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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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I've been thinking about this since Tuesday.


The timegate was a bit hard to swallow, but in the end, I agreed that 5 days would seem like nothing. I'm enjoying the scavenger hunts, I'm enjoying visiting previous maps. It's fun, it doesn't require much gold or materials. It's an adventure, which is exactly what I want more of from this game. Less grinding, more exploring.


The Skyscale was deliberately advertised as THE BIGGEST thing to come from this episode, and looking back, it feels good to know that it wouldn't require a small amount of effort.


Fast forward to yesterday -- 5 days has been stretched to 9, but it's expected to stretch even further, to at least half a month's worth of waiting. Since I have plenty of free time, I can manage it. But _why_ is it such an extreme waiting period?


Don't get me wrong -- I understand more than anyone what the intent behind this was. I love the idea of raising my own skyscale so that it feels more personal to me, instead of just being given it off the bat. It feels similar to games I used to play, anyone who knows what "Chao Gardens" are would understand.


But I just don't understand why the waiting was linked to real-time days, and not in-game days. It's more time spent waiting than playing.


Again, no problems with the scavenger hunts. No problems with the collections. No problems with raising my own personal skyscale. All fun. Waiting for daily reset just to find out there's more than 5 days worth of waiting? Feels like someone's waving a prize in front of my face, and every time I reach out for it, it gets further away.

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> @"Xervite.5493" said:

> > @"Zushada.6108" said:

> > Do you go to work for free? Do you go to a restaurant and demand free food? No. The game is giving you the OPTION of obtaining a FREE mount under their terms. With Griffon it was 250 Gold and Collections. This one is free and you have to put in a bit more work at a predetermined pace. These collections are not arduous; they are really easy and they encourage you go to different maps, complete events and work towards something fun yet OPTIONAL.

> >

> > I really wish everyone would stop complaining about this and move on and enjoy the game. In LW3 we got Aurene and it required full story achieves to complete plus a bunch of wasted Xunlei Ingots. I literally just finished that collection bc I could not get the 2 achieves from the story in Bitterfrost (stay unfrosty and under 5 mins) so I put it aside for a while and did something else until I had everything I needed to craft it and the achieves done. Those who did not bother with LW3 map and story achievements had to do a lot more work on maps with low population at times; plus they had to complete the second collection and get the required T6 mats.

> >

> > Understanding that LW3 was a Leg Trinket, this is really no different in principle. For those who use the argument "I only play an hour a night" the good news is that we do not need to get it all done in one night so the argument is irrelevant in this case. Right now, we have 7 mounts in this game and we really did not need another one and if ppl think they cannot get on in this game without the Skyscale, then they really need to reconsider if this is the right game for them. Everyone please, stop complaining about the timegate and realise that you are upset over a couple of collections that apply to an optional part of the game -- and it is just a game.


> Mounts aren't free, you have to buy the expansion first and if you don't meet the criteria for "free" lws4 episodes you gotta buy that too. So technically its behind two pay walls. (Which is acceptable) Nobody is complaining about long boring collections or running around different maps, time gate is the issue here. Next time think before you type.


I will rephrase for those who clearly like to try and argue based on semantics -- ADDITIONAL mounts are free with LW4 EP 5 provided you have logged in to each active episode and received each episode FOR FREE this season. Think before you type next time because I am not wrong. It is free -- especially for the vast majority of players who are complaining. Show some respect next time in your comments and remember there are people on the other side of the screen.

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> @"Annaveil.5201" said:

> You're saying the quartz is a time-gate? I thought you were talking about some other collection that leads you to other maps.


> Can't you purchase the lamp that needs the quartz if you want to bypass the daily cooldown?

One step of the collection does lead you to other maps. I don't think most are too upset with this portion of the collection since it is most akin to what is expected. However, when we reached the charged quartz stage, which represented a timegate within a timegate, then that was when a lot of the rage set in. But again, this step does not really lead you to either play other maps or Dragonfall.


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> @"Zushada.6108" said:

> > @"Xervite.5493" said:

> > > @"Zushada.6108" said:

> > > Do you go to work for free? Do you go to a restaurant and demand free food? No. The game is giving you the OPTION of obtaining a FREE mount under their terms. With Griffon it was 250 Gold and Collections. This one is free and you have to put in a bit more work at a predetermined pace. These collections are not arduous; they are really easy and they encourage you go to different maps, complete events and work towards something fun yet OPTIONAL.

