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Please stop with the jumping puzzles

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> @"Dredlore.1672" said:

> I'm playing living world, and come to "Escape the mists on your Raptor".

> Ive been playing for over 5 years, and have avoided jumping puzzles at every opportunity because I dont dislike them. I HATE them.

Personal taste. I love them, and honnestly what you're talking about is hardly a "jumping puzzle".

> Many people hate them.

> Yet, at the end of this chapter a jumping puzzle is forced on me

What if I don't like combat? Why should I be forced to fight things in order to advance in the story?

> Seems like all you guys do lately rather than create actual content is:

> 1. Get the player lost.

> 2. Get the player boxed in with terrain.

> 3. Waste our time with stuff like hero points ( we pay money for an expansion but we dont actually get our new elite unless we run around doing busywork for 15+ hours PER CHARACTER).

You mean you have to play the game in order to unlock things? Outrageous.

> 4. Throw jumping puzzles at us.

> 5. You eliminate PM's and killed my guild (5 years-1200 members- GONE because I just wont recruit by spamming map chat)

> 6. PVP has become a joke. Hello? Anyone ever tell you that you cannot rate an individual player on team performance? O_0 If you have any questions on that just check with the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL or any other major sports league.

This is a common issue with any team game. There's no way to accurately judge your personnal skill if you're playing alongside others people. But I thought this was about jumping puzzles?

> 6. You find every conceivable way to suck all the fun out of the game and add grind and its getting worse every day.


> I cant even finish that Living Wold episode now because I cant and dont do jumping puzzles.

> I'm putting together a Youtube video on this topic, and the above list is just a drop in the bucket.

> I really love this game or I wouldnt have over 7500 hours in game, but right now Im so dam mad I cant see straight

> My video is gonna be good, but its not gonna be pretty.

> Thats a promise.

> Thanks


Again, it feels like you want everything, right now. This is not how a game works, and the fact that you paid for it does not matter. There is no big game that gives you everything right after you purchased it. Also, in a game so vast, you might want to develop others skills than just "hitting things until they die". And honnestly, the "jumping puzzle" you're talking about is not hard... Or if it is, then any small jump you have to do must be a pain. I really don't get it.

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I feel like jumping puzzles are trying to force a genre in to a game engine that wasn't designed for it.


It's simply not made for such precise movements with precise camera control and there are no jumping abilities (unless you cheat with mounts). Windows of failure are too large and it's too punishing when you fail. Ping also makes it harder. Jumping puzzles from the initial development of the game acknowledge the framework of the engine and aren't too extreme, I liked those ones.. but then you look at something like the Christmas ones, and even the 'easy' path is pushing things too far.


This is not a 3D platformer, this is not mario odyssey. Jumping is a fun and challenging feature in that game. Here, it's frustrating and the game is trying to be something that it's not.


Half the time the challenge is not even the puzzle itself, but wrestling with the limited camera and player controls, not being able to see exactly where you are, or how far something really is, or how many pixels of space you actual have on the sliver of a platform you need to land on.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> There is a solution that works for me but that doesn't mean it's a solution for everyone. And I think you might be surprised how many people play lots of alts.


I believe I've seen a statistics from a few other mmorpg before (not sure whether GW2 was in there), and apparently majority of people don't have more than one account. Also, quite a lot of people don't main more than one character. Also, you will be surprised how much "nonsensical" limitations actually have a deep reason hidden behind them. Like the ease with which you may use WvW to build a lot of alts may be just additional incentive to keep mode's online up.


> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> Also, as it stands everybody has the right to ask for something to be removed, even if you're the only one who doesn't like it. What would not be wise is expecting it to actually happen.


> My suggestion to you is to try not to overestimate the value of people's requests on the forum here. AreneNet may read them but their decision making process surely goes a bit further than "we need to do this cause someone asked".


If you don't like the phrasing of "it's not very nice to put your personal desires over needs of a large group of people, how about re-think your proposal into something more constructive, which won't hurt others?", then I can put it less nicely: "Not gonna happen, because your personal whims don't come ahead of needs of other people." Well, you seem to understand it yourself, so no idea why even bother creating this thread. Btw, those "other people" include Anet which are clearly interested in putting more obstacles on your way to the final goal, hence all this drama with timegates.


> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> Oh and one more piece of advice if I may: If you think an idea is so terrible that you want it to go away, do not post in that thread. Threads with fewer people responding die a heck of a lot faster.


And make it easier for you to pose as a majority with your nonsensical requests? Not gonna happen ;)

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> JPs are an integral part of GW2. The only problem with them is how physics works on some geometry where you can just slide off despite stepping on the same spot and being fine on it earlier.


Indeed, especially with the additions of mounts, clearly this game is more about verticality and jumping and things.


Complaining about is all dandy, but you shouldve stopped playing at HoT. Its gotten only more vertical and lots more jumpy since then.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > There is a solution that works for me but that doesn't mean it's a solution for everyone. And I think you might be surprised how many people play lots of alts.


> I believe I've seen a statistics from a few other mmorpg before (not sure whether GW2 was in there), and apparently majority of people don't have more than one account. Also, quite a lot of people don't main more than one character. Also, you will be surprised how much "nonsensical" limitations actually have a deep reason hidden behind them. Like the ease with which you may use WvW to build a lot of alts may be just additional incentive to keep mode's online up.

I'm not talking about multiple accounts. I play one account and I have like 12 characters. That's not a lot by some people's standards. The point is that there are quite a few people with multiple and even many alts. It doesn't have to be a majority of players however to be relevant. But neither you nor I know exactly where those numbers are so what you believe you've seen and how many people you think just play one character are not really useful statements in that respect.

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > Also, as it stands everybody has the right to ask for something to be removed, even if you're the only one who doesn't like it. What would not be wise is expecting it to actually happen.

> >

> > My suggestion to you is to try not to overestimate the value of people's requests on the forum here. AreneNet may read them but their decision making process surely goes a bit further than "we need to do this cause someone asked".


> If you don't like the phrasing of "it's not very nice to put your personal desires over needs of a large group of people, how about re-think your proposal into something more constructive, which won't hurt others?", then I can put it less nicely: "Not gonna happen, because your personal whims don't come ahead of needs of other people." Well, you seem to understand it yourself, so no idea why even bother creating this thread. Btw, those "other people" include Anet which are clearly interested in putting more obstacles on your way to the final goal, hence all this drama with timegates.

I didn't create this thread. I think you've got me confused with someone else.

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > Oh and one more piece of advice if I may: If you think an idea is so terrible that you want it to go away, do not post in that thread. Threads with fewer people responding die a heck of a lot faster.


> And make it easier for you to pose as a majority with your nonsensical requests? Not gonna happen ;)

Again, I'm not requesting this. Someone else is. I'm not defending his/her idea but I am saying that if you hate it that it's better to stay away from it. This "posing as a majority" is a fiction in your mind. The only reason threads like this get any traction or value is because people post in it. If the people who were categorically against it would not post in a thread like this, it would get 2-3 replies and then it goes into oblivion.


Personally I don't mind discussing ideas but I have no illusions about the value ArenaNet puts on a few ranters on the forum. What will move ArenaNet is when their metrics show that a lot of people avoid JPs. I happen to like them and I've found my way around some of the tedious sides of the game but that's just me.


And just to make sure that you get this...I'm not the OP.


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I'm really, really bad with JPs, but I really, really love being challenged. The small inclusion of them in some story sections is not a big deal to me. One thing I have recently discovered in another game, that when content gets made easier and easier, til there are no challenges left, all people can do is talk about "back in the day" when things were so much harder. We may complain about things we have difficulty with, but then when those things are gone... It's sad indeed. I absolutely love everything I experience here, and the harder things I always get past with some help from a friend. The result is, things actually mean something when you conquer them. I hope content continues to be challenging, in every possible way. If you don't like doing the JPs in the story, no matter how basic they are, run it with someone else, and it will advance when they reach the end.

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I for one love jumping puzzles.

* JP are some of the more challenging content in this game, and they break the monotony of fighting really well.

* Most of the JP work as hidden bonuses and secrets (rewards) for people who explore.

* There is a lot of variety and different JP. Ones on mounts have not felt quite as good I agree. Some I enjoy a lot.

* Really nice movement and controls are one of the unique things about GW2 for me. (Using mouse to turn helps a lot I find).


