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Tengu or Largos? Which new race do you want to see in a future release?

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I would say both, but with the largos wings backpack/glider, it really feels like that's as likely as playable mursaat. Same with kodan because of the infinite combat tonic.


Of all **established** races, tengu is the only one that really seems feasible as a new playable race for three reasons:

1. They have an established starter city not yet explored and have room for a level 1-15 map and can share bordering 15-25 maps (Kessex).

2. They use the charr rigging as their base, meaning that most player animations already exist for them, and armor can be applied with minimal alterations (it'd mostly be tail area that need changing other than widths).

3. They were originally intended to be a playable race.


There are, however, three massive countermeasures against them - or any race - as playable races:

1. The amount of work required to shift those armor sets and outfits, which only grows in time.

2. The amount of voice acting required for Seasons 2-4 (or however far along we are by the time we'd get them) plus personal story.

3. Needing to make a level 1-30 personal story and record new lines for any voiced lines calling out the PC's race (which itself would be tedious to search for).


> @"sigur.9453" said:

> do not really want/need another race. playable content would do it for me.


Technically speaking, a new race would bring new content.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Tengu or Largos? Which new race do you want to see in a future release?

> Ignoring the _fact_ that ANet says this isn't something they are going to invest in (even though they love the idea, too), I wouldn't want either of those to be next. If ANet spends the effort, I'd rather see something gameplay changing, rather than just "another" human-like, humanoid race. I'd welcome new stories content that involve Tengu or Largos, because I think that would be fun and interesting. I also think they'd be too simplistic an option as a new race.


As far as I remember, they merely said it wasn't something they would invest in for HoT. They never mentioned long term nor has it been brought up recently.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > Tengu or Largos? Which new race do you want to see in a future release?

> > Ignoring the _fact_ that ANet says this isn't something they are going to invest in (even though they love the idea, too), I wouldn't want either of those to be next. If ANet spends the effort, I'd rather see something gameplay changing, rather than just "another" human-like, humanoid race. I'd welcome new stories content that involve Tengu or Largos, because I think that would be fun and interesting. I also think they'd be too simplistic an option as a new race.


> As far as I remember, they merely said it wasn't something they would invest in for HoT. They never mentioned long term nor has it been brought up recently.


They have indeed talked about it more recently. They have always discussed it for the long term, because it's the long term they have in mind when they say the cost:benefit doesn't add up. New race takes up much the same resources as new living world story (requires story, art, acting, animations, etc), takes similar build up time, and new races adds costs for the long term, while being of little interest to many people (despite its overpowering lure to a notable subset of players).



> [Massively OP Summarizes Mike Zadorojny's (April 2018) Comments on New Professions, new Races](http://massivelyop.com/2018/04/09/pax-east-2018-guild-wars-2-game-director-mike-zadorojny-on-path-of-fire-monetization-and-more/)


> We also talked a bit about things that are probably not happening. New professions, for example, have probably been sidelined forever in favor of new elite specializations; they allow the team to change the feel of a given profession without actually forcing you to play a new character along the way. New races, too, are a lot of work for limited rewards, and any sort of console development is also not something the team is focused on.


> Obviously, none of this is set in stone; he stressed that the quote to take away is not that new races will never be added. It’s just not the current direction.



O'Brien has also said much the same thing; I just don't happen to have a handy quote.

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If I might shift the current slightly: Suppose the OP is not the zillionth "new race nao!" crier, but instead seeking story/zone focus on said races. To wit: Which of these species would or might we, the playable races, _interact with_ more frequently and deeply in future stories?


From that perspective, the obvious choice is the Largos. They are already displaced by "bubbles", and it is a credible threat (or scientific study) worth at least investigating. We will need Largos support to get anywhere near it, like as we needed Kodan support to battle the Claw of Jormag. The Tengu aren't in or near an immediate danger... that we know about.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> If I might shift the current slightly: Suppose the OP is not the zillionth "new race nao!" crier, but instead seeking story/zone focus on said races. To wit: Which of these species would or might we, the playable races, _interact with_ more frequently and deeply in future stories?


In that case, still Tengu. Known presence in GW1, committed some light atrocity in the battle in Lion's Arch, have a zone already set up, so there's plenty of curiosity of what they've been doing since the defeat of Zhaitan through Kralkatoric's emergence.


And the best part, they're actually a culture and people interested in trade. There's a *reason* to interact with them. Tad xenophobic, but global concerns will reach them.

They're not loners whose sole shtick is athathins that murder innocent Sylvari for no reason.



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First question that comes in my mind every time I read about a new race is: how ANet would change the personal story to have a new race in there?


All races have their unique start in Personal Story but at some point, all of them join to fight for Tyria. What are de options? Change a 7+ years story? An aside story? No personal story at all?

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> @"rogermkiihl.1967" said:

> First question that comes in my mind every time I read about a new race is: how ANet would change the personal story to have a new race in there?


> All races have their unique start in Personal Story but at some point, all of them join to fight for Tyria. What are de options? Change a 7+ years story? An aside story? No personal story at all?


Tengu can be done with the Cantha expansion, not a big fan of the birds but might be something possible like this.

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Not that it matters, but I wish that I could change my vote from “Other” to “Largos”! And while I’m wishing, could we have Gideon Emery do the voice acting for the male PC? :love:


> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> U already can make an lagos just be creative with sylvari.


Hmm, I might try that, although human shape and hair would seem to be more fitting, but I don’t think you can have blue skin as a human and sylvari come closest to having pointed ears... I wonder what professions would work best? I was thinking medium armor for the face masks but looking at the concept art :love: I think heavy armor might actually work best. Now which classes do best in underwater combat?



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