> > >

> > > I really wish everyone would stop complaining about this and move on and enjoy the game. In LW3 we got Aurene and it required full story achieves to complete plus a bunch of wasted Xunlei Ingots. I literally just finished that collection bc I could not get the 2 achieves from the story in Bitterfrost (stay unfrosty and under 5 mins) so I put it aside for a while and did something else until I had everything I needed to craft it and the achieves done. Those who did not bother with LW3 map and story achievements had to do a lot more work on maps with low population at times; plus they had to complete the second collection and get the required T6 mats.

> > >

> > > Understanding that LW3 was a Leg Trinket, this is really no different in principle. For those who use the argument "I only play an hour a night" the good news is that we do not need to get it all done in one night so the argument is irrelevant in this case. Right now, we have 7 mounts in this game and we really did not need another one and if ppl think they cannot get on in this game without the Skyscale, then they really need to reconsider if this is the right game for them. Everyone please, stop complaining about the timegate and realise that you are upset over a couple of collections that apply to an optional part of the game -- and it is just a game.

> >

> > Mounts aren't free, you have to buy the expansion first and if you don't meet the criteria for "free" lws4 episodes you gotta buy that too. So technically its behind two pay walls. (Which is acceptable) Nobody is complaining about long boring collections or running around different maps, time gate is the issue here. Next time think before you type.


> Excuse me? I did think before I typed and I am not wrong I will rephrase for those who clearly like to try and argue based on semantics -- ADDITIONAL mounts are free with LW4 EP 5 provided you have logged in to each active episode and received each episode FOR FREE this season. Think before you type next time because I am not wrong. It is free. for the vast majority of players who are complaining. Show some respect next time in your comments and remember there are people on the other side of the screen.


Something that you have to pay to access is by definition not free.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > Well, we've had years to acquire Charged Quartz. And, all kinds of other materials. Always a good tip to think ahead. It costs nothing to store these items in Material Storage.

> > > > I think I might even have a Grow Lamp tucked away somewhere. Granted, most probably don't; but, time-gates for different items are concurrent, so, it's not like you have to wait a separate day for each one.

> > >

> > > What about those people who rejoined during the recent ls4 push? They wont have had years. Im not wholly against timegating and im not going to let current popular opinion on these boards sway what i think about the method of obtaining, but I dont think we can say we have years to hoard stuff in prep for this either.

> >

> > If people just rejoined there is no reason they should not have to acquire an item, same as someone who has been playing and has not been acquiring either will need to. Its a wash here, this isn't about playtime. We have been asking ANet for uses for older materials and if they are using charged quartz then they are simply doing things that were asked for. We need more uses for one of materials.


> I completely agree. I just don't think the statement, "well, we've had years to acquire" is fair or accurate. The rest I have no issue with


> I think there needs to be care taken. People are within their right to complain about the issue if they believe it is unfair. I may not agree, but I fully see their point


That's fair and agree, people should post when they see something that seems off, but more constructive ones are better.


We have a lot of microwave generation arguments going on in some of these threads, especially when new collections are released. I do believe for a healthy crafting system materials need to have multiple uses. I have no idea where I stand on charged crystals, it just means I may have more reasons to visit dry top which gives reason to revisit older content. Which has also been called for. I don't think people would reply as much to people posting I don't like this threads if; one they made more reasonable arguments outside of because I don't like, or I didn't prepare for it, I can't have it now arguments. Anet has also proven they will take feedback from the forums to find out the forum was just more vocal but wasn't the popular stance which is great for increasing forum participation as the people that were playing are now saying WTF happened. So unless people counter with the other side we end up with one sided statements. Not approaching this from the gates are good side but more from the older materials have more value and so does some older content side. Good gaming!

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > I think it's funny someone complains about the time gate ... I guess spending 250G is more to your liking?

> > > >

> > > > From a brand new account, by the time I got to the end of PoF story, I had 500g in the bank. The collection for the Gryphon took me about a week, off and on, between doing fractals, WvW and metas.

