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Core Build WvW Week?


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Not sure if the hints are correct and that a core week is planned for but I do know people that don't run any core builds and not sure how this would work. Anet if the hint is that we will have a core build week please give WvWers a heads up or some funds for respecing. Do appreciate the events and personally have a number of alts that are just core builds that work fine in WvW but I could see this as a system shock so heads up is appreciated. Again I may be miss reading the hint.

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I also wonder what the ‘swap’ part is referring to...


Part of post we are referring to:

> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Hey all,



> Our next Special Event, that is not too far out, will be for World vs World. It will significantly “swap” up the gameplay and shake it to its “core” (for that reset). More to come as we get closer!



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Oh, you may be right about that since there were threads kind of talking about it. If that were the case though, I wonder why they did not implement ideas that people were dishing out since weekend/weeklong events first popped up.

Maybe we swap border every day of the event?

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Would just like to point out a post made by Ben Phongluangtham, to see the actual post you can click [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/492061#Comment_492061 "here")


> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We certainly welcome any ideas for future WvW events!


> Here are some guidelines we've been using in our brainstorming.


> Change the way WvW is played in some way. Doesn't have to be a big change, but should be a change.


> Using events as test beds for permanent changes can be nice, but isn't necessary. There are many things we probably would be willing to do for the length of a matchup, but wouldn't want it to be forever.


> Events shouldn't require large art changes. We want to be able to implement these events quickly and not rely on getting a lot of art that may never be used again.


> Events shouldn't exclude large sections of the player base. No restricting events to specific classes, expansions, etc.


> Looking forward to hearing more ideas!


Keep those guidelines in mind when trying to interpret this event.

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> Oh my god that would be amazing.


> Pretty much all the current WvW strategies rely _heavily_ on elite specs. It'll be really interesting to see how people try and adapt with only core classes available (assuming it is that).


This is why it is exciting if it happens, makin' me toes curl in anticipation.

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oh no, it will shake wvw to its core! No please no, don't make us farm the champions in WvW.

next patch notes be like:

* We have decided to shake wvw to its core, that is why we have added a shiny box that has a very very small chance to drop infusions from WvW champions.

* We have also rework how the dredge turrets work and they can now hit 10 targets.

* We have added an extra gathering node for every tower, camp, and fort.

* Dolyaks now are immune to CC.


WvW would be shaken to its core allright!

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-gasp- Maybe they'll add an actual reward for people who escort dolyaks!

Seriously though, I would enjoy a core spec week. Not sure how they're planning to work it logistically though, assuming that's what the post is actually referencing.


~ Kovu

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> oh no, it will shake wvw to its core! No please no, don't make us farm the champions in WvW.

> next patch notes be like:

> * We have decided to shake wvw to its core, that is why we have added a shiny box that has a very very small chance to drop infusions from WvW champions.

> * We have also rework how the dredge turrets work and they can now hit 10 targets.

> * We have added an extra gathering node for every tower, camp, and fort.

> * Dolyaks now are immune to CC.


> WvW would be shaken to its core allright!


Sadly at this point, this is more what I would expect.

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