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Anyone else excited for more Kas and Jory?


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By the end of LW season 3, I was so incredibly sick of Marjory being in nearly every part, that I never want to replay on other characters. She just feels slimy to me, and her voice drives me nuts. Maybe if they had gotten a different voice actress for her I'd feel different. I don't mind they put in their relationship, what bothers me is that seems to be the only type of relationship that's put in all of GW story. Her and Kas, Caithe and Faolin.. I asked my friend if he could recall a single hetero relationship brought into the story, and all we could come up with is Logan's crush on the queen (not an actual relationship) and a couple instances with married asura. It just feels like pandering, not much point to it, too much focus on it, and not well done.

**edit to add** sorry about the necroing this, was looking at categories, and it wasn't far down, didn't look at dates >.<

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Oddly enough I enjoyed Kas' involvement in PoF, but as soon as she and Jory reunited the script really turned for the worse. It is not that the VAs are bad or the characters are uninteresting. It is just that their interactions with each other, as it is written, feels forced, overt and _weird_. I can't really wrap my head around it. It is like a bad teenage fanfic.

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> @ugrakarma.9416 said:

> They need more sensuality. What's the use of pointing to sexuality if you never even kiss? with the aggravating fact that they are two young women, but it looks more like an 80-year-old couple with 40 years of relationship where the only sign of intimacy is calling each other of "dear".


> I do not like the middle ground, this game business does not go too far because it wants to still have some appeal to the children's age group, and at the same time wanting to put adult stuff is pro-boredom recipe.


> I want to see more blood and dirty jokes, dark stories. When Balthazar killed the comander, it was to show the guts and blood, as a fatality of the Mortal Kombat.


> But i understand the developer, there are certain countries made with snowflakes ppl, with strict laws regarding these things. I will not name that country is, the hood will serve those who fit.



You sound all tough and mature, but I'm sure you don't even know what snowflakes ppl mean; just what you read on the internet and decided to adapt it as it makes you sound l33t. Just because you are in a country that treats blood are gore (the cheapest attempt to add "mature" content) not as "harshly" than other offenders, doesn't automatically make other countries "snowflakes". But yeah, parotting is the easy way out.

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I think their relationship is interesting. I don't believe in it and neither, I think, do they, which is _why _it's interesting. The writing is so thin that it can be hard to tell what's intentionally elusive and what's just underwritten but my reading is that they jumped into a relationship too deep, too fast and now at least one (Jory) and probably both of them wants at least to slow things down and possibly end it altogether. They have, however, as has been mentioned several times in this thread, made a lot of very public avowals of love and they're both kind of stuck with that, especially given Jory's stubbornness and Kas's insecurity. Lots of potential for angst and drama there.


One thing I would like to see more of is Jory's supposed raison d'etre - detective work. She was introduced in a very odd - and as far as I recall unique to GW2 - genre pastiche. Given the effort that was made over the whole 1940s Film Noir background it seems a waste to drop it completely. All she gets now is exactly the same generic "go find out about this while we go and find out about that" MMO plot device as everyone else. I did think momentarily when she insisted on going with Lazarus that we might get some genuine gumshoe stuff but she just vanished then reappeared 30 seconds before a big fight and that was that.

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> @"Tiny Doom.4380" said:

> One thing I would like to see more of is Jory's supposed raison d'etre - detective work. She was introduced in a very odd - and as far as I recall unique to GW2 - genre pastiche. Given the effort that was made over the whole 1940s Film Noir background it seems a waste to drop it completely.


On one hand, I agree. On the other, I fear it would just lead to more "the cool smart NPC talks down to the dumb boring PC and orders them around like a lackey" nonsense that was all over past LS seasons. Taimi is intolerable enough as it is. If their lab-work or detective-work or whatever was just used as a side-note to gather information (and only as _one_ information source among many: anything that _isn't_ asura magitech is badly underused) while we do something else and then decide what to do with that information, it might be less annoying. But I _really_ don't want to have to sit through even more in-your-face exposition-vomit from characters I'm supposed to care ever so much about while getting absolutely nothing back from them. I'll never stop being angry about that until it is addressed and fixed. How many times does PoF make us check on the NPCs and ask their thoughts, and how many times do _they_ check on _us_? The answer to #2 is still "never, ever", even after we were brutally slaughtered by a rogue god.

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> @draxynnic.3719 said:

> > @castlemanic.3198 said:

> >Taimi is growing into her own and I'm glad she's prone to making mistakes, but I do think that even her mistake (however potentially disastrous it was) is diminished by how the mistake was made during a period of lack of sleep. If she had made the mistake while at her best, then I think there'd be more legitimacy to her character arc of "oh crap I made a mistake" and trying to fix it.


> That said, while the big error could be said to be from sleep deprivation, it was Taimi's decision to "never sleep again" because she was so excited by the potential of her research. She was only in the position where she could make mistakes due to sleep deprivation because she herself chose to do research on manipulating magic on a potentially apocalyptic scale while not at her best, and that decision, and the consequences, _is_ on her.


