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Legendary Crafting Imbalance

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I see where you're coming from but I still have to disagree. Regardless of their utility, the skin is a huge draw, whether it's one-handed or two. To me it would feel less legendary if it was just flat out easier to make. But that's just me, I mainly make legends for their appearance.


Edit: Also, just remembered that some legends are already slightly cheaper to make if one-handed/offhanded in that the precursor requires less to make iirc.

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Yes making 2 legendaries is much more expensive and time consuming than making 1. But unless you're the type of person who is constantly swapping stats around to experiment, or sharing weapons between characters, there's no need to make 2 legendaries. Make the one you want and an ascended weapon of the same type and then reskin the ascended one.


Even if you change your stats every time there's a balance update you could use the mystic forge to change the stats on the ascended weapon and reskin it many, many times before it would be equal to the cost of a legendary.


> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > @"zaced.7948" said:

> > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > > @"zaced.7948" said:

> > > > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > > > Considering most people unlock Legendary for skins and not stats, this isn't exactly a cause for concern. Once you get that Legendary unlocked, you can skin as many ascended weapons as you want with that Legendary skin since they have the exact same stats.

> > > >

> > > > you might want to stop assuming what "most people" do or want. unless you can read minds. i highly doubt that tho.

> > >

> > > Except it's a fact that Legendary are just skins and that's the only reason why people unlock it. Nothing about Legendary makes it any better than Ascended outside of a slightly more convenient stats change. I'm not assuming anything, this is literally the only thing Legendary is made for which is skin. It's the reason Legendary weapons aren't exactly hyped up outside their appearance.

> >

> > oh, so the option to change stats and the 3-4 inventory slots per weapon type it saves are just imaginary then, yes? i guess i must be dreaming because i'm ingame and doing it right now.


> You know... the stat changing ability of legendary weapons was not always a thing. It wasn't until this update nearly a year after the games release:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2013-09-03#Changes_to_Legendary_Weapons


> So it is safe to say that at least the original purpose of legendary weapons was purely cosmetics. The stat changing was added later as an extra bonus incentive for people to craft them and not as the original main draw.


To take it even further the stat swapping function wasn't even mentioned as an incentive to make a legendary when it was introduced. Before then standard practice was to make a legendary and then get an exotic weapon (ascended weapons didn't exist at this point) with the stats you wanted and transmute it to use the legendary skin. But ascended weapons were being promoted as long-term goals - I believe Anet even said they were equivalent to 1/2 the time/expense of a legendary. So people were understandably unimpressed with the prospect of making a legendary and then going through all the hassle of making an ascended weapon as well before they could use it. So stat-swapping was announced as a way of keeping legendaries equal with what they already were, not a way to make them better or useful for more people.

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> @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:


> Except it's a fact that Legendary are just skins and that's the only reason why people unlock it. Nothing about Legendary makes it any better than Ascended outside of a slightly more convenient stats change. I'm not assuming anything, this is literally the only thing Legendary is made for which is skin. It's the reason Legendary weapons aren't exactly hyped up outside their appearance.


Except it's a fact that the skin is the least important detail when making a Legendary. All it counts is its functionality. The proof? WvW legendary armors exists. Having no flashy skins, no animation. But the people craft them. Did you ever questioned yourself why? The same thing with the weapons. Did you heard how many players reskinned **a legendary weapon** because they did not like the look? But they crafted it in the first place. Why? What about the functionality?


So, please stop speaking for "most of the players" about individual preferences. Because the stat change is not a "slightly convenience". It is a **major** advantage on the long term. Even strictly speaking only about QoL.


Without the stat-swapping of the Legendary, without the sigil swapping (keeping the sigil) I agree, Legendary = pure cosmetics. But with these .... things are different.


As for the actual topic - the price of 2 X main hand (or 2 X offhand) being greater than 1 x Two Handed weapon - I don't know. I think a Legendary weapon is a Legendary weapon and the gifts used for each are fully justified.


I don't want to see any attmpt of balancing this - because the only way should be by doubling the number of gifts needed for a two handed weapon. It is impossible to use only a half of Gift of Explration / Gift of Battle for an one handed weapon.

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> @"phoenixwil.6071" said:

> It takes twice as much material to craft a second one-handed weapon as it does just for a two-handed weapon. To craft one greatsword, you just need 1 desert/Maguuma mastery, mystic tribute, etc. If your toon uses a dagger in each hand, you need 2 desert/Maguuma masteries, 2 mystic tributes, etc. That’s right, you need 500 funerary incense for a 2 daggers/swords as opposed to 250 funerary incense (as well as other materials like 200 mystic curios instead of 100, 144 mystic clovers instead of 77, 500 mystic coins instead of 250, etc) for a greatsword/longbow. Yup you pay the same price to get half the stats and slots. That doesn’t make sense...


