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The Skyscale collection is the best thing of GW2 in the whole season!

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"RizelStar.3724" said:

> > > @"BrotherBelial.3094" said:

> > > I'm not sure if the OP is being sarcastic or not.

> >

> > Op is deadass serious, he/she think they slick but don’t realize they are actually in hindsight helping the case to remove timegates.

> >

> > Peep this, I bet my entire account if timegate was removed the OP wouldn’t be upset...truthfully. Sad part is the post contradicted itself which is what defending timegates usually do. Timegates contradict the notions of you playing how you want to play and how you’re actually taking time playing the game. Because if you’re not doing it on your own will then that’s not you taking your time that’s the timegate taking your time in the game for you.

> >

> > So in the ops attempt to try to make his/her post she’d positive light on Timegates the op succeeded in doing quite the opposite.

> >


> Hmm?

> I don't care if there is time gate or not (generally speaking about the time gate mechanic). I am saying that the current state of the collection, which happens to have time gate, is wonderful and I would like to see more collections like this one.

> I see that you may have missed very important sentence from the OP:

> "It is okay to rush but it is also okay to take your time and enjoy the game and the map (which by the way is a masterpiece)."

> Which means that I don't mind either people rushing content or taking their time to complete. But when there is a time gated content, people that are used to rush over it can't accept it, which is not okay. It is not okay because the time gating is not a bug, it is working as intended. And ANET have decided to time gate the mount as they have decided to time gate many other things.

> I understand that you may not like the collection because of that and it is okay - you don't have to do it! The game is full of content that is not for everyone. Not everyone enjoy raids, not everyone enjoy making legendaries, not everyone enjoy WvW, not everyone enjoy PvP, not everyone enjoy specific profession. The collection is not different from anything else. But wanting to change something just because you don't like it even so some people (like me) find it as the perfect content, doesn't mean ANET should change it. There will be more content suitable for your taste. There will be more content which I dislike.



To your sentence the reason I’m getting at that is because you mentioned it as though the Timegates would give people who like to rush a reason not to rush. It still doesn’t take away the fact that it contradicts the notion because that so far is about the best defense and common one. Your sentence was in a way hinting at that. Otherwise why mention it? It had to have been said as a sort of means to insist that it gives others a reason to take their time.


This mount wasn’t advertised as an legendary mount, and legendaries come with expectations of timegates(which is funny cause you can get legendaries day 1 of released because you peep for them). What would make sense is if completing this gave the mount a unique look not the mount itself.


And again you shouldn’t worry how others play the game that’s their prerogative and you need to understand it hurts and incentivizes rushing even more because now for those who want it sooner rather than later got to make sure they hit the completion before daily reset. There is no doing this because I want to it’s doing it because if I don’t I’m left back and if I was doing it with friends and expect to keep up with them now I really got to be on point so I don’t get left behind, no “Brb I’m gonna go eat dinner real quick.” I’m only bringing up friends, guilds, that’s not to take in account if I have rl things to do as well and I’m not even speaking on myself. Seriously look at what people are saying as to why they are frustrated.


See due to that logic, I will not thank ArenaNet later, it’s not to be ignorant, it’s not to be obtuse, it’s not to be prideful, there is not a SINGLE reason for timegating in this fashion. There are other ways to timegate but this one truthfully is nothing productive in the grand scheme of things. It doesn’t elevate anything, because if you’re a fan of the game as you appear to be, a timegate(like this) does not improve your experience. Because if it was gone you wouldn’t care(prolly not even notice it), and you know that. Because you take your time in the game without it right? You and your friends play how y’all want to play right? That’s how it should be, right? No?


Edit: Last thing honestly it looks like you’re reaching to gush about this timegates to offset the “hate” it is getting, not because you genuinely like the timegate, might sound weird but something about this thread(the motive of being made) is off. Now one thing is you and I do care about GW2 a lot.


Thing is I’m only chiming in and posting about my disappointment so much because I care about Gw2, I want it to continue to grow and succeed, I just know that “This ain’t it Chief.” Because it goes past the date of getting the mount it’s the sheer fact that now it gets more clear as to why they didn’t mention how you achieve the mount and communication is important on that front.

