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Recharging Teleport to Friend: Misfire design choice??

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> @"Lira.3459" said:

> OH it gets better, I used it last night then logged after 15 mins. I logged back on this morning and still had a 45 min timer on. Really no count down when not in game. What a waste of gems.


Each to their own. I have been loving this. Maybe because I almost never get ttf anyway so usually I have to make do without the option at all whatsoever. I felt deliciously spoiled when I was able to use it to make the timer on Matriarch yesterday. Actually, it probably IS because I never get them and so never use them. I only get perhaps 1 every 4 months or so? So when I DO get one it becomes a very precious resource, only to be used in a case of extreme need. Now, I essentially get one for each character, once an hour I play! *HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY DANCE*


My black lion chests just always have other things in them. Dyes. Transmutation charges. Materials. And if now I start getting them, because isn't that how it works? Then I still have my once an hour, PLUS another for 'emergencies'. Granted, my daughter got it for me, but if I had realized how freeing it would be I would have gotten it for myself.

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I posted this in the bug section, but thought everyone here might want to know about this buggy item.


Friend died while I was trying to teleport to him. The teleport did not take. The 1 hour cool-down started. I could not teleport to him when he was alive because I had a 1 hour cooldown. We tested this 3 times and same results. He also tested his, which provoked the same cool down.


Other misfires also caused the one-hour cool-down, even when the port is refused.

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I am okay with a CD of 1 hour , I am however not okay with it not ticking down while the character is logged out, because my mesmer only ports to friends to help out and then logs out again ...

Idc if its a debuff... just call it and make it something else and let it run out while the char is offline pls.

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> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> Guess there's a lot of confusion on how buffs/debuffs work in this game. I haven't seen anyone complain e.g. their birthday buff not ticking down when logged out.


Check again how the thunderhead light buff and the bitterfrost elixir buff work again and come back to me bud.


There is a reason they changed the thunderhead buff from 30 mins to next reset.

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> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> Guess there's a lot of confusion on how buffs/debuffs work in this game. I haven't seen anyone complain e.g. their birthday buff not ticking down when logged out.


Nobody is confused about debuffs. As Linken mentioned there are actually debuffs that count down when not logged in and the choice to make this a debuff is completely arbitrary.

You know you may personally be fine with it because you play this game a different way than others but for anyone uses a lot of characters this is pretty ridiculous as you very frequently won't have the item available when needed unless you afk for 1 hour after using it every time.

Also the item description says "One-hour cooldown" which in fact is quite different from "Applies Teleport Recharging (1h) to the character that used it. This effect only counts down while playing that character!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I’ve changed my mind about this item! I thought it wasn’t worth it to me because of the times when I’ve used several within an hour to take part in a bounty or HP train, etc., but since this has come out, I’ve noticed how many times I’ve used the single use when this one would have worked as well — deciding to do a dungeon with a group only to discover the character you want to bring doesn’t have any WP on that map, joining maps for meta events, etc. Anyway, I finally bought one today and actually think it a good investment for altoholics like me. ;)

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  • 3 months later...

1h for active characters is kinda ok, i have no problem with that


if you use it with character that you rarely play or play like 15min per day, cooldown can be days,

bcs no daily reset of cooldown,

it would be nice to introduce daily reset or 12h reset to this item for inactive character.


lack of this option is very disappointing

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> @"ScyeRynn.4218" said:

> One hour recharge is another anet failed, silly decision, but if it allows me to skip the cringy, drawn out, unskippable intros to missions to get to new maps its definitely worth buying.


Why not just buy portal scrolls and the ls 3 and 4 tome from map vendors to return to living story maps mate way cheaper then teleport to friend.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"ScyeRynn.4218" said:

> > One hour recharge is another anet failed, silly decision, but if it allows me to skip the cringy, drawn out, unskippable intros to missions to get to new maps its definitely worth buying.


> Why not just buy portal scrolls and the ls 3 and 4 tome from map vendors to return to living story maps mate way cheaper then teleport to friend.


You assume I have multiple chars and that they have already reached the new maps as well as being on the same account. Too many assumptions.

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  • 7 months later...

> @"Trise.2865" said:

> After all the whining it took to get them to make it, suddenly it's useless and nobody wants it. What a gods-damned shock.


tbh though; people who need it most will be new people - and they don't have a stack + of the single use ones.


tut. Sorry for necro.

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  • 2 months later...

I'd love to buy this item, but the CD is absurd. I really can't see how it is abusable at all or why the timer requires you to be logged into that particular character for it to count down. People said it was used to exploit map completion, but if the BLKey has been removed from the rewards, whats the problem? Plus, you need someone to actually go to all the spots for you to T2F to.


I have just picked up the game again after 18 months away and all the newer maps are so hectic that I can't even join in to do the events. Following the train with all the mount swapping and WPing is difficult and this would come in very handy since half the time I find myself not able to get to the boss or event in time to get credit, so I spend an hour trying to keep up, getting nothing for my efforts and giving up to go do something else with a more relaxed pace. The only way I was able to get all the Keepers in Drizzlewood was to use the consumable versions and the same goes for the champs in DF.

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