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I quit until skyscale is easier

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> > Literally got burnt out after playing an entire day, up to and including the eggs.

> >

> > Haven't bothered to long on because I don't want to be time hated... will just play wow or apex until my new PC arrives in a month or so, maybe I'll be craving gw2 then?

> >

> >

> > Can somebody let me know if arena net will remove the time gate in the near future? I saw that the pof mastery is enabled again which is nice... but already I've lost so much exp from that one day of playing all day and not getting any I feel cheated. And I could really use spirit shards too... only have 17 and need to craft full asc wvw gear for one toon... I've also seen them say they will look into some achievement for jormag or something??

> >

> > That plus I'm waiting to see what the other collections will be like. Have fun going ham at it guys... I've learned my lesson. Will treat this as astralaria version of the mount and take my damnedest sweetest time. Hopefully they make it easier in the next month or so.

> >

> > PLEASE anet remove the living world season 4 requirement.. do I have to complete all of them to talk to gorrik? Ridiculous! Teletported to friends suns refuge and couldn't talk to him.... more gates... ugh...


> I hope they add some more collections like this one, even harder.


There's no need to reply to someone's criticism with an optimistic statement that goes against everything they said. So, pretty much not going to take you seriously from here on.

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Finally a mount we have to do some legwork for. I love it. I love doing the Collections and I do not care at all that there is a timegate. I ran out of Charged Quartz after I made some Celestial armor, and I will most definately not buy the overpriced Treats on the TP: I am perfectly happy with creating one each day myself and take it a bit slower with this mount.


I am not saying this to tick anyone off or tell them to play my way: I am saying this because I want Anet to know that for every player who bitches about the legwork they have to do for this mount, there is a player who loves it and is totally ok with the fact that they can't have this mount on day 1.

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This is overboard Grind. Collecting the med then administering it was a fine grind. But now 21 eggs. They went overboard on the Grind. I don't mind working for it but 21 really. The Griffin was a fun Grind that I enjoyed. Back to the Grind.

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So much crying about something so easy to do. The collections aren't hard, they're super easy lol. Some are annoying (like Claw of Jormag if you don't have LS3 -> me) but there's absolutely nothing even remotely hard about the collection. As for the time gate, I personally have no issues about it. It's common practice in MMOs to time gate stuff and I'm pretty sure there are games where you'd have to wait a week and not a day to continue.


And for the folks using the "oh, I can only play on weekends"...really? You don't have the time to enter sun's refuge and feed the dragon? It takes 2 minutes. It's not like you have to complete a dungeon a day or something. It's an extremely trivial task.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > I can't believe it's been twenty minutes and no one has asked for your stuff yet . . .


> OP please send your stuff to @"Gop.8713"

> (Personally, I don't need it and I'm confident that @"Gop.8713" would share in the largess, with guildies or the community in general.)


Nope, I'm a selfish kitten and don't share with anybody. I never accept gold from other players either though, which is why I didn't ask OP for their stuffs . . .


But I'm not proud, I will take all your carrots and onions if you're offering . . .

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Off topic, but I'd just like to take this opportunity to make a case to up the AP gained from LS's.


If the sole purpose of the daily AP cap is to get players that have maxed their daily AP to do other content and then we find out that these newer players aren't bothering to touch the newer content UNTIL it's "forced" on them and even then they don't want to do it, then odds are they aren't even doing dailies or even care about AP. So, why are the rest of us that have actually playing being punished by having to scrounge for minimal AP gained from LSs?

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> @"Kalocin.5982" said:

> For people saying stuff about putting effort into it, there are a ton of people who only play on the weekends due to work and family. They probably put a ton of effort into the game, maybe even play all weekend. Those folks are punished for no real reason. Don't say some shenanigans like if I can do it they can too because everyone's lives are different.


