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Cantha and Tengu playable race, when ?!

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> @"Sirius.4510" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> >


> Thanks for all the material there! There were quite a few things I'd never seen before. I would tend to agree that it doesn't rule Cantha in or out - the biggest consideration is really where ArenaNet wants to take the story from here.


> I hate to concur on the race thing (have been hoping they'd bring in tengu for many, *many* years) but I kind of have to. GW2 is a very expensive game to add races to and unless they're willing to make significant compromises, I don't see a good way to do it. You can make concessions on armor, but voicing is probably even worse and is not really negotiable.


I disagree, honestly... if they said they will not work on playable races, this might change in the far future.

think about it, i know they said this but when they said this they just finished with one of the products... i am aware when they said this.


what i am trying to say is, one of these days they will catch us off guard.

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> @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

> > Cantha was very unpopular in Asia due to them mixing cultures that are antagonistic to each other. Now that the game is out in China they will probably never add Cantha. After all why develop maps they can't release there.


> We will not get cantha because of this. And with all the new pc rules about cultural appropriation you can bet someone would raise a stink over it.


PC rules ?

tell that to WoW and FF14, hell why would they add the jade sea over and over on guild wars 2 ?

there's other ways to add cantha, maybe the culture changed over the years ?

im sure they can cook something up. what about the chinese new years in Guild wars 2?

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It would need to be a massive scale expansion equal to a standalone game if they want Cantha to come back which is something that will basically take a full Game Development cycle (spanning up to 2 to 3 years or longer depending on resource, logistics and current manpower).


Right now everything they have worked on has been built up on what they currently have. I would say if they really want to work on Cantha, then we would need to go at least 2 years of no added content outside of bug fixes, balance patches and seasonal events. Knowing how demanding the gaming community is when it comes to content, I doubt ANet is gonna be in a position where they can work on a massive scale expansion unless they can get this game to maintain itself like GW1 for the next 2 years.


As for playable Tengu race. I really doubt that would happen. I'm not against it, but that's basically half a year (if not a full year) of them developing a single race, testing it out, adjusting equipment for them and so on and so fort. As @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" stated, it's either a LW content or new race and new race isn't really gonna have a major effect on the game itself since its overall gameplay would be the same as any other available race we currently have in a technical sense

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A lot of misconceptions here. The OP asked for DLC. DLC does not equals an expansion. It can be either living world, and expansion, or a format we never had before. We know that the next DLC will be living world season 5, but also that it could be different from the the typical content we are used to from season 4. So both a new race as cantha are perfectly possible.


I personally think the time is ripe for cantha. The story of the elder dragons has mostly gone full circle. They can continue with Selbub, but it is not really needed. If they go to Cantha, the introduction of the Tengu as a playable race (or atleast opening the gates to the dominion) could be a very good first step to start such a line of story. I personally know that Arenanet has never done what was to be expected, but always pleassantly surprised me. So lets see

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> @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> war eternal was great, but i would like more from this game, i would like another DLC.

> anyone here agree ?

> more classes or subclasses.

> more story. we need cantha.


We are already in Largos territory. We have awaken Bubbles and they will come and help us beat him.

Also, they look very cool, while Tengu is just a Char with bird head.


![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/1/12/Largos_male_concept_art_5.jpg/403px-Largos_male_concept_art_5.jpg "")




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> @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> more classes or subclasses.

> more story. we need cantha.


Like with GW1, we will probably never get additional races to play in GW2 other than those we started with. As for Cantha, yes, my assumption is we will get there in LWS5 or with the next expac the latest. ;)

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As much as I think a Cantha expansion would be awesome - and I do believe it'll happen at some point - I'd be greatly disappointed if it were the next one, for the obvious reason we just had an expansion themed around Humans (in an already Human-centric lore) in a game that decided to have 5 races concurring to the foreground of the lore instead of just one (GW1) being antagonized and helped by other, non-playable races.

In my opinion the next expansion should focus on either the Norn or the Charr and be about some storyline never (deeply) explored before in the franchise, also taking place in a part of the world never visited before. Cantha can wait.


> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> We are already in Largos territory. We have awaken Bubbles and they will come and help us beat him.

That's an interesting point, the fact Kralk ended up in that ocean may be hard to overlook but then again, Aurene (apparently) absorbed all of the magics... hard to tell.

> Also, they look very cool, while Tengu is just a Char with bird head.

but the Largos look just like Humans with butterfly wings (and a hippie hairstyle).

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> @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > Cantha ... when ?!

> >

> > Since ANet clearly likes nostalgia as much as a lot of fans, I think Cantha is a plausible destination for a _major_ expansion (whether called that or released as an epic Living World series). There are tons of lore issues that would need to be addressed, which provides some incredible story-telling opportunities.

