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Episode 6 Guild Chat this Friday: We want your questions for the devs!

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My other question:


On the basis that the world can't end because we wouldn't have a game if it did, is consideration being made to reduce the scale of the threats in the Guild Wars 2 storyline? It takes a certain kind of suspension of disbelief to keep world-ending threats relevant, but in a game where the world itself is pivotal to the longevity of the game, it's impossible for the world to end in a meta-narrative sense.


As a follow-up question to this:


How difficult do you find scaling in the Guild Wars 2 storyline, when thinking about this in the story development meetings? And have there been any moments in the past where you've wanted to do something on the cataclysmic side and had to reel it in for the sake of maintaining a degree of scaling? I can imagine that some people want to destroy large areas of land, and another person steps in and puts down a financial form as a counter argument. ;)

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1. Will we get to know more about "Mother" soon™?

2. Why and how did Aurene finally start talking? Not that I don't like the idea, but it was quite unexpected ^^

3. Aurene having absorbed magic from Mordremoth, Zhaitan, Kralkatorrik, and Balthazar (or whatever was left), is she the strongest Elder Dragon around?

4. Btw, how is she strong enough to keep all the magic that tortued Kralkatorrik?

5. Not a question, but thanks for that episode, I really loved it, especially the new aspect of Kralk's personality <3

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I have questions.


Firstly about Aurines revival.

Going the road you did with Joko magic being the reason or at least a reason how Aurine is able to now revive herself from death (without seemingly being undead), Do you also feel that the large inconsistencies with Liches in the Guildwars franchise need to finally be addressed?

And if so could you provide any information about Liches that is currently not common knowledge in the game?


(The only currently available information on the Gw2wiki regarding how one becomes a Lich is a note on the Ascended Ring Khilbrons Phylactery page.

Joko on the other hand seems to be vastly different from Khilbron and his powers seem to come from somewhere else and no mention of him ever having a Phylactery exists although some have theorized it was his staff and I have also speculated it was his mouth ring which makes the most sense to me considering it was a distinctive part of his design through both games and it was the only thing Aurine could have destroyed when she chomped down on his face thus killing him)


Secondly about the new map lore.

It was a pretty bold move to drop 3 big chunks of the god realms onto Tyria.. and from the looks of it each one seems to still be connected to the realm it originates from.

The Fissue of Woe and Underworld specifically are notorious in Gw1 for being places of great conflict, Balthazars war with Menzies and Grenths with Dhuum.

Gw2 launched establishing that access to these domains were cut off due to the constant traveling of adventurers weakening the barrier between worlds and causing things like Underworld portals appearing in Queensdale etc.

Assumingly this was done to prevent these realms from bleeding over into Tyria and hordes of minions invading the world.


Now that these realms have a physical pressence in Tyria with Dragonfall

Can you confirm whether or not these 3 islands are still connected to their respected god realms in the mists? (which they appear to be in game)

If so are there any unconfirmed restrictions on them such as their minions being bound to their respective realms?

Or are they potentially anchors for Menzies and Dhuum to flood their minions into Tyria and for example invade the Scavengers Causeway or something? (which would be pretty cool for future content hint hint ;p)

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> @"Dreggon.6598" said:

> Can we expect to have HoT + LS3 mastery unlocks (i.e. jumping mushrooms, updrafts, thermal tubes, etc.) in future maps, or was Dragonfall a once-off?


I also second this as I've often complained about the irrelevancy of old masteries in new content.

I was very happy to see them return in both Dragonfall and Jahai and I really hope Anet plans to continue using old masteries in new content.

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Hi, now that the season is over I have some Zaishen questions!


- Now that the Zaishen are on our side again, what is their opinion on the Mists War and Heart of the Mists? Would they help defend our world against the invaders?




- Would the Zaishen participate or even help organize a PvP/WvW festival? (Or some sort of event dedicated to battling)




- Are they welcome back into Tyria and festivals, such as the Festival of Four Winds?




- Moving forward, could we expect to see the Zaishen returning to provide humanitarian aid and services like they did in GW1? (Could that even be a way for them to redeem themselves to Tyria after Path of Fire's events?)

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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> > @"eldrin.6471" said:

> > They do not want to talk about how there customers feel about the skygate problems until the 24th.LOL

> >


> I get that you want your questions answered on tomorrow's episode of Guild Chat, but tomorrow's guests didn't touch the skyscale. Asking your question anyway won't magically give them the knowledge to answer the questions, but it doesn't mean they don't want to talk about it--they just _can't_. None of them worked on that particular content.


> We schedule shows a month or more in advance, and the devs make room in their busy schedules to join the show. If I went around the office today to a bunch of people saying "loljk you're not on the 24th, you're on tomorrow, surprise!" we probably just... wouldn't have any show at all because nobody has time for me to disrupt their schedule for 4 hours or so for impromptu show prep, a rehearsal runthrough, and the actual show with one day's notice.