> > > >

> > > > The Beetle collection took me a weekend, 3 months after it was released, as I didn't really care about it and procrastinated that chapter of LW.

> > > >

> > > > I was more interested in the Skyscale than the Beetle, but based on what I'm seeing of the collection, I may just give it a pass, since I already have the Gryphon.

> > > >

> > > > EDIT: in addition, if you have enough resources and gold, you could technically craft any of the Gen 1 or Gen 2 legendary weapons in the same day. If you're very hardcore, you could even do the collections for the Gen 1 / 2 Precursors in the same day.

> > > >

> > > > So now we are saying the Skyscale is more "prestigious" than legendary weapons?

> > >

> > > You're going to have back up a bit ... I don't know what legendary weapons have to do with this so I'm just ignore that.

> > >

> > > MMO's make you pay .... one way or the other. The whole reason these threads exist is that people don't want to 'pay', regardless of currency ...BUT

> > >

> > > if I had to pay, it's 'cheaper' with a time-gate than it is with gold.

> >

> > The Legendary bit wasn't in response to you, but I've seen many people comparing the mount to legendary grinds in terms of it's cost/ prestige.

> >

> > But I disagree that this is an issue of 'cost'. As I said, by the time I got to where I needed 250g for the Gryphon, I had double that in my account. When I got to the Beetle collection, the only time gates in place were: did I miss "x" event and have to wait for it come around again. Raptor, Jackal, Skimmer, Springer, Warclaw, all were either free, required a small cost in gold (8g for Warclaw / 25g for Jackal IIRC) or required heart completion / collection.

> >

> > The common thread there is all were attainable by players at their own pace. I had a guildy who played WvW 5hrs straight to get the Warclaw. I myself did the Beetle collection over a weekend, the hardest part was the SW beetle since it was months after the content had gone live.

> >

> > Nothing released so far in this game justifies how ANET is handling this mount....except perhaps Aurora.

> >

> > There are far far far more players flying the Gryphon than those who own Aurora. That says everything about people's stomach for lengthy time gates vs willingness to spend gold.

> >


> Aurora is exactly what it should be compared to. It's the end content for LS3, the mount is the end content for LS4.

> Maybe you guys are correct and they should have advertised it that way. But the amount of work required makes sense. It's by no mean mandatory either, just like Aurora.


> That's fine if you want to point us the failure of advertising it, but having to go back to different LS4 maps is great. A game is there to be played.


I cant recall but was Aurora sold as a main feature update for the final part of LS3?

Was it splattered in teaser trailers and called out repeatedly as something you should come get when the new content patch drops.

Were several other things of the same type given out in previous parts of the LS3 that were much easier to get (could be done in a day for far less work)


Or was it some hidden thing that people figured out after the fact more like idont know Griffon


Ideally unless anet confirms this is a legendary mount it should not be compared to any legendary item.

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> @"Genesis.8572" said:

> > @"Annaveil.5201" said:

> > You're saying the quartz is a time-gate? I thought you were talking about some other collection that leads you to other maps.

> >

> > Can't you purchase the lamp that needs the quartz if you want to bypass the daily cooldown?

> One step of the collection does lead you to other maps. I don't think most are too upset with this portion of the collection since it is most akin to what is expected. However, when we reached the charged quartz stage, which represented a timegate within a timegate, then that was when a lot of the rage set in. But again, this step does not really lead you to either play other maps or Dragonfall.



I don't really see the outrage over the quartz. It isn't a new item, some people have stocked it daily for a long time, and you can purchase the lamp you need to make on the TP if you want to bypass the daily cooldown, or ask a friend to make it if you're so lucky to have someone who'd do that for you. The point is, you have options. Brand new players who would have difficulty getting the gold for the lamp may have difficulty traversing Dragonsfall in the first place, or doing the achievement where you take your egg to various places around the world. I don't believe quartz is an issue at all.


I assumed you were talking about an actual achievement that didn't involve new or old maps, and was time-gated, my apologies.



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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> I'm fine with doing collections. I'm fine with the collections taking 30+ hours. But let me do it at my own pace. I hate feeling like I have to rush to finish the kitten thing each day and can't stop to just...play fractals with friends or anything like that because if I don't finish it before reset, I have to wait another 24 hours before I can do anything. It's unneeded stress and frustration for a collection I'd otherwise really enjoy.




