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What is you main reason for crafting legendary weapons ?

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I like most of the skins but have replaced the skin with another at times. If they didn't have swap-able stats probably wouldn't have made the ones I have. 6 so far and working on the next 2. Didn't realize till the thread from yesterday that the interchangeable stats were added after launch.

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I've crafted 4 legendaries. The precursor for Flameseeker dropped for me, so made that first and sold it, having no need for a shield. Bought permanent merchant and bank with the funds, much more useful. Then I've bought the Pre's for Dreamer, Quip and Meteorologicus, all three of which I use.


I like the skins and effects, stat swapping and sigil exchange, so those all play a role. But honestly, if I didn't have 4000+ gold sitting in the bank, I would be just as happy with Ascended weapons.


I don't change builds all that often, but maybe when build templates/saving is a thing, I will, so the legendaries will be more useful.


I'm working on a third world completion for my next two legendaries. Probably Kudzu and Bifrost. I'm too lazy for legendary journeys, so buying Pre's is it for me. I do save up rares to toss into the forge when I get 4 swords, greatswords, etc, but no luck there yet for me.

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My reasons are kind of mixed. I'm not really fussed by the stat swap as such, but there was:

* A big pile of "for the looks"

* A certain amount of "because it's _Legendary_"

* A chunk of "cheevo"

* A lump of "It keeps me busy and gives me a reason to do map-completion *again*"


In fact, the cheevo thing (_Twice-told Legend_, natch) is why I made the _second_ copy of _Quip_, well, that and the stunning absurdity of an Asura Daredevil with a pair of Quips.

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I am not one to switch stats very often. I tend to select a build and gear that works for me and then stick to it. If I want to try something different, I'm more apt to create a new character and outfit them accordingly. Ascended weapons are relatively accessible so I just make the legendaries for the skins.

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I've crafted two so far - The Dreamer and The Bifrost - and both times it was for the appearance (I guess I like rainbows). I'm planning to craft at least a few more - Claw of the Khan-Ur for my charr thief, Nevermore for my norn necromancer/Raven devotee and maybe the new greatsword for my guardian and all of those will be purely for the appearance too.


(I also make a second Dreamer because I wanted to do the precursor collection, but I sold that so I don't think it counts here.)


I've had The Dreamer for years and I think I've changed the stats on it twice. I've changed them more on The Bifrost, (maybe 5 or 6 times) but mainly because I was passing it between characters. It would still have been much cheaper and easier to make multiple ascended staffs, and certainly cheaper to make 1 and stat swap them.

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When I was new I loved the footyprints and wanted a legendary for that. I started on Kudzu, but after I started using axes instead of LB, I changed to Astralaria. When the Holosmith sword came out, I decided to recreate my Jedi character from head canon and KOTOR 2. Thief had moves I liked and fit the character, and could use a sword. A laser gun seemed like the appropriate alternate weapon. So H.O.P.E. Now I have a librarian themed character and am working (slowly) on Ars Goetica so she can whip out an amazing big book in combat.


I really enjoy doing the collection phases, so I actually have my bank clogged up with Part 1 of several legendary collections. (On the down side, I hate the material grinding, so I have not made any precursors apart from the ones I lusted after enough to finish.)

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I have completed 8 legendaries for somewhat different reasons, sorted by time of completion:


1. The Dreamer: Couldn't afford Dusk for Twilight, and liked the rainbow finisher on gemstore. Dreamer it went, for its looks.

2. Frenzy: Still couldn't afford Dusk, and did quite a lot of fractals requiring infusion slots. Since Frenzy was the cheapest legendary out there, with an equally cheap precursor, it became the decision thanks to the 5 AP.

3. Twilight: Dream leggy from the start. Pure looks there.

4. Sunrise: Dawn dropped from the toilet. Completed it to finish...

5. ... Eternity. Not only for looks, but for completing legendary collection (25 AP).

6. Kamohoali'i Kotaki: Got Carcharias drop in fractals, sold it. Somewhat drunk the other week, regretted that decision badly. Bought another Carcharias off TP and completed it. Quite an impulse thing honestly.

7. Incinerator: For the extra AP, at the cost of gold, this was the first one intended to be crafted. There were also a remote desire of Twice-Told Legend to it. Nevertheless, I turned out to slack with collections so much that I after 2 years decided to give up. Got Spark off TP, and completed Incinerator.

8. Incinerator: The first Incinerator finally threw a motivational spark into the "old" Spark collection. Purely for 25 AP and Twice-Told Legend.


Working on:

* Kudzu: Mainly for cosmetical reasons; always loved that natural look on a natural looking Ranger. However, in no small part also because of Hidden Garden.

* WvW, PvP, and fractal backs: All of them for raid stat swapability and collections - only Ad Infinitum for looks.

* Legendary armor: mainly for stat swapability.

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I don't. I hate crafting in general and the collection of what seems to me like an endless amount of mats makes it even worse. For me crafting always has been a weak solution for game devs that do not how to control good drops. Like they also could not do in GW1 but in that game at least you could farm for them.

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It was always a long-term goal to have one legendary weapon someday. I enjoyed the tier-1 legendary collections but only went farther with Kudzu to get the hidden garden (once I got the precursor, I actually sold it to make Rodgort's Flame instead). But I had to farm so much wood it was crazy so I probably won't make any more unless I feel super bored and super rich. But Dawn dropped the other day during Mystic Forge daily and I was shocked! So now I have new options but it's sitting in my bank until I decide what to do.

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I have usually craft them for the skins.

My Legendaries in order of preference: Nevermore, The Predator, Incinerator, The Binding of Ipos, Frostfang, and Twilight.

I thought I'd like Twilight, but found it to be ridiculous looking for my characters and wish I had spent the time on something else.

They give me something to work on when I'm bored. It usually takes a year or so of farming and finding the right groups to help with Fractals or special events.

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To be the most prestigious ball of light and particle effects around!


Which is why I’m very very sad that the only legendary armor set with skins only acquirable in the legendary tier is from raids. Maybe if we’re lucky season 5 will add a general PvE set

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Primary reason is definitely looks. I could have made more already, but have had a hard time deciding which I like to make... besides kudzu, kudzu was an obvious choice for me.

I am starting to lean towards making more simply for the purpose of something to do long term. (not going to craft any in a jiffy). I did enjoy the collections tremendously for the 2 I made so far, to the extend I am thoroughly disappointed about the lack of collections for the later gen 2 legends. So might do it just for that. (By the time I finish collection I might aswell finish the legendary)

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I was leaning towards voting for the first option, but went with Other since I also want the achievements associated with crafting legendaries. So far I've only crafted Kudzu, Twilight, and The Binding of Ipos. Several others are in the works current;y, but I haven't quite decided which one will take precedence.

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