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Remove keep requirement from warclaw mount


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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> No, there was no one taking keeps and my EOTM "server" controlled them all for the entire 4 hours. Also who saves pots? lol The solo story dungeon takes ~15 minutes.



Currently have 500 of them stashed on one of my toons, and about 130 of them on another. I had the warclaw fully unlocked within 15mins of the patch going live. Many in my guild had that light bulb moment, and one of our commanders, who had to run 5hrs straight to complete the reward track, afterwards started storing them.


Unless you are working on a specific reward track with a goal, it's a smart play to save up your potions for future use. If at any time I need a Gift of Battle, or a piece of exotic stat selectable armor, I can have it within minutes.


> @"Straegen.2938" said:

> Knock down outer on some BL keep then call it out in team chat. People will show.


Especially if it's a daily.


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The complaints I've seen tend to be more about the length of the Reward Track, rather than the keep. It was easy to get a keep on the same day and still is; you literally just ask people on the map if they want a keep, and nobody says no to that. Recently, I helped someone that was solo capturing a keep and killed the defenders in it too. I personally think Reward tracks take too long. Yes, I have hundreds of potions saved up for the next gimmick but not everyone can or will do this.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > Why not give it to everyone without doing anything, if you cant even bother to get a keep then i dont know man...


> You mean like how PvE gets their mount for essentially doing nothing?


> it's just silly, if you want to PvE, you're IMMEDIATELY handed a mount from the first super easy PoF story mission. This means that you don't fall behind trains by not having a mount and feel bad for multiple days as you work towards it.


> However, in WvW, you're not handed it for essentially zero effort, it takes you days of suffering and falling behind/being slower. It makes no sense, and it's very clear the person who designed this collection has never zoned into WvW in their entire life. It's just a stupid additional barrier to entry to be on an even footing in a game that's entire design philosophy is you're always on an even footing because no linear gear progression and level scaling etc.


I literally logged into the game after weeks of not playing to unlock the warclaw, it took me literally 15 minutes to get the keep achievement. The longest thing is the reward track which is finished with full boosters after like 7 hours...


Sorry, but you must be really new to the game if you dont see where and when you can snack a single keep in the time of that reward track.


Days of suffering...please, can you be any more of a diva?

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> I literally logged into the game after weeks of not playing to unlock the warclaw, it took me literally 15 minutes to get the keep achievement. The longest thing is the reward track which is finished with full boosters after like 7 hours...


> Sorry, but you must be really new to the game if you dont see where and when you can snack a single keep in the time of that reward track.


> Days of suffering...please, can you be any more of a diva?


Yeah I'm new to the game because I can't solo keeps 1vs20 or hack the enemies accounts in EOTM to make them take my keeps back so I don't have to wait 4 hours for it to reset.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > No, there was no one taking keeps and my EOTM "server" controlled them all for the entire 4 hours. Also who saves pots? lol The solo story dungeon takes ~15 minutes.

> >


> Currently have 500 of them stashed on one of my toons, and about 130 of them on another. I had the warclaw fully unlocked within 15mins of the patch going live. Many in my guild had that light bulb moment, and one of our commanders, who had to run 5hrs straight to complete the reward track, afterwards started storing them.


> Unless you are working on a specific reward track with a goal, it's a smart play to save up your potions for future use. If at any time I need a Gift of Battle, or a piece of exotic stat selectable armor, I can have it within minutes.


> > @"Straegen.2938" said:

> > Knock down outer on some BL keep then call it out in team chat. People will show.


> Especially if it's a daily.



I was scratching my head about the potions thing too. I figured most people saved them for "need it now" moments.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Also who saves pots? lol



I always save pots. It's a waste imo to use them until I have an interest in something specific. That means no time delay for me when I need a Gift of Battle or to monetize during Halloween or Wintersday.


> No, there was no one taking keeps and my EOTM "server" controlled them all for the entire 4 hours.

Often there are multiple maps. When there aren't, you can sometimes get someone from an opposing world to take a keep and retake it. Regardless, "4 hours" is just two cycles.


