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[Spoilers] Terrible story

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"McPero.3287" said:


> > Just because it is a MMO doesn't means bad story telling is acceptable. No reason to encourage mediocrity. They have so far been putting most of their effort into Living Story Episodes, that is why WvW and PvP and such a bad state. I expect at least story to be good if that is their main focus.



> THIS is the main issue people have with them spending so much effort on living story. This games story never has been, and never will be good. This is a MMO, and they should focus on MMO aspects, not waste all their time and resources on meh story.



But that wasn't the case either ^^


The mechanics was not really spectacular and "dangerous" nor challenging. I expect to die at least once and having to restart from a save in a big boss fight.

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The writer of this part of the story, either is lazy, no imagination, or lack creativity, or they do not know the back story at all.


There were no hints at all before this that Kralki is in fact Aurene's grandfather, unless you search the wiki. actually I knew because watched too many movies :bleep_bloop:


It would have been a better story if we found out Kralki is the grandfather from a Glint Voice Over explaining why her vision had directed Aurene to kralki, she would never evolved into a crystal dragon without that breath from Kralki. Hence, why, saying eating Joko is the cause Aurene is alive does not explained the Crystal Dragon at all


When Kralki realized in the last episode that he would make Aurene powerful he left having tiny bit of sentimentality, on top of the fact that he was also injured.


Come War Eternal, we would summon all effort to lure Kralki back to Aurene's cocoon with that lay line thing he tried to consume to recuperate, and make him breath life into Aurene. He finally succumb when Aurene calles out to him with their "dragon communicator ability" "Grandfather, I am Aurene, your last and only grandchild, you have lost one already,!!!!" with big teary blinky eyes.


This way, it also explained how, we the champion, a mere tiny creature of Tyria cannot ever kill a dragon, he has submit himself and pass on his flame to the next generation.


Ending the story in dragon fall, the last sleeping place of the mighty Dragon **Kralkatorrik**!


Yeah i like my story better :P

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> @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> Agreed.

> The writer of this part of the story, either is lazy, no imagination, or lack creativity, or they do not know the back story at all.


> There were no hints at all before this that Kralki is in fact Aurene's grandfather, unless you search the wiki. actually I knew because watched too many movies :bleep_bloop:


> It would have been a better story if we found out Kralki is the grandfather from a Glint Voice Over explaining why her vision had directed Aurene to kralki, she would never evolved into a crystal dragon without that breath from Kralki. Hence, why, saying eating Joko is the cause Aurene is alive does not explained the Crystal Dragon at all


> When Kralki realized in the last episode that he would make Aurene powerful he left having tiny bit of sentimentality, on top of the fact that he was also injured.


> Come War Eternal, we would summon all effort to lure Kralki back to Aurene's cocoon with that lay line thing he tried to consume to recuperate, and make him breath life into Aurene. He finally succumb when Aurene calles out to him with their "dragon communicator ability" "Grandfather, I am Aurene, your last and only grandchild, you have lost one already,!!!!" with big teary blinky eyes.


> This way, it also explained how, we the champion, a mere tiny creature of Tyria cannot ever kill a dragon, he has submit himself and pass on his flame to the next generation.


> Ending the story in dragon fall, the last sleeping place of the mighty Dragon **Kralkatorrik**!


> Yeah i like my story better :P


Meh, story had a few short commings (mostly pace) but i like it more tbh. I dont really dig the whole "power of friendship and or family" deal.

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"good" is relative and subjective. I find stuff good as long as I enjoyed it and the "good" aspects outweighted the "bad" aspects. Doesn't mean, of course, that brushing the "bad" aspects off is adequat, depending on how much of a thorn in the eye it/they were.

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I just know I felt great after playing this, which wasn't the case with last episode (not that it was bad, but I wasn't expecting this game to get dark and depressive). Sure it could be argued that there were plot convenience and rushed bits here and there, but for a video game it's honorable and feels complete in the end. Jokko was a fan theory and I'm glad it turned out to be right.


