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Skyscale Feedback so far

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Please don´t discuss the time gate problem here, this is about the mount itself.


Disclaimer: No I did not unlock the mount, yes I only played it on that map without masteries but I think the things that I list will not really change with masteries.


1. Flying down could be a little bit more straight down, at the moment you have to circle while flying down to land on the spot you want. I don´t want it as straight as with the griffon.

2. The skyscale could fly a little bit higher and longer before slowly descenting or bond of vigor should recharge the flight juice fully (or maybe both ?). At the moment I don't see the advantage of using the skyscale over the griffon besides that he is capable of hovering.



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Well, for me, one main and enormous disappointment: Once more, Anet has not taken into account players suffering motion sickness. I have given a try to "Heart to Heart" step and had to give up because it made me badly sick. I don't know how I will be able to go through that story step. Usually, when that happens, I try to take a rest by staying without to move a short while watching a fix point, before to go on my next move, but it was not possible there once the final fight has started. Anet, why? :(


And since skyscale is locked behind finishing story............... :'(


Aside of this problem, I like the new area very much because it has finally again green landscape and water. I find it very nice.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> 1. there is a dedicated decent button to go straight down


Yes it there is, but i think it would feel better if you could use the mouse to get down faster than using the button, but not as precise like it it now but it could be a little bit more precise :)


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> @"derd.6413" said:

> 2. at full mastery he's (apparently) good at scaling walls


It won’t scale walls, just allows you to recharge the flight endurance while clinging to a vertical surface. I could see another mastery for climbing but currently there’s no way to do it from what I’ve seen.


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> @"Kumouta.4985" said:

> it's just an easier to use springer & glider in one


> use mount ability 2 (same as roller beetle drift) to go straight down.


This is something I have been doing for quite a while and it makes the rental mounts complete obsolete tbh. You can just hop up and mount the griffon anytime, which at this point is the whole experience we got from the skyscale

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Yeah sadly I also don't enjoy it as much as I was hoping for:


Good things:

+ awesome dodge animation

+ ability to hover, cling and gain altitude


Things I don't like:

- holding jump to go up - this is REALLY awkward unless you have jump on spacebar (I have dodge on spacebar)... Just causes too much finger strain to hold for a long time to gain altitude. Sadly really hate this mechanic.


Of course yet to see what the masteries are, but that single point of having to hold jump (or is it swim up? I need to test) to go up is so awkward for my keybindings that it makes the mount more stressful than fun - and I'm not going to change bindings for the sake of one mount when it's perfect for everything else in the game, eg combat and so on... Would prefer if mount second ability was fly up instead of down, and maybe add a 3rd dedicated ability for down.


So I'll probably unlock the mount eventually, but likely will sit in the bottom 3 of my usage along with griffon and raptor, unless some map requires it for altitude gain...

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> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> Mount feels like a brick.


Pretty much this, I get that they don't want to let people gain altitude indefinitely (which is nonsensical as the griffon can already break pretty much every map no problem and I've yet to see a single person complain about that) but the fact that you lose altitude by simply flying in a "straight line" really kills it. Even the Griffon can fly without losing altitude and it's not like you can use it for FotM or something so what's the problem here? If it's supposed to feel like a helicopter than it's one that's always about to crash land into something. There at least shouldn't be any altitude loss unless you're over the original hight limit.

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- Slow while moving around (which is okay I guess)

- Slow while flying around (could be a bit faster but maybe just alright)

- Very slow while ascending and descending (should really be double as fast imo)

- Can barely move around without losing massive altitude (which is only worse since you are moving so slow anyways)

- Decent evade mount skill

- Mount engage skill is super slow and clunky to use (you have to descend , which again is very slow, and then use it almost above the ground)

- Mount engage skill is imo missing impact and feedback, it doesn't feel satisfying to use imo

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I really think they have the griffon and skyscale backwards in capabilities. Non-mount griffons in the game hover and never have sustained flight while dragons and wyverns in the game have high speed and endurance flight. I know it happened that way because the griffon came out first but it's still backwards.


The skyscale is kind of a mediocre mount. It's really just going to be a status symbol in the game and used for the fire breath along with getting to some odd places here and there. I found it frustrating to get to high places with the ones doted around the new map. Often times I would just switch the springer or bound up a tree with the griffon then fly to where I needed to go. The hover is fine but the height cap relative to the last landing then how it drops off as you move forward makes it awkward to use. Definitely not freedom of movement mounts was supposed to give us.