In effect, you're saying, "if I can't unlock it right now, the requirement should be removed." I understand the sentiment; it's just not an argument that's likely to convince ANet that there's a fundamental issue worth their time, let alone effort.

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From Reddit: SKYSCALE


How do I start?

Complete the story



Skyscale Scales

Right next to Gorrik, near the cliff, at the start of the collection. By the Skyscale Eyrie PoI.

Coast level, south of Pact Command. It's at the base of a pillar kinda thing

Top of pillar, near the Pact Command waypoint. Get on top of the airship to get to it. Griffon or Skyscale recommended

Cliff level, kind of high up but not where you got the blood for story. South side of a big tree at it's base

Cliff level, on the top of the waterfall and on it's eastern-most end

Effectively cliff level, on top of some tree branches

Floor level, big branch leading over the coast

Coast level, south of Loathsome Pulpit

Floor level, acecssible in the same route you use to break his weak point with the new spear in the story

Cliff level, accessible from floor level, north of Olmakhan Camp | Another PoV to help you find it

Floor level...ish. Accessible from the floor level, but it's a floating rock over the coast so it's effectively a cliff. Can't reach from Coast

Cliffs, south of Virulent Wastes. Not the highest cliff, on the back side of a ledge

Floor level, in the Virulent Wastes

Coast level, west of Burning Forest Waypoint

Coast level and up a tree, west of Pact Command

Cliff level, accessible from floor level, north of Olmakhan Camp | Another PoV to help you find it

Floor level, you'll see it plainly on the ground right across from Pact Command under Kralk's scales

Coast level, inland near Gnarlgrove

Coast level, west of Melandru's Lost Domain Waypoint

Coast level, east of Grenth's Respite

Suicide level, just north of the death storm. Access from the north side if you want to live.


Medicine Unlocks

Volatile Magic vendors in Pact Command, participate in meta events. Once you do 10 events per lane, you will be able to

purchase the medicine from the respective volatile magic vendor.

Sick Skyscale Locations

Right next to Gorrik's new spot

Cliff level, but you can approach from either the north or springer up from the south

Cliff level, just kind of hanging out in the open

Cliff level, under the big talon thingy

Coast-ish level, on ledge

Cliff level, be wary of Hydra

Cliff level, kind of a weird approach from #6 but you can get to it in a variety of ways

Cliff level, simple griffon ride from 7

Cliff-ish level, pretty easy to get to from ground level

Cliff-ish level, on top of a tree

Coast level, in a little hidden grotto type area. Grab an oakheart or portal to get back up quickly

Cliff level, Kralk's wing again, but a bit different. Roughly follow the path shown - it goes inside a bit

Cliff level, on top of a tree

Cliff level, fairly easy to springer up to


Egg Locations

Floor level, near Gorrik again

Cliff level, easy to springer

Cliff level, short run from 2

Coast level, but up quite a bit. Portal recommended to get back up quickly

Cliff level

Cliff level, on a tree

Coast level, bring a portal to get back up quickly or be ready for a longer run back to 8 NOTE: GO TO 9 NEXT

Cliff-ish level, fairly easy to get from floor level

Cliff level NOTE: GO TO 8 NEXT

Cliff level, short trip from 8

Cliff level, grab an oakheart from the tiny marked circle to make your way up quickly

Cliff level, on top of a tree

Coast level, grab an oakheart to get back up quickly

Cliff level, a bit of a stretch from 13 but quick if you got the oakhearts

Highest level for Kralk's wing, on the same level as the roost

Cliff level, a bit of a drop from 15 but be mindful of how far you go

Cliff level, should be able to griffon to it from 16 but if not just a few oakhearts away

Cliff level, should be visible from 17

Cliff level, waaaaaaaaay on up above on a tree

Cliff level, plainly visible

Cliff level, easy to get to via springer from the waypoint if it's available


What do I do now?

You wait until next reset.




Saving Skyscales

All of these generate waypoints for the zones they are in so a picture guide is unnecessary. The more confusing ones have additional notes.




