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Should the Skyscale map currency be reduced?

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> @"TheGrill.4896" said:

> Even with multiple alts, this grind is just not fun and it leaves people feeling burned out. It’s essentially running around in circles for days to get what is essentially a non-legendary item/mount.



This is the thing, it isn't a "grind" so you should not see it as such. I have stacks of 2k in storage of those currencies only by playing each map for a few weeks after release, plus the Home nodes. It feels to me people who are very short on those currencies didn't play a fraction of the content those maps had (and have) to offer.

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Grinding refers to the playing time spent doing repetitive tasks within a game to unlock a particular game item or to build the experience needed to progress smoothly through the game.

that is the definition of grinding in an mmorpg .if you struggle with the meaning of the word google it.

and that is exactly what we got from this collection. we have to do repetitive unhealthy tasks that are not good for us and will cause actual phisical harm(carpal Tunnel syndrome, trapped nerve etc)to our bodys to unlock an item ie sky scale and also to progress our mastery lvl..

to argue against the accepted meaning of grinding in an mmorpg is ridiculous.so maybe you should go work for anet who seem to have forgotten what they said back in 2010 in there manifesto about not needing to grind to progress in guild wars 2.

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The amount of people saying that they already had stacks of these saved up beforehand probably don't understand that for any player that came to the game during path of fire, rather than before it, they wouldn't have expected to save these things up (I didn't even know about the LS3 legendary until after this bullshit req was made) and would instead convert them into VM for extra gold to fund other activities in the game. It used to be easier the get these currencies before they put a daily cap to the meta events, but when they did that it made a lot of people not care about farming these things anymore. On top of that, the rewards for these currencies in their map were usually pretty worthless. A week before the mount was even announced I had consumed all of my currencies because I thought they were useless and wouldn't get me anything that I would actually want.


I tried farming these currencies but it is extremely boring. Istan isn't bad, but literally everything else is unpleasant and tedious. People probably wouldn't be so upset about the currency requirement if they were given the knowledge that the saddle would require this when the patch went live, but instead they waited until the last collection to reveal it to players. So wanting a reduction in the amount of currencies required or at the very least (probably the better option) is to make all of the maps equal to Istan, but knowing Anet they will probably just make Istan equal to the rest of the maps instead and make this bullshit grind even worse than it already is.


They literally said when they announced this mount that it was suppose to be more available to the majority of players than the griffon was but yet it requires every LS4 map, cost most players on average 200+ gold (I don't even know how to do those charged quartz and that is still only 1 craft of them per day when you needed 3 food each day), was timegated to fucking hell, and then ontop of requiring each map, they put this retarded currency wall infront of the playerbase. The griffon is literally x10 easier to get instead of this mount.


I can give them credit where it is due though, I didn't mind the timegating (until the end of it resulted in the retard wall) because they collections were at least fun in someway and gave me a lore reason to go around and find a huge list of items. Doing the collections in Dragonfall were great since you had access to temp skyscales so you got to preview what you were unlocking.


From what I have noticed though, majority of the playerbase didn't grind any of these maps for longer than a week of them coming out because they were just more interested in the story, rather than grinding. I've done plenty of other collections this game offers and I don't mind them at all, but for the amount of time spent on just the skyscale collections alone are more than any other I have experienced, so I for sure defiantly didn't expect this bullshit currency wall to be the icing on the fucking cake.


TLDR: Anet lied about it being more obtainable than the griffon, and it barely costs less gold than it. Either they should reduce the amount of currencies required or make all of the maps equal to Istan where you get 25 currency per heart rather than just fucking 5. I for one am not returning to the game unless something is changed about the currency requirement.

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People who say they have thousands stacked up must play every day for multiple hours. I can't go back in time and play more, and I can't sit here for 6+ hours a day to get the currencies in a timely manner. Like I've said before, the other collections for it I think were pretty good. Balanced with what you need to do and how long it takes. Then suddenly you need a huge amount of stuff that most players don't just have stacked up. I've been absent from the game since the beginning of LS4 because of a bug in one of the episodes, and only returned recently to bang them all out. The most I have of any currency is I think 30 and that's just Kralkatite, which is so meaningless that it's the only one you can get 250 of by doing the WvW track, where the rest give 50 I believe.


If I play the game like I normally do, I'll have it by this time next year, which is way too long. I'm physically incapable of playing for more than like 2 hours a day, and I can't guarantee I'd play every day.


This isn't even a grind anymore, it's putting things out of reach of casual players and again favoring the obsessive players that are online almost 24/7. Maybe it's because those people are probably most likely to be whales. Gotta keep the money coming in somehow.

