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Let's talk about the focus pull


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I love it in PvE but lets be real in PvP and especially WvW it's almost hilariously overpowered. I was goofing around as a support chrono in wvw and I pulled a poor unlucky soul from the edge of the stairs up to the wall at mendons all the way over easily. Felt like trash doing it, I honestly was hoping to just pull him off his AC not do all that, really REALLY feel like this needs like a 50% reduction in competitive modes.

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....So....It's overpowered because it pulls? Like I'm not getting how this is a problem. A skill (Which has obvious tells, a delay, and a pretty decent CD.) Does what it's supposed to do....needs to be nerfed because someone in WvW decided they were going to sit at the edge of the stairs and not dodge?

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> @"Atticus.7194" said:

> I love it in PvE but lets be real in PvP and especially WvW it's almost hilariously overpowered. I was goofing around as a support chrono in wvw and I pulled a poor unlucky soul from the edge of the stairs up to the wall at mendons all the way over easily. Felt like trash doing it, I honestly was hoping to just pull him off his AC not do all that, really REALLY feel like this needs like a 50% reduction in competitive modes.

Thanks for the laught.

In PvP : look at other class aoe bump/grab with no ICD, less/no cast time, higher range or half CD. Not even looking to just AOE CC.

Then lookt at mesmer pull.

Good to know you feel op when you grab someone with no auto-antiCC on a wall in WvW.

I didn't feel op at all when I'm running focus pull in PvP. Thanks.



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> @"Atticus.7194" said:

> I ... have empathy and understanding that this would suck if it happened to me too.

Nothing wrong with empathy. I've been pulled off and it hurts (my pride mostly). That, alone, doesn't mean there's something wrong with the skill.


> I have a problem with pulls that jerk players over double sized walls down onto the ground.

You still haven't explained what's wrong with using the pull as intended, especially as there is an obvious tell, a substantive delay after laying the curtain before pulling, and a long cooldown.



> seriously not even a single attempt at constructive communication,

I took your post seriously. I asked a serious question. You still haven't addressed it: why do you think it's wrong to pull people off of siege and over the wall? It is not hard to place siege to make this near-impossible, it is easy to burst mesmers who try this, and it is easier still to walk out of range (if not the skill, then being pulled off the wall).






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> @"Atticus.7194" said:

> And the reason I made this post was because I play a ton of classes and have empathy and understanding that this would suck if it happened to me too. I don't have a problem with pulls I have a problem with pulls that jerk players over double sized walls down onto the ground.

Ok so first the problem just concern WvW, not PvP and is about 1 use case...

So :

1) Some spec have passive anti-cc : war autostab, ranger anti-cc, gards auto aegis ...

2) Some class didn't even need to grab people over wall because they does op AOE who cover the wall ...

3) There is many spot were grab can never pull out people from wall.

4) Since focus pull 2nd nerf (2015), it's way more hard to bump people over cliff/wall than it was.

5) Since focus pull 1st nerf (2013.), it's childish to evade the grab.

6) Every groups will have on demande stability so your grab is useless.


>But I guess I should have expected this from the forums where everyone is so TERRIFIED of losing any shred of POWA for their particular class they violently attack anyone who even suggests anything.

1) Then I will be frank : I didn't have anymore an ounce of pity after 7 years of gameplay/efficiency destruction based on some nice suggestions like this. I'm more angry than terrified that at this time (05/2019) there is someone who find a core mesmer skill op.

2) If you want to be constructive, just propose something because a 50% nerf (of range I supposed.) mean nothing. You want a 50% cd nerf ? Give me a 3 in 1 aoe CC like : Shield of Absorption, Reaper's mark, Wail of doom, Overcharged Shot, temporal rift etc who have : less CD, less cast time (instant for much of them.) or better kisscool effect (damage / sustain.) And I didn't even look at some aoe CC from slb/holo.

And an instant aoe CC is way more reliable than a 2 time visible CC with 1 sec ICD.

The only skill who is on par with temporal curtain is binding blade.


I have a better suggestion : with 2 extension prowercreep, remove the ICD on temporal curtain to be on par with the current environement.


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50/50 chance if you even get a wall pull with this skill since passive aegis and passive stunbreak traits are a thing. Stacked with spots that simply deny a wall pull and pretty soon the skill is looking like a 33% chance to pull a target. I have pulled people from a wall section over to an adjoining wall section, thats how dumb into the void can be. Lets not even talk about how mediocre skill 5 was made.


First step to IMPROVEMENT of focus is to move its trait to domination or dueling.

Second step, revert the stupid ranged axe throwing skill 5 phantasm to its previous whirling axes melee cleave.


Yes focus needs improvement, not carebear nerfs.

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> @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > the pull is a bit ridiculous but its only use is in wvw so its not that bad.


> The best mirage build in cinquest, Zeromis GS mirage, uses it. Its the only mirage build thats won an MAT since the portal nerf.

Which is a dead weight in EU.

This cmirage main that won monthly as scrapper is 0 on any power variation. Which is confirms that condi mirage carry bad players. How he won monthly thats a huge mistery to me. I mean I seen him in ranked, he died like potato to chronos 24/7...

