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world boss - multi mapping advantage is not fair for all players!!

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Literally benefits of this event vary. The reason I stopped doing it is simply because I profit more doing standard meta events instead of doing this events.


I literally made 100G today just from HoT/PoF Metas whereas there's probably people out there doing this event right now that haven't even made 20G from their boxes. Unless being quick to kill these bosses and getting X amount of boxes fast means guaranteed infusions I'm not really seeing the argument here.

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> > @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > > @"finkle.9513" said:

> > > - You have a huge advantage if you have a fast PC, that has fast load screen times... even a SSD gives a massive advantage... - IS THIS FAIR?

> > Yes. It. Is.

> >

> > Why does it even matter what other people get?


> Because its not a fair, how rich people are allowed a better chance though a better rig due to poor game mechanics... that can easily be made to be fair.


Get over yourself.

You're complaining that your neighbor's grass is greener therefore the Town should spray his lawn with grass killer and plant weeds to destroy the rest of it.


Those other players are not doing anything to hurt you. Your demand to hurt them is just crazy.


And that's unfair

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > The OP claims multi-mapping is a "loophole." No, it's not: you have to participate in each kill. The OP claims it's not fair that those with faster PCs (processor or load times) have more opportunities, except... even if it were, it's not new: richer people can buy more accounts, more character slots, and have always been able to map hop for kills.

> >

> > I sympathize with the idea that everyone should have equal opportunity. I just don't agree that is something that ANet needs to be hypervigilant about. As long as the rules apply to everyone, as long as active participation is required, I'm happy for those who have the patience to multi-map.


> It doesnt matter about this or that... We are talking about this event... It is Factual that a fast computer allows for far better yield in multi mapping....

> I read that quote above from the Dev, and if I honest Im not so convinced they fully understood what was meant.. as there was quiet a debate after in the comments..

> But regardless what that Dev said multi map looting was not against TOS.

> Thats differant to saying its not a Loop hole, I think we are all quiet sure the ability to swap map instances where not designed to kill the same boss over and over due to time delays...


> Its not fair.. Its as simple as that.


Of course it is fair.


What would be unfair is denying people the benefit(s) of their purchases.

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> > @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > > @"finkle.9513" said:

> > > - You have a huge advantage if you have a fast PC, that has fast load screen times... even a SSD gives a massive advantage... - IS THIS FAIR?

> > Yes. It. Is.

> >

> > Why does it even matter what other people get?


> Because its not a fair, how rich people are allowed a better chance though a better rig due to poor game mechanics... that can easily be made to be fair.



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I'm making sure I read this right: You're upset that people can jump from map to map and kill the same boss over and over, right? I'd imagine Diminishing Returns may actually play a small part in the loot. As for better computers and quicker clickers, that's just kind of par for the course. There is always going to be someone that is either better than you or better than your rig. I can't fault you for not liking the disadvantages of having a slower computer/internet/ and what have you, but I don't know, I ran GW2 on a computer that moonlighted as a potato chip. (and probably had some viruses, too.) I can sympathize, but with the way that you're wording things makes it sound like there's a much deeper issue than what you post.

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First of all I'd like to point out that the OP did not ask for life to be fair, or anyone's computer to get nerfed, or for the implementation of progressive taxes on the tp or anything else of the sort and I think a lot of the replies have really gone off the deep end in that regard. The OP simply asked for this event to be fair, anything outside of that context is unresponsive to the complaint . . .


Second, the OP is just wrong. There is no way for this or any event to be 'fair' in the sense the OP is asking for. First off, anything that involves rng is inherently unfair bc most players will get the 'zero' outcomes while only a few get those coveted 'one' outcomes. Second, even if you want to use 'fair' as 'equal' -- which aren't actually the same words -- there is no way to provide equal opportunity to players who are able to log in for different amounts of time and with different frequency throughout the week. Doubtless there are players who were not able to log in this week at all. Where is the fairness for them . . ?


But finally, the devs actually came out and said that it's working as intended. That's it. It's the holy grail. It's the gold at the end of the rainbow. It's the end of the internet. You are entitled to react to that information any way you like, but you cannot argue that the event is supposed to be working differently than it is or that its consequences are unintended once the ppl who designed it have shared their motivations with you and assured you that their expectations are being met . . .

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> I find it absolutely ridiculous in this day and age in gaming that people are allowed to take advantage of these loop holes..

> Some people can get 5 boxes from a boss.


> - You have a huge advantage if you have a fast PC, that has fast load screen times... even a SSD gives a massive advantage... - IS THIS FAIR?

> - It is a dexterity competition, fastest clicker gets into he new map.... IS THIS FAIR?



> implement code: "you can not kill same boss within 10mins"






I am one of those who can not make it to more than one instance of a boss, and I don't feel "unjustly" treated by Life, the Universe, and Everything. So please, OP, stop this social justice war.