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> @"eldrin.6471" said:

> Grinding refers to the playing time spent doing repetitive tasks within a game to unlock a particular game item or to build the experience needed to progress smoothly through the game.

> that is the definition of grinding in an mmorpg .if you struggle with the meaning of the word google it.

> and that is exactly what we got from this collection. we have to do repetitive unhealthy tasks that are not good for us and will cause actual phisical harm(carpal Tunnel syndrome, trapped nerve etc)to our bodys to unlock an item ie sky scale and also to progress our mastery lvl..

> to argue against the accepted meaning of grinding in an mmorpg is ridiculous.so maybe you should go work for anet who seem to have forgotten what they said back in 2010 in there manifesto about not needing to grind to progress in guild wars 2.

As a mother of an asperger teenager, I can somewhat sympathise with your problems with these requirements, but you have to accept that you are an edge case here. The way you play the game is not the way most neuro-typical people play. Most people I know simply hop onto the maps, play events that are fun to them, explore a bit here or there, but don't strive for ultimate completion nor feel the need to "tidy up" everything they pick up on their journey. Playing that way, they gather the map resources on the fly and store them in their material storage to figure out what to do with it later or sometimes simply forgetting about it, as the materials in storage don't bother the vast majority of player.


Saying "just play the maps" most likely isn't helpful for you, as it's a way to play that doesn't mesh well with your personal restrictions, but maybe you can find some people that help you play with them to gather the materials without a grind. A while back I asked a good in-game friend (another person with asperger syndrome) to be my bodyguard when I wanted to do map completion on my glassy weaver and wasn't really well equipped to survive solo due to personal health issues at the time. He simply tagged along, helping me with whatever story/event/bunch of mobs I would jump into. We were busy for a couple of hours, me going here and there without a plan, and he jumping in and helping out, and in the end he told me "whow, that way of playing is actually a lot of fun". As a by-product of those play sessions he had also gathered a decent amount of map currency himself, not as much as "optimized" playing would yield, but enough to be considerable and adding up.


Maybe you could find some friends/guildies/perfect strangers from lfg that would team up with you simply to waste time on the maps while having fun, without focussing on currency gain. Give yourself a different focus e.g. hiring your warrior out as a mercenary/bodyguard to some bloody casuals to help them through story or map completion and just pick up whatever currency falls into your pockets on the way. Give it a try and see if you can't find a way to gather the materials you need without grinding. So many of us can, there should be a way for you to reach the saddle, too.

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There're already hundrends if not thousands of threads or discussion about the grind and timegate of Skyscale mount. Personally I have no problem grinding in Guild Wars 2, I've successfully made legendaries, full ascended after joining this game from day one. But that was over seven years ago and things have change. None of my IRL or In-game friends plays this anymore. I can only speak for myself, but things have changed dramatically, I have a full time job and much more responsibilities. The only reason I have decided to log back after nearly four years of break was the news that GW2 will be adding a Dragon mount.


So why does the game needs you to grind 250 of map resources in order to buy a 'saddle'. I have no problem with time-gate, I have no problem with 'fetch-quest'. But 250 of map resources is almost too much. I wouldn't mind grinding these if I could, but when I'm home it's almost 19:00 AEST. (I'm in Sydney btw) and hardly anyone is online. This mean it takes longer to grind, less events, less players and consequentally less resources.

If 250 resources is really important, then at least let players trade these resources, instead of limiting them at 5 per day per account. I used to think this game is casual friendly drop-in play a month or so then drop out. But this is near impossible in to anyone who has full time work or other commitments.


TLDR: I live in sydney, hardly any players to grind for 250 map resources.

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> You can buy 5 map resources per character per heart each day. Some of these hearts take less than 5 minutes to complete. Playing at low population hours is advantageous for farming map resources, because you don't have to complete for heart objectives like fishing spots in Thunderhead Peaks.


Im still not sure why people do fishing there, instead of just talking to dredge. Talking is done in 1-2min i think.

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If you're only doing events to get the LS map currencies then it's going to be very slow, even if you're playing at peak times. The main source is the resource nodes on each map, which can be gathered solo at any time. There's also daily achievements which will give some, many of which can be done solo.


If you particularly want to do events though I recommend using the LFG tool to check for organised maps or groups. I know this game doesn't have a huge Oceanic population but there are a few of you about, plus people in other regions who play at odd hours. I don't work Mondays and I'm often surprised how many people are on the EU servers in the middle of the day on a Monday.


