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I am extremely exhausted with this collection.

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I am extremely exhausted with this collection, I just do not want to continue with this collection (saving skyscales at the moment). I want Skyscale now. I waited for the daily restart and spoke with Gorrik again to find out that we need to collect another 14 items. Why not give us the mount after completing the first part of the collection?


I understand that you want us to complete the collection, but it is very annoying. You makes us to complete 10 events for certain NPCs to buy certain items from vendors, collect 21 scales, collect 21 eggs, find sick skyscales and give them a cure and now collect 14 items. Friendly reminder that there are 3 collections left. Skyscales is an awesome mount, but **all** this huge collection only for a mount that stay in the air is stupid.

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I believe they fully intended this to be long because they expected that it would be better this way for people who don't do it as soon as possible. Just from regularly playing the event requirement for example should be the least of your worries and just happen naturally. I hope they answer that question Friday on the next Guild Chat.

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If I'm going to be artificially gated, I'm not even going to bother. The griffon stays in the air longer and flies faster, so the Skyscale collection/mount is not only terribly-designed content, it's a pointless addition to the game. I reinstalled GW2, hyped as hell for the patch, but now I'm mad that I wasted the bandwidth.


If it took 5 days because it was incredibly involved, that's perfectly okay with me, but because it takes 5 days for no reason other than "because," I wouldn't do it even if it were an upgrade over the griffon. I initially started playing GW2 to get away from MMO tropes like this. I'm not staying around anymore if Anet is going to commit the same sins MMO's like WoW do these days.

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> @"Emberstone.2904" said:

> If I'm going to be artificially gated, I'm not even going to bother. The griffon stays in the air longer and flies faster, so the Skyscale collection/mount is not only terribly-designed content, it's a pointless addition to the game. I reinstalled GW2, hyped as hell for the patch, but now I'm mad that I wasted the bandwidth.


> If it took 5 days because it was incredibly involved, that's perfectly okay with me, but because it takes 5 days for no reason other than "because," I wouldn't do it even if it were an upgrade over the griffon. I initially started playing GW2 to get away from MMO tropes like this. I'm not staying around anymore if Anet is going to commit the same sins MMO's like WoW do these days.


It's going to take a lot longer than 5 days. During one of the other collections you have subcollections and at least one of those that we know of consists of collecting items that you can only get 3 of a day if I'm understanding that right. And the food that you have to make to obtain those items takes charged quartz crystals, which charge once a day. That's just for ONE of the sub collections within another collection series. So, who knows what will be involved with the others that people can't even access yet due to the current 5 day schedule. Not to mention, it sounds like a lot of these will require specific events that are also only available during certain times, and are known to be frequently bugged.


But yes, the general mount functionality seems like a Frankenstein of other mount technology with a cluster of restrictions upon restrictions, and apparently the acquisition is going to be an absolute grind.


I don't know if this whole collection process is meant to recapture what we went through with Aurene, especially for the new players that didn't play Heart of Thorns or living season 3 or what, but this is beyond excessive. I don't know why they suddenly decided to take every possible worst aspect of the collection system, increase it tenfold, and then pumped it into obtaining this mount. I could understand if it were superior to the others, but aside from hovering and unintentionally sticking to every surface from here to the mists with nothing to do but let go and attempt to glide back down or just use the mastery to launch yourself off, it does nothing the other mounts can't do better. At least not enough to warrant this insanity.


There's just no reason for any of this outside of doing exactly what lesser creative games do like World of Warcraft and putting hard stop time gates on things to stretch the feature out as long as possible.



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From what I read at reddit :


To get this overrated mount you need to :


1. Find 21 Skyscale Scales (done it)

2. Buy 5 Medicine, 3 are from Volatile Magic vendors who will sell to you ONLY if you do 10 events per lane, total three lanes.

3. Locate and help 14 sick Skyscales

4. Find 21 eggs


After the eggs, wait for daily reset, then :

Do a 50 item collection and killing tasks (Saving Skyscales) across all of Tyria and some PoF zones, and some of these are locked behind events.

Wait for another 3 daily resets for three more collections/tasks.


Correct me if I am wrong on this.


