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Month old player with questions (Dragon Mount, Ascended Gear, Fractal Groups)

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Hi everyone,


Background: Hit 80. Necromancer (Reaper Power Build), Completed Base Story, Completed HOT Story, Completed Caladbolg. Tailor 500. Raptor Mount

Gaming Background: Wow Raiding/Dungeons, Rift Raiding/Dungeons.


I feel a bit overwhelmed at what I should do. I own all content (Base, LW2, HOT, LW3, POF, LW4).


I always found Dungeons in WOW to be the most satisfying thing to do. I did Rays for the loot train but enjoyed Dungeons more. I am told I still need to get ascended gear for fractals? I also loved Chronicles in Rift.


Here is what I want to do in the order I want to do things. I know the game won't allow me to do the order, so I am asking for help and guidance so I know what I should be doing and playing to get what I want.


1.) I want the Dragon Mount. What can I do to make sure I can start working on this.

2.) Learn Dungeons/Fractals and the mechanics. Find a group. Don't know how to go about this.

3.) Ascended Gear. (I have a Greatsword, Trinkets, and Amulet). I am finding it difficult to create/get vision/lesser vision crystals.)

4.) Enjoy the story but it seems like I should do things out of order. I keep getting told get mounts now, only mount I really care about is the Dragon.

5.) Get basic Tyrian XP for Auto Loot (I hate having to use a button to loot) - Think I should do this for convenience and I'm bad at remember to loot.

6.) Raids

7.) Finish Story

8.) Mastery/Points

9,.) Magic Find - How do I get this, does it really make a difference. 90 now.


I am a $$$ player. I have everything from full bag slots, shared invetory, and a lot of the convenience items including the new volatile tools.

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1) The dragon mount will require the next episode. You will be able to start that next week. It will mean story spoilers though. It will almost certainly requires map exploration and collections.


2) Fractals start in the south of Lions Arch. Your best bet is to use the lfg tool and jump in at the early tiers. No one cares if you suck at tier 1, just make sure you either say you are new or ask for help if you need it. Dungeons also require the lfg tool. The looking for Group (lfg) menu is accessed via pressing Y. After 6-7 years I still only do tier 1 and 2 fractals. You will not require ascended to start fractals, but you will require ascneded and agony infusions later on. I would suggest reading about that on the wiki.


3) Ascended gear is largely meaningless if you arent doing high ter fractals. Your first ascended will be jewellery and you can get those with daily login laurels as well as other npcs. I have no toon in full ascended because I can't be bothered, but I don't feel I'm losing out (I also don't do high end content though). Any ascended armour/weapon I get is from a collection, a drop or from a skin I wanted to craft.


4) Story will be out of order if you prioritise feature over story. You must have Path of Fire expansion to access any mount, but to get specific mounts you will be starting stories out of order. The griffon is the major gated one as it requires completion of PoF and much of its content through collections and achievements and group content.


5) Auto loot is a mastery. You may need Heart of Thorns expansion for this. Someone will correct me if I am wrong


6) Raids. see my final point


7) Story can be done in any order chapter wise, but there are several arcs

- Personal Story (starter story)

- Living World Season 1 (no longer playable)

- Living World 2 DLC

- Heart of Thorns EXPAC

- Living World 3 DLC (requires HoT)

- Path of Fire EXPAC

- Living World 4 DLC


8) Masteries come with expansions. You channel xp into a mastery line and gain mastery points from maps and achievements to unlock that mastery skill. Hot, Core and PoF have their own sets


9) Magic find comes from buffs and luck. Luck comes from using salvage kits on gear. It's not something to worry about - it makes small differences


I highly advise joining a newbie friendly guild which assists in helping players with insanced content and training raids/ Raids are high end content and have a skill ceiling to break through. You will need help and training guilds are the best way to do that. Decent guilds will help with on the fly questions in chat or discord for any topic in the game.


If you want my advice, throw your order out of the window and do whatever you want when you want. The game works better that way. Having a priority list is great though of course, but above are just summary tips to get you started. Be prepared, you will get more detailed text walls incoming from others.


I'd also advise use of the GW2 Wiki. Guild Wars set a standard for Wiki help in MMO's which GW2 has carried through. If you type /wiki (subject) into chat you will get directed to a page in your browser. For example try typing /wiki fractals

Wiki use is something most players will say is vital for on the fly help and reference

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The dragon mount doesn't come out until next Tuesday. I don't think anyone knows about the details for getting it yet.


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> 5) Auto loot is a mastery. You may need Heart of Thorns expansion for this. Someone will correct me if I am wrong


It is a core mastery. Having either expansion should work.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> The dragon mount doesn't come out until next Tuesday. I don't think anyone knows about the details for getting it yet.


> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > 5) Auto loot is a mastery. You may need Heart of Thorns expansion for this. Someone will correct me if I am wrong


> It is a core mastery. Having either expansion should work.


