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Suggestion: Transmutation of Light, Medium, Heavy Armor & Gemstore Outfit Pieces

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**Specifically there are two points to be made here.**


**Both also encourage users to purchase items for Gems and thus increase some ArenaNet revenue in addition to allowing player customization.**




# **Light, Medium, and Heavy Armor Sets / Pieces**


As it stands each size of armor is locked to predetermined classes that a player may choose from--this is a little disingenuous as it limits community choice, inspiration, and creativity. However, we should not allow all Classes to wear any armor due to stat differences, this is where transmutation comes in.


* As it stands users often dislike armors of their own set and/or like many of those which they do not have access to.

* We already use transmutation charges for other pieces of a set we find appealing, however the selection is often limited to personal taste & Class.

* Transmutation charges can be bought on the Gem Store, this is actually a good thing; not leaving it to RNG drops purely.


This poses the following questions:


* Would it not be better to create a new type of Transmutation Stone that allows the choice of Light/Medium/Heavy sets? The Gem Store price is negotiable here.

* In addition to selling this new Transmutation Stone, an option could be included that allows combining Regular Transmutation Stones into a single new one.




* Varied armor sets for the player population using creativity. Happier players.

* Increased Gem Store revenue as you will need to purchase these when you want to do this.

* Possibly stimulates various aspects of the game such as Events, METAs, Dungeons, Raids, etc, as players will want those new skins they ignored the last 6 years.

* Gives a use to old and new armor alike, especially if the Light/Medium/Heavy version of a set was not what a player finds appealing.

* Fashion Wars Rebuffed




* Will remove a degree of unique characteristics from classes; however Gem Store outfits are one size fits all anyway.

* May further increase prices of some items on the TP that are in high demand, but this is expected.


As the little girl says, " Why not both? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ "




# **Gem Store Outfit Pieces**


As it stands, personally, I do not like the majority of the **full sets** of outfits; contrary to that, I really love some of their individual pieces.


* You do not have to sell the Outfits as individual pieces, they may still be sold as they are, however this would be nice.

* Outfits can be broken down into separate single icons instead of just the singular one, this is some extra work but in the end it pays off.




* Sometimes we want to have a certain hat or shoulder pad (epaulet, etc), allowing a choice of what to wear of an outfit allows us to do as we wish.

* Allowing the former would also encourage players to purchase the sets which contain pieces they wish to use.

* This would also increase the likelihood of players purchasing other sets that they disliked because of one or more pieces (tbh, 90% of them for me.)




* Let's be real here, there isn't a con other than requiring development time to do so.





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You forgot the


Con: Armor rigging is different per weight class.


Search the forums, this is a fairly common request, with the same arguments for and "against." Not that anyone's really against such ideas, more of the effort it would take vs effort better spent elsewhere.

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> You forgot the


> Con: Armor rigging is different per weight class.


> Search the forums, this is a fairly common request, with the same arguments for and "against." Not that anyone's really against such ideas, more of the effort it would take vs effort better spent elsewhere.


If that's the case, why are you free to preview those skins in your Wardrobe without any problems?


That was what led me to post this, in addition to the forum being flooded with negativity lately.

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> @"Dragana.1497" said:

> Because the armour matches each body type. They don't however match each other.


Except different hats, shoulders, boots, and gloves can go together well despite requirements; there's no real question there honestly.


> Try previewing a light chest, medium pants and heavy boots at the same time and see what happens.


Picking the wrong stuff to go together is not the same as saying nothing looks good together at all?


What if you wanted to wear a full set of Heavy but you're stuck with the Light version? Is there anything wrong with that?

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > @"Dragana.1497" said:

> > Because the armour matches each body type. They don't however match each other.


> Except different hats, shoulders, boots, and gloves can go together well despite requirements; there's no real question there honestly.


In those specific situations, the designers produced three versions of the same skin.



> As it stands, personally, I do not like the majority of the full sets of outfits; contrary to that, I really love some of their individual pieces.

There is no such thing. Outfits are designed as onesies; they do not exist in pieces that can be mixed and matched. That's the very reason they exist in the first place: as a fifth weight of armor that is agnostic about class, that cannot be mixed and matched (and therefore requires less testing/comparison with anything else).



As others have said: no player is against more options in the wardrobe. Even ANet is in favor of that. The issue has always been the cost, not the concept.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > As it stands, personally, I do not like the majority of the full sets of outfits; contrary to that, I really love some of their individual pieces.

> There is no such thing. Outfits are designed as onesies; they do not exist in pieces that can be mixed and matched. That's the very reason they exist in the first place: as a fifth weight of armor that is agnostic about class, that cannot be mixed and matched (and therefore requires less testing/comparison with anything else).