Not to mention any mesmer build being shut down by a thief ,easly

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> @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > the pull is a bit ridiculous but its only use is in wvw so its not that bad.

> >

> > The best mirage build in cinquest, Zeromis GS mirage, uses it. Its the only mirage build thats won an MAT since the portal nerf.

> Which is a dead weight in EU.

> This cmirage main that won monthly as scrapper is 0 on any power variation. Which is confirms that condi mirage carry bad players. How he won monthly thats a huge mistery to me. I mean I seen him in ranked, he died like potato to chronos 24/7...

> Not to mention any mesmer build being shut down by a thief ,easly


Sorry im not following

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> @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

> > @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

> > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > the pull is a bit ridiculous but its only use is in wvw so its not that bad.

> > >

> > > The best mirage build in cinquest, Zeromis GS mirage, uses it. Its the only mirage build thats won an MAT since the portal nerf.

> > Which is a dead weight in EU.

"The best mirage build for conquest". At least thats what its feels like here

> > This cmirage main that won monthly as scrapper is 0 on any power variation. Which is confirms that condi mirage carry bad players. How he won monthly thats a huge mistery to me. I mean I seen him in ranked, he died like potato to chronos 24/7...

> > Not to mention any mesmer build being shut down by a thief ,easly

Mesmer main that won mAT being farmed by random ppl with that build :joy: (my thoughts about cmirage/thief is a side note) :P



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> @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > the pull is a bit ridiculous but its only use is in wvw so its not that bad.

> >

> > The best mirage build in cinquest, Zeromis GS mirage, uses it. Its the only mirage build thats won an MAT since the portal nerf.

> Which is a dead weight in EU.

> This cmirage main that won monthly as scrapper is 0 on any power variation. Which is confirms that condi mirage carry bad players. How he won monthly thats a huge mistery to me. I mean I seen him in ranked, he died like potato to chronos 24/7...

> Not to mention any mesmer build being shut down by a thief ,easly

I tend to go in your direction.

It's interesting because often we I read this forum It seems that NA is full of top skill mesmers who kill everyone with a large panel of builds/weapon set.

It also seems that there are overall more mesmers players in NA than in EU.

I'm in EU, I fight everyday against leg to plat 1 players (basically all players in ladder.) so what I see is :

* 4 mesmers in top 100.

* Only one mesmer with a focus this season who isn't in the leaderboard.

* Last season I didn't see other mesmers except me with a focus. (That I put aside this season.)

So ok, I could forget some players in my analysis, of course there is mesmers which I only see in At but I'm very surprised to read that someone win a mAt with a focus (I do not follow NA tournaments actually, maybe I should.).



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> @"viquing.8254" said:

> > @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

> > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > the pull is a bit ridiculous but its only use is in wvw so its not that bad.

> > >

> > > The best mirage build in cinquest, Zeromis GS mirage, uses it. Its the only mirage build thats won an MAT since the portal nerf.

> > Which is a dead weight in EU.

> > This cmirage main that won monthly as scrapper is 0 on any power variation. Which is confirms that condi mirage carry bad players. How he won monthly thats a huge mistery to me. I mean I seen him in ranked, he died like potato to chronos 24/7...

> > Not to mention any mesmer build being shut down by a thief ,easly

> I tend to go in your direction.

> It's interesting because often we I read this forum It seems that NA is full of top skill mesmers who kill everyone with a large panel of builds/weapon set.

> It also seems that there are overall more mesmers players in NA than in EU.

> I'm in EU, I fight everyday against leg to plat 1 players (basically all players in ladder.) so what I see is :

> * 4 mesmers in top 100.

> * Only one mesmer with a focus this season who isn't in the leaderboard.

> * Last season I didn't see other mesmers except me with a focus. (That I put aside this season.)

> So ok, I could forget some players in my analysis, of course there is mesmers which I only see in At but I'm very surprised to read that someone win a mAt with a focus (I do not follow NA tournaments actually, maybe I should.).

In short, they just have a "team" that always faceroll over everyone close to 500-0. Highly doubt that will change if they throw away the mesmer from their comp :joy:

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I don't think pulling the odd poor fellow off a wall is much of a worry compared to staff Eles being able to clear a wall of defenders and siege in a single meteor shower or Necros and Guardians lining the lip of a wall with so many AoE circles that the defenders can't actually...defend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You have to place it in just the right way to fully pull someone off compared to it's original design. If you are on the cliff with the guy to be able to target over the ledge to pull them off is something that should be rewarded with a kill, not punished with a nerf.


If anything power builds (whom are the ones typically running focus) needs a buff.

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> @"Atticus.7194" said:

> I love it in PvE but lets be real in PvP and especially WvW it's almost hilariously overpowered. I was goofing around as a support chrono in wvw and I pulled a poor unlucky soul from the edge of the stairs up to the wall at mendons all the way over easily. Felt like trash doing it, I honestly was hoping to just pull him off his AC not do all that, really REALLY feel like this needs like a 50% reduction in competitive modes.


You're trolling right? On the contrary, the skill needs a buff!!!

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