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Mistborn Keys

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Would you please consider increasing the number of these available. I am always falling short. I will maybe just have enough, if I start a Meta from scratch but not always. But most of the times I enter a map that is half way through and getting to a fresh map is often not possible. The only way I have found to have enough is to run around the map tagging events which I think defeats the purpose.


I understand why you have designed the Meta the way you have, to stop people just farming the last part of the Meta. I am I not suggesting that the keys be sold unlimited via vendors, just increased slightly. Some suggestion are to increase the Kill kralk to 5 or six or the end bosses to 2 instead of one or bolster the early part a bit or include a key in the dailies


Overall it wouldn't take much to improve the frustration of seeing chests going unopened.

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I disagree. I already get a lot of keys and have no way to waste it all.


I would really like ANet to allow us to change to Kralk meta maps so I can waste all the keys I have. It's too easy to get keys. So, I rather ANet remove all the key reward in Kralk meta and only the camp meta rewards the key.

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The chests already need nerfed because they're bottoming-out Rare Unid and Ecto prices. TP is flooded with them.


Increasing keys and always allowing everyone to open every single chest would only add to the problem. If you **really** want to open them all that bad, just make sure to do as many events as possible during the meta stages.

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How many post-meta champs do you tag on average to run out of keys? I suspect the chests are balanced on the assumption that you hit an average three champs (9 champ chests plus 9 meta chests) per meta. I've seen people zerging down the champs sequentially in one big zerg rather than in parallel (three zergs, each for one area) which can lead to them doing 6-9 post-meta champ events, which increases the number of chests looted (and keys needed) of course, but I strongly suspect that that's not intended.


Personally I've never had a shortage of keys, but then I don't enjoy going around in a huge zerg, so I try to avoid maps that want to do that. Seeing how much loot I get out of just casually playing the map, I very much believe that increasing the key drop rate will imbalance the map rewards even more, while only benefiting those that already focus strongly on loot aquisition. Those that play differently will rarely (if ever) have a shortage of keys.


tl;dr: keys are the tool that limits loot on this map, not chest spawns. The ratio is fine for most kinds of players except those that focus on optimizing chest spawns

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In the beginning when I first started doing that map and the meta I always didn't have enough of those keys, but now after having done several of the achievements I got too many! Just keep tagging events & you'll have more then you need in no time or work on the achievements (bridges and such which also unlocks the shard armors). It all adds up fast.

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you get more keys, then you get chests



dragonfall follows the riba-style. don't stick to one spot, but rotate and tag events.


1 pre (fresh map to end of meta) can yield 20 keys alone through tagging the bridge events.

escort events, gather events, defend events


you can make 60 or 61 (some guy in mapchat once said) keys per run.

then 12 more from doing the 12 champs



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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> I was vaguely amused by the contrast in the first two posts:

> * "There aren't enough keys"

> * "There are too many keys"


ppl who say there are too many are NOT doing the 15 boss run AFTER the meta which gives 3 chests per boss 15x3 =45 there is no way you can get that unless you save up from previous metas....

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This is intentional to avoid people joining close to finished metas and looting every chest. If you do every champion at the end you run out, if you don't you won't run out is my experience. I never run over the map doing everything either. I stick to one zone and do everything there with my squad.

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Have to agree that this does not need to be done. Much as I adore loot, this map is killing prices far more than Istan ever dreamed of. What I do to have enough keys: Do the pre events for one map and LEAVE to another map, then complete that one. Plenty of keys. I'm hoping once people have the mount and the achievements that the population here will drop a little so prices can start rising again, but I am not holding out that much hope. This map is just too lucrative.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > ppl who say there are too many are NOT doing the 15 boss run AFTER the meta which gives 3 chests per boss 15x3 =45 there is no way you can get that unless you save up from previous metas....


> Only 9 bosses and you get 1 key from each for only a -18 total. Like I said above you can't keep rolling into map close to Krak and expect to come close to the keys needed esp with how lucrative it is. You can't put a little effort and get 39 chests in 30 min. If they added purchasable keys why would anyone build up the camps.


sis am pretty sure there are 15 bosses in the achievement and u can get all 15 in one go if the map is following the commander... or if commanderless everyoen just follows everyone, the rule is always anticlockwise rotation.


as for incentive to upgrade the camps, you do know that the champions drop 3 boxes... = more reason to let us buy keys, the event drops 3 keys... but it get used up on champions from events building up the camps... and most events give us only 1 key.


even if we can buy keys ppl would still do camps... just look at dragon's stand... the events dont give anything but ppl still do it... not all of us are lazy, otherwise nothing would get done...

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> I was vaguely amused by the contrast in the first two posts:

> * "There aren't enough keys"

> * "There are too many keys"


The thing is this will always be true. Cynic that I am the first thing I thought when I read OP was that they could just reduce the number of chests and solve the problem that way :p


Having a bunch of keys in inv that you can't use is the same thing as having a bunch of chests in the map that you can't open, but the second one bothers ppl a lot more . . .

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I play this game to fight battles and complete events, not to jump on a beetle and run around the map finding one event, killing one thing and moving onto the next to tag it. To me that isn’t fun and is defeating the purpose, some may say abusing, the game. There is an inherent problem with this; getting to a map at the start is difficult. Even if you get to a newish map where the camps have been established you have missed out on 12 keys (if you have tagged every event) and you are miles behind. The event is long enough without having to go through half the event without being able to open chests to ensure I am at the start of a map.


I am sure there are players out there the spend all day doing multiple meta’s and getting heaps of loot and I don’t have a problem with that, but most players don’t have the time to do that.


The idea of having the loot you can get limited by keys is opening the meta up for abuse, ie running around tag events and hardly completing anything, I don’t think the dev’s intended the meta to be run like this.


As I said in my initial post, there is a reason why the dev’s have limited the number of keys available, and I am not saying that keys should be handed out or sold in abundance. The devs have tried a new model, no timer on the event and the map keeps rolling over. I applaud them for this. All I am asking is that they consider some of the above and tweak the keys slightly.


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