Unfortunately I feel you missed the point.



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armors don't have different rigs, they are simply limited per weight class.

one reason why they don't want this is because of PvP reasons, another is glitch reasons.

the first one is already solved, in options you can select genetic armors so enemies can be ID'ed by their armor.

the second one already happens without this, even the core armors glitch within each other.


i think the biggest problem is the amount of work behind it, their engine is already messy enough that they have a hell lot of work to ad one single armor piece, imagine redoing every single armor skin in the game.

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As much as I'd love to have the ability to use any skin on any class, like people are saying, it would require a lot of work to implement as the armor skins are apparently rigged differently based on the class weight. I actually didn't know this until it was mentioned in this thread but it makes sense seeing as when you preview a piece that you're character can't use, it previews it by itself instead of with your already equipped armor.


But it's kinda the same issue with other things people want, like dyable weapons and such. I'm sure most people would love to have it, but is it really worth the extra work atm? I feel they have gotten better at making more varying options for the various classes though. And we do get quite a few skins that unlock for each weight as the same skin so they can be used on any class nowadays.


As for outfits, breaking them into pieces kinda defeats the purpose of outfits, they might as well just be armor skins at that point. I would, however, like to be able to hide the outfit hat like we currently can but have my armor skin for the head then show through if it is set to visible.

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Anet stated a long time back that this would require an entire rework of all the armor in the game because they all line up differently for different armor weights. It would be a huge undertaking that wouldn't be worth the effort.


For instance, the waist line for heavy, medium, and light are located in different locations. So if you were to combine say a light top, with a heavy bottom, you'd have a rather large gap in the middle of your stomach as they weren't meant to be worn together. Or you'd end up with extreme clipping on certain outfits or overlapping of flesh where they don't line up. This is not to mention that it is different for every single race as well.


Anet also stated that armor sets are too much work to make, thus the influx of outfits instead. Outfits are easier and require less development time, so they can focus development time elsewhere. Which is why we barely get any full sets of armor anymore and tons of outfits now. With that in mind, you think Anet is going to want to rebuild every single armor in the game for every race so they can all line up properly with each other and not clip horribly, just so we can mix and match?


It's an idea that has been suggested many times over and eventually dies because we all know that Anet won't put the resources into this huge undertaking. It's just not worth their time. Like in WoW, changes like this would cost us a raid tier. In GW2, changes like this would cost a Living World season. :p

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> @"SpyderArachnid.5619" said:

> Anet stated a long time back that this would require an entire rework of all the armor in the game because they all line up differently for different armor weights. It would be a huge undertaking that wouldn't be worth the effort.


> For instance, the waist line for heavy, medium, and light are located in different locations. So if you were to combine say a light top, with a heavy bottom, you'd have a rather large gap in the middle of your stomach as they weren't meant to be worn together. Or you'd end up with extreme clipping on certain outfits or overlapping of flesh where they don't line up. This is not to mention that it is different for every single race as well.


> Anet also stated that armor sets are too much work to make, thus the influx of outfits instead. Outfits are easier and require less development time, so they can focus development time elsewhere. Which is why we barely get any full sets of armor anymore and tons of outfits now. With that in mind, you think Anet is going to want to rebuild every single armor in the game for every race so they can all line up properly with each other and not clip horribly, just so we can mix and match?


> It's an idea that has been suggested many times over and eventually dies because we all know that Anet won't put the resources into this huge undertaking. It's just not worth their time. Like in WoW, changes like this would cost us a raid tier. In GW2, changes like this would cost a Living World season. :p


That's some nice feedback. I hadn't seen where Anet had spoke of this before and their view on it, so that answers some questions.


Maybe one day, but probably not soon. With the new Gw2 team essentially being doubled in size, effectively, hopefully we can see some changes in a variety of QoL aspects to the game.

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ANet has specifically said the different armor weights are “fundamentally incompatible.” Personally, I read that as a square peg/round hole situation where they aren’t going to be able to make them mix and match without a complete overhaul of all the armors. It’s an unfortunate design issue that only gets harder to fix with each new set of armor and I don’t think they will ever revamp all armors in the game.

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  • 10 months later...

> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> You forgot the


> Con: Armor rigging is different per weight class.


> Search the forums, this is a fairly common request, with the same arguments for and "against." Not that anyone's really against such ideas, more of the effort it would take vs effort better spent elsewhere.


That whole_ 'but different mesheessss'_ is a flimsy excuse in a game that is defined by being heavy into collectibles. :(


These QOL changes are part of what we pay for when we buy chapters and gems. Just do it. Or do it then sell a cross weight transmuter in the crown store. People will buy it. Profit ON TOP OF profit.