After the awfulness of GoT last sunday it just feels "good" to get such a story.

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**"With one bound, Aurene was free...."**


From pathos to bathos. A gut-wrenching punch to the gut of an end to one episode, followed by the worst, most anti-climactic "meh" start to the next one that it's easy to imagine.


T.b.h., it felt like one of those terrible old Saturday Matinee movie serials my parents used to tell me about. At the end of one week, you'd see "our hero" shot by the villain, reeling backwards before falling injured or worse to the ground. Come the next week, the story would pick up just before that final clip; either the shot would miss completely, or our hero would reel slightly then shake himself off, to show that he'd merely been scratched. Then he'd end the fight with a couple of well-placed punches, and move on to the next bit of action.


That I completely expected the "How do we bring Aurene back?" solution was one thing; it was telegraphed a mile off, and about the only clear justification for the whole "Joko" sequence (which otherwise seemed like an odd, running-out-of-ideas diversion into adding any old new content, any old way). The way that they did it, though - literally the first significant player action within the playable content of the next episode - was... ....poor. Crass. Just not good. I was expecting at minimum that most of the episode would concentrate on getting Aurene back. Yes, it would still have been hokey, but at least I could have given it marks for an attempt at integrity.


Don't get me wrong - I really enjoyed the final "Bruce Lee" part of the episode. It worked well for me, and it was gorgeous to boot. I just **really** disliked the start.


*Edit:* The unfortunate thing is, I think that the opening moments would have worked fine. **if** I'd been experiencing them as a carefully-paced plot twist literally a couple of minutes after the previous events (which would have meant making them part of the same chunk of story). Not doing so made the end of Episode 5 extremely powerful - but it also, frankly, made the start of Episode 6 feel extremely cheap and cheesey.

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What kill me is they very rapidly killed Joko JUST because it was needed for Aurene -_- in that case seriously they could have extanded the joko arc, here it's just do it fast we need it for aurene to come back.... Again they played with death... It was clear that joko magic was absorbed, but dunno it feels like a bad plot, kralk could have eaten aurene and become invincible...

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I'm glad she's back. I think the time between episodes made the way they did this more acceptable, but another trip to the spirt realm to bring her back would have been better. After all, the commader has died and came back so guiding her back from there would have been an interesting start. The part I actually found a little jolting was her suddenly being able to talk. Just how did that work? I think I'd have preffered to have her continue to speak dragon with Caithe translating as needed. If she was going to talk, couldn't they have used some sort of voice morpher to make her sound a little less human and a little less....well....chummy? Her goals allign with the rest of the group, but not necessarily for the same reasons. She's a dragon and now a more mature one.

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> @"wickedkae.4980" said:

> The story was terrible. She comes back to life instantly. There was no point in her "death". This game needs to gets its kitten straight. Anet writers are deathly afraid of taking chances and the games sales have suffered because of it.


I'm going to need statistical proof to believe that one. There is no MMO on the market whose story is the #1 selling point.


If I'm looking for a new MMO and someone tells me that this one isn't afraid to kill off main characters? Well that's nice, dear. Now please tell me something important, like whether it's actually fun.

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> @"MMOStein.3872" said:

> The point was **she never actually died,**

Yes, precisely. The thing that made people think the previous episode was really good _never really happened_.


> Also she ate Joko, what the heck did people actually expect?????

Personally, i expected Joko to burst out of her ribcage Alien style. Unfortunately, i was disappointed.


But more seriously - yes, i have noticed the Joko connection, and knew it would give Anet an option, but i considered that option a cheap cop-out. I'd have preferred them to go with the Dragon Ascension angle, or make her "survive" the same way Glint did, in the mist - basically anything to make her death meaningful. Turned out, the death not only wasn't meaningful, it didn't even exist.


Tell yourself this: if Aurene didn't "die" at the end of previous chapter, but only got wounded, which allowed Kralky to escape, would the story be any different? And my answer is : it wouldn't be. The death was completely inconsequential.