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People might not realize it's not the fact that there is a timegate that bothers many, but the Amount of timegates for the one thing. There is no logical sense for it to be so halted, the collections are already long and exhausting enough that only the most hardcore folks would have rushed that. This punishes the -non- hardcore players, those that actually have very little playtime available will now only progresss at a snail pace on it, and feel like they're just doing -work- for a long time without much in the way of reward. If the achievements were punctuated with skins or other meaningful rewards, I wouldn't say, it'd be a nice progression, but this is not the case. And again : The story was jarringly short in comparison. I expected more from this episode, more instanced exploration of the islands, more NPCs encounters, more organisation required. And then you could start atleast Some of the collections during that progression, it would have been smoother, and lot less obnoxious for people who dont have much time to spend.


I'm going to be stuck on this for the Following 2 months, and no, it is not fun to know that not only do I lack the time to make meaningful progress for such a long period of time, but furthermore, there might be more on the way soon after, and possibly much of the same. Please do not EVER do this again. Blocking your players does not prevent them from seeing a lack of storyline content.


I can only say the map design is this episode's saving grace, and essentially Nothing else. And it truly saddens me to say so. As for everyone saying it doesn't affect them, well good on you, but that doesn't mean you're part of a majority, and that people's complaints are unfounded.

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The time gating on wvw tickets actually caused me to burn out on GW2 generally. I wanted the armor and felt obligated to max it out every week. As a result I played more than I intended and fell off the burnout cliff.


Now I'm playing like 10-20% of the amount I was before the time gates, and many days I'm only logging in for the dailies.

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Biggest misstep with the Skyscale acquisition process, imo, is Anet weren't upfront about it from the start. They did a preview stream to get folks hyped, but they should have used that as an opportunity to let us know what's involved. No need to spoil it by going into detail, but just make it clear that it's a process, hatch an egg, raise your skyscale, feed it, train it, and above all make it clear that it will take a bit of time. It would have also been a good idea to make it very clear that access to previous episodes is a requirement, and they even could have put the episodes on sale for anyone who hadn't managed to get them via free unlocks.


A good deal of the complaints we're seeing now could have been avoided by being clearer with us upfront about what to expect.

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> @"Ash.5274" said:

> Biggest misstep with the Skyscale acquisition process, imo, is Anet weren't upfront about it from the start. They did a preview stream to get folks hyped, but they should have used that as an opportunity to let us know what's involved. No need to spoil it by going into detail, but just make it clear that it's a process, hatch an egg, raise your skyscale, feed it, train it, and above all make it clear that it will take a bit of time. It would have also been a good idea to make it very clear that access to previous episodes is a requirement, and they even could have put the episodes on sale for anyone who hadn't managed to get them via free unlocks.


> A good deal of the complaints we're seeing now could have been avoided by being clearer with us upfront about what to expect.


I had actually requested them to provide high level details for this very reason. They stated that they wouldn’t and now we know why.

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> @"Ash.5274" said:

> Biggest misstep with the Skyscale acquisition process, imo, is Anet weren't upfront about it from the start. They did a preview stream to get folks hyped, but they should have used that as an opportunity to let us know what's involved. No need to spoil it by going into detail, but just make it clear that it's a process, hatch an egg, raise your skyscale, feed it, train it, and above all make it clear that it will take a bit of time. It would have also been a good idea to make it very clear that access to previous episodes is a requirement, and they even could have put the episodes on sale for anyone who hadn't managed to get them via free unlocks.


> A good deal of the complaints we're seeing now could have been avoided by being clearer with us upfront about what to expect.


I agree 100%, that for me is probably what’s making this timegate annoy me other than the fact it’s not needed and the way it’s implemented doesn’t make sense(from a fun gameplay perspective), but the sheer fact that it was a surprise and with it people thinking “okay I can start some of the collection before I go to bed and etc.” nope.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:


> Time-gated parts are sometimes in place to safeguard players. To prevent players binge- playing for an unhealthy amount of hours, there is a limit on what can be acquired in 24 hours or 1 week etc.