As a person who thinks like that IRL, I tend to sympathise with Taimi. Once you pick up an interest, it's easy to roll with it for minutes, hours, days. Oh, look at the time. Gotta run!


In all seriousness though, I like Taimi mainly because of her quirks and flaws. She'd be SUPER flat and boring without them!

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> @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

> I hate their short names. It destroys epicness like in Star Wars with Annie instead of Anakin, it makes me cringe. Also no, they are stereotypical and a bit boring. Rather continue with the duo infernale buddies Rytlock and Canach.


Rytlock and Canach its was make every penny on expasion worth it.

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> > @draxynnic.3719 said:

> > > @castlemanic.3198 said:

> > >Taimi is growing into her own and I'm glad she's prone to making mistakes, but I do think that even her mistake (however potentially disastrous it was) is diminished by how the mistake was made during a period of lack of sleep. If she had made the mistake while at her best, then I think there'd be more legitimacy to her character arc of "oh crap I made a mistake" and trying to fix it.

> >

> > That said, while the big error could be said to be from sleep deprivation, it was Taimi's decision to "never sleep again" because she was so excited by the potential of her research. She was only in the position where she could make mistakes due to sleep deprivation because she herself chose to do research on manipulating magic on a potentially apocalyptic scale while not at her best, and that decision, and the consequences, _is_ on her.


> As a person who thinks like that IRL, I tend to sympathise with Taimi. Once you pick up an interest, it's easy to roll with it for minutes, hours, days. Oh, look at the time. Gotta run!


> In all seriousness though, I like Taimi mainly because of her quirks and flaws. She'd be SUPER flat and boring without them!


Oh, I know, I can be susceptible to it myself. I'm drawing from my own experience when I say that not getting enough sleep when working on something important is itself a mistake.

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> @Halan.8951 said:

> > @JayMack.8295 said:


> > I get that ANet are somewhat limited in their storytelling - it all has to come from the perspective of the commander. They can't cutaway to a scene with Marjory and Kas alone and develop their relationship and personalities at the same time, so I at least expected SOME level of 'fleshing out their relationship' when the commander is present but I feel like at this point they've done enough for now.

> Responding to old post, I know.

> In LW Season 2 we played as Caithe (inside her memories), so if it would be important for the story, something like this could be done again.




On gw1 we even played has Turai Ossa



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The six that have historically been the Living World crew have been paired up over time. Marjory and Kasmeer, Braham and Rox, and as of season 3 the Commander and Taimi. I rank the parings as follows.


1. The Commander and Taimi -- Self explanatory as I am the Commander.

2. Braham and Rox -- Braham is interesting as an anti-hero because he and the Commander don't get along anymore. Rox is interesting because we don't know who she is going to side with in the impending showdown.

3. Marjory and Kasmeer -- Up until Braham went mopey Kasmeer had the angst market cornered. Since that point that drama has shifted into sort of a high school drama with Marjory. Not a fan.


And so, no I am not looking forward to more Marjory and Kasmeer. I'd much rather have this face off with Braham. That kid needs a spanking.

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> @Aphrodite.6950 said:

> They are my favorite characters in living story. Kind of a shame to see so many players complain about them. I love the voice acting and the emotions you get to see. I think the writers did excellent with all the characters. The depth of each character and realness just draw you into the story like no other game.


My problem with them all is that they never give a hand and sometimes they not even rez and they causing extra work if they turned out into enemies


You can relate with the mordremoth fight


I rather to jump alone instead of being with them if we were honest

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> @twobears.5713 said:

> The six that have historically been the Living World crew have been paired up over time. Marjory and Kasmeer, Braham and Rox, and as of season 3 the Commander and Taimi. I rank the parings as follows.


> 1. The Commander and Taimi -- Self explanatory as I am the Commander.

> 2. Braham and Rox -- Braham is interesting as an anti-hero because he and the Commander don't get along anymore. Rox is interesting because we don't know who she is going to side with in the impending showdown.

> 3. Marjory and Kasmeer -- Up until Braham went mopey Kasmeer had the angst market cornered. Since that point that drama has shifted into sort of a high school drama with Marjory. Not a fan.


> And so, no I am not looking forward to more Marjory and Kasmeer. I'd much rather have this face off with Braham. That kid needs a spanking.


Braham's always been angsty, it's just that after the initial introductions it wasn't rubbed in our faces, and Season 2 was a 'give him hope so it hurts even more when it gets cruelly snatched away' season. Season 1 Braham was a mix of mommy abandonment issues and girlfriend abandonment issues.

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> @twobears.5713 said:

> The six that have historically been the Living World crew have been paired up over time. Marjory and Kasmeer, Braham and Rox, and as of season 3 the Commander and Taimi. I rank the parings as follows.


> 1. The Commander and Taimi -- Self explanatory as I am the Commander.