The Blood and Life first steps must be completed to acquire the buffs to get credit for kills/revives. Pick those up from Dragonfall and Divinity's Reach first. After that, I recommend picking up the first step on all maps:

Dragonfall (x1)

Divinity's Reach (x1)

The Grove (x1)

Brisban Wildlands (x1)

Straights of Devestation (x1)

Lornar's Pass (x1)

Frostgorge Sound (x1)

Domain of Vabbi (x5)


After these initial unlocks are done, just pick a map and complete it out for all the waypoints. I recommend this order (but it does not matter which order you do this in):

Domain of Vabbi (since you ended there, you can pick these up while you're still there)

Jahai Bluffs

Domain of Kourna (Get the Dust Mite Tornado one while here)

Domain of Istan

The Desolation

Elon Riverlands

Crystal Oasis

Desert Highlands

Thunderhead Peaks

Mount Maelstrom

Bloodtide Coast

Fields of Ruin

Blazeridge Steppes

Black Citadel

Bitterfrost (or Frostgorge Sound if you don't have that LS3 episode, requires Claw of Jormag event if that's thecase)

Dry Top

Sub-Collections for Saving Skyscales

Skyscale of Water - Hanging Gardens in Zagonur Cliffs of Domain of Vabbi | Talk to the Water djinn (or event completed grandmaster) to obtain this egg.

Ntouka Pond in Domain of Kourna, all the way at the bottom

Flooded Castavall in Bloodtide Coast

Derelict Delve in Desert Highlands (requires completion of Rune-Locked Doors achievement)

Skyscale of Fire - Hanging Gardens in Zagonur Cliffs of Domain of Vabbi | Talk to the Fire djinn (or event completed grandmaster) to obtain this egg.

Black Citadel

Mount Maelstrom

hearth in Domain of Vabbi

Derelict Cave in Desert Highlands

Skyscale of Ice - Talabaroop Waves of Frostgorge Sound | Marked with collection icon, short walk from the waypoint.

Derelict Delve in Desert Highlands

Thunderhead Peaks

Biterfrost Frontier elementals or Claw of Jormag Event

Skyscale of Earth - Hanging Gardens in Zagonur Cliffs of Domain of Vabbi | Talk to the Earth djinn (or event completed grandmaster) to obtain this egg.

Quicksand in Crystal Oasis

Quicksand in Dry Top

Quicksand in Elon Riverlands

Quicksand in Domain of Vabbi (one next to Necropolis)

Skyscale of Air - Hanging Gardens in Zagonur Cliffs of Domain of Vabbi | Talk to the Air djinn (or event completed grandmaster) to obtain this egg.

Get knocked down by a Dust Mite Twister (Dry Top or North East Domain of Kourna)

Hidden Garden jumping puzzle in Mount Maelstrom (Access it through one of these events: Hidden Garden Keepers)

Brand Tornado in Jahai Bluffs

Skyscale of Life - Plaza of Dwayna in Divinity's Reach | Right next to the waypoint, the NPC that gives Swiftness buffs.

Revive +3 allies

Revive +6 allies

Revive +9 allies

Skyscale of Blood - Pact Command in Dragonfall | Right next to the waypoint/spawn point, near the tent.

Kill +25 enemies

Kill +50 enemies

Kill +75 enemies

Skyscale of Growth - The Pale Tree's instance inside The Grove | There is a teacher surrounded by students with the collection icon.

Brightwater Inlet of Desert Highlands

Necropolis of Domain of Vabbi

Elon Flow in Elon Riverlands

Bonestrand in Desolation

Skyscale of Death - The Necropolis within the Domain of Vabbi | Near the hero point at the Necropolis' southern end.

Exile's Rest in Elon Riverlands

Bone Palace in Desolation

Tomb of Primeval Kings in Desert Highlands

Champion's Dawn in Domain of Istan

Skyscale of Spirit - In the Venlin Vale of Brisban Wildlands | Near the ooze cave, but above and more east.