> This isn't Death Note, not every story has to have some super uber mega plot twist that makes you question your own existence, nor does every story needs to be that convoluted to be good writing. Sometimes people go overboard with speculation when the answer is literally right in front of you. Stop overthinking things. If you want some mind-shattering plot, go read a book, watch a film, or play SP games.

Yeah, my bad, what was i thinking hoping for something above grade B writing out of Anet.


> @"Ben K.6238" said:

>There is no MMO on the market whose story is the #1 selling point.

There are however MMos whose story is a strong and major point, and whose authors are not afraid of making it more complicated and nuanced.


By the way, i'm still interested how they are going to get over the point that was made in the story, that no single being can contain so much power without being tormented into madness. Bet they will conveniently forget about it when Aurene is concerned.

(unless of course she didn't assimilate that magic, in which case the world goes boom tomorrow).

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Their story makes no sense anymore AT ALL.

Seems like they just come here or Reddit to get ideas for the story and just choose the easiest, most obvious thing people thought is going to happen.


1- We were told killing dragons is bad - oh but let's still kill Kralk (because it's the easiest thing to do rather than coming up with another way to go about it)

2- We were told long time ago that Elder Dragons don't really feel anything but are just there to eat power, sleep and make minions and corrupt world - oh but now apparently Kralk cares about love and all that, and says he hopes we don't have to kill what we love.... like what??? since when do they love and care about who they kill

3- And surely if all the power he consumed tortured him, giving it to Aurene is going to do the same to her +Kralk's that she got now to top it off (she did tell him she is not like him, but really, she didn't have all that "power" inside her so she can't really judge)


I played the story with my bf and just as we went into Kralk's mouth I said to him - "they better not pull another Mordremoth thing with this, killing his mind or what? are we going to fight his heart now?" ... literally a minute later, we are piercing his heart, I was like .. "oh my ..."

And the whole story literally took us just over an hour to do .... pretty disappointing.

Since forever, I wanted to fight Kralk because of his size so I thought of all these amazing ways that we can fight and how he'd move and all that .... and Anet really missed a chance to make such an epic fight. We barely did anything. It is on a Zhaitan level to me, at least you had to dodge few times and do a bit more damage to Mordremoth


Edit: Although I will give them credit. Cinematics are best ones yet. At least that was good.

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> @"ScyeRynn.4218" said:

> > @"McPero.3287" said:

> > When I saw Aurene get resurected in first instance I just Alt+F4 the game. If you are gonna bring her back at least don't do it immediately, what was the point of her dying if she is instantly back. Terrible story telling. You kill a quality villain in the first fight (Joko) and bring back a mute dragon (which yes speaks now) that had no character to it but was just liked by people because it looked cute and shinned. Not sure if I'll even play this episode now maybe if Taimi dies I will. Does she?


> Lol. Lost all credibility to your opinion when you said "You kill a quality villain in the first fight (Joko)" XD


> And you quit before finishing and based your review of the episode on that? Guess this one's from the new batch of casuals that came with the 50% off deal haha!


GW2 player calling someone casual hmmm...

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I will say that the final portion of the last cutscene I was like "Meh", You make the damn dragon look like a fucking pokemon and I instantly just don't care. I thought aurene would look cooler than she did; And to top it off we got this really cliche fly off into the sunset thing. I mean other than that this episode was great and I loved it all the way through, her rebirth was predictable but they set it up way back with joko.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> My opinion is valuable because any time spent on story in a MMO is time that was wasted and could have been spent on stuff that people actually play MMO's for. Anet is making an MMO, not a single player cinematic experience, and they need to get that in their skulls.


Then don't play the game mate. There are other games out there, who will scratch your itch im sure and this one is not for you which is fine. It wasn't for me either but I play other games for my pvp now. I play things that are centered around pvp with it as their focus when I want to kill players; I play this for fun strictly because I enjoy tyira and the lore.


