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Dragon Minions


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So I was there grinding branded masses (doing the meta again for the 4th time) and I was listening to the skritt. Now Your probably thinking what do skritt have to do with Dragon minions? I was sitting there doing my healing ele stuff and I realized, we've never seen corrupted skritt. We've never seen Undead skritt, Branded skritt, mordemoth skritt, ice corrupted skritt. We've seen corrupted centuars, charr, humans, sylvari, asuria, norn, hylek, quagans, grawl, plants, animals (wolves etc). Never corrupted Skritt though and we know that dragons can't corrupt the minions of other dragons caithe wasn't corrupted as said in story, and ember bay and dracous wasn't other dragon minions corrupted they were minions from th same dragons but with added corruption since those dragons absorbed the magic of their dead brothern.


So the next question that came to my mind was, What dragon is obsessed with shiny things and can we adopt him/her/them????

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Skritt are the minions of Twik'tchtet, Elder Dragon of Preservation. He sleeps in the world's center.... Learns all, Remembers all. Much Knowledge to remember.... so Skritt add his memory. More Skritt, More Memory. Gather many things. Many Skritt together learn from things, and remember better. Shiny things always most valuable. Other races agree, yes. Magic items glowy, rich items sparkly, art items pretty. Preserve all Knowledge.... Asura have much Knowledge.... all Asuran things Glowy, sparkly, and pretty.... very shiny!!!

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> Skritt are the minions of Twik'tchtet, Elder Dragon of Preservation. He sleeps in the world's center.... Learns all, Remembers all. Much Knowledge to remember.... so Skritt add his memory. More Skritt, More Memory. Gather many things. Many Skritt together learn from things, and remember better. Shiny things always most valuable. Other races agree, yes. Magic items glowy, rich items sparkly, art items pretty. Preserve all Knowledge.... Asura have much Knowledge.... all Asuran things Glowy, sparkly, and pretty.... very shiny!!!


I Love this and many other replies here! It's just a really interesting theory/thought. Are there any other races of creatures we have yet to see corrupted or such?

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Also, if they are minions...there is only one contender

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Shiny


> Right here. Who is Shiny? A good Dragon like glint?


Shiny is a dragon from guildwars 1 from the 3rd expansion Nightfall, which as wiki says is involved in a quest, of course going by looks I'd say its one of the lesser dragons such as Skyscale and Wyverns. But due to the fact it can talk, i'd say it's a dragon dragon but not an elder dragon. I don't think Guildwars really went in that deep about the elder dragons and the is and nots of what is a elder dragon and what isn't an elder dragon and if there can be dragon dragons that aren't connected to elder dragons, or if lesser dragons can infact communicate with us *thinks* maybe I should change the name of this thread

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A while back I noticed this, and had a theory:


Long ago, the Skritt were actually a high-tech race. All their minds were linked to each other in a tech-boosted version of how the operate currently, giving them a vastly intelligent group mind. Then, they unlocked the secrets of magic, and their world crashed. Chaos ensued, and their destruction was imminent.


In desperation, they made six powerful life forms, each designed to gather in an aspect of this newly released power, and hopefully bring it under control. There was no time for a test run, the beings were made and released. And it worked.... for a moment. The six were changed by the huge amounts of magic they absorbed, and an entirely new form of destruction was unleashed. The skritt (and the world) survived, but forever broken.


In time, a younger race known as the asura would find the remains of the skritt's technology, and start playing with it. While they couldn't figure it all out, they used their skill at magic to make it work, inventing impressive sounding terms and theories about what they were doing. Only a few of them now know where their "science" really came from, and they work hard to make sure that the secret remains hidden.


With their planet-wide group mind shattered, the skritt are much simpler beings now. But, when enough gather, you begin to see common themes of "nonsense" building start to surface, faint echoes of memories passed down of the cities they once had. And while the Elder Dragons may kill them, usually indirectly, they never attempt to corrupt them due to some still operating failsafes imbedded within them.


Now, while LS4 does indicate that the Elder Dragons were not born in an ancient skritt lab, that doesn't mean that the rest of it is inaccurate. And the skritt may still have some link to the Elder Dragons we have yet to discover.

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There's also no corrupted grawl. No corrupted wurms, or bats, or jotun, or largos, or karka, or harpies, or skelk, or skale, or jellyfish, or choya.


Guess those are all dragon minions, too.


The simple, real, answer is simply just that ArenaNet hadn't had time or desire to make models for them. We didn't see risen centaurs or icebrood dredge, despite their proximity to such. No branded hekets or icebrood grawl.


There are even some cases where ArenaNet skimped out on a risen model but still had risen trolls and risen ravens in the game.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> There's also no corrupted grawl. No corrupted wurms, or bats, or jotun, or largos, or karka, or harpies, or skelk, or skale, or jellyfish, or choya.


