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Where Did Aurene Go? [shpoilersh]


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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > So I think some part of Season 5 will be about teaming up with Glint and cleaning the mess in the Mists.


> Seems unlikely to me for one specific reason:


> How can a mere mortal _possibly_ affect what is quite literally the creation of existence?


Exactly. I think the Mists are perfectly capable of fixing themselves. It is the Chaos of Creation, 1 ED is not gonna bring down the Mists. I think the only reason why everyone was panicking about Kralk was because he was destroying our particular corner of it.

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> @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

> Old maps changing is something I am really looking forward to. I want to see Orr starting to be restored and settled by sylvari and humans.


I actually want the opposite. Old maps changing, being invaded by vial creatures and a lot more deaths of the crew. Specially Borrik. He has to go.

Then Aurene comes back from her beach vacation to save the day.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> I am not saying the commander will fix the Mists with bare hands...


> The PC will merely assist it, that's what I meant by teaming up with Glint.


I doubt even Glint has the powers to fix the Mist. She may have been a dragon champion in life, but her magic was in her corpse on death. Now she is likely nothing more than an average soul with one hell of a reputation.

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:


> While that's true it's also a bit disingenuous to call the PC a mere mortal. It's apparent we're mortal+ at this point. At least on par with a demi-god. When we do finally kick the bucket...


We aren't beyond being mortal. The commander is still a normal person, just extremely skilled and slightly more powerful then their peers.


Unlike WoW, the heroes of GW2 aren't super-powerful beings that are far beyond anybody else. We can equal extremely powerful beings, but our strength and success comes from working alongside others more often then winning a fight alone.

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> @"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:

> How can a 'mere mortal' possibly kill a god?


This is a dangerous discussion and very difficult one. It starts with the definition of a God. To get going, lets agree on a scientific system of observation. A God is not seen and doesnt proof it's existence. So there are no observations. It exist cause people believe the Deity exist. This gives those people also the power to dismiss it as a God. It may still exist, but as it doesn't proof it's existence and as there are no observations, it's existance stops.


In the GW2 universe it goes a bit further. Only humans believe in the six. The other races have other beliefs. And among those humans there are those who believe more in the theory of all (Like many priory Scholars)


We are not humans (tyrian versions), but players who can experience and debate the game from all angles. So for us, it is likely the Gods are actually Gods. So it requires a lot of immersion to make Balthasar immortal. But even if you believe such a thing, the lore explained he got stripped of his powers by the other 5.



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It's not really a difficult or dangerous discussion. Balthazar was a God, and then he was not, which allowed a mortal to get to the level (with the help of two other powerful beings) that they were capable of killing him.


That the other races do not worship the Six like the humans do does not stop the Gods being Gods. It just stops the worship. Norn still think the Gods are Gods, in the form of Spirits, Asura know that the Gods are Gods, and are cogs in the universe, Charr know the Gods are Gods. None of them deny or do not believe the Six are Gods, they just don't worship them like humans do.


If the humans stopped worshiping the Gods, that would make no difference. The Gods would still be Gods.

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> @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

> It's not really a difficult or dangerous discussion. Balthazar was a God, and then he was not, which allowed a mortal to get to the level (with the help of two other powerful beings) that they were capable of killing him.


> That the other races do not worship the Six like the humans do does not stop the Gods being Gods. It just stops the worship. Norn still think the Gods are Gods, in the form of Spirits, Asura know that the Gods are Gods, and are cogs in the universe, Charr know the Gods are Gods. None of them deny or do not believe the Six are Gods, they just don't worship them like humans do.


> If the humans stopped worshiping the Gods, that would make no difference. The Gods would still be Gods.


^ This. gods are pretty much just the titles that humans gave them.

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> @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> >

> > While that's true it's also a bit disingenuous to call the PC a mere mortal. It's apparent we're mortal+ at this point. At least on par with a demi-god. When we do finally kick the bucket...


> We aren't beyond being mortal. The commander is still a normal person, just extremely skilled and slightly more powerful then their peers.


> Unlike WoW, the heroes of GW2 aren't super-powerful beings that are far beyond anybody else. We can equal extremely powerful beings, but our strength and success comes from working alongside others more often then winning a fight alone.


Sure. So, mortal+. Those big plays we make against a demi-god or a literal elder dragon was pretty much just us and Aurene.


We're not incomprehensibly strong, but we're the champion of an Elder Dragon and the equal of a demi-god. We also came back from the dead and we're set to become Reapers when we do finally die.