Central Brand Scar in Jahai Bluffs, where the fake joko event happens

Ancestor Tree at Ruined Procession in Jahai Bluffs

Tarai Ossa shrine at Deadlock Sweep in Elon Riverlands

Prophet's Fall in Desert Highlands

Skyscale of Fear - Demon's Maw of Lornar's Pass | Near the Ogre camp, often has a collection event.

Get hit by a brandstorm (Domain of Vabbi, Jahai Bluffs, Dragonfall, etc)

Teach a class at Vehtendi Academy in Domain of Vabbi (requires this event - Speak from the lectern...)

Get attacked by chickens at Ebonhawke in Fields of Ruin

Blazeridge Steppes (the walls south of Lowland Burns Waypoint where the Shatterer event is, up the wall. Requires springer.)

Skyscale of Courage - Fort Trinity in Straights of Devestation | The only one of the initial collections which does not have an NPC. Interact with the symbol on a rampart near the waypoint.

Camp Resolve in Silverwastes - East of the waypoint in the little hub thing.

Joko's Sky Garden in Domain of Vabbi

Pact Command in Dragonfall - On the airship.


Defeat your doppleganger at Augury Rock in Elon Riverlands (event? not sure there's another way - Meta Event: The Path to Ascension)


After Completing Sub-Collections: After you complete these, return to Sun's Refuge to talk to Gorrik again.


What do I do now?

You wait until next reset.





Raising Skyscales (Part 1)

Go back to Gorrik in Sun's Refuge and interact with the egg. Then you stare at it. Stare at it super hard. Afterwards, talk to Gorrik to advance the collection.

To progress any of these sub-collections, acquire the items and return to Sun's Refuge. When you approach the hatchling your skill bar will be replaced and allow you to interact with it.


Skyscale Care

Combine 25 Bloodstone Dust, 5 Globs of Ectoplasm, 2 Slabs of Red Meat, and 1 Charged Quartz Crystal to amke the Skyscale Food. You'll need 12 of these — you can buy from the TP or get the total 300 Bloodstone, 60 Ecto, 24 Red Meat, and 12 Charged Quartz.

Take the food to Sun's Refuge to feed the hatchling. Feed the hatchling 3 times. (3/12)

YOU CAN ONLY FEED THE HATCHLLING 3 TIMES A DAY. This sub-collection will take a minimum of 4 days to complete as a result.

Skysale Treats

Kill any of these creatures for a chance (not guaranteed) drop. Champion versions have higher drop rates. Acquire the treat then return it to Sun's Refuge:


Sand Lion


Desert Insects (???)


Sand Eels

Rock Gazelles

Sand Sharks








Will try to find good farm spots and update later.


Skysale Toys

Buy these items then return to Sun's Refuge:

Hardy Ball - 1 Gold, bottom-ish level of Vehtendi Academy. Look for the collection icon on the map.

Bird Whistle - 2 Gold, just across the bridge of the Gladefall Waypoint in Northern Iron Marches.

Heavy-Duty Dolyak Blanket - 3 Gold, Heart vendor to the west of Afgar's Waypoint in Central Lornar's Pass.

Used Grow Lamp - Craft it with 400 Jewelcrafting + unlocking the recipe from Dry Top Tier 3 or higher (45-60 Geodes) or buy it from the Trading Post.


These are all pretty easy to find so no picture guide


What do I do now?

You wait until reset.




Raising Skyscales (Part 2)

Continue with:

Skyscale Care

Feed the hatchling 3 more times. (6/12)


What do I do now?

You wait until next reset. Complete any part of Skyscale Treats you have not completed yet.




Raising Skyscales (Part 3)

Continue with:

Skyscale Care

Feed the hatchling 3 more times. (9/12)


What do I do now?

You wait until next reset. Complete any part of Skyscale Treats you have not completed yet.




Raising Skyscales (Part 4)

Continue with:

Skyscale Care

Feed the hatchling 3 more times. (12/12)


What do I do now?

You wait until next reset. Complete any part of Skyscale Treats you have not completed yet.



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