It's too much grind work and time wasted for an ugly looking mount and near useless too. The Skyscale feels like a old, sick griffon :D

I have obtained the other 7 mounts on the same day they were released, except for the griffon which took me 2 days. Sad to say that I will pass this one. Or maybe I'll take my time to get it, that is when i am super bored in game. Maybe not.

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What I find kind of amusing about those time gates is, that it does not counteract rushing through content but rather encourages it.


I am one of those people who usually like scavenger hunt type collections. I enjoy exploring and looking for things (e.g. coins, badges, etc.) and usually do this at my own pace without using guides.


Through the added time gates/daily caps however, and with the limited playtime I have available on business days, I feel rushed to complete as much of the Skyscale collections as possible to reach the

daily time gate.


This leads to me using guides, just to make sure I can make it to the time gate in time before reset, which for me takes all the fun out of the collections (the little fun that is left the way they are designed). The alternative would be to take double (or even more) of the amount of days other players take to finish the collections. How populated required events are once I reach the point where I need them is uncertain.


The collections are long enough as they are, even without the time gates. All the time gates do is create a bigger gap between those who can play every day, for a certain amount of time, and those who can e.g. only play on weekends.


Currently, with the time gates within time gates, it takes a player who can hit each time gate per day (and has all the charged quartz food available) over a week to get the mount. That's without knowing how long the last steps/collections will take and how those are gated.


For someone who can only play on weekends it will take well over a month to complete, no matter how much time they have available during the weekends.


In my eyes, this is bad design.


Don't get me wrong. I don't mind the work or time I have to invest to get a mount. I mind being prevented from working on it at my own pace by the added artificial inconvenience.

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The thing I dislike the most about these collections is that 99% of people (myself included) will all be following a guide from dulfy/reddit, this is not my idea of engaging/immersive gameplay, this is braindead painting by numbers. This process removes the self satisfaction of having figured things out for myself, because I had to rely on the community to figure it out due to how vague most of the clues are. Its terrible design and unfortunately you can see it used again and again in this game (coin collections etc), I'm so bored of it.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> The thing I dislike the most about these collections is that 99% of people (myself included) will all be following a guide from dulfy/reddit, this is not my idea of engaging/immersive gameplay, this is braindead painting by numbers. This process removes the self satisfaction of having figured things out for myself, because I had to rely on the community to figure it out due to how vague most of the clues are. Its terrible design and unfortunately you can see it used again and again in this game (coin collections etc), I'm so bored of it.


this. Scale 4 the hint says "Protected by a severed wing". this sounds its below the wing, but its on top of the wing.

yesterday i done all waterfalls (easy) and tried to find the scales without a guide. i have found 7 from 21.

The map is great, but to much places to hide this small scales.

i think i use a guide from guildnews today to find the last scales.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> The thing I dislike the most about these collections is that 99% of people (myself included) will all be following a guide from dulfy/reddit, this is not my idea of engaging/immersive gameplay, this is braindead painting by numbers. This process removes the self satisfaction of having figured things out for myself, because I had to rely on the community to figure it out due to how vague most of the clues are. Its terrible design and unfortunately you can see it used again and again in this game (coin collections etc), I'm so bored of it.


I completely agree. Someone here on the forum aptly compared the interest of these collections with the interest from reading the phone book:) I made a collection for the griffon at one time - it was the most boring job for me in GW2. The new flying mount I just wouldn't pull:)

And this new mount is also burdened with timegate. I can understand the use of timegates in F2P games, for example in Warframe - where it is used to stimulate platinum sales. Through which players can avoid these timegates and get what they need right away. But in a B2P game? Perhaps the best solution would be to give this mount as a reward for going through the story, or for a fight with some boss (several bosses).

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> The thing I dislike the most about these collections is that 99% of people (myself included) will all be following a guide from dulfy/reddit, this is not my idea of engaging/immersive gameplay, this is braindead painting by numbers. This process removes the self satisfaction of having figured things out for myself, because I had to rely on the community to figure it out due to how vague most of the clues are. Its terrible design and unfortunately you can see it used again and again in this game (coin collections etc), I'm so bored of it.


how dare they! creating content where the feedback of all different players contribute to a map that shows every object needing to be found!

it's like they are making these kinds of things thinking they have an mmo, while we all know gw2 is a single player role play game



how they did silverwaste and dry top, and ember bay collections were much better, right?