Thanks. I thought it might be but was in a hurry so didn’t fact check

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1.) I want the Dragon Mount. What can I do to make sure I can start working on this.

When it's released, Dulfy is usually a site that is quick to have the info on what to do.


2.) Learn Dungeons/Fractals and the mechanics. Find a group. Don't know how to go about this.

Look up builds at Metabattle, however tweak as needed depending on group.



Look for a LFG. Dungeons are done less frequently nowadays, but I sometimes and other Vets run em for fun. Some dungeons are needed for Gen 1 Legendaries. You can look up videos but easier dungeons are Ascalon Catacombs and Citadel of Fire. I frequently see those run. Usually 1 or 2 good players can carry these dungeons. Just let them know you're new off the bat.



Check LFG for tier 1 fractals. You don't need agony up to level 20 fracs and is the learning ground. I'd recommend you look at a video on youtube for each of the dailies + tier 1 recommended fractals for that day. You'll also get lots of ascended ring/trinket drops. You'll need to get the amulet, but Living story 3, bitterfrost is a great place for Trinkets. You'll also be able to get Ascended Backpiece(although limited stats selections, it does have beserker stats) with fractal relics. There's quite a few Fractal guides for beginners on youtube. You'll want to understand agony.


3.) Ascended Gear. (I have a Greatsword, Trinkets, and Amulet). I am finding it difficult to create/get vision/lesser vision crystals.)

Look up maps that give the mats for the vision crystals and run around in those maps. You'll get a good chance of ascended boot/glove/helm from fracs once you get a bit higher in fractals. It's harder to get Chest/legs/shoulder drops in that order, so you'll most likely need to craft these if you want a full set. I'd craft Leggings first, then perhaps shoulders.

There are armor collections that reward ascended chest piece. Farm some Silverwastes and Dragons stand while doing collections for em, win win.




4.) Enjoy the story but it seems like I should do things out of order. I keep getting told get mounts now, only mount I really care about is the Dragon.


Indeed mounts are a great convenience but you don't have to do anything a certain way. With that said, I'd recommend to get the Springer mount to level 3 and the Skimmer is useful to traverse water. The Griffon is great too, but since you like the Dragon, perhaps wait and go for that first since they are similar.


5.) Get basic Tyrian XP for Auto Loot (I hate having to use a button to loot) - Think I should do this for convenience and I'm bad at remember to loot.


Yes, this is one of the best Masteries. Good goal to go for. Just remember if you're too far when you finish a meta, you'll need to go manually loot the chest. I.E., when you finish the Tangled Depths Meta.


6.) Raids


Your best bet is to look for a Raiding Guild and watch/read guides. Just shout in Map Chat or post in the LFG forums posts.

Good site below:



7.) Finish Story


This is entirely up to you, but I'd do the Story just for the mastery points and it helps you unlock map waypoints.


8.) Mastery/Points


Look up guides but http://dulfy.net is a great source for each map. I'd definitely prioritize this as one of better objective to go aim for.


9,.) Magic Find - How do I get this, does it really make a difference. 90 now.


I wouldn't worry about this, but yes you'll get some benefit. Just salvage your weapons/armors you find and use the luck.

Here's a good read:




Check LFG for the HOT metas and do em, they are good profit and you'll start getting stuff for Legendaries, etc. POF bounty trains are also good to join.

You can practice your rotations and skills at PVP Lobby or there's training Golems inside the Fractal Lobby, either works.

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:


> 3.) Ascended Gear. (I have a Greatsword, Trinkets, and Amulet). I am finding it difficult to create/get vision/lesser vision crystals.)

Get into LW3 maps, particularly Bloodstone Fen and Bitterfrost Frontier, maybe Lake Doric as well.

Mine Map resources in Bloodstone Fen and Doric for Bloodstone Dust, pick berries in Bitterfrost for Dragonite Ores, open Frozen chest there for Emperial Shards.

Please don't curse me in 2-3 mounts of playing when you will start to trash those mast ;)




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The Dragon mount will somehow be available on the new map that is released next tuesday. To ensure that you can acquire the dragon mount I'd work on getting the other mounts for now. Especially the Springer mount with the high vault mastery. If you can't get mounts that fast, I'd recommend befriending a helpful mesmer player who can port you to places you can't reach without specific mounts.

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btw. to craft ascended gear you should use https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator

Create an API Key in your gw2 account, create an account on gw2efficiency and enter the API Key.

This helps a lot to see what you need, how much it costs.


in my opinion ascended gear helps a lot. because you can switch it between characters of the same armour because is accountbound. You can change the stats in the mystic forge and you can insert agony infusion.

but if you have no ascended armour you can get easily agony res upto 81 (99 with weapons ).

9x = 1x back ( you can infuse backback, buts it is expensiv ), 2x accessoires, 6x rings (infuse ) and 2x weapons ( you need maybe 4 if you switch weapons, only agony in active weapons count ). so you can play upto 61-71

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