alternatives for that role), pwr shatter is meme (only a handful of players can do it right) and we got a mediocre c mirage which is nerfed to the point where you could not see much of it and literally every spec (more or less) can cleanse with every other skills.

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> @"LegendaVagyok.9132" said:

> Please do not buff anything for Mesmer, let it rather be an useless or less played class.

> Just leave everything as is, thus savings us from biased people who would criticizing and crying all day long on pvp forum because it’s so unfair and unfun playing against Mesmer which is broken design (sounds familiar right?)

> Imo the current state of b chrono is borderline useless (plenty better alternatives for that role), pwr shatter is meme (only a handful of players can do it right) and we got a mediocre c mirage which is nerfed to the point where you could not see much of it and literally every spec (more or less) can cleanse with every other skills.


I see what you're saying. There's no question Mesmers were overtuned for a while. The last thing I'd want to see is Mesmers returning to FOTM status. Right now, I think they're squarely middle-of-the pack in terms of performance, neither overperforming nor underperforming, which is okay. But because they were nerfed in often nonsensical ways to get to this point, they're kind of a mess. Too many skills and traits were simply gutted rather than shaved or reworked, destroying entire weapons, utilities, traitlines, and synergies in the process. Viable build variety is at an all time low. And if those builds aren't something we enjoy playing, oh well. The only good thing is the essential end of forum whining.


One side-effect of such heavy-handed re-positioning within the class hierarchy is that those who continue to play Mes are likely at least decent at it. This perpetuates the anecdotal myth that the class is still too strong and requires further nerfs. For example: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/75678/condi-bunker-chrono. Unfortunately, due to its good run, Mes may always suffer a stigma where people who lose to it automatically think they lost to the class rather than the player.

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Mesmers would need a redo to their phantasm rework before any buff to the class could be justified. The current design of the class is just bad for the game in general.


Hell, it's not just bad for GW2. You could copy Mesmers design concept of "rotate defenses while 4-9 clones do the work for you", add it to any PvP oriented game and it would have a negative impact. It would be bad for Overwatch, bad for League of Legends, bad for DOTA, bad for SMITE, bad for Apex, bad for BDO, bad for Blade+Soul, bad for just about anything. The problem with this kind of design is it's uninteractive playstyle means it's either good enough to win fights and therefore breaks the game due to lack of meaningful counterplay, or it's not good enough to win fights and therefore is useless. This is what Anet refuses to accept about the direction they have taken with Mesmers design, it's impossible to properly balance.



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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Mesmers would need a redo to their phantasm rework before any buff to the class could be justified. The current design of the class is just bad for the game in general.


> Hell, it's not just bad for GW2. You could copy Mesmers design concept of "rotate defenses while 4-9 clones do the work for you", add it to any PvP oriented game and it would have a negative impact. It would be bad for Overwatch, bad for League of Legends, bad for DOTA, bad for SMITE, bad for Apex, bad for BDO, bad for Blade+Soul, bad for just about anything. The problem with this kind of design is it's uninteractive playstyle means it's either good enough to win fights and therefore breaks the game due to lack of meaningful counterplay, or it's not good enough to win fights and therefore is useless. This is what Anet refuses to accept about the direction they have taken with Mesmers design, it's impossible to properly balance.




You need a redo to your same tired argument. If you're dying to phantasms or clones at this point you need to get better.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Mesmers would need a redo to their phantasm rework before any buff to the class could be justified. The current design of the class is just bad for the game in general.


> Hell, it's not just bad for GW2. You could copy Mesmers design concept of "rotate defenses while 4-9 clones do the work for you", add it to any PvP oriented game and it would have a negative impact.


Other than serving as paper-thin distractions and occasional shatter fodder, how do "clones do the work for you"?


> It would be bad for Overwatch, bad for League of Legends, bad for DOTA, bad for SMITE, bad for Apex, bad for BDO, bad for Blade+Soul, bad for just about anything. The problem with this kind of design is it's uninteractive playstyle means it's either good enough to win fights and therefore breaks the game due to lack of meaningful counterplay, or it's not good enough to win fights and therefore is useless. This is what Anet refuses to accept about the direction they have taken with Mesmers design, it's impossible to properly balance.