> 2. Braham and Rox -- Braham is interesting as an anti-hero because he and the Commander don't get along anymore. Rox is interesting because we don't know who she is going to side with in the impending showdown.

> 3. Marjory and Kasmeer -- Up until Braham went mopey Kasmeer had the angst market cornered. Since that point that drama has shifted into sort of a high school drama with Marjory. Not a fan.


> And so, no I am not looking forward to more Marjory and Kasmeer. I'd much rather have this face off with Braham. That kid needs a spanking.


Most recently...I would add Rytlock and Canach to that mix of pairs.


>! I was pleasantly surprised to see virtually no sign of M & K in LS 4.1.

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> @Sznurek.8791 said:

> Yeah I would like to play as one of the heroes.

> I could play Caithe again any day too.

> It was great for story, great for making the characters feel more epic(there was supposed to be some other word but it's banned here...) etc.


I am personally opposed to playing the NPC's. Once of the draws for me in games in this genre is creating my own character in a world. I find having to play the developer's character very immersion breaking. It's also not the experience I pay for. I can't stress enough, that if I have to do this again, the last characters I would want to play are Marjory and Kasmer. Taimi, Rox, Lord Faren, but please not Jor Jor and Kasy-pooh. Barf!

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> That's not gonna happen. It just isn't Anet's way. As a Norn player I am doubly annoyed by this because the whole motivation of my character is to build his legend - so forcing him to be nothing but a spectator to other characters is doubly terrible. It is also why I hate Trahearne with a passion because as soon as he is introduced, it truly stops being the story about your character. Up to that point, it has been - all the different racial "introduction" part of the story is 110% about your character. Then Tree Jebus gets introduced and downhill we go...


Huh. I was kind of relieved with that while it lasted. I'm so absolutely tired of games that constantly fluff you with "Oh, noes! You're the ONLY ONE who can save us, great and powerful hero!!!" It just feels so pandering. It's such a departure when a game makes you just a face in the crowd that it's almost refreshing at this point.


On the other hand, while I'm being propped up as Big Hero, lemme get on that Canach, Anet. ;D

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No, they are the most annoying characters that have ever been introduced. I hope they get killed off or at least one of them does. They are over-the-top and unnaturally affectionate. No other characters are like that in the game. It just feels like they have added them in to try and be modern and hip or have some gay agenda they are trying to push.

They killed off Eir and she was amazing! :( Now if they could somehow bring her back from the mists and remove Kas and Jory, I'd be so happy. I'm more excited for Rytlock and Canach now. Those characters are great.

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I hope it stops honestly. First Caith, now both of them. Stop trying to be cool.

If we are talking about preferences here i prefer straight romances. To be honest i would love in more to see a "one sided love". Someone that keeps doing everything to impress the other and stuff like that, way more fun than those other 2 shitty relationships that's been with Kas/Jory and Caith/otherplant.


All in all they should instead give those options to US. Give US the choice to romance someone or rather, do not spent moments on this. Better to avoid then make it bad.


Finnaly i had a GOOD guild. Rytlock the GREAT, Canach (aka de only Sylvari on the entire game that i like), Kasmeer the hottie and of course the best NPC of all time, TAIMI. But sadly things are changing again, i wont say to avoid spoilers of course but to be short this is simple:

- Either make the PLAYER do the relationships, or do not bother with relationships at all. Afterall this is a Fight Game, not a politicaly correct love simulator

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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> I hope it stops honestly. First Caith, now both of them. Stop trying to be cool.

> If we are talking about preferences here i prefer straight romances.




There are hundreds, thousands of straight romances out there. Hell, there are loads of them in GW/ GW2. What's wrong with including a few non-straight ones?


EDIT: Frankly, makes me feel a little uncomfortable (& borderline unwelcome) to see so many people moaning about this.

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> @"Neilos Tyrhanos.5427" said:

> > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > I hope it stops honestly. First Caith, now both of them. Stop trying to be cool.

> > If we are talking about preferences here i prefer straight romances.


> Why?


> There are hundreds, thousands of straight romances out there. Hell, there are loads of them in GW/ GW2. What's wrong with including a few non-straight ones?


> EDIT: Frankly, makes me feel a little uncomfortable (& borderline unwelcome) to see so many people moaning about this.


Ok. Name one straight romance that is memorable on GW2.

Also it doesnt matter even if there was 300 straight relationships i rather see a 301 than 1 non-straight. Thats simply based on PREFERENCE. I respect all kind of relationships but that doesnt mean im forced to agree and Support them.

In the world you live there's ppl that sometimes think different than you. Thats ok you know? thats what makes us unique


My main point is that i dont want to lose time on NPC relationships. Either let ME do the romance (i dont care if its straight or not, as im a male who likes to create female characters and make them romance other females...) im tired of WATCHING everyone get the "fun" while im just the commander that odly enough keeps following orders from every other NPC on this game

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