> >

> > Personally, I prefer ANet go someplace we've never been before. For me, it would be more interesting to see something new, than a remake of someplace from before. I'm less pessimistic about a reboot, since they have done such a good job with Thunderhead Peaks and the Crystal Desert generally. Even so: Tyria is a big place; I'd like to see more of it.

> >

> > > Tengu playable race, when ?!

> > ANet has been very clear that they aren't willing to commit to working on new races (they are interested in them, despite that). There are tons and tons of threads about the reasons, which boil down to: they can deliver Living World or a new race; each takes comparable effort. And LW offers more storytelling and mechanical benefits, while new races tend to have niche appeal.

> >


> honestly this can change over time.


Any business decision can change. The thing is: it almost never does unless there's a good business reason for that to happen. In this case, that would mean any of the following: a drastically cheaper way to add armor skins, a substantial decrease in the cost of voice actors, a decision to present nerfed versions of new races (missing a personal story, for example), a sudden and major increase the appeal of new races _by people who don't already care about it_, etc.


Or more briefly: lower costs or greater benefits (or both).


We can speculate about whether that's likely or not. For now, we know that ANet has consistently repeated the same thing: it's not on the table. And given that ANet goes out of its way to ignore questions about the game's future, that says a lot about their expectations of whether they think it's likely to change.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > Cantha ... when ?!

> > >

> > > Since ANet clearly likes nostalgia as much as a lot of fans, I think Cantha is a plausible destination for a _major_ expansion (whether called that or released as an epic Living World series). There are tons of lore issues that would need to be addressed, which provides some incredible story-telling opportunities.

> > >

> > > Personally, I prefer ANet go someplace we've never been before. For me, it would be more interesting to see something new, than a remake of someplace from before. I'm less pessimistic about a reboot, since they have done such a good job with Thunderhead Peaks and the Crystal Desert generally. Even so: Tyria is a big place; I'd like to see more of it.

> > >

> > > > Tengu playable race, when ?!

> > > ANet has been very clear that they aren't willing to commit to working on new races (they are interested in them, despite that). There are tons and tons of threads about the reasons, which boil down to: they can deliver Living World or a new race; each takes comparable effort. And LW offers more storytelling and mechanical benefits, while new races tend to have niche appeal.

> > >

> >

> > honestly this can change over time.


> Any business decision can change. The thing is: it almost never does unless there's a good business reason for that to happen. In this case, that would mean any of the following: a drastically cheaper way to add armor skins, a substantial decrease in the cost of voice actors, a decision to present nerfed versions of new races (missing a personal story, for example), a sudden and major increase the appeal of new races _by people who don't already care about it_, etc.


> Or more briefly: lower costs or greater benefits (or both).


> We can speculate about whether that's likely or not. For now, we know that ANet has consistently repeated the same thing: it's not on the table. And given that ANet goes out of its way to ignore questions about the game's future, that says a lot about their expectations of whether they think it's likely to change.


we dont know that for sure, i guess we can let this decision to the devs.

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No lets go and Deal with the rest of the charr legions homelands say their is a risk of a civil war among the charr after all the dragons are mostly out of the fight now whats stopping the charr legions temporary peace ending and then going back to fighting ebonhawk or even themselves over who gonna be the khan ur cause they cannot destory the blade of the khan ur or else charr are gonna get upset about it.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

> > Cantha was very unpopular in Asia due to them mixing cultures that are antagonistic to each other. Now that the game is out in China they will probably never add Cantha. After all why develop maps they can't release there.


> There's no evidence of this.


> > @"Sirius.4510" said:

> > I keep hearing that but I never hear any evidence for it! How do we know the Asian market has a problem with Cantha? Did anyone actually research it?


> The only thing we have is a statement about the _Canthan District_, the one that was planned for Divinity's Reach. At the last minute, it was axed and replaced with the "Great Collapse" (since replaced by the _Queen's Pavillion_). No one authorized to speak on the topic has ever explained why. No one working for ANet other than Josh Foreman ever said anything else about it.


> What he did say has been interpreted to mean a lot of things, including that Cantha was unpopular is Asia.

> And this interpretation persists despite Foreman also having written:

> * "I certainly don’t know where, when, or how the decision was made"

> * "For all I know it was some producer in Korea who doesn’t work there any more and the next time it’s brought up there will be no problem. Or maybe there will be one or two tweaks that will fix the problem. Who knows?"


> (I'll add the full quote in another post.)


Like Ill said


There is no evidence of a problem with the mixed Asian themes. Don't forget there are also mixed African themes in Nightfall.