You are mistaken. Time gating does not prevent players from binge-playing. All it does is delay the accomplishment of a specific objective.


> @"bOTEB.1573" said:


> Sorry but these things keep the game so awesome.

> Look how populated are HoT metas compared to PoF metas for example. People stay there because of this time gate.


You are mistaken. People do not do Hot metas over PoF ones because of the time gates. They prefer HoT metas because they offer better rewards.


> ANET are moving in the right direction and even if you don't understand it right now you will thank them later :)


If by "in the right direction," you mean incorporating design elements from mobile games, then sure. I can assure you, though, that I do understand "it" and will not thank them now or later.




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Literally finished the excellent story and doing the 30 events to unlock the medicine for the mount. Seen the reddit and forum posts about the timegate. And there is a far bigger problem with this timegate OP loves so much: The Skyscale guildchat will be on the 24th in 8 days. And apparently (someone on mapchat said this) there is a time gated collection behind a time gated collection that takes 16 days to complete. How the cat are they going to be talking about how great the Skyscale is when no player (or dev for that matter) has it????? No matter how you look at it in any game, time gate has no purpose.

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> @"eduardo.1436" said:

> Literally finished the excellent story and doing the 30 events to unlock the medicine for the mount. Seen the reddit and forum posts about the timegate. And there is a far bigger problem with this timegate OP loves so much: The Skyscale guildchat will be on the 24th in 8 days. And apparently (someone on mapchat said this) there is a time gated collection behind a time gated collection that takes 16 days to complete. How the cat are they going to be talking about how great the Skyscale is when no player (or dev for that matter) has it????? No matter how you look at it in any game, time gate has no purpose.


Unless the last two collections have substantial time-gating within them, players will have the mount as early as Monday after reset.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:


> They just want to bring a little more equilibrium to the player base.

> Time-gated parts are sometimes in place to safeguard players. To prevent players binge- playing for an unhealthy amount of hours, there is a limit on what can be acquired in 24 hours or 1 week etc.

> Also some time-gated content is created to encourage players to return more often keeping the population more-or-less stable.

> It may be worth nothing that developers commonly make certain features because that's how they want people to play their game.




This is a really fair set of points. I look at time gating in this game as similar to gear grinds in other MMOs. For example, I could run raids in SWTOR but there were weekly lockouts which meant if I didn't get the RNG-based gear drop that I needed/wanted from particular raid, I had to wait a week for it to drop (sometimes it would take weeks). In this game, time-gating is utilized throughout for crafting valuable mats and collections. Every game has its grind and in this game, it is time-gating and collections.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"eduardo.1436" said:

> > Literally finished the excellent story and doing the 30 events to unlock the medicine for the mount. Seen the reddit and forum posts about the timegate. And there is a far bigger problem with this timegate OP loves so much: The Skyscale guildchat will be on the 24th in 8 days. And apparently (someone on mapchat said this) there is a time gated collection behind a time gated collection that takes 16 days to complete. How the cat are they going to be talking about how great the Skyscale is when no player (or dev for that matter) has it????? No matter how you look at it in any game, time gate has no purpose.


> Unless the last two collections have substantial time-gating within them, players will have the mount as early as Monday after reset.


[you sure? Because someone made a post about "daily charged crystals" and with those crystals the collection should take 22 days.......](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/919944#Comment_919944 "you sure? Because someone made a post about "daily charged crystals" and with those crystals the collection should take 22 days.......")

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> @"eduardo.1436" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"eduardo.1436" said:

> > > Literally finished the excellent story and doing the 30 events to unlock the medicine for the mount. Seen the reddit and forum posts about the timegate. And there is a far bigger problem with this timegate OP loves so much: The Skyscale guildchat will be on the 24th in 8 days. And apparently (someone on mapchat said this) there is a time gated collection behind a time gated collection that takes 16 days to complete. How the cat are they going to be talking about how great the Skyscale is when no player (or dev for that matter) has it????? No matter how you look at it in any game, time gate has no purpose.