> Like I said, I get it. You and some others in this thread want your questions addressed on the show. We simply don't have dev guests on this episode who worked on that part of the content on this particular episode. But next Friday we're devoting an entire episode to the design of the skyscale, which is why I said "Hold on to your questions", not "trash your questions".



> Those of you asking on-topic questions: These are awesome and I'm pulling them to send around to the dev guests. Keep 'em coming, thank you!! <3


I totally get that, but I would have expected a reaction from the dev team to the negative feedback by now. At least an acknowledgment that they are aware of it or if they are planning on changing anything at all due to the feedback. This aspect of the episode really spoiled the experience to people that thought we would get something like the griffon or the raptor. And that is mostly due to expectations caused by a complete lack of forewarning about it. Some people want to enjoy things as fast as possible and for them to be able to do so they have to fit things in their daily schedule.

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Firstly I enjoyed the episode, though I felt it was far too short, and Aurene's 'death' made too trivial. The episode could have ended with the story you gave, but some struggle without Aurene would have made things much more interesting, imo. I loved the rest of Season 4, but this episode really felt like things were hurried or done with too few people, story-wise, at least. The map is great, and so are the events and meta. I do have to echo the complaint about the time gating on the skyscale collection. i know this particular stream is not about them, but I would advise there be some sort of answers to the angry fans somewhere on the forums. Right now, people are angry and ignoring it only makes it worse, losing customers.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> > > Okay so first of all: There are almost certainly gonna be story spoilers in this thread. If you don't want story spoilers, stop reading now!

> > >

> > > Now that we've got that out of the way! :) This Friday's Guild Chat is all about Episode 6, War Eternal. I'll be talking with five of the people who worked on the episode:

> > > *Tom Abernathy, Studio Narrative Director

> > > * Alex Kain, Narrative Designer

> > > * Kent Benson, Embedded QA Support

> > > * Keaven Freeman, Game Designer

> > > * Hugh Norfolk, Game Designer

> > >

> > > These guys worked on the story and the new map, and we'll be making time at the end of their segments to answer some of your questions. A couple of notes: We'll be focusing on episode 6, so we can't go too much into detail about super spoilery future stuff. And if you have questions about the skyscale mount, hang onto them just a little while because we have a deep dive Guild Chat episode about the skyscale coming up on May 24. With that in mind, fire away with your questions!

> > >

> > >

> > > The War Eternal Guild Chat begins this Friday, May 17, at noon Pacific time (UTC -7) on the [Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel](https://www.youtube.com/user/arenanetofficial "Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel"). If you can't join us live, watch for it on our YouTube channel after the broadcast. (If you want a quick and reliable time zone conversion, we like [this site](https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ "this site").) See you Friday!

> >

> >

> >

> And I, and I am SO HAPPY that also you - the writers joined in to embrace empathy and show Kralkatorrik as someone lost in hatred and love, and this love only Aurene noticed. There are so little people that can see light inside of the greatest villain, but something NEW was born in our modern times, that those empathetic, those who were treated as weak in previous ages, are now the strongest in the world despite their number is not big.

> >


> I'm going to highlight this passage to use as my counter question.


> Why did you choose to humanise Kralk at the end? Giving him mortal thoughts and feelings actually severely damaged the concept and idea behind these creatures. Would Cthulhu have been more interesting if he had "mommy" issues or inner conflict? Of course not. The appeal is in the Eldritch, unfathomable nature. Talking of family and love between utterly alien creatures feels like fan fiction concepts. Their appeal was in their sheer difference to us and the emotional side of a story should only and exclusively come from us in this context. Giving the Dragons touchy feely emotions diminishes all that.


> Giving villains character and dimension can work, but truly alien and eldritch abominations should **never** be shown to have mortal thoughts, ideals and motivations. Otherwise you might as well just write about mortal villains to begin. The remaining Dragons no longer have the same threat, the same aura they once did and that is an enormous blow to your story.


> As someone who is a big fan of Eldritch writings, Dragon literature - this was probably the biggest disappointment with GW2 once fantastic story is now almost destroyed for me.




It might not be the case for all the dragons.

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1st of all i enjoyed the hole of season 4!!!!


my questions are this

A. i know you can't talk about season 5 stuff (e.g what's gonna be in it and when etc) but since the ending had no leadoff or a hint of what we are doing next without going into detail why was this choice made ? (i like the fact we get no hint or anything i just would like to know the reasons behind it )


B. why wasn't zojia part of the episode since she had major ties to this storyline with kroktoric?


C. this might be a bit of topic but since we are rolling into season 5 from 4 will people who got POF still be able to play in new raids etc ? since you had to buy HoT to play them ones and then PoF to play the latest ones the reason I'm asking is since Pof ark is over (I'm guessing) will we be able to play X new raid when it comes out ?


a side note i don't mind the whole time gating issue i like having to work for X item or mount but one thing I will say is when a collection set up is to unlock a mount or an item that has collections that chain off each over its very confusing witch ties to X part i spend about 20-30 mins most times looking at the collections list going ok A connects to C but B connects to D and D connects back to B and A is there any way you can make them into a set e.g I click skyscale collection for e.g and it says the 1st step when I've done that step it adds the second step to the same collection and so on and on so its all contained in one page or one collection!


anyway, thank you all for your hard work! can't wait to see what's next!