If you are talking about Gen 1, yeah, maybe, perhaps, don't care really


If you ware talking about Gen 2, not really... if you look at the cost of shards, 2-handed weapons' shards costs more in total



Plus, you unlock 2 legendary weapons' skins where as a 2-handed weapon it's just a single skin, so I would say the trade off is pretty balanced

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> @"MrRuin.9740" said:

> > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > I'm a far cry from a "hardcore" player. I've made 6 legendary weapons so far. All have been for the skins. Stat swapping was not even a consideration.


> Same here, though I've made 3 (2 weapons + Ad Infinitum), , currently slowly working on 4th (Aurora). I don't think I've ever stat swapped any of them.

I just tried to remember which of my characters even has my Ad Infinitum, but I can't. I think I've put it on a character that needed a decent back piece back then (I made my Ad Infinitum before ascended backpacks were easily available), reskinned it to be less flashy, and haven't touched it since. I think I know who's got my Kudzu and Minstrel, but I'm not sure who's got Nevermore either (even though I only finished that one a couple of months ago).


By the way, I crafted none of them for stat swapping, and only one (the minstrel) because I wanted the skin (luckily from the only precursor I ever found in game). The other three (Ad Infinitum, Kudzu, Nevermore) I mostly crafted because I enjoyed the collections, especially the Leaf of Kudzu precursor collections 1+3.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> >

> > Except it's a fact that Legendary are just skins and that's the only reason why people unlock it.


> Except it's a fact that the skin is the least important detail when making a Legendary.

Except it's a fact that people have a wide range of different motivations to get legendaries :p .


Some only want the skin, some only want the stat swapping utility, some (like me) only do it because they enjoy the legendary journey/collections. There's no one universal reason that fits every player.



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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > >

> > > Except it's a fact that Legendary are just skins and that's the only reason why people unlock it.

> >

> > Except it's a fact that the skin is the least important detail when making a Legendary.

> Except it's a fact that people have a wide range of different motivations to get legendaries :p .


> Some only want the skin, some only want the stat swapping utility, some (like me) only do it because they enjoy the legendary journey/collections. There's no one universal reason that fits every player.




I understand this very well. I really don't know how many players consider "Except it's a fact that the skin is the least important detail when making a Legendary" as correct and they craft a Legendary with this in mind. And I agree with you.


My inflexible statement was an answer to the equally inflexible "Except it's a fact that Legendary are just skins and that's the only reason why people unlock it". I brought exactly as many proofs to support my statement as my quoted poster brought - I mean zero.


It was an invitation for the quoted poster to change somehow the tone if he is interested in a true debate. This is why I added "So, please stop speaking for "most of the players" about individual preferences". (I hope nobody considered that I have done the same being serious). Individual preferences may be different form individual to individual.


Sorry if after all this clarifications my post smacks a little bit like trolling :#.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > >

> > > > Except it's a fact that Legendary are just skins and that's the only reason why people unlock it.

> > >

> > > Except it's a fact that the skin is the least important detail when making a Legendary.

> > Except it's a fact that people have a wide range of different motivations to get legendaries :p .

> >

> > Some only want the skin, some only want the stat swapping utility, some (like me) only do it because they enjoy the legendary journey/collections. There's no one universal reason that fits every player.

> >

> >


> I understand this very well. I really don't know how many players consider "Except it's a fact that the skin is the least important detail when making a Legendary" as correct and they craft a Legendary with this in mind. And I agree with you.


> My inflexible statement was an answer to the equally inflexible "Except it's a fact that Legendary are just skins and that's the only reason why people unlock it". I brought exactly as many proofs to support my statement as my quoted poster brought - I mean zero.


> It was an invitation for the quoted poster to change somehow the tone if he is interested in a true debate. This is why I added "So, please stop speaking for "most of the players" about individual preferences". (I hope nobody considered that I have done the same being serious). Individual preferences may be different form individual to individual.


> Sorry if after all this clarifications my post smacks a little bit like trolling :#.


I mean as already proven @"Danikat.8537" AND @"Mewcifer.5198" , Legendaries were never about stats to begin with. They were simply skins to begin with that had stats swap added later on. The reason for getting them changed only slightly with the introduction of the Legendary stat swap. Their origins were that they were purely cosmetic. This was the original reason people got them and considering they are the same stats as ascended many people took into account that getting a Legendary once is the same as getting a skinned ascended.


I've heard more people say they didn't want Exordium cuz it looked terrible instead of hearing them say "Because it's got the same legendary stat swap as Eternity/Sunrise/Twilight".

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