Mere mortal doesn't cut it. Mostly mortal. Mortal+. We live interesting lives.

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:


> We're not incomprehensibly strong, but we're the champion of an Elder Dragon and the equal of a demi-god. We also came back from the dead and we're set to become Reapers when we do finally die.


> Mere mortal doesn't cut it. Mostly mortal. Mortal+. We live interesting lives.


I can't remember this bit about becoming a reaper, could you point me to it?


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Also would note that the original reapers weren't "mortal+" or whatever, but regular people who worked with Grenth.


> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > >

> > > While that's true it's also a bit disingenuous to call the PC a mere mortal. It's apparent we're mortal+ at this point. At least on par with a demi-god. When we do finally kick the bucket...

> >

> > We aren't beyond being mortal. The commander is still a normal person, just extremely skilled and slightly more powerful then their peers.

> >

> > Unlike WoW, the heroes of GW2 aren't super-powerful beings that are far beyond anybody else. We can equal extremely powerful beings, but our strength and success comes from working alongside others more often then winning a fight alone.


> Sure. So, mortal+. Those big plays we make against a demi-god or a literal elder dragon was pretty much just us and Aurene.


> We're not incomprehensibly strong, but we're the champion of an Elder Dragon and the equal of a demi-god. We also came back from the dead and we're set to become Reapers when we do finally die.


> Mere mortal doesn't cut it. Mostly mortal. Mortal+. We live interesting lives.


We were equal to Balthazar because we were using one of his swords against him + had Aurene helping us. We were equal to Joko, but he won.


As somebody noticed in another topic, almost every "completely single fight against a big bad." ended up going badly for the PC in the end. :P

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> @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

> > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> >

> > We're not incomprehensibly strong, but we're the champion of an Elder Dragon and the equal of a demi-god. We also came back from the dead and we're set to become Reapers when we do finally die.

> >

> > Mere mortal doesn't cut it. Mostly mortal. Mortal+. We live interesting lives.


> I can't remember this bit about becoming a reaper, could you point me to it?



Dhuum raid. Might be a bit of a spoiler if you were planning to do that. Sorry.


> @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> Also would note that the original reapers weren't "mortal+" or whatever, but regular people who worked with Grenth.


> > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > > @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > > > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > > >

> > > > While that's true it's also a bit disingenuous to call the PC a mere mortal. It's apparent we're mortal+ at this point. At least on par with a demi-god. When we do finally kick the bucket...

> > >

> > > We aren't beyond being mortal. The commander is still a normal person, just extremely skilled and slightly more powerful then their peers.

> > >

> > > Unlike WoW, the heroes of GW2 aren't super-powerful beings that are far beyond anybody else. We can equal extremely powerful beings, but our strength and success comes from working alongside others more often then winning a fight alone.

> >

> > Sure. So, mortal+. Those big plays we make against a demi-god or a literal elder dragon was pretty much just us and Aurene.

> >

> > We're not incomprehensibly strong, but we're the champion of an Elder Dragon and the equal of a demi-god. We also came back from the dead and we're set to become Reapers when we do finally die.

> >

> > Mere mortal doesn't cut it. Mostly mortal. Mortal+. We live interesting lives.


> We were equal to Balthazar because we were using one of his swords against him + had Aurene helping us. We were equal to Joko, but he won.


> As somebody noticed in another topic, almost every "completely single fight against a big bad." ended up going badly for the PC in the end. :P


Yeah, we're just going to chase the wind if your disagreement is in the nuance of what I've already said. Just try to understand "mortal+" isn't me trying to say that the PC is some all-powerful super far beyond everyone else like you insinuated with the WoW example.


We are certainly a cut above the rest. A prime example. But yes, mortal and with plenty of logistics support. That much is apparent I figured and wouldn't be needing to elaborate on so much. The game does a pretty good job of representing the united armies of Tyria in game.


The unique things the PC has done however is uniquely the PC. No one can make the personal claims that the Commander can.


They are quite the accomplishments so much as to push what it means to be mortal when we're going toe to toe with a fallen god, elder dragons, and coming back from the dead when we need another go at it. We're not beyond being mortal. But we occasionally stretch the confines of the term. Mortal+.



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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

> > > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > >

> > > We're not incomprehensibly strong, but we're the champion of an Elder Dragon and the equal of a demi-god. We also came back from the dead and we're set to become Reapers when we do finally die.

