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The Skyscale Saddle

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> @"FONGORE.7410" said:

> I'm just done & over trying to get this mount. Not going to grind out 250 of each of those map currency. Especially since Anet once said & advertised its not ok to make players grind. Just gonna go spend my time elsewhere.




Just find someone who has all the S4 home nodes when they do their dailies, 3 times as fast as buying from the merchant and it does not inhale gold. I will try to remember to start putting up a LFG listing when I am about to make my dayend run.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Glad I found out about this today.. I might.. MIGHT!! have enough time to round my stockpiles up to 250 per map before i'm forced to waste another day because of this..


> Man these collections have been brutal when it comes to wasting my kitten time.


It really is _delightful_ to go on the same map eight times in a row and do the same hearts over. I take back what I said earlier about the collection being fun. Most parts of it are fun. Grinding is not.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > In summary, you'll need the following for the Skyscale Saddle :

> > > >

> > > > 1. 35 Gold

> > >

> > > Anyone keeping count? The Devs said they wanted to make sure this mount wasn't a huge gold sink like the Griffon, but at one point the Grow Map was selling for about 50-65g, and with those two steps alone, you're 1/3rd the way there....

> >

> > That's because technically you don't have to spend any gold on that item. However, you need to buy several items for a few gold, I think it adds up to about 12g. So 47g and quartz.


> Of course, you don't have to buy them, but that doesn't mean they don't have a 'value'. If you can craft a 1500g legendary item completely from materials in your storage, that doesn't mean it doesn't cost 1500g to make - it just means you didn't have to spend any gold, but what you did was trade in 1500g worth of materials you owned for a purple :)


"and quartz"



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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> Honestly with this being episode 6 and the possibility of a legendary trinket you should of had at least some saved. 250 isn't even terrible to get on most maps. Krak ore you can turn the mirror heart one on multiple chars for 25 ea. Branded mass you can do 1st heart in like 2 min inspiring troops. Diflorite drops off nodes easy. Mistonian you can do the plant seed heart on multiple chars. Kourna you get like 15 from meta and chests are everywhere. The new map is easy af and you should have 250 already. Now if you converted all these prior for gold off vm trade in that's on you.


Saying players "should have" done this or that is not helpful. Perhaps we like to buy things from the vendors with our accumulated currencies. Isn't that what the vendors are there for? I'm actually OK with having to acquire more currencies -- it will keep the maps busier -- but my beef is that ANet could have let us know we might want some a week ago when this whole Skyscale thing started. Considering some of us waited and waited behind timegates, we could have been putting our game time into acquiring some currencies versus others (like HoT ones) if we so chose.

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> @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

> You riding a dragon that allows you to fly, ofcourse it's going to cost you. It's way better then a legendary.


> Having said that it will take a long time to farm that many mats.


That's clearly a matter of opinion. It doesn't "fly", it hovers. And I don't find it better than a legendary item. I would rather add 1000 bucks to the whole thing to trade it for an actual legendary item, like an amulet.

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I only find this to be terrible after the time gate, but on its own it’s not to bad. If they notified us at the start of the time gate then it could have been a “well you need to farm capped resources any way”. Once again lack of communication was the biggest issue.


I do wish vouchers gave resources for these maps, and there really needs to be a gold or gem based method to acquire these resources.

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> @"Seteruss.4058" said:

> I ll stick to my Griffon for now tyvm.

> The whole thing that I'm reading every day, turns me away from that mount more and more.

> Probably I'll do the collections sometimes in future.

> This way to far for a mount that goes up vertically or act like a helli.


Part of the frustration is it does not even act like a helicopter. If the trade was you can not go as fast as the griffon but you can go up that that would be doable .... but no, you lose altitude the further from the launch point you go. The only workarounds are hitting volatile magic (which is only on S4 maps) or it looks like if you completely master it and are not in a hurry you can rest on walls.


So far they have made both flying mounts way to messed up to get and with not even full functionality on other maps.


As I have said before my peeve is not the cost, time, or anything like that. It is that it made the most sense lore-wise to be able to start the collection when you encounter them but instead the requirement is that they make you continue on with things that can have RL effects to those of us with certain medical conditions where we avoid things like flashing lights. There are WAY too many negatives to pursuing it, I just am having fun with the new zone instead.

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> @"Ronharshadow.5246" said:

> An entire stack for each LS4 map currency.... WTH this is beyond ridiculous and if ONLY we were warned to start farming and everything.

> Not to mention those who are just unlucky enough to not get the entire LS4 looks like they have to buy more gems to get that mount!


