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What needs a nerf

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> teef

> it is still evading


Don't even say that as a joke, people will take that literally and jump aboard the nerf teef train, especially given a thief comp won the recent MAT.


I'm honestly surprised people would rather soulbeast or warrior nerfs than Scourge or FB.

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> @"praqtos.9035" said:

> So revenant out of vote? Holo as well... pog


Funny enough, I think they can get rid of the whole Rev situation without touching Rev itself: Simply bring back more condition builds.


It might still need tweaks and still deserved to be on this list, you're right, but this would improve the meta already.

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I'm tired of seeing scourge throw up everywhere and still using skills while cc'd. This class has literally changed how everyone approaches mid fight and turned the meta on it's head as soon as it went live. It is literally the father of the aoe spam everyone hates. Regulate this shit, or make it PURE support like it was advertised when it was being created.

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Boons and conditions (not the damaging conditions) access need to be nerfed for all professions. It became to easy to spam might/vulnerability, weakness/protection, fury, swiftness, cripple and whatnot. Pure support do not have a job anymore, there is only dps and bunker with load of support nowaday.

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Most needed nerfs:

Holo - Currently has very good mobility, cc, utility, burst & sustain damage, self sustain. Needs to be toned down in at least one of those areas.

Power Shiro - Currently has amazing burst, mobility. Some change to one of those two areas needs to happen, I would personally put a longer cooldown on phase traversal to start.


Things that are annoying that i would be happy to see nerfed:

stealth 1 shot burst combos (mes, slb)

Boon spam in general

passive evade/invuln traits


Dumb things that seem to only bother me:

mesmers having 6+ clones/phantasms out at a time





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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> Most needed nerfs:

> Holo - Currently has very good mobility, cc, utility, burst & sustain damage, self sustain. Needs to be toned down in at least one of those areas.

> Power Shiro - Currently has amazing burst, mobility. Some change to one of those two areas needs to happen, I would personally put a longer cooldown on phase traversal to start.


> Things that are annoying that i would be happy to see nerfed:

> stealth 1 shot burst combos (mes, slb)

> Boon spam in general

> passive evade/invuln traits


> Dumb things that seem to only bother me:

> mesmers having 6+ clones/phantasms out at a time

> weakness







Where is the holo vote? As of now, they are the biggest offender. So many other classes are high burst but low sustain. Holo gets the best of both. So much cc and when they're bored, they just stealth and run away.


The new version of mirage back in the day...

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> Anyway where's the 'no more nerfs please, we want to have fun?' option.


Yes! I am so tired of all the nerf threads whinging to kill this class and that! I want to resurrect the suggestion to take everyone’s skills away in WvW and give them sticks! :tongue:

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