But you don't, because you can't rush time gated content. If you feel like that, that's a player problem.


You see, the big problem I have here is that no one complains they are stressed when content ISN'T time gated but they should be because it does get harder to do group content when it isn't


... but when your forced by the game to progress content in steps over time .. THAT is stressful? That doesn't make sense.

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:


> Where does the stress come from?

> Like, if you get it a couple days later than some people, does it bring stress?

> It wasn't in the game for years, it never brought stress before, why does the prospect of other people having it earlier make it all suddenly awful?


> Like, maybe some retrospective could help in this case, there's no point stressing over that, we'll all get it eventually


Is it really that hard for people to understand that people want to work toward something?


I wasn't playing when the roller beetle came out. I started the collections months after it released and yeah, I really wanted that mount when I came back. But those collections were far less stressful because I knew I could complete pretty much any of the steps whenever I wanted to set aside time for it. This? If I want to have the thing any time soon and not just be sitting around, waiting, while my PoF exp vanishes into the ether, I have to finish the collection before the next reset. And they aren't small collections, it took me all my play time after reset yesterday just to complete collection 2 and I felt like I couldn't take a break to do something else as I wouldn't have much time before reset today to do it once I get home from work. That's stressful and ultimately makes me resent a neat collection I would have otherwise enjoyed.


If you don't care about the mount, I guess...good for you? But a lot of us do like it and want to work on getting it and our spirt shards back.



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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Mahou.3924" said:


> > Armor =!= Mount. They serve quite oviously different purposes.


> Ok so finished the story and not having the mount blocked me. Zero times. So I am back to this is an optional thing. Armor is more relevant than this mount. I am a PvXer. I use armor in 2 of three game modes. I use this mount in 1 of 3 so far. Armor takes me longer, ok with this since its value, it may mean the difference in a fight, a mount won't. The mount takes me far less time. If you aren't willing to put on the time, don't.


Given Ascended has the same stats as Legendary, you can get Armor+Weapons in a single day if you wanted. No matter how much you want, the mount is impossible in that time frame.

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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:


> > Where does the stress come from?

> > Like, if you get it a couple days later than some people, does it bring stress?

> > It wasn't in the game for years, it never brought stress before, why does the prospect of other people having it earlier make it all suddenly awful?

> >

> > Like, maybe some retrospective could help in this case, there's no point stressing over that, we'll all get it eventually


> Is it really that hard for people to understand that people want to work toward something?


Time gating doesn't prevent that. In fact, it's ensures a path to working toward a goal over a set minimum interval.


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> >

> > > Where does the stress come from?

> > > Like, if you get it a couple days later than some people, does it bring stress?

> > > It wasn't in the game for years, it never brought stress before, why does the prospect of other people having it earlier make it all suddenly awful?

> > >

> > > Like, maybe some retrospective could help in this case, there's no point stressing over that, we'll all get it eventually

> >

> > Is it really that hard for people to understand that people want to work toward something?

> >

> Time gating doesn't prevent that. In fact, it's ensures a path to working toward a goal.


How is afking around, waiting for reset, work?

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Working i do for a living. Playing a game i do for entertainment next to living an actual life. Grind/time sinks are not something to be proud over or brag with (the only non arguments the pros can produce). So a hard no from me. This is something of the past, reminds me of a certain Southpark Wow episode. It should be just as playing a singleplayer game. Play the content/gameplay progress/unlock and get. Play to earn, not waste time and damage your life (and health). As is advertised for years but again this sort of thing happens. And a mount is not a optinal bling bling legendary, its core functionality of the new content.

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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > >

> > > > Where does the stress come from?

> > > > Like, if you get it a couple days later than some people, does it bring stress?

> > > > It wasn't in the game for years, it never brought stress before, why does the prospect of other people having it earlier make it all suddenly awful?

> > > >

> > > > Like, maybe some retrospective could help in this case, there's no point stressing over that, we'll all get it eventually

> > >

> > > Is it really that hard for people to understand that people want to work toward something?

> > >

> > Time gating doesn't prevent that. In fact, it's ensures a path to working toward a goal.

> >

> How is afking around, waiting for reset, work?