Or maybe like any unconventional class, the counterplay is there. People just need to learn it. Gonna say it: Now more than ever, after over a year's worth of continuous 50%+ nerfs all over the place, dealing with Mes is 100% a l2p issue.


You've whinged about Mes before they were gutted, you're still whinging about them after they've been gutted. Sounds like you'll whinge about them so long as they exist. Unlike the state of Mes performance, apparently some things never change.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> Unfortunately, due to its good run, Mes may always suffer a stigma where people who lose to it automatically think they lost to the class rather than the player.


Exactly, people would simply say that they got stomped because the class is broken, which is not the case... at least not now, not in this meta. There have been so many nerfs (sometimes in the worst possible ways) which altogether resulted that more people switched to other classes, the remaining Mesmers - just like you mentioned - are at least decent players. Let’s keep this way, so we could finally take a look on all those specs which avoided the hammer in the recent patches...



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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > @"LegendaVagyok.9132" said:

> > Please do not buff anything for Mesmer, let it rather be an useless or less played class.

> > Just leave everything as is, thus savings us from biased people who would criticizing and crying all day long on pvp forum because it’s so unfair and unfun playing against Mesmer which is broken design (sounds familiar right?)

> > Imo the current state of b chrono is borderline useless (plenty better alternatives for that role), pwr shatter is meme (only a handful of players can do it right) and we got a mediocre c mirage which is nerfed to the point where you could not see much of it and literally every spec (more or less) can cleanse with every other skills.

> One side-effect of such heavy-handed re-positioning within the class hierarchy is that those who continue to play Mes are likely at least decent at it. This perpetuates the anecdotal myth that the class is still too strong and requires further nerfs. For example: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/75678/condi-bunker-chrono. Unfortunately, due to its good run, Mes may always suffer a stigma where people who lose to it automatically think they lost to the class rather than the player.


Yep. This is why I generally reserve my criticism unless it's clear that a build is actually overpowered, instead of the player just being really good. Right now, I think mesmer is in a spot where top players are jaw-droppingly good, but bad players aren't rewarded for spamming buttons (where we were before).


Engineer has had this problem for a while too. People loyal to the class tend to represent the upper echelons of it. I hear calls for scrapper nerfs all the time and can't help but laugh at how much prot holo is flying under most people's radars.

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> I like the traits in GW2 that do X but also reduce the charge on Y. What about tacking on a 20% reduction to deception skill cooldowns on the trait "self deception"?


I’d love the idea, though the spec is heavily relies on vigor uptime (which was nerfed continuously) and False Oasis might be a bit OP w 20sec CD :) so no this would cause too much cry again, if anything let’s stick with an extra charge.


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> @"MikeL.8260" said:

> Condi Mirage is almost unviable now anywhere above Gold3 since everyone runs around with bunker specs that cleanse conditions simply by walking (if not just standing) and have tones of sustain and defensive boons to go through. You can still play Power Mirage but we all know that it's mostly a meme, it always was.

> The removal of Blind on Shatters makes it impossible to get up close to anyone, so you are forced to stick to ranged specs with Scepter and Staff being the only weapon choices that make sense. Getting that one extra Jaunt again as it originally had is not that much to ask for.


That's the problem, the most populated tier is gold 2, which means there're more ppl that can't deal with mirage than the ones who can. It's this type of ppl that comes here to complain about any spec that beat them on a v1 3x.


Now it's time to wait until someone accuses me as being mesmer main

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Or lower the recharge time plz.


What makes you think 3rd jaunt will help mirage? Or mesmer? From being garbage tier? (small hint,it wont)

When you want to compare mesmer, first thought would be... a thief ? And what mesmer can do better than thief? Evades? No. Mobility? No. Better plus 1? No.

Last thing that kept mesmer alive was scepter, not anymore. Its kinda good. No more FOTM bad players play it that much

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