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After day 1(which I hated), I thought day 2 would be really bad...


... Turns out it wasn't so bad. Put on an audiobook or podcast and just... Turn off your brain while you do the collections. I think it's also because I came to terms with how long the collection is going to be.


Doesn't mean I like it though.

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parts of the collection are in areas that aren't accessible all the time, they get blocked off.. such a frustrating design.. there's groups of players standing around in game right now, they don't want to do.. they're trying to get in to an area to get a collection item and they can't.

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> @"Astrolicus.3716" said:

> I understand that you want us to complete the collection, but it is very annoying. You makes us to complete 10 events for certain NPCs to buy certain items from vendors, collect 21 scales, collect 21 eggs, find sick skyscales and give them a cure and now collect 14 items. Friendly reminder that there are 3 collections left. Skyscales is an awesome mount, but **all** this huge collection only for a mount that stay in the air is stupid.


10 events for those NPCs means one cycle of opening the meta in each lane. That's almost _**nothing**_(1)(2). Follow the NPCs as they head down from the main camp to their field camps with the waypoint, slaughter whatever needs slaughtering along the way, clean up the brandstorms, and stomp the minibosses around the camp once that's done. Finished.


(1) I normally despise "run the meta" activity, but when I have a goal (must finish getting the medium Leystone set some time), it becomes "Oh, that's what I have to do for this goal, let's get stuck in."


(2) It will probably be worse in the future once the "shine" has worn off the new map and fewer people are running the meta.

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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> After day 1(which I hated), I thought day 2 would be really bad...


> ... Turns out it wasn't so bad. Put on an audiobook or podcast and just... Turn off your brain while you do the collections. I think it's also because I came to terms with how long the collection is going to be.


> Doesn't mean I like it though.


It’s like a rollercoaster for me, because I was fine with day 2 as well, but day 3...Day damn 3...phew! It takes the cake...pisses on it...and hands it right back to you. And expects you to eat it.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I believe they fully intended this to be long because they expected that it would be better this way for people who don't do it as soon as possible. Just from regularly playing the event requirement for example should be the least of your worries and just happen naturally. I hope they answer that question Friday on the next Guild Chat.


You'll be waiting till the 24th. They have said that they will not be talking about the Skyscale this week.


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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> we need more content pve end game is so boring!!!


> **_anet releases a new episode, with a long-term collection equivalent to aurora_**


> it takes to long! why can't i complete it in 5 minutes!!!!!





> the bitter irony, hurts my soul and eyes



It’s timegated to appear as...you know what phuck it you right...smh.

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It's purely about metrics. They want to show that people play the content for a longer time after release which will be especially important after all the negative press they unfortunately have had to endure .


I'm not against time gates or these collections, I rather like them. But, I fully sympathise with those who are getting annoyed. There are a few areas feedback clearly isn't something they are taking on board after each episode - not just time gating, but visual noise (see last boss which was unnecessary to have so much) and AP just to name a couple.

The fact they aren't even addressing Skyscales until the 24th and have said to stop asking about it suggests to me they aren't really that interested in listening or discussing issues still.


There is no reason not to discuss the Skyscale today and put their reasoning across.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> The fact they aren't even addressing Skyscales until the 24th and have said to stop asking about it suggests to me they aren't really that interested in listening or discussing issues still.


Only a guess, but I'd venture that the negative feedback from the Skyscale acquisition is far greater than they anticipated. I'm OK with some timegating and collections, but today I'm reading there are timegates within timegates. :s


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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> we need more content pve end game is so boring!!!


> **_anet releases a new episode, with a long-term collection equivalent to aurora_**


> it takes to long! why can't i complete it in 5 minutes!!!!!





> the bitter irony, hurts my soul and eyes


its not legendary.this is a mount and mastery points core game open world content meant for us lesser players.

and the ridiculous collections cant be done with out following some guide from dulfy ect.


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The worst part about the long collection is that I can tell the map is made to take full advantage of the skyscale. It's frustrating to play for hours and still feel like the full experience is kept from me. Of course it does remind me a bit about how many things are gated behind the masteries, but the first level of the masteries were always easy to get.

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