Seems to work fine. I mean ... that's a disingenuous way imply you have to 'wait' in a game where there is lots of content to play, but that's your choice. You're not going to make a case that time gating is bad because you have nothing to do except go AFK ... that's absurd.


Maybe come back when you have some real issues that aren't related to your game play style.

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> @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> I've been thinking about this since Tuesday.


> The timegate was a bit hard to swallow, but in the end, I agreed that 5 days would seem like nothing. I'm enjoying the scavenger hunts, I'm enjoying visiting previous maps. It's fun, it doesn't require much gold or materials. It's an adventure, which is exactly what I want more of from this game. Less grinding, more exploring.


> The Skyscale was deliberately advertised as THE BIGGEST thing to come from this episode, and looking back, it feels good to know that it wouldn't require a small amount of effort.


> Fast forward to yesterday -- 5 days has been stretched to 9, but it's expected to stretch even further, to at least half a month's worth of waiting. Since I have plenty of free time, I can manage it. But _why_ is it such an extreme waiting period?


> Don't get me wrong -- I understand more than anyone what the intent behind this was. I love the idea of raising my own skyscale so that it feels more personal to me, instead of just being given it off the bat. It feels similar to games I used to play, anyone who knows what "Chao Gardens" are would understand.


> But I just don't understand why the waiting was linked to real-time days, and not in-game days. It's more time spent waiting than playing.


> Again, no problems with the scavenger hunts. No problems with the collections. No problems with raising my own personal skyscale. All fun. Waiting for daily reset just to find out there's more than 5 days worth of waiting? Feels like someone's waving a prize in front of my face, and every time I reach out for it, it gets further away.


Different players will see it differently. I have a number of legendaries, the ones I value the most are the ones that took me on more of a journey. The ones that I just crafted thru by just pure materials have less value since it was just amassing materials. Seeing people have the new legendary weapon on day 1 lessens it, at least to me. Not saying gates the way to go, but requiring actions to acquire to me does add more value to an item. I do agree they missed the balance here, allowing people to have a legendary weapon but not a mount day one was off balance, both should have required some collection steps.

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Pitching in pretty late but I wanted to say this after giving it all some thought:

The only logically explanation for the timegating is the fact that you're literally hatching your mount from an egg and then raise it. It would make sense since collection one lets you collect eggs (which Gorrik probably uses for study and gifts you one of his subjects later on) and collection two lets you infuse your egg with the magics of the world (which I think we had way back before. I can't quite remember which collection but we had to infuse an egg too with magic. I think it was the raven egg from the Nevermore collection but I'm not sure aymore since it's been long that I've crafted it already.) so the hatchling would grow powerful. The next collections are about feeding, raising and teaching your Skyscale. In these collections you actually bond with your mount which makes it more than just a mount. It makes your Skyscale **your friend**.

It's pretty realistic that an egg isn't hatching in minutes so that's why there's a wait. Allthough it would take much longer for the egg to hatch in reality than just one day. You wouldn't force your newborn child to grow up within a day too, would you?

I get it, the wait is a bit frustrating but maybe ArenaNet gave some thought about previous collections and how they wanted to make this mount special. As they've said in the announcement stream for PoF: "...your mount isn't just a creature you're riding around. It's your friend you take on this journey..." Personally I like the concept of your mount sharing a bond with you and the idea of slowly building up your relationship with the Skyscale but the timegating sure is a huge downer. It was probably an idea ArenaNet had that looked great in theory but would prove to be bad in practice in the end.


Anyways, I hope everyone is having a nice day and enjoys the new content despite of all the negativities.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > I'm fine with doing collections. I'm fine with the collections taking 30+ hours. But let me do it at my own pace. I hate feeling like I have to rush to finish the kitten thing each day and can't stop to just...play fractals with friends or anything like that because if I don't finish it before reset, I have to wait another 24 hours before I can do anything. It's unneeded stress and frustration for a collection I'd otherwise really enjoy.

> >

> >


> But you don't, because you can't rush time gated content. If you feel like that, that's a player problem.


> You see, the big problem I have here is that no one complains they are stressed when content ISN'T time gated but they should be because it does get harder to do group content when it isn't


> ... but when your forced by the game to progress content in steps over time .. THAT is stressful? That doesn't make sense.