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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> > @"eldrin.6471" said:

> > They do not want to talk about how there customers feel about the skygate problems until the 24th.LOL

> >


> I get that you want your questions answered on tomorrow's episode of Guild Chat, but tomorrow's guests didn't touch the skyscale. Asking your question anyway won't magically give them the knowledge to answer the questions, but it doesn't mean they don't want to talk about it--they just _can't_. None of them worked on that particular content.


> We schedule shows a month or more in advance, and the devs make room in their busy schedules to join the show. If I went around the office today to a bunch of people saying "loljk you're not on the 24th, you're on tomorrow, surprise!" we probably just... wouldn't have any show at all because nobody has time for me to disrupt their schedule for 4 hours or so for impromptu show prep, a rehearsal runthrough, and the actual show with one day's notice.


> Like I said, I get it. You and some others in this thread want your questions addressed on the show. We simply don't have dev guests on this episode who worked on that part of the content on this particular episode. But next Friday we're devoting an entire episode to the design of the skyscale, which is why I said "Hold on to your questions", not "trash your questions".



> Those of you asking on-topic questions: These are awesome and I'm pulling them to send around to the dev guests. Keep 'em coming, thank you!! <3


We don't need a show. Tbh, most shows of any game studio is 90% fluff and 10% actual information. Just give us a statement. A few sentences from the responsible ppl on why it is that way and how and/or if it wil be adressed.


If you guys really listen to the community you had now already several working days to collect the feedback and think about it. If you have no answer then just write exactly that, this is still 100 times better than making the impression of ignoring this issue.


So pls, just call someone, write a mail and tell us what they had to say about it

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Excellent episode.


1. Was there any specific reason that Melandru's realm was chosen to be part of Dragonfall alongside FoW/UW as opposed to say, The Realm of Torment, or Dwayna's/Lyssa's realms? It's utterly gorgeous, and the Will-o-wisps are really neat flavour for the realm. Will we ever get to see the two unknown god realms?

2. Seeing as the Shadow Army are still kicking around, did Menzies end up winning the Eternal War? Balthazar's Eternals/Forged seem to have relocated to the Realm of Torment (judging from the Maw meta), so it definitely doesn't seem like Balthazar's realm anymore.

3. Isn't Gwen fantastic? Will we ever hear from Keiran again?

4. Kralkatorrik's prophecy seems to have been misrepresented by Glint -- can we get any more details on what he actually foresaw?

5. Were the facets in the final instance meant to be a nod to the Path to Revelations from GW1?

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Season two and three ended showing us what was to come next, why wasn't this done for season four?


And, why was there three stories about dealing with death, a video and a GDC panel about the importance of death, only for Aurene to come back in the first five minutes, I don't understand why you went through all that effort only to go against it.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hi everyone,


Our moderators cleaned this thread of off-topic posts so that we can keep it focused on the topic at hand. Please check thread topics to find the most relevant one to post your feedback, so that we can keep the Guild Wars 2 forums as structured as possible.


Thanks to everyone who contributed questions for the next Guild Chat (that is about story and map, not the Skyscale)!

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Another question I've wondered:


So, the big reason we had to force Kralky out of the Mists before we offered is because very bad things would happen if that magic were released in the Mists, yes? Something about an abundance of Tyrian magic being released on the Mists side of the bottle, resulting in "World go boom"? How badly damaged are the Mists (like the Domain of the Lost) thanks to Kralky's rampage like a glutton in an all-you-can-eat buffet and his dying in Tyria and having those magics absorbed by Aurene and whatever else?

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Elder Dragons have been pretty huge in all our contacts with them, albeit not as huge as they are in lore. (Even Kralk is just island sized, not a full mountain range). But Aurene seems to have stayed very small even after collecting all the magic and doing her "lookit me I'm a shooting star" before her show-stealing exit. Was this due to mechanics reasons? Could she be much huger the next time we see her, if we do see her again?

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi everyone,


> Our moderators cleaned this thread of off-topic posts so that we can keep it focused on the topic at hand. Please check thread topics to find the most relevant one to post your feedback, so that we can keep the Guild Wars 2 forums as structured as possible.


> Thanks to everyone who contributed questions for the next Guild Chat (that is about story and map, not the Skyscale)!


If you’re still taking questions, why was brown chosen as the color to indicate you’re above your max altitude instead of a more visible color such as red?

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> 1) Why did you undermine Aurenes death so quickly? For anyone playing catch up, the death will exist for less than 5 mins with nothing happening in game to render her death as having any point. You regularly use death without any consequence and quite frivolously without understanding how it should be used in a story. For a team that undertook a panel on the subject, you seem to misunderstand the use of the concept entirely. Death in the GW2 Universe is entirely meaningless since a random plot point dictates someone return. You might as well remove death entirely now - it simply provides no emotional or constructive use in the story.


Because it wasn't the intent with this one


Also I don't see Blish alive at the moment

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