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> @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > @"Tsakhi.8124" said:

> > I'd imagine Diminishing Returns may actually play a small part in the loot.


> Not for this event. The box is separate to all other rewards that are affected by Diminishing Returns and the rewards are tiered based on rarity so it's purely RNG reliant.


Cool, I didn't know that!



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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > That's not a loophole because they join a different map and participate in killing the boss. Why is it unfair to players? Everybody can do it.


> Was what I wrote not clear enough? If you have a fast PC / a SSD you can swap maps quick and loot multiple bossses.....

> It is a loop hole, Auric Basin was changed because it was not intentional, a over sight, it was never a design of the game.

In Auric it worked because you could obtain rewards without actually participating. In case of world bosses it doesn't work like that, because you never know the order at which the bosses would die (and you can't just switch a second before boss dies, because without participation on said map, you get no loot - you need to build participation a bit first or it doesn't work).

So, one person with fast ssd might possibly (although unlikely) get 5 boxes (which, unlike in Auric, are worth next to nothing, by the way, so i hardly see the problem), but another might get **0** boxes, because they happened to be switching maps in the wrong order.


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I understand your frustration, I really do because I have to do in real life too: some people getting more than I do.


Try think the event is about to end, soon you will forget this and move one. Besides that, try think that their PC advantage give them more but they don't take from you what belongs to you.


Sometimes it is easier to just ignore.

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this is ridiculous. what kind of marxist communist philosophy is this ?

its very clear your upset about the haves vs have not's. its classism plain and simple. if your upset about running guild wars on a toaster then save up and get yourself a decent rig.

your main argument is complaining about loading speeds and what computers people have to play the game vs others is pathetically selfish and bitter .

you speak of equality and empathy ,yet want to diminish what others are getting so its 'fair'

there is no true equality within an MMO anyway,someone will always have more gold/skins/game time than you

what a joke ,welcome to the real world comrade.

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and your loot and play experience is affected by this in a negative way how? I mean the actual experience, not your perception of what you think is unfair.


The Super rarer rewards are rare enough for this to be a non issue.


The additional rewards, materials and loot introduced into the games economy reduces the prices on the trading post benefiting other players.


Your personal loot and success chance is in no way affected by how many chests other people open.


The only thing affected is your feeling of being unfair disadvantaged against others, which you are not. Except that people with faster PCs can fill their in between boss waits with more kills.


There is a reason why GW2's reward system is cooperative and in no way competitive. Envy has no room here.

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> > @"MrRuin.9740" said:

> > All I'm reading is being jealous of and wanting to punish people who can afford higher spec PC/components.


> All I am reading is someone who can afford something others may not be able to, and instead of looking for equality, showing some compassion reverts to name calling.


Okay then, if all things are to be equal - I can't afford to spend many hours a day farming these bosses. I can only play a couple hours a day, so therefore everyone should be limited to 2 hours.


It's just as nonsensical. I'd like to have that much free time too, but why would I make the leap to wanting to punish those that do?


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Yes, and it is unfair that students can play this game for 12-14 hours strait while people who have to work and have family can bare at most 1-2 hours per day (and that is being very generous).


Or the fact that people with disabilities might be disadvantaged by not being able to participate in certain content.






The question is: how does the game deal with this?


The answer:

Every person gets his individual loot unaffected by what others do and has to contribute to get the loot.


You are in no way disadvantaged by other people killing bosses. On the contrary, their effect on the over all economy is beneficial to you. Everything else is envy of others getting "more" in the same amount of time.


Stop judging your own rewards and accomplishments based on what others do. I guarante you, there is other players way more efficient and profitable in this game than people who do world boss kills.

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> people only interested in defending their best interests


Aren't you promoting your best interest by declaring it's unfair? Isn't your exact argument that everyone should be restricted to the loading time of the lowest common denominator of machine owned?


Isn't it possible that _some_ people are more interested in what's best for the overall community than they are in their "best interest?"

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> idiotic replies with people only interested in defending their best interests


> Name me another high end game, where a events success is effected by having the fastest loading PC?

> Its just very poor design, and its not fair..its as simple as that!


> Those that are cry about "my PC" I have said about 3 times, I have never said I have a slow PC... you are coming to these conclusions... I have farmed for around 40 hours on the bosses, and I find it redicoulous that in 1 hour you can have either 4 boxes, or over 20 boxes all down to having a fast loading PC... It is not a fair either forced a 10 min restriction on each boss ... everyone then gets the same chance.... and guess what yes I will loose out, but I think its not fair!


You must be extremely lucky to get a boss 5 times, since most start at the same time.

Then you need to have people in other maps too, who dont jump.

And then hope your teammates dont finish before you.

