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WvW is now unplayable.... cannot buy mount without expansions.


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In many other situations I tend to be for upholding the models that involve paying and subscribing.


When it comes to the WvW mount that is a notable exception for two very important reasons:


1. ArenaNet have shared as part of their vision for GW2 that old content should not be invalidated. The mount in a competetive mode does just that. It invalidates prior purchases (vanilla, HoT, being competetive).


2. I may not be a friend of F2P options in general (I tend to find the negatives outweighing the positives) but since they went ahead and introduced them: The mount disqualifies the entire reason for having F2P options. It makes it so we only reap the negatives of F2P (alts, spies, pinsnipers, tacters, hackers, trolls etc., people with no investment in their accounts) without reaping the benefits (introducing new real players to the mode who want to sample before purchase). The mount drives those players away.


So, while I personally do not want the developers to waste any more time on the mount fiasco (and just leave it to rot which they have done with far more important things in WvW), they recently announced that the Q1 '20 work on WvW is yet again all about the mount. Then, any changes that does not include rental or freebie options to put all players on equal footing in this competetive mode is another failure of monumental proportions since it rocks the very foundation of this mode and makes the mode worse for everyone, not just the people without PoF.


In fact, I would just have made the mount baseline for WvW by now to not waste more time on building a rental system. Why would you even spend time on that? That is just stupid greed. Maybe they could sell a few skins off a free mount to the PoF-less instead. It may seem like splitting hairs but it is a pretty big difference between introducing a convenience item and an inconvenience item. One is a service the other is disgusting P2W practises even if it targets the low end rather than the high end.

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You not have to pay. Switch your ftp accounts that you use for spying with your main account that is hiding on a server that is trying to manipulate. Or quit being cheap and buy the game on your ftp accounts. Shake those razor blades and fish hooks out of your pockets.

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> @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > I almost hate to say this but seriously, the rest of us paid and paid again and did all the grinding. Sorry but it’s part of keeping the game makers in business, as well as being fair to the thousands that paid the price.


> Lets be honest, No one bought this expac for a mount in WvW. This is the worst reasoning for why it shouldnt be for everyone.


I Did, could not care less for the elites ( that are terrible) nor the pve parts. I agree with the OP Wvw is different from other game modes and mount is too much of a change to be limited to the expac. ( mounts in wvw have much more use so should be bind to expac)

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  • 6 months later...

It's August 2020 and there is still NO option to buy or rent a mount in WvW without the expansion packs? Multiple friends and another person in my household quit this game due to this. We only play GW2 for WvW. We are not going to buy expansions just for a mount.


Not allowing mounts in WvW without the expansions is a game breaking feature, and this game will never grow. Summit1g started streaming this game, and players will quit once they find out they can't use a mount in WvW.


Again, I only played GW2 for the WvW. I do not want or need the expansions. I just want a mount in WvW, and it's not worth paying for an expansion just for a mount. Staff elementalists are fine without an expansion, so don't use the "you need the new specializations anyway" excuse.


Please finally fix this issue.

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> @"Ryan.3675" said:

> It's August 2020 and there is still NO option to buy or rent a mount in WvW without the expansion packs? Multiple friends and another person in my household quit this game due to this. We only play GW2 for WvW. We are not going to buy expansions just for a mount.


> Not allowing mounts in WvW without the expansions is a game breaking feature, and this game will never grow. Summit1g started streaming this game, and players will quit once they find out they can't use a mount in WvW.


> Again, I only played GW2 for the WvW. I do not want or need the expansions. I just want a mount in WvW, and it's not worth paying for an expansion just for a mount. Staff elementalists are fine without an expansion, so don't use the "you need the new specializations anyway" excuse.


> Please finally fix this issue.


The base game is f2p, if you want to use mounts then pay $30 or whatever for the xpac bundle. It's not too much to ask.


In addition warclaw gives unmounted players a run speed boost to keep up with the mounted players. So maybe if your multiple anecdotal friends go in together one of you can afford the xpac and give the others the boost after you level it up. Or you know do what we use to do and build in swiftness.

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> @"Fengzhou.9853" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > As a paying member of this game that owns both expansions, I am fine with a rented version.

> >

> > It would make as a good selling point for one but it also gives WvW something unique.