> > >

> > > Mere mortal doesn't cut it. Mostly mortal. Mortal+. We live interesting lives.

> >

> > I can't remember this bit about becoming a reaper, could you point me to it?

> >


> Dhuum raid. Might be a bit of a spoiler if you were planning to do that. Sorry.


The raids are never suggested to be the Commander involved. Furthermore, from what I've seen, nothing suggests that the raiders will replace the dead reapers.


> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> The unique things the PC has done however is uniquely the PC. No one can make the personal claims that the Commander can.


I disagree. The GW1 PC, for example, has done deeds on par to the Commander's, imo. And was a hell of a lot less reckless while doing so.


> They are quite the accomplishments so much as to push what it means to be mortal when we're going toe to toe with a fallen god, elder dragons, and coming back from the dead when we need another go at it. We're not beyond being mortal. But we occasionally stretch the confines of the term. Mortal+.


> Savvy?


The thing is, we're **not** going toe to toe with former gods and Elder Dragons.


There have been **exactly** two battles which are "toe to toe", and that's during The Departing against Balthazar - where the Commander dies - and against Joko - where the Commander loses. Every other battle has had at least one equally or more powerful ally or a magical artifact of immense power.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> In the end Aurene goes somewhere, looks like she is going West, because the sun is setting.

> I don't know how it works on Tyria and what's the actual points of East, West, South and North, or is it like North from Dragonfall there is Orr?

> Because if she went straight to West, then it means she is somewhere in the middle of the ocean, but we could see a land she was flying to.


> A question I only have is how the directions work on Tyria. :D


In my opinion, the direction where Aurene headed is not very important for the next steps of the story.


The balance of the magic is still not perfect. By replacing Kralky we kept the fragile balance in place. The world is still in danger to be destroyed. I think the next steps of the story will focus on finding a replacement for Zhaitan and Mordremoth. Either a being enough powerful to do this OR a technical artifact (asura + char technology involved) to do the same thing, OR a combination of both.


This can send us in the Mist, but not to fix something, but to search for answers/information. Because to **fix** something you should know how that something works. And its purpose. And what result you should have when everything is "fixed". What we know about the Mist? Almost nothing. We know it exists. And we know it is the starting point / the cauldron for the Creation. How to fix something when you know nothing about it? Changing the Mist in order to serve the interest of the mortals is not **fixing**. Look at the Elder Dragons case - we changed the situation (we killed 2 ED before replacing Kralky) in order to have a better life for the mortals. The real result was that this change, although good for mortals was truly bad for the World. I think we should not interfere with the Mist (even if possible). Because we can end destroying the entire Universe. By trying to "fix" it. PFF - I think we need Abaddon. He must know a thing or more about the Mist. >:)


As for the gods - I think Anet already told us that they will be not in the story anymore (at least for some time). Because **they left**. We don't know if they are in the Mist or they are already on another realm. We don't know if they are 5 now or they already found a replacement for Balthazar. We know only that they left. I hope they will not return.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > In the end Aurene goes somewhere, looks like she is going West, because the sun is setting.

> > I don't know how it works on Tyria and what's the actual points of East, West, South and North, or is it like North from Dragonfall there is Orr?

> > Because if she went straight to West, then it means she is somewhere in the middle of the ocean, but we could see a land she was flying to.

> >

> > A question I only have is how the directions work on Tyria. :D


> In my opinion, the direction where Aurene headed is not very important for the next steps of the story.


> The balance of the magic is still not perfect. By replacing Kralky we kept the fragile balance in place. The world is still in danger to be destroyed. I think the next steps of the story will focus on finding a replacement for Zhaitan and Mordremoth. Either a being enough powerful to do this OR a technical artifact (asura + char technology involved) to do the same thing, OR a combination of both.


> This can send us in the Mist, but not to fix something, but to search for answers/information. Because to **fix** something you should know how that something works. And its purpose. And what result you should have when everything is "fixed". What we know about the Mist? Almost nothing. We know it exists. And we know it is the starting point / the cauldron for the Creation. How to fix something when you know nothing about it? Changing the Mist in order to serve the interest of the mortals is not **fixing**. Look at the Elder Dragons case - we changed the situation (we killed 2 ED before replacing Kralky) in order to have a better life for the mortals. The real result was that this change, although good for mortals was truly bad for the World. I think we should not interfere with the Mist (even if possible). Because we can end destroying the entire Universe. By trying to "fix" it. PFF - I think we need Abaddon. He must know a thing or more about the Mist. >:)


> As for the gods - I think Anet already told us that they will be not in the story anymore (at least for some time). Because **they left**. We don't know if they are in the Mist or they are already on another realm. We don't know if they are 5 now or they already found a replacement for Balthazar. We know only that they left. I hope they will not return.