Also if it's any consolation you're way ahead of me - I'm just up to the second day of feeding my skyscale and believe it or not I've run out of bloodstone dust! I'm trying to decide between farming more dust (probably by going to Bloodstone Fen and harvesting the nodes since I can do that in short bursts and solo) or just buying the food because I won't have much time to play in the next few days and don't want to slow the collection down even more while I'm farming.

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but why some people sure what they should collect everything on one day, but not in half year ?

how I understand the gameplay have not big changes have you this mount or not, dungeons, raids, everything work no matter have on not have this 'skyscale'

So it is chill for me.

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Not to mention there are plenty of people who'll let your farm a home instance whenever you log in which will give you currency from all the zones relatively fast. I farm my home instance every day (only takes about five minutes) and by the time this was released I had all 250 of every zone without farming the zones themselves.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"eldrin.6471" said:

> > Grinding refers to the playing time spent doing repetitive tasks within a game to unlock a particular game item or to build the experience needed to progress smoothly through the game.

> > that is the definition of grinding in an mmorpg .if you struggle with the meaning of the word google it.

> > and that is exactly what we got from this collection. we have to do repetitive unhealthy tasks that are not good for us and will cause actual phisical harm(carpal Tunnel syndrome, trapped nerve etc)to our bodys to unlock an item ie sky scale and also to progress our mastery lvl..

> > to argue against the accepted meaning of grinding in an mmorpg is ridiculous.so maybe you should go work for anet who seem to have forgotten what they said back in 2010 in there manifesto about not needing to grind to progress in guild wars 2.

> As a mother of an asperger teenager, I can somewhat sympathise with your problems with these requirements, but you have to accept that you are an edge case here. The way you play the game is not the way most neuro-typical people play. Most people I know simply hop onto the maps, play events that are fun to them, explore a bit here or there, but don't strive for ultimate completion nor feel the need to "tidy up" everything they pick up on their journey. Playing that way, they gather the map resources on the fly and store them in their material storage to figure out what to do with it later or sometimes simply forgetting about it, as the materials in storage don't bother the vast majority of player.


> Saying "just play the maps" most likely isn't helpful for you, as it's a way to play that doesn't mesh well with your personal restrictions, but maybe you can find some people that help you play with them to gather the materials without a grind. A while back I asked a good in-game friend (another person with asperger syndrome) to be my bodyguard when I wanted to do map completion on my glassy weaver and wasn't really well equipped to survive solo due to personal health issues at the time. He simply tagged along, helping me with whatever story/event/bunch of mobs I would jump into. We were busy for a couple of hours, me going here and there without a plan, and he jumping in and helping out, and in the end he told me "whow, that way of playing is actually a lot of fun". As a by-product of those play sessions he had also gathered a decent amount of map currency himself, not as much as "optimized" playing would yield, but enough to be considerable and adding up.


> Maybe you could find some friends/guildies/perfect strangers from lfg that would team up with you simply to waste time on the maps while having fun, without focussing on currency gain. Give yourself a different focus e.g. hiring your warrior out as a mercenary/bodyguard to some bloody casuals to help them through story or map completion and just pick up whatever currency falls into your pockets on the way. Give it a try and see if you can't find a way to gather the materials you need without grinding. So many of us can, there should be a way for you to reach the saddle, too.


thank you for trying to understand were im coming from.

yes i have real life problems Asperger, bipolar disorder and ocd. never had a freind in my life.

zandres my warrior mastery lvl 283 100% map completion used to live in a world that let me escape the struggles i have in normal life.

i cant do raids or fractiles cos i dont have the communication skills.they have broken the only part of the game i could play with this collection.

but if i must leave and my warrior zandres must end then over the years i accumulated a lot of gold and will mail it to you.probably in the form of mystic coins or you be opening mail for months with the 500g mail limit



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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> why would you need other players to get 250 currencies? do they send you harvesting tools perhaps?


Not as such. You can (slowly) get the currencies by farming events and metas, but if the servers are quiet, that's a little difficult. That said, for the Dragonfall currency, it's worth remembering that you can get 25 for each character that map-completes the map, which takes no more than about 20 minutes once you get the hang of it(1). And of course they can gather nodes as they go. (I don't off-hand know how much map currency you get for map-completion in the other maps.)


(1) It also lets you practice flying on the borrowed Dragocopters, *if* you're doing it on a character who has already finished the LS4E6 story.

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my tip is to do the 1 easy heart on each map with 20+ alts. thats how i got 250 of each in 24 hours (not continuously obviously need sleep xD)


then farm the nodes

do metas in between if there are groups

map completion on 20+ alts


say u play 3 hours per night 7pm-10pm.... 24/3 = 8. You only need 8 days to complete. Do you play more on the weekends? Even fewer days required.


