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Visions of Istan

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> Did we need to craft one to open Stellar? I remember making the staff, I think. Is there a place I can go to see what I've made so far?

Try the wardrobe in your bank, choose the weapon category, and type astral (or stellar) into the search field.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Since they just removed the Stellar Weapon skins from the Wardrobe Unlock, I'm guessing they would count?

> Otherwise, why remove them in this latest patch?


The Stellar weapons were the first ascended set in the unlocker. As the unlocker was only meant for rare or less in the beginning, which was changed to exotic later, I guess they were added by mistake like the hellfire pieces etc. some time ago.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> People used to do multiple map farming for quartz, and they have been doing it today, as well. This collection had ALWAYS been like this, people have already gotten their skins for the cost it required, why should it get lowered now?


Why should it get lowered? Well it is a bit silly to price something based upon other people exploiting multi-map farming for one... That punishes people who didn't want to play that way and encourages them to take advantage of something like that in the future. For two, a daily account limit was implemented on chests.


I'm surprised this has to be explained.

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I've managed to get it to work. I've crafted one long time back. I've crafted another 5 pieces. Salvaged all since exotics are craps anyway. Go to Yasna in the library. She will allow you to purchase the vision for 5gold. Or at least that's how I did it.


I'm guessing if you never crafted any back then, then you're suppose to craft 6.



> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > @"Nekobel.2498" said:

> > Isn't unlocking the skin = crafting? I don't think you can get the skins from BL Wardrobe...

> >

> > > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > > Do you need to craft them, or is unlocking the skin enough?

> >

> >


> Yes you can. The astral weapons were added to the wardrobe unlock items with the last update and i did indeed unlock all of them with it.


> The question is, how the achievement is structured; do you need to have the weapons in your inventory and then speak to some npc, or is it just a question if having unlocked the skins...


> Anyone can answer this?





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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > 3K kralkatite was pretty much fine to me, but the powdered quartz? Can you buy it? Or get it anywhere but the Brandstorms? If it only comes from those, this is crappy. Because it isn’t actually playing the game, grinding and progressing, it’s just hours and hours of time wasted waiting for those things.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Powdered_Rose_Quartz

> as well as https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rose_Quartz


> Simply put: yes, you can buy the Powdered Rose Quartz on the TP.



Alright then it’s not too bad

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> GaEm 2 hArd, nerf plox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i know you want to be funny ( btw you are not ). its not hard. its stupid. because the most time you stand around and doing nothing.

i did one weapon (astral and stellar ) back then. now doing 5 more is ridiculous. everything is fine, but crafting 6 Astral, and how it works, is beyond bad game design.

someone at anet thought, how can we söow everything so that everybody has to dull dull things for days.

3000 Ore = 120 hearts. srsly?!


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2 days more and ill be done grinding kralkatite to make 6 weapons. Been doing the 3 hearts with 6 chars daily.

But I doubt ill make vision anytime soon, nor aurora. Theres just far more interesting and visually pleasing legendaries to make first. Ive recently made Verdarach and Binding of Ipos which goes well with Astralaria. Currently working on Exordium.


I just want to be done with the collection to have it ready should I ever decide to take the plunge.

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> @"Liston.9708" said:

> I am finding Jahai to be the royal pita myself. None of the other visions required mastery just the item from mastery. Difference being wvw reward track got you the item without mastery. I did all the stories lw3 lw4, but 0 of the masteries.


Yeahhhh... us WvW'ers got _**caught**_ in Jahai! Haha! :lol:


We can't get away with just doing a reward track to start that collection. We have to become a **"Jedi master!"** :wink:


I noticed this when reviewing all the different Vision 1: Awakening collections too. :astonished: So I figured Jahai would be my most challenging one to complete and started there first. So far so good... I've meticulously been going thru the Jahai Mastery achievements all week long. And I'm at tier 4/4 and 92% complete! :smile:


(But, I agree, it's been something of a PITA! LOL! :sweat_smile:)



Said in my **_best_** Mordant Crescent Hierarch Alu voice as heard when he catches up to Second Spear Nayrim at the Makali Outpost:


**"There won't be any escape for 'you.' Not this time!"** :lol:

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Tbh here these last 2 collection, talking about Skyscale and Vision, was the collections Anet put some effort to make it logic with game and players. It does requires some effort but it is all in reach of us. I am that type of player who hate to farm so i will be out of a map soon i Finnish my achievements. Tho i had almost all the mats required in my storage.(and what i didn't had i could buy from TP). True I have to farm for my achievements some time, for example 1000 mobs x3 its why i still play the last map(amazing map btw, gg Anet). Asking us those 6 astral weapons are the only mistake they made because requires 3000 of a material you cant buy from TP. Its a mistake, they cant change it back so we have to live with it. But all others requirements are OK so we should congratulate Anet for both collections.

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> @"Cobra.6509" said:

> Tbh here these last 2 collection, talking about Skyscale and Vision, was the collections Anet put some effort to make it logic with game and players. It does requires some effort but it is all in reach of us. I am that type of player who hate to farm so i will be out of a map soon i Finnish my achievements. Tho i had almost all the mats required in my storage.(and what i didn't had i could buy from TP). True I have to farm for my achievements some time, for example 1000 mobs x3 its why i still play the last map(amazing map btw, gg Anet). Asking us those 6 astral weapons are the only mistake they made because requires 3000 of a material you cant buy from TP. Its a mistake, they cant change it back so we have to live with it. But all others requirements are OK so we should congratulate Anet for both collections.