I think you are taking his words too literally

I think he means like me for example i did nothing till the reset yesterday and rushed to complete the egg magic gathering collection so that that i wouldnt have to worry about not finishing it before reset it took about 4 hours doing it with a group.


After that i was done didn't do dailies, fractals, or play dragonfall at all i was pretty much done.

Based on what im hearing for the next step ill be feeding a skyscale 3 times then today I might do fractals if they are any i particularly like after which ill going to prob stop and play another game.


If there are going to be more time gates within time gates the ESO new chapter early access is looking more and more lovely by the day. At which point i could be playing that and logging into gw2 just to feed a train a pet thats not a pet 3 times a day.


Ideally we are still rushing content because no one wants to wait an extra day if they dont have to. And because the mount is the main focus for so many people it easily pushes other forms of content to the side.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > >

> > > > > Where does the stress come from?

> > > > > Like, if you get it a couple days later than some people, does it bring stress?

> > > > > It wasn't in the game for years, it never brought stress before, why does the prospect of other people having it earlier make it all suddenly awful?

> > > > >

> > > > > Like, maybe some retrospective could help in this case, there's no point stressing over that, we'll all get it eventually

> > > >

> > > > Is it really that hard for people to understand that people want to work toward something?

> > > >

> > > Time gating doesn't prevent that. In fact, it's ensures a path to working toward a goal.

> > >

> > How is afking around, waiting for reset, work?


> Seems to work fine. I mean ... that's a disingenuous way imply you have to 'wait' in a game where there is lots of content to play, but that's your choice. You're not going to make a case that time gating is bad because you have nothing to do except go AFK ... that's absurd.


But none of the other content progresses the thing I want to put in work for. The time gate itself is not providing some great effort to work toward completing, it's just there to artificially stretch time. Regardless of what else I'm "working" on while waiting for reset, I'm still just waiting with respect to the mount collections. Then, if I don't want to wait yet another unnecessary 24 hours, I have to speed run the next step of the collections or be locked out.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> Pitching in pretty late but I wanted to say this after giving it all some thought:

> The only logically explanation for the timegating is the fact that you're literally hatching your mount from an egg and then raise it. It would make sense since collection one lets you collect eggs (which Gorrik probably uses for study and gifts you one of his subjects later on) and collection two lets you infuse your egg with the magics of the world (which I think we had way back before. I can't quite remember which collection but we had to infuse an egg too with magic. I think it was the raven egg from the Nevermore collection but I'm not sure aymore since it's been long that I've crafted it already.) so the hatchling would grow powerful. The next collections are about feeding, raising and teaching your Skyscale. In these collections you actually bond with your mount which makes it more than just a mount. It makes your Skyscale **your friend**.

> It's pretty realistic that an egg isn't hatching in minutes so that's why there's a wait. Allthough it would take much longer for the egg to hatch in reality than just one day. You wouldn't force your newborn child to grow up within a day too, would you?

> I get it, the wait is a bit frustrating but maybe ArenaNet gave some thought about previous collections and how they wanted to make this mount special. As they've said in the announcement stream for PoF: "...your mount isn't just a creature you're riding around. It's your friend you take on this journey..." Personally I like the concept of your mount sharing a bond with you and the idea of slowly building up your relationship with the Skyscale but the timegating sure is a huge downer. It was probably an idea ArenaNet had that looked great in theory but would prove to be bad in practice in the end.


> Anyways, I hope everyone is having a nice day and enjoys the new content despite of all the negativities.


Im not sure that the mount is intended to be a friend as it cannot have a name and cannot be interacted with other than to ride it.


And, if the justification for the time gate is raising it from egg to adult capable of carrying a full grown male norn...shouldnt the time gate be measured in years?

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > I'm fine with doing collections. I'm fine with the collections taking 30+ hours. But let me do it at my own pace. I hate feeling like I have to rush to finish the kitten thing each day and can't stop to just...play fractals with friends or anything like that because if I don't finish it before reset, I have to wait another 24 hours before I can do anything. It's unneeded stress and frustration for a collection I'd otherwise really enjoy.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > But you don't, because you can't rush time gated content. If you feel like that, that's a player problem.