> > You can go to PvP to try fully maxed out characters, so I see no issue in making WvW a place to go if you want to try the basic mount. It might actually increase sales and population.


> I agree.


> NOT having a rental service, will just make people stop playing who didn't get in on the mount when it first came out and people where rushing to get the collection done.


> It's quite an unfun experience to get left behind/constantly creamed by enemies :<


Get a commander tag and create your own squad in that case. With a squad you will be able to see other players around (which is needed for Blessing) and it make it possible to see if there are any getting attacked that. If there are player with Warclaw in our squad then they need to unlock https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warclaw%27s_Blessing (total cost 16 WXP) and you and everybody that are running close enough will have that buff. Remember that even people with Warclaw can be in combat which means that wont be able to mount up when they need to away from a zerg.


You will miss out on Elite specialization when you only have core or HoT and play in WvW.

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> @"Ryan.3675" said:

> It's August 2020 and there is still NO option to buy or rent a mount in WvW without the expansion packs? Multiple friends and another person in my household quit this game due to this. We only play GW2 for WvW. We are not going to buy expansions just for a mount.


> Not allowing mounts in WvW without the expansions is a game breaking feature, and this game will never grow. Summit1g started streaming this game, and players will quit once they find out they can't use a mount in WvW.


> Again, I only played GW2 for the WvW. I do not want or need the expansions. I just want a mount in WvW, and it's not worth paying for an expansion just for a mount. Staff elementalists are fine without an expansion, so don't use the "you need the new specializations anyway" excuse.


> Please finally fix this issue.

Yet you are still here playing WvW huh?


Base PoF + HoT cost €30.


*A single mount skin cost €25*.


Think about that for a moment. Think real hard.


IMO it would be absolute hilarity if Anet offered access to the warclaw only to those that dont want to buy expansions for... €25.


Hey you'd get what you want, right? Cheaper than the expansions!

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They did introduce a WXP trait that lets you share your mount speed with a friend.


Aside from that everything already said about the mount fiasco still holds true.


It's quite sad how the Warclaw made it in before Alliances and with such a margin. Good priorities there, rewriting the physics and changing the maps to accomodate the mount while they seem to have major issues rewriting the physical confines of the mode and creating new maps that are actually conducive to the mode that they are put into.


Eight years in the scoring system still doesn't reflect who performs best on even matchups.


We still have a queue system so you have to wait to play. We still do not have a lobby even though every other mode has lobbies and hubs.


We still have a server system with full servers so people can't come play the game with friends and paid transfers on a four year-old ad-hoc fix.

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> @"shiri.4257" said:

> p2w would have to imply that you are paying to win something. what exactly are you winning in wvw?


You win the chance to run away from any fight you might loose, have a free pass over any wvw zone with no fear of getting killed, you win an extra hp bar and 3 dodges-

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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> whatwhat

> > @"shiri.4257" said:

> > p2w would have to imply that you are paying to win something. what exactly are you winning in wvw?


> You win the chance to run away from any fight you might loose, have a free pass over any wvw zone with no fear of getting killed, you win an extra hp bar and 3 dodges-


Why would I want to engage in a fight I might lose? I would rather escape and come back with more allies for an assured victory!

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Warclaw is not mandatory. You can still run. And if someone with a claw is nearby, they speedboost you.


Stop being cheap. You use the services, you generate costs. It is mandatory for every company to make money to cover those costs. Buckle up and pay, if you don't want to run. But stop being agressive about it. Because if you don't pay, you are basically leeching off the paying customers.

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Why do people think a once of payment entitles them to years of content and updates.


If you can't afford the expansion, suck it up, everyone else has paid, why do you think you deserve the same without paying for it.


Infact anet should go the route of a monthly subscription. Atleast then we should get consistent updates and a lag free service. When will people realise that a once of payment is not enough to fund a mmo?

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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> whatwhat

> > @"shiri.4257" said:

> > p2w would have to imply that you are paying to win something. what exactly are you winning in wvw?


> You win the chance to run away from any fight you might loose, have a free pass over any wvw zone with no fear of getting killed, you win an extra hp bar and 3 dodges-


Clearly you've not tried solo roaming vs Gandara. Also it's 2 dodges on Warclaw, not 3.

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