> Guess those are all dragon minions, too.


> The simple, real, answer is simply just that ArenaNet hadn't had time or desire to make models for them. We didn't see risen centaurs or icebrood dredge, despite their proximity to such. No branded hekets or icebrood grawl.


> There are even some cases where ArenaNet skimped out on a risen model but still had risen trolls and risen ravens in the game.


Spoil Sport.

![](https://i.imgur.com/YvJB6ot.gif "")


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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> There's also no corrupted grawl. No corrupted wurms, or bats, or jotun, or largos, or karka, or harpies, or skelk, or skale, or jellyfish, or choya.


> Guess those are all dragon minions, too.


> The simple, real, answer is simply just that ArenaNet hadn't had time or desire to make models for them. We didn't see risen centaurs or icebrood dredge, despite their proximity to such. No branded hekets or icebrood grawl.


> There are even some cases where ArenaNet skimped out on a risen model but still had risen trolls and risen ravens in the game.


But they corrupted Kodans and others, And from what we've seen Jormag tends to corrupt those who turn to and worship him when he promises them power, such as the sons of svanir, and in one of the stories we stop a group of them from worshiping him. There have been cases where jormag and his champions do corrupt those that go to attack them. This would also be the case with dredge since we have seen branded dredge thanks to Thunderhead Peak.


As for Largos we don't know a lot about them in fact they didn't exist at all until gw2, so for all we know there maybe a large source of them corrupted by bubbles in their underwater realm.


We have seen Branded centaurs though with POF -> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Veteran_Death-Branded_Centaur The reason we don't see undead centaurs is because they aren't in the actual area where the risen usually come from, since we know the risen harvest dead bodies and bring them to a certain area to be raised (otherwise we'd have a serious zombie problem on our hand every time a stupid npc died) If you take a look at where they are located you'd notice they never really locate themselves in areas that the risen farm the bodies to rise them. We also wouldn't see ice corrupted centaurs due to their belief systems and their over all goals. They don't want power they just want their homes back.


Choyas have mainly been in the desert and from what I've seen aren't even located close to the areas that have been branded suggesting they probably have a preferred Biome due to their cactus bodies.


For Jotun we do know that glint did once protect them during the rise of the elderdragons way back when they were more powerful suggesting they probably are corrupt-able.


As for Skale, Skelk, Wurms, Bats, Karka, Jellyfish, this could be due to their fragileness. Especially Jellyfish that don't have bones or anything that could be risen for a long period of time due to bacteria and decomposition, frozen wise they'd those most if not all their mobility due to the fact they have no bones. their squishy, yes they hurt like a snickerdoodle but they are squish in body wise. We may see corrupted ones when we get to see bubbles (if we ever do) as for Karka, It's probably due to the fact they mostly if not completely live in southsun cove which I don't think has seen any type of corruption of the dragons.


So while yes It may simply be because of not wanting to add the models of those as undead, some of them are also knowing how the dragon their close to works.

the reason I think of skritt is because they came to help us against the Zhaitan. I'm sure a good bit of them probably died during the fight that we of course did not see. Plus there are some rather close to where the risen usually do harvest bodies to rise since we see some skritt in mount maelstrom. Which is literally right next door to orr, and with how skritt are obsessed with shinies, I have no doubts, some might want to see if its possible to go harvest some of those old orr shinies.

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> @"Empanda.4617" said:

> But they corrupted Kodans and others, And from what we've seen Jormag tends to corrupt those who turn to and worship him when he promises them power, such as the sons of svanir, and in one of the stories we stop a group of them from worshiping him. There have been cases where jormag and his champions do corrupt those that go to attack them. This would also be the case with dredge since we have seen branded dredge thanks to Thunderhead Peak.


Yeah, Jormag focuses on corrupting those who turn to worship him (though this says nothing of those who worship him corrupting others, as we see many Sons of Svanir force Jormag's power on others). But here's the thing: there are several tribes of jotun and grawl worshiping Jormag in the game. _Yet no Icebrood Grawl or Icebrood Jotun._ And as mentioned, Jormag doesn't _only_ corrupt the wiling. He _focuses_ on them, which is a drastic difference. His minions do corrupt the unwilling. No kodan was willing to follow Jormag, let alone individuals like [the Honor's Voice](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Honor_of_the_Waves_%28story%29#Dialogue).


Nor do we see risen dredge [despite one of their mines being wiped out by Zhaitan](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mole%27s_Head).


Nor do we see risen centaurs, despite [the centaurs fighting the risen](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/A_Tangle_of_Weeds#Dialogue), nor do we see icebrood centaurs, despite the modniir being forced out of their homeland by Jormag.


Nor do we see branded grawl or branded harpies, despite their proximity to the dragonbrand.