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Right now I hate it. I get dismounted 369386396396 times when just trying to land. Springer and griffon are much much much much much MUCH more user friendly. My c key is bound to something else so zero idea how to go down without discounting and frankly I'm fed up with it. Why on earth isn't it like the griffon and gliding???


This can be time-gated for a year as far as I'm concerned although since I'm doing it with my daughters I'll get It anyway. I also see most players on the map using Springer and Griffon too.


At least the map rivals Istan for loot. Ectos back down to 16!

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I'm not so annoyed by the time gating as I am by the mount being locked behind certain events in the personal story. If you don't complete the achievement perfectly you have to start completely over, not just with that part of the story but with the entire thing.

"Salt on the Wound" requires lightning reflexes (or at least faster than mine). There's no counter to let you know how many you've gotten/need to finish for the achievement.

"Dexterous Dodger" You have to complete the event without triggering a single trap. Considering the environment and traps are the same color it can be difficult to differentiate. I also didn't realize this achievement was part of the Skyscale process until after completing the personal story. Now I get to do it all over again. The really bad part is the achievements needed are at the very beginning and end of the story, (there are middle sections that aren't part of the achievements, so they're redundant) and as mentioned before you cannot simply replay individual sections., you have to do the whole KITTEN thing again! What in the actual kitten were you thinking?

Then there's the Meta achievement. Not everyone has a high performance PC and even with the settings turned down it can be really difficult (because of latency) to complete certain events. It becomes a forced grind.

I'm not too keen on the "Dragon Stand 2" type of meta where you get kicked out after a certain amount of time. Just bring the brand shielding back up. Give people not currently doing the meta time enough to search for Skyscale scales, eggs, or just explore. On my server (Sanctum of Rall) people barely played Dragons Stand. I would have thought Anet would have learned from that fiasco. Then again maybe they did but they were the ones laid off recently because their input wasn't popular. I dunno, this seems like a very poorly developed expansion. The story was "meh." It was exactly what I expected it to be, no surprises at all. I wonder did you have Rian Johnson (directer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi) write this story? It's pretty bad. It's very predictable.

I've been playing your games since Guild Wars: Prophecies and this recent release has me longing for the old days.

I think I'll take a few days off from Guild Wars 2.

That's all I have to say.


I was mistaken about having to start the Personal Story over from the beginning. As long as you redo it on a character that's completed the entire story you can start from a checkpoint when re-entering the story from Lion's Arch.

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> @"Raseus.2543" said:


> 1. Flying down could be a little bit more straight down, at the moment you have to circle while flying down to land on the spot you want. I don´t want it as straight as with the griffon.


The skyscale does fly straight down, press 1.



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> @"Cathbadb.6079" said:

> I'm not so annoyed by the time gating as I am by the mount being locked behind certain events in the personal story. If you don't complete the achievement perfectly you have to start completely over, not just with that part of the story but with the entire thing.

> "Salt on the Wound" requires lightning reflexes (or at least faster than mine). There's no counter to let you know how many you've gotten/need to finish for the achievement.

> "Dexterous Dodger" You have to complete the event without triggering a single trap. Considering the environment and traps are the same color it can be difficult to differentiate. I also didn't realize this achievement was part of the Skyscale process until after completing the personal story. Now I get to do it all over again. The really bad part is the achievements needed are at the very beginning and end of the story, (there are middle sections that aren't part of the achievements, so they're redundant) and as mentioned before you cannot simply replay individual sections., you have to do the whole KITTEN thing again! What in the actual kitten were you thinking?

> Then there's the Meta achievement. Not everyone has a high performance PC and even with the settings turned down it can be really difficult (because of latency) to complete certain events. It becomes a forced grind.

> I'm not too keen on the "Dragon Stand 2" type of meta where you get kicked out after a certain amount of time. Just bring the brand shielding back up. Give people not currently doing the meta time enough to search for Skyscale scales, eggs, or just explore. On my server (Sanctum of Rall) people barely played Dragons Stand. I would have thought Anet would have learned from that fiasco. Then again maybe they did but they were the ones laid off recently because their input wasn't popular. I dunno, this seems like a very poorly developed expansion. The story was "meh." It was exactly what I expected it to be, no surprises at all. I wonder did you have Rian Johnson (directer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi) write this story? It's pretty bad. It's very predictable.

> I've been playing your games since Guild Wars: Prophecies and this recent release has me longing for the old days.

> I think I'll take a few days off from Guild Wars 2.

> That's all I have to say.



You need story achievements for some of the later collections? Wtf...

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