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Botting problem


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I think thats pretty terrible that ArenaNet unable to find bots under their own nose.

On EU region at at PvP Lobby Waypoint you can find silver-bronze-gold bots that stack on the WP, spamming attunments if its an ele,using facets if its a rev, others just seems to standing still when idle.

You add them and you see 600-1200 games. You go sleep,you wake up and what you see? same bots spamming games still there Q'ing . Spent a lot of time observing this BS and I'm shocked that Anet still struggle to find "who is the bot?" who doesnt sleep at day or night?

They lose their own money since gold they farm will be sold for real money. How much they dont care about the game is...surprising....

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> I hope they will address this ASAP, I've been seeing bots in ranked (they just run straight into a wall). If this continues, the already low player base of ranked will be even lower.

I know few low rated people and I didnt believe when she was saying this bots all around... But I'v got absolutely shocked when I seen over over 20 people being just there,spamming games...

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I am not sure but I seem to see always the same players, always at the same place. They never move, but they always use the same skill automatically (probably to stay online and not get kicked. They "log on" always around the same hours (not sure about their log off.. ). I've seen this both in PvP and PvE.


Are these bots?

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> @"Edge.8724" said:

> I am not sure but I seem to see always the same players, always at the same place. They never move, but they always use the same skill automatically (probably to stay online and not get kicked. They "log on" always around the same hours (not sure about their log off.. ). I've seen this both in PvP and PvE.


> Are these bots?


If id list names of these I would be banned. Yes,they are bots.

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I'm guessing some botters are running outdated programs, the other day i saw 2 on my team just continuously running at the gate at Legacy of the Foefire *facepalm*

obviously lost the match (19-500 RIP) because the enemy team dont even both with our gate, so they stuck in there the entire match


I think one way to screw the botters is put unclimbable walls/gates like Foefire on every map, the tiny porting gate will shift left and right at random... Anet can put some algorithm to flag players with Botter/AFKer that hangs out within the wall after x minutes for review


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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> I'm guessing some botters are running outdated programs, the other day i saw 2 on my team just continuously running at the gate at Legacy of the Foefire *facepalm*

> obviously lost the match (19-500 RIP) because the enemy team dont even both with our gate, so they stuck in there the entire match


> I think one way to screw the botters is put unclimbable walls/gates like Foefire on every map, the tiny porting gate will shift left and right at random... Anet can put some algorithm to flag players with Botter/AFKer that hangs out within the wall after x minutes for review



i think also that would be a good bot detector for pvp, randomized obstacles that flag people traped by for further revision


this, and ofcourse, revise the accounts with an insane number of match per season

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As I suggested in another thread about improvements to PvP:


Make several variations of each map. Same mechanics but different obstacles and different geography. Randomize what version people play on when a map is selected.


But those kinds of changes won’t stop the problem completely because the bot programs can clearly detect what map is loaded and use pathing for that particular map. I imagine many bots running into walls are poorly programmed or Anet’s background efforts are working to make bots less able to work. Probably the former but the latter is also possible.


Going forward Anet needs to:

* Prevent the bots from pathing correctly to help players/staff identify bots.

* Flag accounts with high numbers of games per season for review.

* Review flagged/identified accounts for suspicious activity.

* Communicate about the percentages of games with confirmed bots and the ELO ranges for those games.

* Communicate the percentage of player identified bots who were actually bots.

* Plan to ban identified bots midway through and at the end of each PvP season. Midway bans cover the rest of the season and end of season bans cover the entire following season.



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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > Or add captcha like minigame before the match starts ;)


> hell no... i like my 2-4min toilet break after hitting the accept to join a match :bawling:


Dw, they said they dont care, literally. How do I close or delete the thread?

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I have seen more macroers with packet injection (way more in wvw) than pvp, those that use macros on pvp won’t abuse that much of packet editing.


Bots i would no worry much.


If devs don’t care about players doing packet editing ...don’t rly expect them to work on game security..


Just look how some overlays can be used to hack the game, even Anet won’t care about such stuff.

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Was just thinking about making similar post to this one...


Have been playing this game since start and had 3.5 years break before coming back last year, but think PvP have never been worse than it is now...

It is so hard for me to end up in a match (especially unranked) which is not 4v5 or with at least 1-2 bots in both teams...

(If someone wants to comment why do you even play unranked - I do it to try new builds, learn how other professions work, their metas, their animations and the rest)


PvP has been one of the most fun parts of the game since WvW is mostly dead or just blobfest so it needs less and less tactics or skills to play while PvE is very boring to me personally and never really liked it (only do some fractals if playing PvE), but lately is unplayable unfortunately...

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  • ArenaNet Staff



I’d like to reply to some of the topics that played addressed in this thread, similarly to what we said in the past [here]( https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/447324/#Comment_447324).


Players’ report of potential cheating (referenced as botting in the report tool) are always investigated by the Customer Support Team, whether done via the in-game report tool or an email to exploit@arena.net (only JPG files can be attached, use a YouTube link for video content). If the account is found breaking our policies, actions are taken. We do not communicate about the actions taken and you cannot always see its effects. It’s also worth taking into account the fact that these investigations take time and are not always conclusive based on the valid evidence that we have.


Note that not all players are interested in chatting in-game so their silence may not be evidence of anything. Our GMs check various aspects of the reported accounts to figure out who’s cheating and they do take actions regularly. I’d also like to remind everyone that you’re not allowed to name on the Guild Wars 2 forums a player that you suspect is cheating, or accuse the Customer Support Team to not investigate these reports.


Thanks for your understanding and for helping us catch cheaters.

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