And when we see a risen troll, [it's a normal cave troll appearance with bees!](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Risen_Troll.jpg)


> The reason we don't see undead centaurs is because they aren't in the actual area where the risen usually come from, since we know the risen harvest dead bodies and bring them to a certain area to be raised (otherwise we'd have a serious zombie problem on our hand every time a stupid npc died)


Risen don't need to bring bodies back to Orr to corrupt them. They can be turned by champions anywhere. We see this happen in the novels, as well as in various events. For example, [this simple event in Caledon Forest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Slay_the_undead_drake_broodmother). Mazdak the Accursed was corrupted _while in his tomb_, despite the distance.


The truth is that there is indeed meant to be "a serious zombie problem on our hand" every time a stupid NPC died (to risen). That was the true threat of Zhaitan.


> Choyas have mainly been in the desert and from what I've seen aren't even located close to the areas that have been branded suggesting they probably have a preferred Biome due to their cactus bodies.


There's actually some right adjacent to the Dragonbrand in Elon Riverlands. We also see sandsharks, sand seels, and other wildlife actively fighting the branded, yet none get branded.


> As for Skale, Skelk, Wurms, Bats, Karka, Jellyfish, this could be due to their fragileness. Especially Jellyfish that don't have bones or anything that could be risen for a long period of time due to bacteria and decomposition, frozen wise they'd those most if not all their mobility due to the fact they have no bones. their squishy, yes they hurt like a snickerdoodle but they are squish in body wise. We may see corrupted ones when we get to see bubbles (if we ever do) as for Karka, It's probably due to the fact they mostly if not completely live in southsun cove which I don't think has seen any type of corruption of the dragons.


The fact that Zhaitan reanimates [chickens](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Risen_Chicken) and [maggots](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Risen_Maggot) heavily counters your argument. I'd hardly call those sturdy.


And karka and wurms are 100% not fragile.


> the reason I think of skritt is because they came to help us against the Zhaitan. I'm sure a good bit of them probably died during the fight that we of course did not see. Plus there are some rather close to where the risen usually do harvest bodies to rise since we see some skritt in mount maelstrom. Which is literally right next door to orr, and with how skritt are obsessed with shinies, I have no doubts, some might want to see if its possible to go harvest some of those old orr shinies.


Grawl also come to help fight. So do ogres. No risen grawl or ogres.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:


> Yeah, Jormag focuses on corrupting those who turn to worship him (though this says nothing of those who worship him corrupting others, as we see many Sons of Svanir force Jormag's power on others). But here's the thing: there are several tribes of jotun and grawl worshiping Jormag in the game. _Yet no Icebrood Grawl or Icebrood Jotun._ And as mentioned, Jormag doesn't _only_ corrupt the wiling. He _focuses_ on them, which is a drastic difference. His minions do corrupt the unwilling. No kodan was willing to follow Jormag, let alone individuals like [the Honor's Voice](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Honor_of_the_Waves_%28story%29#Dialogue).


Note that I said that they do corrupt those who attack him, Grawl tend to have their own gods, and those who turn to jormag as far as I know we have tharted either by heart or by a side story.


As for ogres Thats an incrediably good point I completely forgot they join us in orr. Though we do see corrupted icebrood ogre (I think we only see one in one event https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Veteran_Corrupted_Ogre ) So there I would say that Anet just didn't want to raise them as undead. Like you mentioned.


Also due to orr sinking the undead chickens bones would have more then likely fossiled a bit due to the sea mud, like fish bones, since we don't see an ARMY of undead chickens (like the chicken tornado in drytop) Which would have been fun to see. Maggots you have a good point with and I'm very curious on how it'd work and why it hasn't been applied to other critters besides maggots (besides anet just not wanting to make models) as I stated, Karka's live on southsun, Emberbay and sandswept isles cove where we haven't seen any corruption yet. other then awakened, and primedious (pretty sure I spelt his name wrong). Which I'm not sure he can corrupt other things? He seems to make his own minions unless I'm forgetting something. For the troll, I have not noticed that before o-o that is....weird... really really weird. Like Not even a shade difference weird .-. and sad.


Thank you for correcting me on the choyas, I guess they must always be dead or I just don't travel to those areas enough. Though I'd probably guess the choyas weren't in the area when it got branded same as the eels and stuff. Or they were able to get out of the way in time (via hiding and such) Because scary purple thing.


But of course back on topic lets try to condsider the lore outside of anet just not wanting to make models. Because lets face it yes there is a big part of them just not wanting to make models for it. Though they do end up making corrupted other versions for what we don't see for jormag and zhiatan.


We do know that wurms can be risen by necromancers. I wonder why They weren't used by zhaitan unless their like to skritt as the plant doggies are to sylvari. Which would be adorable as snicker doodles. Or bats....>.> I totes hope one of those are true cause it'd be cool


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