> >

> > Unless the last two collections have substantial time-gating within them, players will have the mount as early as Monday after reset.


> [you sure? Because someone made a post about "daily charged crystals" and with those crystals the collection should take 22 days.......](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/919944#Comment_919944 "you sure? Because someone made a post about "daily charged crystals" and with those crystals the collection should take 22 days.......")


You can buy the time-gated items off the TP. Others already had a stockpile of charged quartz. It’s no more time-gated as ascended crafting.

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@"bOTEB.1573" you do realize that in the third collection there's a time gate inside the time right? unless you have 22 charged quartz crystals, it will take more than a month to complete that collection.... have you ever tought about the people that work and have their families? some people can only play on weekends. So it would take 'em months to complete this

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> @"viniebc.9568" said:

> @"bOTEB.1573" you do realize that in the third collection there's a time gate inside the time right? unless you have 22 charged quartz crystals, it will take more than a month to complete that collection.... have you ever tought about the people that work and have their families? some people can only play on weekends. So it would take 'em months to complete this


Those items can be bought off the TP

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"viniebc.9568" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" you do realize that in the third collection there's a time gate inside the time right? unless you have 22 charged quartz crystals, it will take more than a month to complete that collection.... have you ever tought about the people that work and have their families? some people can only play on weekends. So it would take 'em months to complete this


> Those items can be bought off the TP


The regular crystals yes, the "Charged" ones are Account Bound. It used to take 30 days to make an Exotic set of Celestial gear when they first came out...


Edit: It takes 25 crystals for one charged "per day, per account".

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Those items can be bought off the TP


can't buy charged quartz, btw you can only charge one per day. aaaand the third part of the collection you need this quartz to feed the skyscales. the ploblems is that you can only feed 3 per day.

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> @"viniebc.9568" said:

> @"bOTEB.1573" you do realize that in the third collection there's a time gate inside the time right? unless you have 22 charged quartz crystals, it will take more than a month to complete that collection.... have you ever tought about the people that work and have their families? some people can only play on weekends. So it would take 'em months to complete this


Yes, I know. But I don't understand what is wrong with "months to complete"? Many things in the game require months to complete for a lot of the players. This is not a bad thing.

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"viniebc.9568" said:

> > > @"bOTEB.1573" you do realize that in the third collection there's a time gate inside the time right? unless you have 22 charged quartz crystals, it will take more than a month to complete that collection.... have you ever tought about the people that work and have their families? some people can only play on weekends. So it would take 'em months to complete this

> >

> > Those items can be bought off the TP


> The regular crystals yes, the "Charged" ones are Account Bound. It used to take 30 days to make an Exotic set of Celestial gear when they first came out...


> Edit: It takes 25 crystals for one charged "per day, per account".


You can buy the items that you can make with them.

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> @"viniebc.9568" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Those items can be bought off the TP


> can't buy charged quartz, btw you can only charge one per day. aaaand the third part of the collection you need this quartz to feed the skyscales. the ploblems is that you can only feed 3 per day.



You can buy the items that you make with them.

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> @"Ash.5274" said:

> Biggest misstep with the Skyscale acquisition process, imo, is Anet weren't upfront about it from the start. They did a preview stream to get folks hyped, but they should have used that as an opportunity to let us know what's involved. No need to spoil it by going into detail, but just make it clear that it's a process, hatch an egg, raise your skyscale, feed it, train it, and above all make it clear that it will take a bit of time. It would have also been a good idea to make it very clear that access to previous episodes is a requirement, and they even could have put the episodes on sale for anyone who hadn't managed to get them via free unlocks.


> A good deal of the complaints we're seeing now could have been avoided by being clearer with us upfront about what to expect.


I wouldnt have had a problem with it if a few things happened, one having a map that resets tied with a mount collection is awkward, and two if they had said you have to raise the skyscale from an egg. No problem i raised plenty of mounts in wow, ofc its wasnt as long a collection grind but still i knew going into it.

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