The problem with the story JP was more the changed space physics, than the use of the JP puzzle imo. Though also resetting story back without explanation does not feel too great.

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> Actually I do ALL my story with someone. Usually a guildie. That's the point of guilds. So you can ask for help. And usually one of them needs to repeat it anyway to get some achievement they missed by doing it on their own.


> I still have some to do in fact. If you're NA feel free to message. If not me personally, someone in my guild will get you through. That's the beauty of an mmo. Other people are playing too!


If I recall this LS "jump puzzle" correctly, it is timed as you are being chased by the mists, no mesmer is going to get ahead and port you fast enough to keep ahead of the progressing mists.

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  • 6 months later...

I really hate Jumping puzzles, fthe arthritis in my hands makes it difficult since I am not a nibble as need be.. Yes I am old, not everyone who games is young and healthy, I normally just pass on them, but when the become required for something important, say like the Skyscale Egg - Acrophobia, It keeps me from getting a skyscale, which I would really love to have. So while I spend hours doing something I hate, instead of something I enjoy like running around doing metas, maybe even some raiding. That is not what I am paying for. I left GW2 4 years ago because of these darn puzzles, a friend convinced me to come back, and except for the jumping puzzles I have really liked it.


Please ANEt remember some people in this game have physical limitations....

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I stopped reading at 15+ hours per elite spec. A ran a newbie who had issues with HoT through HOT for hero points yesterday. For most of the run it was just two of us. The entire run took is about 2.5 hours. I could have gone faster if I'd wanted, but not with a new guy. Not sure how you're taking 15 hours to get 25 hero points, but I'd say this amount of exaageration puts all of your other complaints under a spotlight.


For example, the "jumping puzzle" you're talking about isn't really a jumping puzzle at all. You may have trouble with it, but it's not much of a puzzle. The low gravity and the ability to use any mount makes this easily countered. I don't like jumping puzzles so I'm going to label everything a jumping puzzle is one of those bits of hyperbole that make possibly valid arguments look shonky.


Sure lots of people don't like jumping puzzles. Lots of people also don't like dialogue or even combat. Maybe we should remove those too. Some people don't like reading so we should remove text. A single group of players likes and dislikes are not a reason to remove content.

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> @"Dredlore.1672" said:

> 3. Waste our time with stuff like hero points ( we pay money for an expansion but we dont actually get our new elite unless we run around doing busywork for 15+ hours PER CHARACTER).

15 hours? More like 1.5 hours. If you are a veteran player with 5 years of experience, you should've know that the Hero Points in HoT and PoF give 10 points each, meaning it takes a blink of an eye to max out the elite spec. They require 250 hero Points, that's 25 Hero Points from expansion maps. All HoT maps combined have 400 Hero Points so even if you leave out the 5-ish that are difficult (vampire, itzel, balthazar, etc.) you still have more then enough to choose from to get 250 for at least one elite spec.

So can you elaborate how you calculated 15 hours? Do you mean the core tyria ones? If yes, why on earth are you doing core tyria HPs to unlock an elite spec if the 10-point HPs are even easier to access? Not to mention then when you hit lvl 80 you already gain all the hero points to fully unlock all core tyria skills and traits. The core tyria hero points are really just a "bonus" if you wanna unlock the traits faster instead gaining them naturally from leveling up.


/Edit: Just saw this post was necro'd, sorry.

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> @"Terminal.5093" said:

> I feel like jumping puzzles are trying to force a genre in to a game engine that wasn't designed for it.


> It's simply not made for such precise movements with precise camera control and there are no jumping abilities (unless you cheat with mounts). Windows of failure are too large and it's too punishing when you fail. Ping also makes it harder. Jumping puzzles from the initial development of the game acknowledge the framework of the engine and aren't too extreme, I liked those ones.. but then you look at something like the Christmas ones, and even the 'easy' path is pushing things too far.


> This is not a 3D platformer, this is not mario odyssey. Jumping is a fun and challenging feature in that game. Here, it's frustrating and the game is trying to be something that it's not.


> Half the time the challenge is not even the puzzle itself, but wrestling with the limited camera and player controls, not being able to see exactly where you are, or how far something really is, or how many pixels of space you actual have on the sliver of a platform you need to land on.


Spot on

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