Then ANET's error was that you can't throw gold at the problem to solve it? Damn what is wrong with you? The point of a legendary is to take some kind of effort to have it, and NO farming gold is not an effort, it shouldn't even be a thing. It does not matter if it takes you 120 days doing hearts or 3 days in a crazy run for brandstones, it is a legendary and should not be a stupid task that anyone can do but still accessible to everyone.

Then players come to the forum complaining the story is garbage, that GW2 is boring, but when we got something that is supposed to entertain us for days you are crying cus you can't just buy the world or rush the content on a single day.


The only ANETs error here is : akili got bugged for days now leaving a lot of players not able to complete the achievments.

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> @"Hynax.9536" said:

> > @"Cobra.6509" said:

> > Tbh here these last 2 collection, talking about Skyscale and Vision, was the collections Anet put some effort to make it logic with game and players. It does requires some effort but it is all in reach of us. I am that type of player who hate to farm so i will be out of a map soon i Finnish my achievements. Tho i had almost all the mats required in my storage.(and what i didn't had i could buy from TP). True I have to farm for my achievements some time, for example 1000 mobs x3 its why i still play the last map(amazing map btw, gg Anet). Asking us those 6 astral weapons are the only mistake they made because requires 3000 of a material you cant buy from TP. Its a mistake, they cant change it back so we have to live with it. But all others requirements are OK so we should congratulate Anet for both collections.


> Then ANET's error was that you can't throw gold at the problem to solve it? kitten what is wrong with you? The point of a legendary is to take some kind of effort to have it, and NO farming gold is not an effort, it shouldn't even be a thing. It does not matter if it takes you 120 days doing hearts or 3 days in a crazy run for brandstones, it is a legendary and should not be a stupid task that anyone can do but still accessible to everyone.

> Then players come to the forum complaining the story is garbage, that GW2 is boring, but when we got something that is supposed to entertain us for days you are crying cus you can't just buy the world or rush the content on a single day.


> The only ANETs error here is : akili got bugged for days now leaving a lot of players not able to complete the achievments.


Its not that simple, i am OK with 250 map currency required for Skyscale and another 100 same map currency required for Vision, the quantity : 350 its there, if you dont have it might requires 3-4 days to light farm those maps multiply by 6 maps id say its there, manageable.......but 3000 its different game so id like to have another way to get them. Anyway i think asking us to farm Istan its bad for Anet also, its split the playbase between 2 maps, its downgrading the Dragonfall becouse all players are now in Istan, farming old content. And not to forget the multi-loot squad for meteors made by rude commanders add more sorrow to Anet customers. And we are speaking here about collection, making legendary doesn't stop there and I think what It is after the collection make a legendary legendary.

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> @"Cobra.6509" said:

> Its not that simple, i am OK with 250 map currency required for Skyscale and another 100 same map currency required for Vision, the quantity : 350 its there, if you dont have it might requires 3-4 days to light farm those maps multiply by 6 maps id say its there, manageable.......but 3000 its different game so id like to have another way to get them. Anyway i think asking us to farm Istan its bad for Anet also, its split the playbase between 2 maps, its downgrading the Dragonfall becouse all players are now in Istan, farming old content. And not to forget the multi-loot squad for meteors made by rude commanders add more sorrow to Anet customers. And we are speaking here about collection, making legendary doesn't stop there and I think what It is after the collection make a legendary legendary.


But you have lots of other ways to collect those 3k ores. Other than golden hearts and the meteor farming you can do GH and Palawadan daily to get some with other rewards and if you don't like Istan at all there are reward tracks to let you chill in other game modes while still acumulating ores. 3000 is not different game and also easy to acquire "light farming" the map and occasionaly stoping by, lets say one hour/day to get some meteors. The difference between them ? Time, of course players that want it fast will find ways to do it fast and others that want fast but don't want to go the same way will say it is unfair. What comes after the collection is just a gold sink, period.


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> @"Hynax.9536" said:

> > @"Cobra.6509" said:

> > Its not that simple, i am OK with 250 map currency required for Skyscale and another 100 same map currency required for Vision, the quantity : 350 its there, if you dont have it might requires 3-4 days to light farm those maps multiply by 6 maps id say its there, manageable.......but 3000 its different game so id like to have another way to get them. Anyway i think asking us to farm Istan its bad for Anet also, its split the playbase between 2 maps, its downgrading the Dragonfall becouse all players are now in Istan, farming old content. And not to forget the multi-loot squad for meteors made by rude commanders add more sorrow to Anet customers. And we are speaking here about collection, making legendary doesn't stop there and I think what It is after the collection make a legendary legendary.


> But you have lots of other ways to collect those 3k ores. Other than golden hearts and the meteor farming you can do GH and Palawadan daily to get some with other rewards and if you don't like Istan at all there are reward tracks to let you chill in other game modes while still acumulating ores. 3000 is not different game and also easy to acquire "light farming" the map and occasionaly stoping by, lets say one hour/day to get some meteors. The difference between them ? Time, of course players that want it fast will find ways to do it fast and others that want fast but don't want to go the same way will say it is unfair. What comes after the collection is just a gold sink, period.



True..and this is exactly what i am doing, 2 meteors, GH or Pala/day....reward tracks, cba for more farming. Is not that i need Vision tomorrow. Its ironic also. All that Anet was doing last year was to nerf Istan. Alot of effort was made to drive away farmers from Istan...they nerf the loot, change numbers of champions that drops, change numbers of champions, change the way champions spawn, change events, no MF for unidentified ...and now where are the farmers ??? In Istan...L O L

Also next events like meta train next week will be impacted by this. Unless Anet will not change something, people will stay in Istan and chase meteors.

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