> >

> > You see, the big problem I have here is that no one complains they are stressed when content ISN'T time gated but they should be because it does get harder to do group content when it isn't

> >

> > ... but when your forced by the game to progress content in steps over time .. THAT is stressful? That doesn't make sense.


> I think you are taking his words too literally

> I think he means like me for example i did nothing till the reset yesterday and rushed to complete the egg magic gathering collection so that that i wouldnt have to worry about not finishing it before reset it took about 4 hours doing it with a group.


> After that i was done didn't do dailies, fractals, or play dragonfall at all i was pretty much done.

> Based on what im hearing for the next step ill be feeding a skyscale 3 times then today I might do fractals if they are any i particularly like after which ill going to prob stop and play another game.


> If there are going to be more time gates within time gates the ESO new chapter early access is looking more and more lovely by the day. At which point i could be playing that and logging into gw2 just to feed a train a pet thats not a pet 3 times a day.


> Ideally we are still rushing content because no one wants to wait an extra day if they dont have to. And because the mount is the main focus for so many people it easily pushes other forms of content to the side.


The decision to rush is a player issue and I doesn't make sense to make an argument based on it. All content gets rushed by people to some degree, but for some reason when it's time gated, rushing it all the sudden a big problem for you? That doesn't make sense.


Just be honest here ... you just want the mount without artificial restrictions imposed on you. Feeling like you have to rush content is not a compelling argument to not have time gates.

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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > > > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > > Where does the stress come from?

> > > > > > Like, if you get it a couple days later than some people, does it bring stress?

> > > > > > It wasn't in the game for years, it never brought stress before, why does the prospect of other people having it earlier make it all suddenly awful?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Like, maybe some retrospective could help in this case, there's no point stressing over that, we'll all get it eventually

> > > > >

> > > > > Is it really that hard for people to understand that people want to work toward something?

> > > > >

> > > > Time gating doesn't prevent that. In fact, it's ensures a path to working toward a goal.

> > > >

> > > How is afking around, waiting for reset, work?

> >

> > Seems to work fine. I mean ... that's a disingenuous way imply you have to 'wait' in a game where there is lots of content to play, but that's your choice. You're not going to make a case that time gating is bad because you have nothing to do except go AFK ... that's absurd.


> But none of the other content progresses the thing I want to put in work for. The time gate itself is not providing some great effort to work toward completing, it's just there to artificially stretch time. Regardless of what else I'm "working" on while waiting for reset, I'm still just waiting with respect to the mount collections. Then, if I don't want to wait yet another unnecessary 24 hours, I have to speed run the next step of the collections or be locked out.


So basically, if you want to work for something, you don't want it time gated? Well ... to bad I guess. I won't assume why Anet made this time gated, but I'm pretty sure whether or not you or anyone else likes it because they want to work for something didn't influence that decision.


Again, time gating doesn't prevent you from working towards what you want. It's just imposes intervals on you for completion.

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I can dedicate 30 minutes to 1 hour to the game per day. At the rate I can play, with all the fetching and going (which is fine) I can complete a collection within a few days or so, then I'll be stuck to start the next one, and have to give small bits of time here and there again. Then be stuck again. Days turns to weeks.


The fact that the collection progression is not punctuated by meaningful rewards feels like i'm working. I'm giving away my time in advance for a long period of time until I can finally get it done with no tangible rewards in between to keep me motivated. The fact I have so little time means any time I have available online -Has- to be focused on the skyscale collection, or I wont progress -at all- for months on end. All it does for me is frustration. I feel like I'm not rewarded for putting in all my available time, and I dont see an actual progression. I see a long, and lenghtening list of chores with a very far away prize that I could only test as a teaser, and not very far to boot since it's quite limited. All it does it burns me out of the skyscale before I even have it, and it doesn't make me want to play the game at all.


If I login, I feel I have to progress on the skycale or I will never get to it. If I do so, I do -not- have fun. I do not do dungeons, I do not do fractals, I do not do WvW, I do not roam around the map, I do not progress on guild upgrades. I exchange one, dedicated, grindy string of collection with a far away prize, for the variety of activities I normally do ingame, and with my guild mates and friends, or with new players. I want to be able to capitalize on what little time I have every day to progress at my own rhythm which is already quite slow. I do not need to be artifically slowed further down.

