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Can we... Fix deadeye.


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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> If it were me, I'd put three round burst where two round burst is, and put a small blast finisher that does minimal damage where three round burst is now. That way steal thing off the smoke field would be waaaaaay less clunky in a fight (just have to find a spot out the way and kneel) which might make up for or even facilitate the removal of stealth on dodge altogether.


I'd love to have a blast finisher there when I'm running around with a team, especially when we get hit by something more around a squad size.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> If it were me, I'd put three round burst where two round burst is, and put a small blast finisher that does minimal damage where three round burst is now. That way steal thing off the smoke field would be waaaaaay less clunky in a fight (just have to find a spot out the way and kneel) which might make up for or even facilitate the removal of stealth on dodge altogether.


i dont like ini and combo based stealthing for rifle deadeye. because with our ranged weapons our AA is not a big source of our damage compared to melee weapons. so using up the ini for stealth, means we will have alot less for attacking. a ini + combo based stealthing is usually pretty expensive in short stealth and has a better ini / stealth seconds ratio if you combo it as often as you can. this promotes a playstyle of comboing always the max amount of times, then wait till nearly the end to regain the resources. thats why i do like that silent scope uses endurance for stealth as it is a purely defensive resource otherwise and therefor doesnt promote staying in stealth for an eternity, sure it makes it easier given other options of stealth, but it doesnt promote such a playstyle. however that the use of endurance for stealth is tied to a dodgeroll is probably the biggest issue we have on deadeye. i would love to have an interruptable skill doing that, so you have to choose to use the resource to dodge or to stealth.


given that you can basically permastealth as core thief, you will be able to do so as deadeye too, thats why i think its best to give deadeye tools and mechanics to play more aggressive. like reducing skirmishers shot damage and making it unblockable so you dont 'outstealth' blocks/reflects , resetting malice on an avoided stealth attack to make them use 'trash damage' instead of spamming oneshot attempts at full malice or applying a short AoE daze (maybe instead of poison) on death retreat to promote using it within your opponents range.

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There's 0 reasons to play Deadeye over Soulbeast, better sustain, better range (lol) better and more upfront damage. Its kind of really silly. Its my favorite spec both thematically and playstyle-wise but honestly with how hard it is to make it work in any format right now, i hardly even want to play the game. Rerolling's not really an option either i tried other stuff and get bored, + invested a lot of time (and some money) getting my main character the way i wanted, not doing it again.

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Sadly Deadeye isn't even the best Rifle user in the game. Warrior rifle builds are really good snipers because they hit like a truck with shots that cannot be blocked or reflected and they are still extremely lethal when they switch to melee as well as being tanky AF. Miss a warrior kneeling and anything short of 3k armor and 20k health is ded.


> @"Jumpel.3972" said:

> And arrows travel faster than bullets ;)


and channels long enough to force two dodge burns to keep from getting destroyed by one rotating skill that typically is unblockable.

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> @"Antycypator.9874" said:

> The only buff rifle deadeye needs is more range. I main rifle deadeye — damage is OK, initiative costs is OK, cast time are OK. But it's a SNIPER, so deadeye should get more range (up to 2k).

> And bring back unblockable Death Jugdement plz.


I agree that Rifle needs more range. If they allowed the projectile to be coded like arced projectiles, that would be sufficient to me - "1500" tooltip range would be icing on the cake, but not absolutely necessary.


I disagree that DJ needs unblockable. It made too many fights far too easy. Ideally I'd rather that attack be removed replaced with Cursed Bullet.

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I still want Cursed Bullet back in some form but I do like the feel of Deaths Judgment from stealth. I'd like to have normal key tap for rifle auto and hold for like 3/4 second or more and release for a Cursed Bullet auto that pierces it's winding or curving way to your target, kinda like Yondus whistle dart from Guardians of the Galaxy.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"Antycypator.9874" said:

> > The only buff rifle deadeye needs is more range. I main rifle deadeye — damage is OK, initiative costs is OK, cast time are OK. But it's a SNIPER, so deadeye should get more range (up to 2k).

> > And bring back unblockable Death Jugdement plz.


> I agree that Rifle needs more range. If they allowed the projectile to be coded like arced projectiles, that would be sufficient to me - "1500" tooltip range would be icing on the cake, but not absolutely necessary.


I don't really think it desperately needs higher range, BUT what needs to be done is unification of projectile range. Either they're all flexible like arced projectiles or none of them are. I'd actually prefer the second option.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > @"Antycypator.9874" said:

> > > The only buff rifle deadeye needs is more range. I main rifle deadeye — damage is OK, initiative costs is OK, cast time are OK. But it's a SNIPER, so deadeye should get more range (up to 2k).

> > > And bring back unblockable Death Jugdement plz.

> >

> > I agree that Rifle needs more range. If they allowed the projectile to be coded like arced projectiles, that would be sufficient to me - "1500" tooltip range would be icing on the cake, but not absolutely necessary.


> I don't really think it desperately needs higher range, BUT what needs to be done is unification of projectile range. Either they're all flexible like arced projectiles or none of them are. I'd actually prefer the second option.


I could live with either solution tbh. If deadeye got more range, it would probably need a projectile speed buff too, since without the much faster projectile speed soulbeast probably wouldn't be hitting anything at range either.


Thinking about it, I'd settle for a projectile speed buff. That would make a lot of difference tbh.

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