_Also I know this is a necro; but most recent post I could find._

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> @"Islyn.8019" said:

> > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > You forgot the

> >

> > Con: Armor rigging is different per weight class.

> >

> > Search the forums, this is a fairly common request, with the same arguments for and "against." Not that anyone's really against such ideas, more of the effort it would take vs effort better spent elsewhere.


> That whole_ 'but different mesheessss'_ is a flimsy excuse in a game that is defined by being heavy into collectibles. :(


> These QOL changes are part of what we pay for when we buy chapters and gems. Just do it. Or do it then sell a cross weight transmuter in the crown store. People will buy it. Profit ON TOP OF profit.


> _Also I know this is a necro; but most recent post I could find._


Well if you are, by your own words, going to necro a thread then you should read it more carefully. As stated above the technical reasons why Arenanet will not make all armor weights mix-and-matchable is hardly a flimsy excuse, it would require remaking the entire armor system from the back end and every armor piece in order to allow this thing. Such an undertaking would cause an enormous delay in all other QoL and new content, and all for a relatively uncertain return. I myself am not a fan of this idea of mixing armor types across professions, I prefer that there are at least some small distinction between the professions.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> They could always make it that of you change to another armor weight you have tomdonitnwieh every piece of armor. That is possible with almost no changes needed.


That would defeat the purpose of what alot of players want when asking for this.


Heres the thing though we know anet has stated that its not possible(for the payoff) due to how the meshes and rigging of all 4 armor weights, but really, who knows what they are doing behind the scenes. They said backpacks werent dyeable once upon a time too and now look where we are.

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > * Sometimes we want to have a certain hat or shoulder pad (epaulet, etc), allowing a choice of what to wear of an outfit allows us to do as we wish.


> **YES!!!!**

> Please Anet do this!



Defeates the purpose of the onesie outfit tho dont it?

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > They could always make it that of you change to another armor weight you have tomdonitnwieh every piece of armor. That is possible with almost no changes needed.


> That would defeat the purpose of what alot of players want when asking for this.


> Heres the thing though we know anet has stated that its not possible(for the payoff) due to how the meshes and rigging of all 4 armor weights, but really, who knows what they are doing behind the scenes. They said backpacks werent dyeable once upon a time too and now look where we are.


well it would be a step in the right direction at least. it would triple the amount of avaiable options we have. without needing too much work to script rigs and other stuff.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > > @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > > * Sometimes we want to have a certain hat or shoulder pad (epaulet, etc), allowing a choice of what to wear of an outfit allows us to do as we wish.

> >

> > **YES!!!!**

> > Please Anet do this!

> >


> Defeates the purpose of the onesie outfit tho dont it?


So what if it does? It allows greater freedom in creating the look a player wants. If the feature becomes available and you don't like it, don't use it. The rest of us can have more fun.

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > > > @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > > > * Sometimes we want to have a certain hat or shoulder pad (epaulet, etc), allowing a choice of what to wear of an outfit allows us to do as we wish.

> > >

> > > **YES!!!!**

> > > Please Anet do this!

> > >

> >

> > Defeates the purpose of the onesie outfit tho dont it?


> So what if it does? It allows greater freedom in creating the look a player wants. If the feature becomes available and you don't like it, don't use it. The rest of us can have more fun.


You don't get it, the purpose of "onesie" outfit is that its easier and quicker for Anet to pump out. Changing that takes away that shorter dev time and leaves us in the same spot we're in with normal armors, new skins coming out once or maybe twice a year at best.

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> @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

> > @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > > > > @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > > > > * Sometimes we want to have a certain hat or shoulder pad (epaulet, etc), allowing a choice of what to wear of an outfit allows us to do as we wish.

> > > >

> > > > **YES!!!!**

> > > > Please Anet do this!

> > > >

> > >

> > > Defeates the purpose of the onesie outfit tho dont it?

> >

> > So what if it does? It allows greater freedom in creating the look a player wants. If the feature becomes available and you don't like it, don't use it. The rest of us can have more fun.


> You don't get it, the purpose of "onesie" outfit is that its easier and quicker for Anet to pump out. Changing that takes away that shorter dev time and leaves us in the same spot we're in with normal armors, new skins coming out once or maybe twice a year at best.


Unless you work on the Anet dev team you have no idea how much effort it takes to deliver this functionality. There have been plenty of armor skins and outfits on the gem store on a regular basis. Something like this could only encourage outfit sales by making outfits that were undesirable because of a few parts, way more appealing.

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