> For my own self, I definitely don't have the time to play every day. I'm not even going to bother with this mount as well, I have no desire to feel stressed out because I need to get a list done every day. That stuff leads to burn out, same stuff happened to people playing WoW which is why it had a large dip in subs recently.


It's far from being punished. It's not a time-sensitive or restricted thing. It's not like the mount is locked behind this quest which you can ONLY do this week or something.

Take your time with it and do it at your own pace. Just because you have to wait until reset to do the different parts of it after a certain point, and then have to wait for the reset to feed it again, doesn't mean you have to rush it. In fact, that encourages you to take your time even more. Split the lists up into bite-sized chunks and it's a lot more fun that way, I think. ... Also the longer you take the cheaper the materials become, whether because you have your own materials (more charged quartz) or because supply/demand changed and made things cheaper on TP.

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> @"misterman.1530" said:


> You know that "Difficulty" <> "Time-gated grind", right? I mean, "difficulty" would be complex mission quests, perhaps with a jumping puzzle or some other logic puzzle. But time-gating something doesn't make it "difficult" it makes it tedious.


So I suppose you did every collection without using a guide then right? because I don't think you did, 99% of players used a guide for it, that should tell you that there is a certain level of difficulty involved.



> @"rogermkiihl.1967" said:

> It was a journey, something I will always remember when I look to that shiny long sword. I hope ANet keep the journey about the new mount the way it is.


Agreed, I feel the same way, I have done my fair share of legendary collections and this skyscale collection fits right in with them, if nothing else I will remember feeding the skyscale and watching it grow, I can see why they time gated it so that it would feel real, I'm ok with that.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> Off topic, but I'd just like to take this opportunity to make a case to up the AP gained from LS's.


> If the sole purpose of the daily AP cap is to get players that have maxed their daily AP to do other content and then we find out that these newer players aren't bothering to touch the newer content UNTIL it's "forced" on them and even then they don't want to do it, then odds are they aren't even doing dailies or even care about AP. So, why are the rest of us that have actually playing being punished by having to scrounge for minimal AP gained from LSs?


I'm not sure a 'newer' player would have capped their Dailies.

Nor that that is the sole purpose, or even one of the purposes.

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Collection seem rather easy actually so far and pretty fun(I haven't done it any of it yet though).

The time gate is still a problem for me though and I'd hate to force myself into this kitten knowing I can't finish however I want to because Anet want to stretch content being unproffesnial who think this is the best way keeping the playerbase busy.


I don't think I'll do the Skyscale anytime soon but I do hope they will remove the time gate completely in the future and hopefully in the near one.

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> Literally got burnt out after playing an entire day, up to and including the eggs.


> Haven't bothered to long on because I don't want to be time hated... will just play wow or apex until my new PC arrives in a month or so, maybe I'll be craving gw2 then?



> Can somebody let me know if arena net will remove the time gate in the near future? I saw that the pof mastery is enabled again which is nice... but already I've lost so much exp from that one day of playing all day and not getting any I feel cheated. And I could really use spirit shards too... only have 17 and need to craft full asc wvw gear for one toon... I've also seen them say they will look into some achievement for jormag or something??


> That plus I'm waiting to see what the other collections will be like. Have fun going ham at it guys... I've learned my lesson. Will treat this as astralaria version of the mount and take my damnedest sweetest time. Hopefully they make it easier in the next month or so.


> PLEASE anet remove the living world season 4 requirement.. do I have to complete all of them to talk to gorrik? Ridiculous! Teletported to friends suns refuge and couldn't talk to him.... more gates... ugh...


It IS easy, it's just time consuming. WoW actually has worse timegates, so not sure how you'd prefer WoW's system over GW2 since Gw2 is so easy a caveman could do it.

I get you're frustrated because you want it now/ no work involved but how else can anet keep you playing gw2? You are not the only player of GW2 - many people do not mind the collections but hate the time gates. Anet is not going to listen to 1 person because eventually you will come back, regardless of the outcome of this. So, for now? bon voyage!

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