Sad u can't buy brain with gems. I play for a bit more than a year and I knew farming those currencies will have a use 1 day "omg beyond riddicolulous" xD xD

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I can't believe I am going to waste my map currencies on this thing... I ran into someone last night who had the mount in Divinities Reach and they warned me about the currency cost. I literally thought they were pulling my leg till I read this thread. Well I guess if you buy from the vendor and farm home nodes that's 8 per day without much effort.

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Welp. Speaking of Jahai Bluffs alone, it took me 6 hours farming non-stop with 5 brand new characters to get 250 Mistonium. Thing is Jahai probably one of the easiest map to farm in. 15 mistonium from hearts + 25 from rifts + 25 from map completion (if available) + 5 per meta events (optional), so i can get the minimum of 40 Mistonium per character but 6 hours is alot and i haven't do so for a long while, pretty tired.


Idk what going to happen in other maps.

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> @"Eros.6801" said:

> Welp. Speaking of Jahai Bluffs alone, it took me 6 hours farming non-stop with 5 brand new characters to get 250 Mistonium. Thing is Jahai probably one of the easiest map to farm in. 15 mistonium from hearts + 25 from rifts + 25 from map completion (if available) + 5 per meta events (optional), so i can get the minimum of 40 Mistonium per character but 6 hours is alot and i haven't do so for a long while, pretty tired.


> Idk what going to happen in other maps.


When I was farming Jahai, I would use teleport to the Sunspear Sanctuary and then do the heart just outside it and then the heart to the north as I had the combinations memorized. You can usually go to character select and log back in to get ported to the top of the map as Anet still hasn’t fixed that annoying bug. On new characters, I was completing an entire cycle every 7-10 min.


For the new map, you can get 25 mistborn motes from map completion using new characters. The average is around every 15 min depending on how long it takes you to get into the map and how well you can avoid projectiles. This is probably the more efficient method as I had spent 90 minutes doing all events for an entire meta cycle and only ended up with 56 after the champ train.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > > Honestly with this being episode 6 and the possibility of a legendary trinket you should of had at least some saved. 250 isn't even terrible to get on most maps. Krak ore you can turn the mirror heart one on multiple chars for 25 ea. Branded mass you can do 1st heart in like 2 min inspiring troops. Diflorite drops off nodes easy. Mistonian you can do the plant seed heart on multiple chars. Kourna you get like 15 from meta and chests are everywhere. The new map is easy af and you should have 250 already. Now if you converted all these prior for gold off vm trade in that's on you.

> >

> > Saying players "should have" done this or that is not helpful. Perhaps we like to buy things from the vendors with our accumulated currencies. Isn't that what the vendors are there for? I'm actually OK with having to acquire more currencies -- it will keep the maps busier -- but my beef is that ANet could have let us know we might want some a week ago when this whole Skyscale thing started. Considering some of us waited and waited behind timegates, we could have been putting our game time into acquiring some currencies versus others (like HoT ones) if we so chose.


> Sorry but you/they should of had some idea with the precedent of anet adding content that requires map currency. You/they shouldn't of converted your currency that's a pita to get if a 250 req is dropped on you without anet holding your hand with laying out all the reqs for the 6 stages before release. How fun that would be knowing everything prior. There are timegates/grinds you can't prepare for like the charged quartz but map currency with a free 250 storage so they don't even clog up anywhere but you/they chose to convert for a bit of gold sorry.


I did not choose to convert for gold. I bought things from vendors for map currency. Is that not what they're there for? And to reiterate, shoulda woulda coulda is not helpful.

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I just want to know how we’re going to make a saddle out of these currencies. Do they magically run into leather after we combine them? Are we getting leather from somewhere else and bedazzling it with magic? 250 is insane.... especially when two of the maps give 5!!!!!!!! for map completion when all others give 25. Where is the consistency?

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As I suggested earlier, make it so that not all currencies require a whole stack.

The Domain of Istan one can easily be 250 req, as you get around 20? from the hearts and those are quite easily farmable too, meaning you don't have to kill yourself farming them.

The other currencies should require less. 50-100 at most, as most of them are a chore to get, taking too long and not getting enough from heart vendors...plus hearts are super slow and annoying to do, especially if you've done them a HUNDRED times!


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> @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

> You riding a dragon that allows you to fly, ofcourse it's going to cost you. It's way better then a legendary.


That's subjective, but in addition, Skyscale isn't the only way to "fly" in GW2, and a Griffon takes about 1/3rd of the time and effort to acquire (which btw, is still less than it takes to acquire a Legendary weapon)

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