Happy hunting

Hope my post helps

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I'm in Melbourne, and work full time as well. There's nothing wrong with gathering a stack of mats. As other people have pointed out, you really don't need other people around to get the map currencies. Mining nodes is a solo activity, and completing hearts is a solo activity. On top of that, since everyone wants the mount, there are lots of people trying to gather mats at the moment which means the LS4 maps pretty active even during Australian evenings. It may not be something you can do in a single evening, but calling it "near impossible" is just ridiculous.


If you have other responsibilities that reduce the amount of time you can spend on the game, then sure, it'll take a little longer than it did for other people, but surely that's to be expected if you can only play for an hour or less each day.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> Not to mention there are plenty of people who'll let your farm a home instance whenever you log in which will give you currency from all the zones relatively fast. I farm my home instance every day (only takes about five minutes) and by the time this was released I had all 250 of every zone without farming the zones themselves.


Yep, I am open to anyone who want LS3 and LS4 currency nodes inside my home instances (currently working on mistborn nodes). Drop me a message via in-game whispers...


ps. I am on Asia timezone (GMT +7) and a full time workers Mon-Fri (free time 7pm-11pm and Sat-Sun + public holidays)

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> @"eldrin.6471" said:

> doing the same thing over and over that you not enjoy for weeks on end is grind in what was marketed as a no grind game.


MMOs are a game of grinding. There are no exceptions. It is as core to the game design as jumping puzzles and secret doors are to platform games.


What GW2 does differently, however, is that the grind is optional. You can see every story, and participate in every piece of content in the game without having to grind anything.


You think I'm kidding? You don't even need to level crafting in this game to see all the content.


WvW, Dungeons, T1 Fractals and Raids are all accessible wearing nothing but exotic gear, all of which is purchasable from the TP with gold you can buy with a credit card. All that is required of a player is to hit LV 80, assuming you don't use the free boost they give you.


Compare that to other titles like WoW that require you to grind just to play the game. Do you think a new player to WoW can use the boost and jump right into 5 player / 10 player content? The game won't even allow them to queue up for it until they have grinding out new gear and increased their iLVL.


GW2's grinds are optional, and mostly revolve around cosmetic accessories (like Legendaries). I do agree that this collection for the Skyscale is a misstep on ANET's part, and was way overboard for a mount, but that doesn't mean they have abandoned their original philosophy.


If you don't want to grind, you don't have to, and will still be able to kill every boss available in every part of this game. No other MMO I'm aware of can boast that.


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"eldrin.6471" said:

> > doing the same thing over and over that you not enjoy for weeks on end is grind in what was marketed as a no grind game.


> MMOs are a game of grinding. There are no exceptions. It is as core to the game design as jumping puzzles and secret doors are to platform games.


> What GW2 does differently, however, is that the grind is optional. You can see every story, and participate in every piece of content in the game without having to grind anything.


> You think I'm kidding? You don't even need to level crafting in this game to see all the content.


> WvW, Dungeons, T1 Fractals and Raids are all accessible wearing nothing but exotic gear, all of which is purchasable from the TP with gold you can buy with a credit card. All that is required of a player is to hit LV 80, assuming you don't use the free boost they give you.


> Compare that to other titles like WoW that require you to grind just to play the game. Do you think a new player to WoW can use the boost and jump right into 5 player / 10 player content? The game won't even allow them to queue up for it until they have grinding out new gear and increased their iLVL.


> GW2's grinds are optional, and mostly revolve around cosmetic accessories (like Legendaries). I do agree that this collection for the Skyscale is a misstep on ANET's part, and was way overboard for a mount, but that doesn't mean they have abandoned their original philosophy.


> If you don't want to grind, you don't have to, and will still be able to kill every boss available in every part of this game. No other MMO I'm aware of can boast that.



guild wars 2 was advertised as a no grind game. this is what was said in there manifesto


So if you love MMORPGs, you should check out Guild Wars 2. But if you hate traditional MMORPGs, then you should really check out Guild Wars 2. Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs. It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill; it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun rather than just having fun; and of course,

now we got that grinding treadmill to progress our lvl and unlock a new item ie sky scale


Grinding refers to the playing time spent doing repetitive tasks within a game to unlock a particular game item or to build the experience needed to progress smoothly through the game..

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > theres limitation to currency bought by _Volatile Magic_ on Dragon Fall?

> > i have no way to test myself these days.


> Yeah, five of each per day. (Possibly more for Kralkatite, it seems to be the exception, but I didn't need to buy any, so not sure.)


5 is the limit for kralkatite too, it's just a lower cost than the other resouces because of how abundant it is in istan.

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