85/100 metacritic.....not to bad




But lets be honest Asia and Africa don't exist in Tyria, so please STOP.



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Quite clear the dev's only care about what the vocal minority want or dislike/like. Any desire for a new race gets shot down and the norn still get the shaft all the time; So Frankly probably never. As for cantha I don't trust them not to botch it with all the racism and "Crusading" that the lore states is going on over there; IF we ever did go there we'd basically have to kill the emperor and fight through his armies because all of cantha are xenophobes.


It would be very dark, not a good time for anyone but human(As per usual.) Frankly with all the Weeb stuff out there now(Probs from playing for honor too much.) I can't honestly say im excited to have nartuo levels of cringe come bouncing into the game. This game has sparkles, rainbow weapons, infusions who turn you into disco-balls and all this other stuff and adding Weeaboo level junk would bother me. Maybe if I knew they could make it like it was with how it actually folded the different cultures together into a seamless story? And with the environments and architecture and all the cool creatures then sure; But as it stands right now I don't trust them to do it justice and I don't want them to just do it. PoF sucked. It took us back to the crystal desert and elona(More in the living world, which is the bomb btw.) But the expansion on its own sucked, and the theme really didn't gibe with me.


Im tired of human stories, Im tired of sylvary. I'd take any of the other three races getting an expansion to be in the spotlight over that; Preferably the norn with a ton more customization and choice given.(Perma-armored werebeast mode please? So I can be a werebear.) Id love to go to the far north with tundras, snowy peaks, vast forests and get some good norn lore. More viking stuff, some hide and bone armor sets which expose your chest and really have that nordic/celtic/native american vibe to it with a narrative focused on those areas. (Heck maybe with the blood-legion homelands worked in too so the charr get some love as well.)

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> (sigh) Again with this request? A simple forum search on "Tengu" or "Cantha" would reveal the many threads that have already discussed this to death.


It was the same with mounts, A new race would be good. But again I don't trust them not to make it a weeaboo haven.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> Quite clear the dev's only care about what the vocal minority want or dislike/like.

On the contrary, if the devs only cared about the vocal minority, we'd have Living World Season 1, no stealth for thieves or mesmers, land spears, no more transmutation (free wardrobe only), and so on.


> Any desire for a new race gets shot down

The desire doesn't get shot down. It's a business decision that the costs far outweigh the benefits.



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Given past replies from Anet on this I don't ever see them creating a new playable race. And even if they change their minds, much like mounts, I don't see them doing Tengu. They'd probably go with a humanoid race like Largos, since humanoids appeal to a wider audience. And most importantly it would be much more efficient to make, since they wouldn't need to adjust all the armor sets to a brand new model. Working on all that gear for a new race that doesn't use assets from the existing playable ones would be a huge undertaking.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > Any desire for a new race gets shot down

> The desire doesn't get shot down. It's a business decision that the costs far outweigh the benefits.


It's not that any desire for a new race gets shot down. It's the same call over and over again that gets shot down. If people were truly interested, they would read the existing threads on the subject and understand the argument both for and against instead of having them re-hashed all over again.



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> @"Perisemiotics.4579" said:

> As much as I think a Cantha expansion would be awesome - and I do believe it'll happen at some point - I'd be greatly disappointed if it were the next one, for the obvious reason we just had an expansion themed around Humans (in an already Human-centric lore) in a game that decided to have 5 races concurring to the foreground of the lore instead of just one (GW1) being antagonized and helped by other, non-playable races.

> In my opinion the next expansion should focus on either the Norn or the Charr and be about some storyline never (deeply) explored before in the franchise, also taking place in a part of the world never visited before. Cantha can wait.


> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > We are already in Largos territory. We have awaken Bubbles and they will come and help us beat him.

> That's an interesting point, the fact Kralk ended up in that ocean may be hard to overlook but then again, Aurene (apparently) absorbed all of the magics... hard to tell.

> > Also, they look very cool, while Tengu is just a Char with bird head.

> but the Largos look just like Humans with butterfly wings (and a hippie hairstyle).


I agree their is risk of the charr restarting a war against the humans after all the treaty is only temporary, or the charr have a chance to have a khan ur for the first time but their is a risk of a civil war among the charr for who the khan ur well be. either of these two paths happening be interesting. By the way I do not hate the charr, cause I love female charr.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > Quite clear the dev's only care about what the vocal minority want or dislike/like.

> On the contrary, if the devs only cared about the vocal minority, we'd have Living World Season 1, no stealth for thieves or mesmers, land spears, no more transmutation (free wardrobe only), and so on.


so the fact that the vocal minority asked for :

* raids

* legendary armor

* more fractuals

* more achievements

* more grind

* harder to get items


is something we can simply ignore?

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