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > I think it's funny someone complains about the time gate ... I guess spending 250G is more to your liking?

> > > >

> > > > From a brand new account, by the time I got to the end of PoF story, I had 500g in the bank. The collection for the Gryphon took me about a week, off and on, between doing fractals, WvW and metas.

> > > >

> > > > The Beetle collection took me a weekend, 3 months after it was released, as I didn't really care about it and procrastinated that chapter of LW.

> > > >

> > > > I was more interested in the Skyscale than the Beetle, but based on what I'm seeing of the collection, I may just give it a pass, since I already have the Gryphon.

> > > >

> > > > EDIT: in addition, if you have enough resources and gold, you could technically craft any of the Gen 1 or Gen 2 legendary weapons in the same day. If you're very hardcore, you could even do the collections for the Gen 1 / 2 Precursors in the same day.

> > > >

> > > > So now we are saying the Skyscale is more "prestigious" than legendary weapons?

> > >

> > > You're going to have back up a bit ... I don't know what legendary weapons have to do with this so I'm just ignore that.

> > >

> > > MMO's make you pay .... one way or the other. The whole reason these threads exist is that people don't want to 'pay', regardless of currency ...BUT

> > >

> > > if I had to pay, it's 'cheaper' with a time-gate than it is with gold.

> >

> > The Legendary bit wasn't in response to you, but I've seen many people comparing the mount to legendary grinds in terms of it's cost/ prestige.

> >

> > But I disagree that this is an issue of 'cost'. As I said, by the time I got to where I needed 250g for the Gryphon, I had double that in my account. When I got to the Beetle collection, the only time gates in place were: did I miss "x" event and have to wait for it come around again. Raptor, Jackal, Skimmer, Springer, Warclaw, all were either free, required a small cost in gold (8g for Warclaw / 25g for Jackal IIRC) or required heart completion / collection.

> >

> > The common thread there is all were attainable by players at their own pace. I had a guildy who played WvW 5hrs straight to get the Warclaw. I myself did the Beetle collection over a weekend, the hardest part was the SW beetle since it was months after the content had gone live.

> >

> > Nothing released so far in this game justifies how ANET is handling this mount....except perhaps Aurora.

> >

> > There are far far far more players flying the Gryphon than those who own Aurora. That says everything about people's stomach for lengthy time gates vs willingness to spend gold.

> >


> Aurora is exactly what it should be compared to. It's the end content for LS3, the mount is the end content for LS4.

> Maybe you guys are correct and they should have advertised it that way. But the amount of work required makes sense. It's by no mean mandatory either, just like Aurora.


> That's fine if you want to point us the failure of advertising it, but having to go back to different LS4 maps is great. A game is there to be played.


But Aurora is a Legendary, and like you said, it was the final bit of LS S3, so it's basically a Legendary + LW S3 farming and time gating. It's more work than most legendaries, but it is itself a legendary item. If you don't like G1 or G2 legendaries, chances are you won't like Aurora.


But a mount isn't a legendary, nor should it be compared to it. The Gryphon was the "final bit" of PoF technically, yet the collection requirement is nowhere near as close to the same degree as Skyscale (as much as we know so far).


Be honest: when you saw the trailer for the skyscale, did you, or anyone, imagine this is what the requirement would be? I seriously doubt it. Most if not all assumed it would be a collection similar to Gryphon, requiring metas / events / collections across LS S4 maps, along with a gold price tag; many worried it would cost the same if not more than the Gryphon.


If ANET wanted a LW S4 version or Aurora, then the should have released a Legendary Ring or Amulet or something. By the way, the heavy time gating for Aurora was pretty much Draconis Mons. Many said that doing that grind caused them to hate going to Mons, and soured their desire to ever go back. I wonder what people will say about Dragonfall after people manage to complete this grind?


So I disagree, mounts are not legendaries, and should not be used as a comparison one to another.


I don't have a huge issue with collections or time gating, but I am deeply disappointed with how this new mount is acquired. I know what I'm getting into when I sign up for a legendary, and this is not what I was expecting when they started advertising a new mount; one, I might add, that has questionable benefit for anyone who already has a Gryphon.


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