They won't be introduced anytime soon, or never.


Gwen told us the gods are selfish and don't deserve our pity - Dragonfall dialogue if you talk to her.


Gods are just selfish beings, caring about themselves especially now when Aurene is god like, I am 99% sure the gods will never appear in the story.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> The raids are never suggested to be the Commander involved.


PC/Commander are generally interchangable, but I'll give you that since it seems they're trying to make raids a side thing rather than a story mainstay.


> Furthermore, from what I've seen, nothing suggests that the raiders will replace the dead reapers.

>! Desmina literally offs the former reapers and puts the raiders in their place.


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> I disagree. The GW1 PC, for example, has done deeds on par to the Commander's, imo. And was a hell of a lot less reckless while doing so.


Sure. The GW1 hero can be included in the mortal+ party.


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> The thing is, we're **not** going toe to toe with former gods and Elder Dragons.


Balthazar and Kralkatorrik are both a fallen god and an Elder Dragon. Your argument is in the semantics.


> There have been **exactly** two battles which are "toe to toe", and that's during The Departing against Balthazar - where the Commander dies - and against Joko - where the Commander loses. Every other battle has had at least one equally or more powerful ally or a magical artifact of immense power.


We defeated Joko in the same way Kralkatorrik defeated Aurene in that we legit won round 1. Balthazar was a little more dicey in that he kinda smacked us around for a bit and we had to use a continue coin.

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:


> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > The thing is, we're **not** going toe to toe with former gods and Elder Dragons.


> Balthazar and Kralkatorrik are both a fallen god and an Elder Dragon. Your argument is in the semantics.


> > There have been **exactly** two battles which are "toe to toe", and that's during The Departing against Balthazar - where the Commander dies - and against Joko - where the Commander loses. Every other battle has had at least one equally or more powerful ally or a magical artifact of immense power.


> We defeated Joko in the same way Kralkatorrik defeated Aurene in that we legit won round 1. Balthazar was a little more dicey in that he kinda smacked us around for a bit and we had to use a continue coin.


Balthazar literally instant-gibbed us the first time we tried fighting him in path of fire, and then he toyed with us to drag out the fight the second time.


He will directly stop fighting if you get downed, yelling at you to stand back up (I've read, but not confirmed that he also will actually revive you himself if you do nothing). The only time we actually stood against him directly was when we had the super-charged sword he made, and Aurene by our side.


Joko we bested, but we fought in his arena and paid the price for it by falling into his trap. We are closer to Turai Ossa, a mortal, but a hero one.


We are no demi-god, we aren't high above other mortals. The commander is skilled but at times reckless. The GW1 PC was similarly skilled, but at least was a little more cautious with their approach to foes. I'd give the commander some leeway in that when the commander gets reckless and charges in, it's because they believe they have no time to wait.


As for the reapers, all I'm seeing is that the raiders (a separate entity from the commander) stood in for the reapers at the final stages of the ritual, and it's totally unclear whether Dhuum killed the reapers, they sacrificed themselves, or if Desmina or somebody else killed them.


I see nothing that says the raiders are slotted to become the next set of reapers at all, just that Desmina took over the underworld since Grenth is gone and Dhuum imprisoned once more.

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> she flew to cantha. doesnt matter from which direction, because if you keep going, you eventually end up in cantha.

> i have no evidence to show, but that's what it must be: cantha.



my ranger is standing on the tallest mountain by Bai pasu reach, flagging her down.

I'd love it to be cantha or at least the season will be heading there.


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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> As for the gods - I think Anet already told us that they will be not in the story anymore (at least for some time). Because **they left**. We don't know if they are in the Mist or they are already on another realm. We don't know if they are 5 now or they already found a replacement for Balthazar. We know only that they left. I hope they will not return.


> @"Arden.7480" said:

> They won't be introduced anytime soon, or never.


> Gwen told us the gods are selfish and don't deserve our pity - Dragonfall dialogue if you talk to her.


> Gods are just selfish beings, caring about themselves especially now when Aurene is god like, I am 99% sure the gods will never appear in the story.


Where does Gwen say that? I've never seen it, and regardless it's still only her opinion.