I think its to big of a deal to do something about it. After this event there wont be enough maps to do this again. Yes. You need to be lucky. Yes you need to have an high end pc and a good cable from your internetcompany. But i dont care if aanyone got more loot then me. Next time maybe i am lucky..

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> idiotic replies with people only interested in defending their best interests

I happen to not farm those events at all, because i realized the bonus rewards Anet offered are so bad they don't warrant me changing my usual playing habits.


Incidentally, i think those rewards are so bad, that this thread is a joke. It's doing social justice outrage just for sake of doing that outrage - because the actual difference between someone doing boss once, and someone lucky enough to change instances so well they can participate in several events is so miniscule, it's not worth even mentioning (and definitely nothing to be outraged about).


> Name me another high end game, where a events success is effected by having the fastest loading PC?

Practically any competitive game (except perhaps for turn-based ones) is affected by quality of your hardware and internet connection. It is a well-known problem - unfortunately noone has found any serious solution for it yet (because, if someone plays on a potato, they play on a potato - there's nothing devs can do about that fact).


> Its just very poor design, and its not fair..its as simple as that!

Yes, people not having access to the same quality of computer hardware is not fair. Just like people not having the same amount of time to play this game is not fair. How do you propose to solve those problems?



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> @"Cronospere.8143" said:

> > @"finkle.9513" said:

> > idiotic replies with people only interested in defending their best interests

> >

> > Name me another high end game, where a events success is effected by having the fastest loading PC?

> > Its just very poor design, and its not fair..its as simple as that!

> >

> > Those that are cry about "my PC" I have said about 3 times, I have never said I have a slow PC... you are coming to these conclusions... I have farmed for around 40 hours on the bosses, and I find it redicoulous that in 1 hour you can have either 4 boxes, or over 20 boxes all down to having a fast loading PC... It is not a fair either forced a 10 min restriction on each boss ... everyone then gets the same chance.... and guess what yes I will loose out, but I think its not fair!


> You must be extremely lucky to get a boss 5 times, since most start at the same time.

> Then you need to have people in other maps too, who dont jump.

> And then hope your teammates dont finish before you.

> I think its to big of a deal to do something about it. After this event there wont be enough maps to do this again. Yes. You need to be lucky. Yes you need to have an high end pc and a good cable from your internetcompany. But i dont care if aanyone got more loot then me. Next time maybe i am lucky..


It's possible, though probably highly on the lower side...on Tuesday, when I first decided to do this there was guildmate with 214 of the extra boxes already, and yes, he was able to get them because of multi-instances, but that also means he had to have enough participation percentage in each of those 214 instances to qualify...so no big deal, and he was leading a guild squad that was allowing everyone in it to do the same thing. I think that qualifies as fair.

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> idiotic replies with people only interested in defending their best interests


> Name me another high end game, where a events success is effected by having the fastest loading PC?

> Its just very poor design, and its not fair..its as simple as that!


> Those that are cry about "my PC" I have said about 3 times, I have never said I have a slow PC... you are coming to these conclusions... I have farmed for around 40 hours on the bosses, and I find it redicoulous that in 1 hour you can have either 4 boxes, or over 20 boxes all down to having a fast loading PC... It is not a fair either forced a 10 min restriction on each boss ... everyone then gets the same chance.... and guess what yes I will loose out, but I think its not fair!


I can't farm 40 hours on bosses. So, by your own logic, how is that fair? You can afford to spend 40 hours farming it, thus giving you a higher chance. I cannot. Its literally the same thing. Would you want your free time limited just because others can't do it?


Not a few posts before you claimed people against your nonsensical complaint were name calling...yet here you are calling those against it idiotic.

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> Why do you all take it personally?

> Do you need to be making personal comments?


> Have I said that I do not multimap?

> Have I said that I do not have a decent pc?

> Have I said I dont have a SDD?


> I do have the ability see the lack of equality, to have empathy


So it's a choice then. You choose not to take advantage of the so called loop hole. And yes, the rich get richer. It's good to be the king.

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> idiotic replies with people only interested in defending their best interests


> Name me another high end game, where a events success is effected by having the fastest loading PC?

> Its just very poor design, and its not fair..its as simple as that!


> Those that are cry about "my PC" I have said about 3 times, I have never said I have a slow PC... you are coming to these conclusions... I have farmed for around 40 hours on the bosses, and I find it redicoulous that in 1 hour you can have either 4 boxes, or over 20 boxes all down to having a fast loading PC... It is not a fair either forced a 10 min restriction on each boss ... everyone then gets the same chance.... and guess what yes I will loose out, but I think its not fair!


You are mistaken about it not being fair. By definition asking that those who have put more into something, receive the same as those who have put in less is unfair.


In every reaonably high end game one can attain greater degree of success by having faster computers, internet connection, etc.

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