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what if Housing had its own Mastery?

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What if in the next expansion Anet decided to have Player Housing as a major feature, and Mastery was used as a progression system there. How would you like it so that its satisfying for a progression system but at the same time not too limiting that its not fun to play until fully mastered?

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Housing is not going to happen when we have the guild hall system full of decorations and shizz. Besides, its a rather tame cosmetic feature that will not be able to drive an expansion, and meaningless for player progression unlike gliders or mounts.


Guild halls aren't personal housing. They're for large group function. There is nothing wrong with wanting to expand to personal housing. The home instance already serves a bit like that, but I'd love to see a more personal touch added to it. Something a player can pick away at and add to over time. The tech is already there, including inviting other people into your instance with you.


I think adding a personal housing feature as a main source of content doesn't warrant an expansion, but it could come packed in with one and expanded on over time, or it could simply be part of a content patch and grow over time. I don't think it's a bad idea and housing is a feature tons of people enjoy.

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Design a Housing Mastery? Sure.



Unlock Personal Home instance, and all "Basic" accessories for decoration.

T1: Basic Deco

Access all Tier 1 "Simple" accessories - i.e.: Wooden Chair, Simple Bench, Common Bed - for decoration.

T2: Creative Knack

Unlock the Furniture Crafting discipline, and access the Home Decor Shop, which includes both premade Furniture items and most Furniture Recipes.

T3: The Finer Things

Access the "Premium" tier furniture items and recipes in the Home Decor Shop.

T4: Moving up

Your Personal Home expands, gaining more rooms and floors. Access to Door and Wallpaper decor items.

T5: Demo to Reno

Freely customize your Personal Home's walls and layout (within certain limits), access to expanded Door and Wall options in the Home Decor Shop.


It's a simple skeleton, with details and specific features TBD, but it's enough to get started.

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In all honesty the best thing I can think of for "player housing" is to add in an extremely long restoration quest for the Hall of Monuments and allow us to utalize it similarly to how it was used in Gw1.

Or add a new core Tyria location in Gw2 with the same functionality, which is what a lot of us were hoping the Sunspear Sanctuary would act similarly to but didn't.


This would by no means be a simple thing to do but I think a lot of people would enjoy having that one spot on Tyria that's all about them and everything they've achieved.. specially if they can invite other players to come and check out their achievements.


There are ways Anet can improve upon the old HoM as well.

For example, instead of having just a monument stand for your favorite minipets you could instead have a small minipet menagerie or something where a bunch of your chosen minipets could wander around on display freely.


You could have mount stables where all your mounts with their active skins and colours could be on display at the same time.


There's lots they could do with something like that and I'd bet a lot of people would invest in it like they did in gw1.

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They have talked about future plans to update some of the crafting disciplines, it's possible that crafting housing decoration could added as a craft, like Scribe. That seems more in line with the game so far rather than mastery tracks to access gear. (Mastery tracks could update how big your home was, or allow you to choose from different architectural styles, or how many decorations you could add,)

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Please. There are many threads on this topic already. Please use the forum search function. No need to open yet another thread.


I disagree. This isn't "Why don't we have housing?", this is "If we did have housing, what might its Mastery look like?". A speculation and creative thread is a completely different animal to a whining feature suggestion.

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I have no interest in housing. I do have a horse in the race, though. If the OP's idea were to happen, I really hope that ANet has learned not to lock the XP bar if someone chooses not to _start_ a mastery line. It looks like, with their agreement to hide the Skyscale Mastery until it is unlocked, they finally get that those who don't care about Mastery Line X ought to at least have the illusion that XP is actually worth something.

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For those who might enjoy personal housing, and regardless of whether anyone thinks it's a realistic thing we'll get down the road, I like the idea of having a mastery associated with it. Maybe it helps you discover types of things in the world that can be used to craft certain types of items. Maybe another helps you recruit certain helpful types of NPCs or Vendors to come live in your neighborhood. Maybe there's a sort of mini-crafting profession that would come with housing, and one of the masteries works with it to unlock certain tiers at different levels. Sure, interesting idea. :)

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Will come I’m sure... but not as major selling point mmos are about show what u have and be active with other. Housing is so private. If open world housing that would be a different story.


I long time had the idea of wvw guild castles but for that anet need ..... whatever housing will come be patient

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The only way housing will be useful if it had gathering nodes in it. If housing had mastery tied to it. I would like one of them to allow us to place whatever useful ingredients/new currency + all home instance gathering nodes.


I would visit it every day. I would taxi in people to my home instance farm to show off my home instance and allow them to gather the nodes I have. This would give me reason to decorate it.


Sun's Refuge could've been a useful home instance if they let players place nodes in it. They could get Desert gathering dailies done. They didn't need decoration, just gathering nodes.

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