ArenaNet haven't told us they will not be in the story anymore.


I personally hope they do return, they're still far more interesting than the Elder Dragons.


The Gods are not selfish, and making them selfish would be a (bad) retcon, and Aurene is not 'God-like'. She's an Elder Dragon.


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I think we'll see Aurene again. Maybe she went to create her own home and let her power settle. As Elder Dragon she has to be a lot more careful with her power and she likely knows it. Before she could use her breath to take out groups of enemies, now she could probably burn a swath through reality. There are certainly still things that need setting right in tyria after the last three bosses. Caith will likely get to be Aurene's voice for a while. Remember, had it not been dictated by the story, Aurene would not have spoken directly until after she ascended.

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It'll be interesting to find out where Aurene went and what she's up to. The story left these plot points quite open ended and the cinematic itself took artistic liberties in that there's no exact location in game where the Commander and co were shown standing in game's Melandru's Domain, and we've yet to see the ramifications of what happened in the episode although the upcoming Ahdashim raid may be delving a bit into the post-Kralkatorrik Branded issue. :)


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> The raids are never suggested to be the Commander involved. Furthermore, from what I've seen, nothing suggests that the raiders will replace the dead reapers.


[squad Leader Bennett](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Squad_Leader_Bennett)'s dialogue changes in Bloodstone Fen depending on if you've rescued him in the Salvation Pass raid wing or not, so that suggests that lorewise there's a Commander who has done raids and a Commander who hasn't, which is similar to how the Commander had a chance to comment on the hole in the wall of Caudecus's estate depending on if the Commander had done the CM explorable mode's path or not.


> **Character name:** What are you doing here?

> **If rescued Bennett at Salvation Pass:**

> **Squad Leader Bennett:** After you rescued me, I notified the queen about Salvation Pass. Then I regrouped with my squad and chased some White Mantle here.

> **If didn't rescue Bennett at Salvation Pass:**

> **Squad Leader Bennett:** After I was rescued, I notified the queen about Salvation Pass. Then I regrouped with my squad and chased some White Mantle here.

> **Character name:** How've you been since Salvation Pass?

> **If rescued Bennett at Salvation Pass:**

> **Squad Leader Bennett:** I've been thanking Dwayna you busted me out of that infernal place. If not for you, I'd be rotting in a ditch.

> **If didn't rescue Bennett at Salvation Pass:**

> **Squad Leader Bennett:** I've been thanking Dwayna that the rescue team found me in time. If not for them, I'd be rotting in a ditch.


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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > Furthermore, from what I've seen, nothing suggests that the raiders will replace the dead reapers.

> >! Desmina literally offs the former reapers and puts the raiders in their place.

For the ritual. And nothing more.


> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > I disagree. The GW1 PC, for example, has done deeds on par to the Commander's, imo. And was a hell of a lot less reckless while doing so.


> Sure. The GW1 hero can be included in the mortal+ party.


I'd also include the members of Destiny's Edge and _probably_ Dragon's Watch at this point. Given that half of them or more were present for directly fighting an Elder Dragon's mind.


> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > The thing is, we're **not** going toe to toe with former gods and Elder Dragons.


> Balthazar and Kralkatorrik are both a fallen god and an Elder Dragon. Your argument is in the semantics.


They are, but the battle isn't "toe to toe". We're not fighting alone in either case. We have a scion of an Elder Dragon with us, and an army as well.


Zhaitan - we have an army and "weapons of power" (aka weaponry designed to counter him).

Mordremoth - we have an army and an elite team.

Balthazar - we have an army, a scion of an Elder Dragon, an Elder Dragon, and a weapon of power.

Kralkatorrik - we have an army, a scion of an Elder Dragon, and weapons of power.


None of those battles are toe to toe. We're just the spearhead of a powerful force. We deliver the final blow, but we're not the ones weakening them to the point of getting a chance for that killing blow. At least not the only ones.


> > There have been **exactly** two battles which are "toe to toe", and that's during The Departing against Balthazar - where the Commander dies - and against Joko - where the Commander loses. Every other battle has had at least one equally or more powerful ally or a magical artifact of immense power.


> We defeated Joko in the same way Kralkatorrik defeated Aurene in that we legit won round 1. Balthazar was a little more dicey in that he kinda smacked us around for a bit and we had to use a continue coin.


"We" didn't defeat Joko. He recovered almost completely by the time Aurene jumped in, and the Commander was still completely frozen, unable to do anything as Joko monologued away in the traditional folly of villains.