Maybe take a step back and try some other games, take a Hiatus I know I did and it helped alot. Expect the game to cater to you is wrong, expecting anyone to give a shit about your opinion is worse. You're not important, nor is your opinion or your existence really you are one of a mall colony of inconsequential specs within the vast cogs of the eternal cycle. Just as we all are, in the end you will be dust and none of this will matter so why fret about it when its not something in your control. Don't like it then get a degree in game design, get on at A-net and fix the issues you want fixed. Ill support pvp balancing and wvw overhauls, Ill support them because I enjoy those modes as well but to say the living world shouldn't be a focus is wrong.



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Aurene's resurrection brings a precedent where any Dragon can consume enough Magic of a specific type and be able to corrupt with that type of Magic...


If a Dragon were to consume the Magic of the Jade Sea and feed on Leylines... Jade Elder Dragon! If another Dragon were to consume the Magic of Echovald Forest and feed on Leylines... Elder Dragon of Stone and Plants(of the Moss and Fern kind)! If yet another Dragon were to feed on the Magics of the Domain of Pain or Afflicted then feed on Leylines... Flesh Elder Dragon! If a Dragon were to feed on the Celestials followed by feeding on a Leyline... Celestial Elder Dragon!


The news of Aurene's survival will reach some ambitious Dragons(or Dragon masters) and they _**will**_ make a move on the most interesting Magic in order to fill the holes left by Zhaitan and Mordremoth's deaths(with the ones in the same territory eating each other in the process)!

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The story in this episode is so close to quality to GoT season 8 that I have a feeling they asked Dumb and Dumber for pointers. I didn't like anything in LS4 story wise except the Joko monologue, I was really disappointed with episode 5, both with the story and with the community reaction to what was right in front of their eyes so I thought "how bad can it get?"... a lot is the answer that anet prepared for me.


Aurene resurrection because death is pointless in this game and then she talks too! But she doesn't sound like a dragon, she sounds like a teen from Divinity's Reach. But we still have business to attend to so let's go hunt some dragons. Death gives you superpowers in this game so Aurene, who was unable to deal significant damage on Kralk's face at the end of episode 5, suddenly rips off one of his wings in 1 single attack!! WOW (ArenaNet, I have a few hundred deaths on my main, can I gain a minor boost of 1000% on my attack damage?).


Then we have the typical filler to the filler because if you can trust anet to something that's to give increasingly less story for longer development time... don't you all love the waste of resources that is LS? And we get the 2nd and final instance to the long awaited season finale. So the dragon that was killing for sport and wasn't thinking of anything but to consume more and more magic suddenly gets a change of heart and like a death row inmate becomes sentimental. And to think that we even denied him his final meal by cutting him off the ley lines... At least he's dead so no more branded, I grew so tired of them it's not even a joke.


I seriously hope now that NCSoft made you focus on the game that makes you cash again that LS5 will be having some quality.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> Their story makes no sense anymore AT ALL.

> Seems like they just come here or Reddit to get ideas for the story and just choose the easiest, most obvious thing people thought is going to happen.


This is my issue too. I feel we are in Star Trek Voyager territory where random fan theories are being inserted.


I do hope we arent about to explore Elder Dragon “mommy” issues soon...



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Don't know. I wasn't surprised, the Joko thing was very strait forward.


For a MMO I think the story is fine. There isn't much which could have been done without pulling multiple Deus Ex Machina so in that way I was fine with it.


Rest of the episode is great so far.


Not sure what people are expecting, given how terrible Game of Thrones has become, and the amount of money that gets thrown at that production. Compared to the last few GoT episodes, GW2 is pure Shakespeare.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > Their story makes no sense anymore AT ALL.

> > Seems like they just come here or Reddit to get ideas for the story and just choose the easiest, most obvious thing people thought is going to happen.


> This is my issue too. I feel we are in Star Trek Voyager territory where random fan theories are being inserted.


> I do hope we arent about to explore Elder Dragon “mommy” issues soon...




Kralk did say, "Mother" just before he died.

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