Aurene pretty much one-shotted what took the Commander a good 10 minutes to whittle down. In the end though, Joko still technically won against the Commander. He just lost against Aurene's stealth-through-walls attack.

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> @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

> > @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > As for the gods - I think Anet already told us that they will be not in the story anymore (at least for some time). Because **they left**. We don't know if they are in the Mist or they are already on another realm. We don't know if they are 5 now or they already found a replacement for Balthazar. We know only that they left. I hope they will not return.


> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > They won't be introduced anytime soon, or never.

> >

> > Gwen told us the gods are selfish and don't deserve our pity - Dragonfall dialogue if you talk to her.

> >

> > Gods are just selfish beings, caring about themselves especially now when Aurene is god like, I am 99% sure the gods will never appear in the story.


> Where does Gwen say that? I've never seen it, and regardless it's still only her opinion.


> ArenaNet haven't told us they will not be in the story anymore.


> I personally hope they do return, they're still far more interesting than the Elder Dragons.


> The Gods are not selfish, and making them selfish would be a (bad) retcon, and Aurene is not 'God-like'. She's an Elder Dragon.




It's part of the spoken dialogue:


Logan Thackeray: Never thought we'd be invading Melandru's domain.

Gwen Thackeray: Melandru abandoned us, same as the other gods. These creatures don't deserve our pity.

Rytlock Brimstone: Finally, something we agree on.

Gwen Thackeray: Of course you would appreciate that.

Rytlock Brimstone: Just wish you'd all figured it out sooner. Gods can't be trusted.

Logan Thackeray: But they brought us here. Helped humanity survive.

Gwen Thackeray: Then left when we started fighting Elder Dragons. When we needed them the most. The charr's right. it's indefensible.


But yeah, that's just Gwen's opinion. Not a fact.


> @"Kossage.9072" said:

> It'll be interesting to find out where Aurene went and what she's up to. The story left these plot points quite open ended and the cinematic itself took artistic liberties in that there's no exact location in game where the Commander and co were shown standing in game's Melandru's Domain, and we've yet to see the ramifications of what happened in the episode although the upcoming Ahdashim raid may be delving a bit into the post-Kralkatorrik Branded issue. :)


> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > The raids are never suggested to be the Commander involved. Furthermore, from what I've seen, nothing suggests that the raiders will replace the dead reapers.


> [squad Leader Bennett](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Squad_Leader_Bennett)'s dialogue changes in Bloodstone Fen depending on if you've rescued him in the Salvation Pass raid wing or not, so that suggests that lorewise there's a Commander who has done raids and a Commander who hasn't, which is similar to how the Commander had a chance to comment on the hole in the wall of Caudecus's estate depending on if the Commander had done the CM explorable mode's path or not.


> > **Character name:** What are you doing here?

> > **If rescued Bennett at Salvation Pass:**

> > **Squad Leader Bennett:** After you rescued me, I notified the queen about Salvation Pass. Then I regrouped with my squad and chased some White Mantle here.

> > **If didn't rescue Bennett at Salvation Pass:**

> > **Squad Leader Bennett:** After I was rescued, I notified the queen about Salvation Pass. Then I regrouped with my squad and chased some White Mantle here.

> > **Character name:** How've you been since Salvation Pass?

> > **If rescued Bennett at Salvation Pass:**

> > **Squad Leader Bennett:** I've been thanking Dwayna you busted me out of that infernal place. If not for you, I'd be rotting in a ditch.

> > **If didn't rescue Bennett at Salvation Pass:**

> > **Squad Leader Bennett:** I've been thanking Dwayna that the rescue team found me in time. If not for them, I'd be rotting in a ditch.



Open world dialogue gets funky. Pre-HoT, almost all open world dialogue just considered the PC some random adventurer, and only reacted to the PC as the literal PC if they were related to a plot in the personal story.


Since HoT there were a lot more dialogue referencing the PC as the Commander in the open world, but it still has that often occasional "just another adventurer" feel, and I think that Bennett is one such case. I think Bennett is smart enough to know who the Commander is, and doesn't name them as such in the raid.


So to me this is one of those iffy cases where it's more customized to the player's experience, and not strictly following lore. Similar to how Season 1 sometimes had variable dialogue based on the progress of the PS, referring to the PC as a nobody, a mere member of an Order, or the Pact Commander or even Zhaitan's slayer all dependent on your progress. I don't strictly trust those dialogues for canon lore.

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